Sunday 9 January 2011

The Sanna Menace.Chapter Eleven.An earlier version

Grimly,Jennings and Montgomery continued to follow the two Sanna carrying Louise and Paula Ann.The two humanoids were taking them deeper into the station,and Jennings was realising every step they made,was taking them further away from their escape point.He still had his plan of course,but Jennings sincerely hoped there would be no major problems.

They followed the two Sanna troopers,and finally found themselves in the command centre of the station.Both men noticed a high ranking Sanna,who was clearly waiting for the two girls to be delivered to him.The Sanna commander who had spoken to Jennings earlier,walked up to him and saluted.

'Greetings,commander.'the humanoid spoke to the station commander.'I bring you the two human females,as you ordered.'

'Put them down.'The station Sanna ordered coldly.'I want to see their faces.'

This was promptly done,as the two Sanna troopers carrying Louise and Paula Ann,put them down from their shoulders,but held onto the two girls tightly.Both Louise and Paula Ann stared fearfully at their Sanna captors,especially when the station commander strode up to them.Watching this,both Jennings and Montgomery tensed,as the Sanna suddenly gripped Paula Ann's chin.

'I know who you are.'The Sanna informed them,his voice full of menace.'You have been brought here,for a very special purpose,which will suit our needs.'

Paula Ann could not reply to him,still tightly gagged.Like Louise held next to her,she could only mumble fearfully mumble behind the tape.

'Oh yes.'The Sanna continued,still gripping her chin painfully.'We do indeed know both of you.You are Paula Ann Mitchell,one of General Grant's most loyal soldiers,and of course,partner to Alan Finlay.You two have caused us,quite a lot of problems.'

This sudden information shocked Paula Ann.How did they know who she was? The Sanna,seeing her wide,yet puzzled eyes,gave her a nasty smile.

'I see you are surprised to see we know this.'The Sanna's voice was still full of menace,but there was also pleasure now evident.'You should not be so surprised,as we have filmed your activities against us.'

Paula Ann now knew how,and she made a solemn promise to herself,that if she got out of here alive,she'd make sure she'd blow up any surveillance device they'd come across.

However,this seemed a long way off,as she was still held captive.The Sanna holding her,then tightened his grip on her.She mumbled in pain at this.

'You will pay dearly for your acts against us.'The humanoid warned her ominously,before he released his hold on her,and he advanced up to Louise.

He towered over the girl,and gave Louise a menacing smile.The girl struggled vainly in her Sanna's hold,but she was held tight.

'So you are Jennings' favourite female.'The Sanna told her.He then stroked his three fingered hand through Louise's long,dark hair,making her whimper through her tight gag.This only pleased her abductors.

'You are going to help us eliminate Jennings,my dear.'The Sanna was still smiling menacingly down at her.'After you have helped us,you will then be given the choice of serving us.If you don't,you will regret it.'

The last four words he spoke,were fully meant,and Louise couldn't help,but shiver in utter terror,hearing what he'd just said.She immediately knew,that herself and Paula Ann,were going to be used as bait,to lure Jennings in.Things didn't look good at all.

'Take them to the detention area.'The Sanna commander suddenly barked.'Make sure they are secure,and keep your eyes on them.They are not to escape.'

The two Sanna troopers holding the two girls,suddenly lifted them back over their shoulders,and carried the two bound,gagged pretty forms out.All the Sanna present,having observed the whole thing,then went back to their duties.

From the corner of his eye,Jennings gave Montgomery an undetected nod,and both men made to move to follow Louise and Paula Ann,when he heard one of the Sanna officers address the station commander.

'Commander,we are receiving a request from a human ally,known as O'Rourke.'There was full respect in the Sanna's tone,but not when he mentioned O'Rourke's name.

'What does this filth want?'The Sanna commander demanded.

'He is requesting permission to board,commander.Says we have a security alert.'

'Tell the fool he is not wanted here.'The commander was in no mood to entertain anybody,but then he heard his officer continue.

'Forgive me,commander,but this O'Rourke says we have human intruders on board,attempting to rescue the two human females.'

Both Jennings and Montgomery tensed in their disguises,and tightened their grip on their weapons.They could see the Sanna commander thinking about this,before he decided his course of action.

'The only human intruders are coming to us now.'The Sanna commander dismissed O'Rourke's claim.'He then actually,turned to face Jennings and Montgomery,and gestured for them to come forward.

'You two.Come.'His voice was sharp.

Grimly,both men moved towards the humanoid.They could see all Sanna eyes on them.Both Jennings and Montgomery still felt tense,as they readied their weapons.

'Come.'The Sanna commander repeated,and they both did so.Well versed in Sanna military protocol,Jennings and Montgomery promptly gave the Sanna salute simultaneously to the humanoid.

'What is your duty here?'The Sanna demanded curtly from them.

Fortunately,Jennings knew what to reply,and he did so instantly,knowing even the slightest hesitation,would bring instant suspicion.

'Guard duty on human female prisoners.'Jennings answered him confidently,but was still tense,hoping for no new problems.

'You two will meet this O'Rourke.'The Sanna commander ordered.'But keep him there,for as long as possible.I'll deal with these insignificant humans,when I'm ready.'

Much relieved,but both men were careful not to show it,they gave another smart salute,before leaving the command area.This was great news.Jennings thought.Now,they had a better chance of escaping,but he still needed some technical help.This station was huge,and they'd need some help finding their way around.

'Now what?'Montgomery asked him.

'We get to their armoury first.'Jennings replied.'We'll need to make sure they won't be able to blow us out of the sky,when we make our getaway.'

Montgomery nodded his approval.'Sounds good,but where could that be?'

'Reynolds will answer that for us,Monty.'Jennings responded.'But we need to get to one of their communication rooms first.'

Jennings then noticed a Sanna computer point,placed on the wall.He went over and studied it.Fortunately,his knowledge of Sanna language made it easy for him to understand it,and after studying it for a few moments,Jennings nodded to his friend,and he led the way.

When they reached the desired armoury,both men were surprised to find no guards,but they did see the mounted laser defences,guarding the entrance.This however,didn't put Jennings off.Instead,he walked right up to the armory door,and stood unmoving,as a sudden light suddenly enveloped him.Watching his friend being scanned,Montgomery tensed,but then,the light went out,and Jennings was unharmed. This made Montgomery breathe a sigh of relief.He knew the technology in the Sanna helmet he and Jennings were wearing,still had their systems active.Evidently,each Sanna helmet was fitted with a device,that allowed their wearers to proceed unharmed,through these type of defences.The relief in both men wasn't visible,but both felt it,and were grateful.

He then motioned to Montgomery to wait outside,and Jennings went inside.He returned a couple of minutes later,carrying a bag over his shoulder.Montgomery noticed a lot of stuff inside the bag.

'You got what you needed,John?'He queried.

'No problem.'Jennings grinned.'I took plenty of charges here,to knock out their key defences.It's their laser turrets we've got to take care off.'

'Yeah.'Montgomery agreed.'There looked a lot of them.'

'Which is why we'd better get moving.'Jennings quickened his pace.'Let's find out where to plant them.'

Jennings found another Sanna computer point,and again,studied the information he needed.He and Montgomery had a good eye for detail,and after memorizing the positions of the laser weapons,they then headed towards them.

No Sanna disturbed them,but both Jennings and Montgomery knew better.They kept their eyes sharp,and watched out for any signs that the humanoids had discovered their presence.

Fortunately,they were not challenged,and after a while,both men had successfully planted the explosive charges on the Sanna laser turret controls.They set a timer on each turret control,and after doing that,they then grimly headed towards their next target.

Still keeping silent,Jennings led the way to a communications room,where there was only two Sanna officers present.They both gazed incuriously at the two new entrants,before they went back to operating their posts.

'What do you two want?'One of them asked brusquely,not bothering to look up at them.'We're busy here.'

Jennings glanced back at the door they'd just come in,and was pleased to see Montgomery closing it.He then stood silently by it,waiting.

'We have orders from the commander.'Jennings informed the Sanna,still speaking their tongue fluently.

'What orders?'There was still no friendliness offered in the humanoid's tone.'I received no such detail.'

'We have just been given them.'Jennings continued the pretence.'You are to send a message to incoming human vessel.They are to proceed to dock,in bay 14.'

Jennings knew bay 14 was the closest to the detention area,and offered their shortest escape route out,but he waited to see if this deception,was going to work.If it didn't,they'd have to kill.

Fortunately,the Sanna officer made the call,and Jennings was pleased to hear O'Rourke's approaching ship,gave a confirmation back.Jennings then left with Montgomery.None of the two Sanna looked back at them,as they continued their duty.Jennings and Montgomery,then headed for Bay 14.

'Now what?'Montgomery whispered to his friend.

'We make sure O'Rourke doesn't get back.'Jennings answered.'But first,we'll do what that Sanna wanted us to do,and that's to keep him out of his way.'

'And that means?'

'We put on another deception,Monty.We'll just take O'Rourke and his goons somewhere quiet,and out of the way.We just let them wait,with some help from our enemies of course.'

He grinned at that,but knew Montgomery couldn't see it.However,he still headed towards Bay 14,and not once were they stopped.

When they reached Bay 14,both of them were more than relieved,to see no Sanna present.Neither wanted a full scale alert,when the shooting started.

They both watched O'Rourke's ship approach,and it made a perfect docking with the station.Once the pressure had been made normal,the ship's occupants didn't take long in exiting.Both Jennings and Montgomery watched an armed squad of O'Rourke's men,exit the ship efficiently,before O'Rourke himself followed.Harris came up from behind.Both of them looked at the two Sanna troopers observing them back,before one of them suddenly gestured sharply for them to follow.

'Where is the station commander?'O'Rourke demanded angrily.'I need to see him immediately.'

'The commander is busy.'The Sanna who'd gestured at him responded in contempt.'He will attend to you,once he is ready.In the meantime,you will all follow us.'

The two Sanna suddenly turned around,and exited the bay.O'Rourke clenched his fists,frustrated at being denied his demand.Didn't these fools know they had two human intruders on board? It appeared not,and they were treating him with utter disdain.For the moment though,he had to hold back.He nodded sharply at his people,and they all followed the two Sanna troopers out of the bay.

Seeing O'Rourke and his squad follow them,Jennings and Montgomery continued walking through the station's passageways.Jennings however,knew he had no idea where he was heading,but he had an idea.

'Reynolds.'Jennings whispered into his headset carefully,fully knowing he had to keep his voice down,and out of any hostile earshot.'Reynolds,can you hear me?'

Much to his relief,Reynolds did respond back,and immediately.

'Go ahead,Jennings.What can I do for you?'

'Give me directions to an isolated area,Reynolds.'Jennings told him.'I've got to get rid of some unwanted guests.'

'You mean O'Rourke,don't you?'Reynolds asked.'I picked up his launch from his base.They're on full alert.Guess they must have seen the bodies you got.'

'Waiting for your instructions.'Jennings then waited for Reynolds' answer,and it came straight away.Reynolds then began to advise him on the directions,and Jennings listened to every word.

After a few minutes walk,Jennings and Montgomery came upon a single door.It opened up immediately on their approach,and Jennings could see it was some kind of storeroom,and he then turned to the following O'Rourke and his group.

'Wait in there.'Jennings gestured sharply again at them,motioning for them to enter the room.'The commander will see you when he's ready.'

'Make sure he does.'O'Rourke walked right up to Jennings,although of course,he didn't know it was Jennings.'I don't want to be kept waiting for long.'

Jennings correctly identified the contempt in O'Rourke's voice,but he let it go at that,and he entered the room with the rest of his people.

Instantly,Jennings silently locked the door,and then spoke to Reynolds again.

'Okay,Reynolds.'He still kept his voice low.'I need directions to where they're holding Louise and Paula Ann.'

There was a few seconds pause,before Reynolds answered that.

'Got it.'Jennings confirmed,and he nodded to Montgomery,who promptly followed his friend.

It didn't take them long to reach the right area,and both men knew every second counted.O'Rourke wouldn't stay quiet for long in that room,and the two of them observed the detention area closely.

Their first priority was locating Louise and Paula Ann,and they spotted them immediately.The Sanna had locked each girl into a single cell,and both Jennings and Montgomery could see,that the girls were still tied up and gagged.Both girls eyes,showed a lot of fear.Jennings and Montgomery could see that,but this only made them more determined to get their two friends out.

They then scanned the room's defences.Many cameras were seen,and there were even mounted wall weapons.This made Jennings decide his course of action,as he planned to get Louise and Paula Ann out quietly.

There were only two Sanna troopers manning the consoles,and apart from an indifferent glance at the two new arrivals,hust carried on working.Pleased at seeing this,Jennings and Montgomery then moved down into the area,and then went up to the two Sanna operatives.

'Maintenance check.'Jennings told one of the humanoids bluntly,who glanced back at him.

'I was not informed of this.'The reply was terse.'On whose authority?'

'The commander's of course.'Jennings kept his voice sharp.'He allowed us to do our duty,and has made it clear,that he does not want to be disturbed.'

He watched the Sanna operative think for a moment.Jennings knew Sanna command,was totally strict and heartless.If any of their officers said they didn't want to be disturbed,they meant it.He just hoped this humanoid wouldn't check on it.

Fortunately,he didn't,as he nodded curtly.'Very well,but be quick.We have orders to keep these human females under guard.'

Jennings glanced over at Louise and Paula Ann's helpless forms,and he could see how tightly tied up the two girls were.This angered him,as he swore to make these cruel humanoids pay dearly for that,but he kept his mind on the job.He noticed both girls looking fearfully at him,with their eyes bulging above their tape gags.Although he didn't like to admit it,Jennings knew his disguise was still effective.Clearly,the two girls thought he and Montgomery,were Sanna reinforcements.

Grimly,he turned away from the girls,and then started to examine the instrument panels.Both he and Montgomery held a good knowledge of Sanna technology,and were pretty confident they could disable the weapons here,as well as the surveillance system.Both men then got to work,silently de-activating the weapon turrets,and then the cameras.Neither of the two Sanna operatives suspected anything amiss,not even when Jennings nodded to Montgomery,and they then moved up to the two humanoids,and swiftly eliminated them,with silent,but deadly killer blows.

Once they'd both hidden the bodies,both men moved quickly over to the cells.Louise and Paula Ann tried to back away fearfully from their approach,obviously thinking the worst,but their fears vanished,when Jennings and Montgomery took off their helmets,and smiled reassuringly down at them.

They unlocked the cell doors,and kneeling down beside them,both men expertly cut away the many loops of rope,tied tightly across Louise and Paula Ann's bodies.Had they tried to do it by hand,that would have proved impossible.

Once both girls had been freed and their gags removed,both Louise and Paula Ann immediately hugged their friends.Their relief at being rescued,was overwhelming.Louise especially gave Jennings,a really warm kiss on his lips.

'I always knew you'd come.'She told him,still holding onto him tightly,determined never to let go off him.

Jennings gently brushed Louise's hair back,looking at her very concerned.

'You okay?'He asked her.

'Yes.'Louise nodded,although her voice was somewhat garbled,having being gagged for so long,but her eyes beamed at him,and he nodded back.He then helped her out of the cell,seeing Montgomery exit with Paula Ann now freed.She too,ran over to him,giving him another,more than grateful hug and kiss.

'How are we going to get out of here?'Paula Ann then asked.

'We bluff our way out.'Jennings answered.'Bad idea,starting a firefight in a pressurised space station.'

'John,the whole place will be crawling with Sanna.'Louise reminded him.'They'll surely get suspicious,if we're seen heading into a ship.'

'We're wearing these,aren't we?'Jennings pointed at his Sanna disguise.'It fooled you,didn't it? Anyway,I think we can escape,and without being discovered.'


In answer,Jennings put his helmet back on,and nodded to Montgomery to do the same.He did.

'Just let us do the talking.'Jennings explained.'Any Sanna passes us,will automatically think we're escorting two prisoners.They won't question us.'

'I hope you're right,John.'Montgomery told him,somewhat worried.

'Just trust me,okay?'Jennings then gently took Louise's arm,and he gestured for Montgomery,to do the same with Paula Ann.His friend did so.

'Okay,let's go.'Jennings then took Louise out of the detention area,with Montgomery and Paula Ann right behind him.

They all headed towards Bay 14,where O'Rourke's ship awaited them.


'What the hell's taken them so long?'O'Rourke asked angrily,glaring at the still closed door.'We've been here for ages!'

Harris was thinking that herself.There was something bothering her,and she knew it was something to do with those two Sanna troopers,who'd led them here.

'I'm getting suspicious myself.'Harris admitted,although she couldn't quite figure it out yet.

'I've had enough of waiting!'O'Rourke finally made the decision,to take matters into his own hands.He strode angrily over,to a communications post,set in the wall.

'This is Commander O'Rourke speaking.'There was full fury in his voice,and he was shouting into the com-link.'I demand to see the Sanna commander,right now!'

No reply was forthcoming,and O'Rourke wasn't going to wait any longer.He moved up to the door,but oddly,it didn't open for him.He'd lost what little patience he had regardless,and instantly pulled out his sidearm,before aiming it at the door.

Harris saw what he was going to do,and tried to stop him.

'No,you fool!Don't sh-'

Her warnings were ignored,as O'Rourke fired once.His weapon had no impact on the door,as it remained closed and secure,but O'Rourke,Harris,and everybody else scrambled for cover,as the laser fired by O'Rourke,went richocet around the room.They could see the room had a window,showing the Earth in space.If the laser shattered that,they'd all be dead.

Fortunately,this didn't happen,but there were tragic consequences,as the laser struck one of the crouching men.The laser struck him in his neck,killing him instantly,but it did stop the laser at least.

Picking themselves up,Harris strode up to O'Rourke.Her expression not friendly.

'You bloody fool!'She cursed him with full venom in her voice.'You could have killed us all! What the hell were you thinking?'

Sheepishly,O'Rourke didn't respond,as Harris looked over to the hit man.She could tell he was dead,seeing half his neck burnt away.She shook her head,not in a sad manner,but her face was enraged.They'd just lost one of their number,through sheer stupidity.

Before Harris could remonstrate more with O'Rourke again,the door suddenly opened,and the Sanna station commander stood in the door frame.He took one look at the humans,seeing one of them dead already,before he settled a cold gaze on O'Rourke.The humanoid then stepped into the room,followed by an armed Sanna squad.There were some very unfriendly glances exchanged.

'Who was the fool that fired?'The Sanna commander growled.It was low,but it was fully evident he wasn't pleased asking that.

'My apologies,commander.'O'Rourke tried to make amends.'I was just trying-'

'To kill us all?'The commander interrupted him.'You very nearly succeeded,but at least I'd have the satisfaction,knowing you humans would have died first.'

Harris then stepped in.Not wanting a confrontation,although she hadn't liked what she'd just heard.However,she kept her head.

'We know there are two intruders here.'Harris made sure she sounded insistent.'They're two deadly enemies,commander.You wouldn't want them on board your vessel.'

'You mean Jennings and Montgomery,of course?'The Sanna glared at her,but Harris stayed in control,and nodded.

'That is correct,commander.'Harris confirmed.'They're here to rescue those two young women,that your people brought on board.'

'I see.'The Sanna then thought for a moment,before he asked her.'You know this Jennings and Montgomery then? Personally?'

'Only by reputation.'Harris admitted.'However,I know a threat when I see one,commander,and believe me,you have two deadly threats here.'

It was then that she finally realised about the two Sanna troopers she'd seen earlier.

'They're disguised as your troopers.'She informed him.'They'll be heading towards the area,where you have the two women.'

The Sanna commander thought some more,before deciding.He walked up to the com-link set in the wall,and activated it.

'This is the commander.'His voice still sounded sharp.'Get a security detail to the detention area,and report immediately.'

His order was acknowledged,and not wanting to waste any more time,he turned and exited the room.Everybody,including O'Rourke and Harris,followed too.As they did so,Harris turned to two of her group.

'Get back to the ship,and make sure it's kept secure.I don't want to be stuck here.'

She emphasised the last part,but both men understood,and hurried away.Harris however,was now starting to feel nervous.It was at the back of her mind,but she'd never felt this way before,and it didn't feel good at all.


So far,things were going well for Jennings and Montgomery.Still in Sanna disguise,they continued to hold Louise and Paula Ann,and they were nearing their destination.

Plenty of Sanna troopers walked by them,but they weren't stopped.Clearly,two tough looking Sanna troopers,easily holding onto two young human females,wasn't going to attract any suspicion.

Finally,the four of them reached Bay 14,and they were all pleased to see O'Rourke's ship,still docked there.There were two armed men standing outside the airlock,but Jennings and Montgomery didn't hesitate.They moved straight up to them,still playing the pretence,as they 'forced' Louise and Paula Ann along.

They stopped in front of the two guards,and Jennings gestured sharply at them to part.

'Stand aside.'He made sure his voice was full of menace.'We are taking these two human female prisoners on board.'

There was faint puzzlement on both guards faces.

'Nobody informed us.'One of them responded back.His tone indicated he wasn't intimidated by them.

'Our commander has made the arrangement with your O'Rourke,and he has given his approval too.'

'He still didn't tell us.'The first guard's voice was still nasty.'We'd better check with him.'

'That would be inadvisable.'Jennings lowered the menace in his tone,but now spoke with a sinister charm.'Your O'Rourke is currently enjoying some time alone,with several of our other human female captives.I'm quite certain he wouldn't want to be disturbed.Don't you agree?'

He could see them thinking about what he'd just said.Clearly,both guards knew their master's ill deeds,and then,much to their relief,the two men stood aside,to let them pass.

Jennings and Montgomery didn't hesitate,as they quickly pulled Louise and Paula Ann into the ship.Once inside,they found a room,and ushered the two girls inside.

'Don't open the door for anyone but us.'Jennings told them quietly.'Remember,keep quiet.We'll be back as soon as we can.'

Both girls nodded,and as an added reassurance,Jennings handed Paula Ann his sidearm,who took it gratefully.

'Don't shoot,unless you have to.'Jennings said,putting his hand on her shoulder.'Just remember,it's the bad guys you shoot,not us.'

Paula Ann nodded her understanding,and Louise grabbed Jennings' hand.

'Be careful,John,please.'She meant that,and he nodded too,before squeezing her hand back reassuringly.

'We'll give you a coded knock.'Montgomery then told them.'Three knocks repeatedly,followed by three more.Don't open the door,unless you hear that.You'll know we're back.'

Both girls nodded,and then Jennings gently shut the door,putting his finger to his lips,but also gave them a quiet smile.Then,the door was closed.

Grimly,both Jennings and Montgomery then made their way to the flight deck.There was no opposition,but even if there had been,it still wouldn't have stopped them.Both men were determined,to get Louise and Paula Ann to safety.

Much to their surprise,the flight deck was deserted.Evidently,O'Rourke's men felt secure on this Sanna station,but Jennings and Montgomery had other ideas.

As Jennings settled into one of the flight seats,Montgomery then made a scan on the ship's interior.He did this for only a few seconds,and breathed a sigh of relief.

'Good.'His tone was pleased.'There's nobody else on board.How long till the charges blow?'

Jennings glanced at his watch.'Five minutes,Monty.'

'Okay.I'll deal with those two guards,you prepare to get us out of here.'

'Got it.'Jennings was already powering up the ship's engines,and the flight deck screens came alive.

Montgomery immediately headed back to the airlock,and saw the two guards still standing outside.He knew he had to deal with them.If he left them untouched,they'd force their way into the ship,threatening their survival.

He opened the airlock doors,and without hesitation,grabbed both mens heads,and smashed them together.There was a sickening sound of shattering bone,before the two men fell to the ground.Quickly,Montgomery hurried back inside the ship,and secured the door.He ditched his Sanna disguise,before heading back to Louise and Paula Ann.After he'd given the agreed coded knocks,he opened the door,and instantly,saw Paula Ann lower her weapon.He gestured quickly for them to follow him,and led them to a seated area.

'Strap yourselves in.'He urged them.'We're leaving.'

Both Louise and Paula Ann did so,and he then rejoined Jennings back in the flight deck.He sat in the co-pilot's seat,and started to strap in himself.Jennings then activated the release clamps,and slowly,he guided the ship away from the station.The two bodies of the guards Montgomery had killed,went tumbling away into the void.

'How long now?'Jennings asked,still remembering the charges they'd set all over the station earlier.

'One minute.'Montgomery answered.He was feeling tense too,as he glanced worriedly outside,hoping not to see any Sanna pursuit.For the moment,he didn't,only the station's massive structure,slowly moving away,as Jennings guided the ship towards the Earth.

'Human vessel.'A Sanna voice came in through the communications panel.'You are making an unauthorised exit.Return immediately.'

'Go to hell,you Sanna bastard.'Jennings hissed back,before he then activated full power to the engines,now seeing the huge shape of the Earth fill the view windows.He then plotted the course to get back home.

'Human vessel.'The Sanna's voice repeated menacingly.'Return immediately,or you will be fired upon.'

'That's what they think.'Jennings grinned,glancing at his watch,and could now see the minute was up.


The Sanna commander strode back into the station's command centre,and instantly demanded an update.A Sanna officer was waiting for him,and promptly did so.It wasn't good news.

'The human females have escaped,commander.'There was a touch of nervousness,as the humanoid reported that.'Two fatalities,in the detention area.'

O'Rourke and Harris had heard it too,and whilst it didn't really surprise Harris,O'Rourke and the Sanna commander,were the most stunned by hearing it.

'Impossible!'The Sanna commander was utterly disbelieving.'How can this be?'

'Because you under-estimated human determination.'Harris answered coldly.'I told you Jennings and Montgomery,were deadly threats to you.You obviously didn't listen.'

'Silence!'The Sanna commander snarled down to Harris.'You forget yourself,Harris.Granted,these two men are formidable,but they're not invincible.'

'Have it your way.'Harris shrugged indifferently,not caring at all for the Sanna's opinions.

Just then,one of the Sanna operatives in the command centre made a discovery.

'Commander.'He called out.'Unauthorised launch in Bay 14.'

This time,Harris joined in the stunned looks.Both she and O'Rourke raced over to a monitor screen,showing their ship being skillfully guided out.They could all see the two dead men,lying in the airlock.Moments later,their bodies were sucked out into space.

'Stop them!'O'Rourke couldn't help,but shout that out.Like Harris,he didn't fancy being stuck here,with the Sanna.

Much to their surprise,the Sanna seemed to agree with his desperate demand,as the Sanna operative issued a warning to the departing ship.There was no reply.He repeated it,but there was still no response.

'Activate weapon turrets.'The Sanna commander ordered.'Blow them out of the sky.'

'You're not serious!'O'Rourke protested.'I want those women alive,and back under my control!'

'I am well aware of your reputation,O'Rourke.'The Sanna hissed in contempt at him.'But it is more beneficial to all of us,in eliminating Jennings and Montgomery.'

He dismissed O'Rourke,and gave fresh orders to the Sanna operative.

'Target human vessel and destroy.'


The operative instantly activated the weapon controls,and immediately,a target lock was fixed on the rapidly withdrawing ship.Seeing a perfect bullseye on the target,the Sanna commander gave the order.


The operative obediently pressed the fire switches,and there was a violent explosion.However,the explosion didn't happen on their intended victim.Instead,they were all sent reeling in the command centre,as more explosions rocked the station.Several key consoles flared up,and there was a sudden panic,as everything went dark.Only frantic shouts and screams were heard.


With grim satisfaction,Jennings and Montgomery watched the station being badly damaged,by the explosive charges they'd planted.True,there wasn't enough to blow it up,but what they had laid,had allowed them time to escape.

'Not a bad job.'Montgomery grinned,turning to Jennings,and offered his hand to him.

Jennings accepted,and they both exchanged warm handshakes.They'd survived yet again,and had saved Louise and Paula Ann.Both men felt a great deal of satisfaction,at what they'd just accomplished.

Jennings however,knew what the Sanna reaction,and O'Rourke's would be.

'They'll really be gunning for us this time,Monty.'He grimly observed.

'Let them.'Montgomery grinned.'With me and you side by side,we'll always be ready for them.'

'I hope you're right.'Jennings really wished that,as he flew the ship back to their base.

Chapter 12 to follow?

NB.Well,I think I'll leave it there.I must admit I added a lot of new stuff to this,but the original is still basically the same.I actually wrote quite a lot on it,but it was going in different directions,before I decided on the earlier,published version.Anyway,I hope you all enjoyed it.:)

Take care,everybody,


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