Well,I've just seen the new Expendables film,and have to sadly report no damsel in distress scenes at all in it.
This was bitterly disappointing,because I thought the very pretty actress:Nu Yang,who played 'Maggie' deserved a scene.in it.
Not long into the film,Bruce Willis' character informs Stallone's character;Barney Ross,that he has to protect her,whilst going on a mission to recover a lost,but valuable device.I certainly had my hopes up for this,praying Maggie would fall into the bad guys clutches,and Sly and his gang would save her.
Unfortunately,there wasn't one single thing of interest.Maggie could certainly handle herself,and fights really well alongside Sly's team;but alas,the writers or Sly didn't bother to put Maggie into the damsel in distress situation.
I really enjoyed the film;it's full of action,and the fight scenes are fantastic.It doesn't however,beat the first film though.The abscence of a damsel in distress scene here,just spoilt it for me,when there should have been one.
Oh well,there may be an Expendables 3 perhaps.Might have better luck there!
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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