Sunday 7 July 2013

Trouble in the Philippines Chapter Eight

Grant and Hunt had so far,successfully managed to get further into Gustav's mansion,but they were both keeping a sharp eye out for any more threats.

Grant was also checking the locator device he knew Andrea wore,but it wasn't telling him what he wanted to see.

Andrea had arranged a meeting point in the mansion,and both Grant and Hunt had reached it,but Andrea was nowhere in sight.In fact,the locator device was telling Grant she was moving away.

He frowned at this,showing Hunt the locator too.

'What do you think?' he asked her.

'I think she's in trouble,sir,'Hunt responded,not one to waste her words.

'Agreed,'Grant grimly nodded.'We'd better help her,and quick.Get after her.I'll take care of Gustav.'

'You'll be on your own,sir,'Hunt informed him correctly.'You'll need help.'

'Again,I agree,'Grant nodded.'Just make sure you rescue Andrea.I'll tell Jennings to watch your back.'

'Be careful,sir,'Hunt wasn't one to give out any emotional comments,but all her team knew she was one of the good guys,and Hunt trusted them all in return.

'I will.Now get after her,before more bad guys show up.'

Hunt nodded,and hurried away.

Grant then kept his low profile,actively seeking out Gustav,although he had a nasty idea where his nemesis was right now.


If Grant had seen where Gustav was right now,his thoughts would have been proved correct.

At the present moment,Gustav was standing outside his fortress mansion,and stood by the surrounding moat.

A couple of his heavily armed bodyguards stood close to him,but Gustav sensed he wouldn't be needing the services of his ruthless,almost cruel men just yet.

He stood patiently,waiting for Daniella and Michelle to bring him Andrea.He couldn't wait to use her as a pretty hostage,forcing Andrea's friends out into the open.

As he waited,Gustav held a loudhailer in his hand,and he constantly scanned the surrounding jungle around his mansion.So far,he'd seen nothing,and there had been no reports of anything amiss from his troops.

Gustav though,wasn't fooled.He knew he was being watched,and secretly admired his enemies discretion.He was really looking forward to meeting them,confident they'd send in a dashing white knight in armour to rescue Andrea and Angela from his clutches.

He allowed himself a nasty smile thinking that.


Still perfectly concealed in their sniper hideout,Jennings and Montgomery saw Gustav's ominous smile through their own scopes.

'The swine's got Andrea,'Montgomery whispered,fully hating the sight of Gustav.

'Looks like we'll be expecting a call soon too,'Jennings rubbed his chin thoughtfully,fully well knowing they'd have to show themselves to their enemies.

'You have a plan,John?'

'You bet,'Montgomery was pleased to hear his best friend say that.'You don't think we're really going to let these scumbags get the better of us?'

Quickly,Jennings peered through his telescopic sight,checking the activity of Gustav's men.So far as he could see,a lot of them hadn't picked up anything wrong.

However,where Gustav was;it was a different story.The soldiers there,stood ready for action,and Jennings could see the loudhailer Gustav held.It wouldn't be long before he started to dish out his threats.

'Hunt,'Jennings called into his radio headset.'Where are you?'

'Going after Andrea,'Hunt's voice came immediately back to him.'Two of Gustav's women have her.'

'Are all charges set?'

'Roger that.'

'Got it,'Jennings nodded.'I'm coming down.I think it's about time we show this lot who's boss.'

'I'll be ready.Hunt out.'

Jennings then took something from his battle pack,and produced a small tube.It looked like a small telescope,but Jennings knew it was nothing of the sort.

Instead,it was an infra-red detector,which could pick up heat from any living thing.

Jennings aimed it at the moat and peered closely through it for a few moments.

He finally lowered the tube,and Montgomery saw his face was grim.

'Something nasty in the water?'

'Yeah,'Jennings hadn't liked what he'd seen.'Crocodiles.Loads of them.Here.'

Jennings passed the tube to him,and told him to fit it onto the sniper rifle.

'This will help you see them,and shoot them if they come for me too.'

'You're going into the water with them?'Montgomery was incredulous.'You won't stand a chance with those reptiles.'

'Not if you get them before they get me,'Jennings grinned,slapping his friend on the shoulder.'Don't worry,Monty.I'll be okay.'

With that said,Jennings slid away,leaving Montgomery to think Jennings had gone mad.

However,he had already fixed the infra-red tube to the weapon,and was now scanning the moat for targets.

He saw the familiar,but deadly shapes in the water instantly,and grimly readied the weapon for firing.


Andrea was desperately trying to stop Daniella forcing her along,but the woman's grip on her was as strong as an ox.She was powerless.

Daniella and Michelle were faintly amused by their pretty captive's futile struggles,but they harshly forced Andrea on.In fact,Daniella stopped momentarily to pull her prisoner back into her tightly.

'Don't bother wasting your time,my pretty,'Daniella took great,sadistic pleasure hissing into Andrea's ear.'It's not going to do you any good.'

Andrea again,felt the woman's sexual urge as she pulled her back.Her eyes were still bulging in horror,feeling Daniella's breasts forcing themselves into her back.She could even feel Daniella's erect nipples in her back also.This made Andrea give a considerably muffled,but very frightened shriek into her tight gag.

'Let's get going,my dear,'Daniella knew business came before pleasure,and she couldn't wait to ravish this gorgeous girl.

As both women quickly forced Andrea along,all three could see the distant,but closing figure of Gustav waiting outside for them.

'Nearly there,my dear,'Daniella chuckled.'It's going to be a good show-for us at least.'

Andrea sincerely prayed they were going to be proved wrong.


Just out of their sight,neither of the three women noticed Hunt following them,and watching their every move.

Hunt could see they weren't far off from reaching Gustav,and knew it was time to act.

She made sure she was still unseen,and then managed to move ahead of them.

Grimly,Hunt pulled out a flashbang grenade from her person.This wasn't a lethal weapon,but it would temporarily blind and stun anybody within its range.

Hunt waited for the two women dragging Andrea along to come  closer.She could hear Andrea's gagged,but terrified whimpers.It made her mad seeing this innocent girl suffer,and it also made Hunt's blood boil seeing the smirking expressions of Andrea's captors,clearly enjoying her distress.

Hunt waited for them to come within range,then pulled the firing pin on the flashbang grenade,then kneeling,she threw it along the floor towards the target.

All of the three women saw the rolling grenade coming towards them,and before Daniella and Michelle had a chance to sound the alarm,the grenade exploded.

There was a blinding flash,making both Daniella and Michelle scream in agony,as they suddenly let go of Andrea,and they were momentarily blinded,desperately rubbing their eyes to clear them.

Hunt didn't waste a moment.Next instant,she raced out,slamming her rifle in an uppercut on Daniella's jaw.The woman fell back,knocked senseless.

Hunt had fully enjoyed hearing Daniella's cry of agony,before she quickly turned to her attention to Michelle.

Just as she'd done with her accomplice,Hunt reacted ruthlessly,striking Michelle with her rifle in her solar plexus.As Michelle doubled up in agony,Hunt gave the woman a hard fist into her face,sending Michelle flying.She didn't get back up.

Seeing both these two women fall gave Hunt tremendous satisfaction,but knew she had to help Andrea,who was lying on the floor,still tightly bound and gagged.Her eyes were gaping at Hunt.

Quickly,Hunt pulled out her knife to cut away Andrea's ropes,when suddenly,disaster struck.

A smiling Gustav,with several of his heavily armed soldiers,had just come out of nowhere,and they all had their weapons aimed at Hunt.

Gustav was somewhat surprised to see a woman soldier.She was young,pretty too,but he could also see the hardness in her eyes.Clearly,this woman had seen battle,and that made her extremely dangerous.

He watched Hunt slowly lower her rifle,and raise her hands in surrender.This pleased him.

He then noticed the sprawled,but slowly coming back to life figures of Daniella and Michelle.

'I don't know who you are,young lady,'Gustav told her pleasantly.'But you must be really good,if you can take out Daniella and Michelle.I've never seen anyone beat them.'

'Well,I guess there's a first time for everything,isn't there?'Hunt's response was sarcastic.

'A sense of humour too,'Gustav beamed.'I like that also.You're certainly going to need it.'

He could see Daniella and Michelle now standing up,slowly recovering,and their eyes were full of hate at Hunt.

'Later,ladies please,'he cautioned them politely.'Business first,remember,'he smiled,which Andrea and Hunt didn't like one bit.'You'll have your fun with these two lovely ladies,myself included.'

'I doubt that very much,pal,'Hunt sneered defiantly,but for the moment,the bad guys had the advantage over her.

'Well,we'll see,shall we?'Gustav kept on smiling,pleased he now had two pretty hostages.

Turning to Michelle,he ordered:'Tie her up.'

'It will be my pleasure,'Michelle's voice was deadly,as she seized Hunt's hands behind her,and instantly,Hunt felt rope being wound over her wrists.

It only took a minute as Michelle was highly experienced,and when she completed her task,Hunt realised she couldn't get her hands free.Every movement she did on them,brought instant pain.

'Thank you,Michelle,'Gustav complimented her,after he'd examined Hunt's bonds.'A job well done.Daniellie,if you can bring Andrea,please.

Daniella reached down to savagely yank up Andrea's still bound and gagged figure,whilst Michelle hadn't quite finished with Hunt just yet.

'Let me gag her,boss,'Michelle wore an evil smile as she said that.'We don't want her to raise the alarm either.'

'An excellent suggestion,Michelle,'Gustav nodded his approval.'See to it,please.'

Michelle already had a balled up cloth ready in her hand,and she ruthlessly jammed it into Hunt's mouth,(which she fully enjoyed) before securing it with another strip of cloth,tightly cleave gagging Hunt.

Gustav was pleased to see another pretty hostage bound and gagged,but he was wise enough to know Hunt would watch him carefully,even when she was tied up and silenced.

'Watch her,'he warned Michelle.'She's dangerous.'

'Don't worry,boss,'Michelle grinned.'She won't try anything stupid,not when we've got her gorgeous friend over there.'

Hunt kept her anger in check,knowing full well she had to keep Andrea safe.She could see Andrea's eyes were really frightened above her own gag.She knew she could rely on her friends to help them,especially Jennings.He'd saved her so many times.

'Right then,ladies,'Gustav bowed mockingly to his two prisoners.'Shall we proceed with the show?'

He gave a nasty chuckle,and Hunt suddenly felt Michelle jam her pistol into her back.

'Move it!'her captor snarled into her ear.

Hunt could only give an angry,but muffled growl behind her gag,and her eyes were fierce,but Hunt had to obey as Michelle roughly and quickly forced her along.Daniella did the same with Andrea,as they headed outside.

Hunt hoped Jennings had a good plan to get them out of this.

More to follow..

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