It is the distant future.The Earth has been invaded by a hostile alien race,known as the Sanna.Battle hungry humanoids,totally dedicated to war,conquest,and enslaving subjugated races.They arrive unexpectedly over the Earth,in massive swarms of their deep space battle cruisers.Giant vessels,that hold enormous firepower,that can level huge cities.
They assault the Earth ruthlessly,brushing aside Man's military,with contemptuous ease.The human race fights desperately back against this new,deadly threat,and the fighting rages for many years.Human lives are lost in millions,whilst Sanna losses are few.With far more superior technology in their arsenal,the alien invaders sweep all before them.Now,they stand on the verge of total victory,in conquering the Earth.
Yet,despite the despair felt by Mankind,a ray of hope has now presented a chance to them all....
Chapter One
The radio station was the only built up structure found,in this desolate terrain,but the giant,radio antenna dish was the dominant feature.The dish had been aimed skywards,and the whole station was surrounded,by heavily armed human soldiers.Every one of them was well dug into a defensive position,and their faces were tense and grim.They all knew,that the hated Sanna invaders,would soon be on them.They kept their eyes sharp,ready for the inevitable battle.Many of them had lost loved ones,close friends,all killed or worse,taken by the Sanna.This fact had hardened their resolve even further.
Inside the radio station,Major Peters was in command.Like a lot of his people under his command here,Peters was a highly experienced army officer.He'd fought the Sanna many times,and had actually won one of the few military victories against them.In that fight,Peters and his people had managed to get their hands on a vital piece of Sanna technology.A transmitter that was far more powerful,than any man made device.It had taken a while to understand how the alien device worked,but thanks to dedicated people,they had managed to do it.This had proved priceless.Now,they could listen in to Sanna communications,and set up ambushes,or gain vital intelligence.They were now striking back,but the alien invaders now knew of their missing technology,and were determined to get it back.
As Peters walked through the station,he made another check on his people.It was unnecessary of course,as Peters knew everybody was well prepared.He still liked to be thorough though,and it had served him well in battle many times.Even so,military victories against the Sanna were extremely rare.Despite all their valiant efforts,the Sanna always kept coming at them,and in huge numbers.Their firepower,was devastating,always sending them on the back foot.Peters and so many others,had desperately tried to seek better positions,to inflict some damage.Yet the alien humanoids were everywhere,killing ruthlessly,and capturing many people.This was the worst part for anybody unfortunate enough to suffer.Peters had seen this many times.The Sanna especially liked to seize young women.Peters and his people always tried to help the girls.Sometimes they succeeded,but mostly they didn't.Peters could still hear the girls screams of terror,as they were abducted,never to be seen again.It enraged him and his people,swearing to themselves,that they'd try to protect the girls.Why the Sanna were kidnapping the girls,Peters had no idea,but he had some very nasty suspicions.
One girl Peters was determined to protect,was Captain Kelly Finch.He saw her sitting by the Sanna transmitter they'd taken from the invaders,and seeing her wearing a pair of headphones on her head,knew Kelly was listening in to the Sanna coded signals.When they'd grabbed the transmitter,nobody was sure how it worked,but finally,a few,and highly talented dedicated people stepped forward.Kelly had been one of them.She'd never given up on it,knowing many human lives could be saved.It had taken them many months,but with Kelly's help,they'd finally cracked the aliens codes.Now,they could fight back.
Peters was glad Kelly was here.Her work had been priceless,and she was also one of the few human beings,who could now understand the Sanna language.Another priceless tool to have.However,the Sanna were now well aware of their loss of equipment,and Peters knew they were coming back for it.He'd been ordered to defend it to the limit,even destroying it,to prevent it falling back into Sanna hands.
Peters also knew the Sanna had human allies.This sickened him,and he'd vowed to make sure,that anybody choosing this path,would regret it.He'd done so many times.
Just then,he noticed Kelly started to write quickly onto a notepad.She passed it over to Peters,who read it.His face was grim.It was bad news,and Kelly confirmed it.
'They're coming,Sir.'Her voice full of worry.
'As we expected.'Peters nodded his understanding.'ETA?'
Kelly already had the answer for him.'Ten minutes,Sir.'
Wearing his own headset,Peters immediately spoke into it.
'Everybody stand by.'He warned his people.'Enemy en route.'
He heard all his platoon leaders assuring him,that they were all ready,and up for the fight,when suddenly,Kelly had more bad news for him.
'Sir,there is an armed human force accompanying the Sanna.'The worry in Kelly's tone increased,as she learned of the identity of this new threat.'It's O'Rourke,and Harris.'
Peters face hardened as soon as he heard those names.He didn't see it,but all his people did.O'Rourke was a highly despised collaborator,who took great pleasure,in allying himself with the Sanna.Harris was his second in command.A woman who showed no feminine side whatsoever.Like O'Rourke,she inflicted so much suffering,and caused many innocent deaths.Peters had seen these two do this,and had sincerely hoped he could personally finish them off.This O'Rourke,had even been given his own territory by the Sanna,as a reward for his triumphs against his own people.Both his and Harris' actions,were callous to the extreme.It had even spread to the people,who fought willingly under his command.They all fought with cold brutality,and this sickened Peters.He made sure he fought more harder than his enemies,but always cleanly,and honourably.Peters knew it was always wise,to stay controlled in battle.If this O'Rourke and Harris really were coming,Peters was determined to wipe them,off the face of the Earth.
He also knew O'Rourke was responsible,for kidnapping many young women.Just like the Sanna seizing the girls,no trace was ever found of them,but Peters knew where they were.All his soldiers did,knowing O'Rourke had a fortress,which wasn't too far away from here.Intelligence had confirmed sightings of the girls being forced into it.Peters had always wanted to raid that place,get in there to free the girls,and blow O'Rourke's fortress to smithereens.He hated to think that O'Rourke was enjoying himself,with his female prisoners.The captive girls would not.
Peters glanced back at Kelly,who was still listening in,to the Sanna transmissions.He could see Kelly was very pretty.She had shoulder length,raven hair,warm dark brown eyes,and was very popular.Not just because of her work,with the Sanna device,but she was a very warm,sincere young woman.Peters knew immediately that Kelly would be targeted.He knew from intelligence,that the Sanna seized any human,who could understand any of their technology.The humanoid invaders even offered rewards to their human allies,who would be interested in capturing any of their targets.Peters was appalled,that many did accept.He certainly knew O'Rourke would be interested in Kelly,and was determined to protect her.
Kelly was dressed in military uniform,but not battle clothing.She wore a light blue shirt,with her shoulder insignia,and wore a knee length matching blue skirt.Her black high heels gave Kelly,a very smart appearance,but she wore no weapon.Her orders,for the past few weeks,had been to understand the Sanna transmitter.True,she had trained to shoot,but Kelly hadn't any battle experience,and Peters knew she needed protecting.If she fell into Sanna hands...
Peters immediately shook those thoughts out,and spoke again into his headset.
'Jennings,Montgomery.Report in,on the double.'
He heard both men acknowledge his order,and waited for them to arrive.Kelly had heard him give out the order,and glanced at him curiously.
'Why are you calling them in,Sir?'Kelly asked him.
'You'll see.'Peters wasn't going to tell her,until they entered.When they did,everybody in the room stopped their business to look at them,with some awe.
Jennings and Montgomery were well trained,highly experienced,and excellent soldiers.They'd proved their worth frequently,constantly dealing with any Sanna threat to their friends,and innocent people.They were also inseparable friends,having fought together for so long.Jennings was tall,fair haired,and had a good build.His blue eyes reflected a determination,that would always see him through.Jennings didn't smile much,not surprising with the desperate fight raging,but he always had a good heart,and would help anybody that needed it.Jennings lived for battle.He'd always wanted to be a soldier,and showed high skill in eliminating any threat.His kill record was very good,but Peters knew Jennings wasn't a cold blooded killer.He had a strong military background,and just like his ancestors,always fought with honour,and decency.
His friend,Montgomery,was also highly skilled in battle.Dark skinned,and a little taller than Jennings,he held a massive,muscular frame.Power bulged in every part of him,and it was this,that gave Montgomery a priceless advantage,over his Sanna opponents.He was one of the very few human beings,who could actually take on one of the humanoids in unarmed combat,and beat them.He excelled in this,and was especially deadly,in using a knife.Not even the Sanna's battle armour,couldn't prevent Montgomery's lethal strike.He knew precisely,where to hit them.Thanks to the Sanna transmitter,Peters had been able to read captured Sanna reports,and although the humanoids were eager to face Montgomery in unarmed combat,the alien invaders were in fear of him.He was really pleased,to have both Jennings and Montgomery on his side.
Both men walked up to him,and saluted respectfully.They were heavily armed,and Peters could see the determination in both of them.He was pleased again.After returning their salute,he then turned to the Sanna transmitter,hooked up into the radio station.Peters could see Kelly looking at Jennings,and knew she really liked him,but he then gave his orders.
'I have a very special assignment for you two.'Peters told them,gesturing at the alien device,and at Kelly's sitting form.
'You must protect Captain Finch,and prevent her from being captured.'Peters tone,was very serious.'Do not.I repeat,do not allow Captain Finch,to be taken prisoner.'He gestured at the alien device again.'If the Sanna recover this machine,all is lost.Do you understand?'
He was pleased to see both men nod.Kelly too,agreed,although she wanted to make a point to the Major.
'I can handle myself,Sir.'Kelly told him.
'I've no doubt you can.'Peters agreed,but he was adamant.He didn't want her in harms way.'However,Jennings and Montgomery will look after you.I need you to keep listening into that thing.It's your responsibility,to make sure those damned aliens don't get it back.'He paused for a moment,before continuing.'Set up a detonator charge on it,just in case.'
Kelly obeyed,as she issued the order to one of the few soldiers in the room with her.The man did so,and Peters was satisfied.Kelly knew it was the right thing to do.It was common sense.The Sanna transmitter,was a priceless tool to have.If they could sneak it out,they'd still maintain the advantage,but the Sanna would do everything in their power,to get it back.
The Major then gestured for the three of them to follow him,and he led them to one of the monitor screens.All the screens showed the surrounding area.They could all see their people well dug in,still waiting for the Sanna to arrive.However,Peters had prepared something for his friends,just in case disaster struck.
Peters typed in a few details on the keyboard in front of the screen,and a map of the area they were in,showed up.There was a grid reference shown too,and Peters pointed that out.
'We have located an underground base,not too far off from here.It's about ten miles away.'He then stood back from the screen,to let them see the route to it.
'The base is still fully functional,but there's nobody there.'He went on.'Even the Sanna can't find it,but don't ask me how.We need all the luck we can get.Get yourselves there,and continue the fight there.Okay?'
They all nodded their understanding,when suddenly,alarms began to wail throughout the station.This made Peters instantly speak into his headset.
'Enemy sighted!'One of his squad leaders responded sharply.
With that heard,Peters readied his weapon,nodding at the remaining soldiers in the room,to move outside.They all did so.Peters was last to leave,but just before he did,he turned to Jennings,Montgomery and Kelly.
'God be with you.'He said simply,but meant it sincerely.Then,he hurried outside.As he did so,Kelly immediately turned her attention,to the monitor screens,as did Jennings and Montgomery standing behind her.They could now see a Sanna battle craft land close by,and within moments,a lamp lowered,and Sanna troopers came out.They marched out in perfect formation,and Kelly's heartbeat increased rapidly.Jennings and Montgomery tightened their grip on their weapons.
Also watching from his defensive trench,Peters was peering through a pair of binoculars,as the humanoids lined up.His face was grim,recognising the tough battle armour the Sanna were wearing.He knew to get through that,they'd need some really good firepower.Fortunately,all of his soldiers carried armour piercing rounds,which could shatter this defence.A study of the aliens armour,had led them to the successful design of more powerful weapons.The Sanna's own energy weapons,inflicted a horrendous,and agonizing death.The only consolation,was that it was a quick death,so Peters and everybody else who fought the Sanna,didn't think twice,about using their own nasty weapons on them.He tensed,aiming at the Sanna,waiting for the right moment,to order shooting.
The Sanna troopers exited their craft efficiently,and quickly.As they stood patiently waiting for the order to assault the human enemy,their Sanna commander stepped out,and made a survey of his latest target.He could see the defending humans,were well dug in,and was pleased to see that.This was what he,and all his kind lived for,to fight a determined enemy,and beat them.
He'd already been given his mission orders.A piece of their technology had been stolen,and he'd been tasked with its recovery.That wouldn't be a problem.He was utterly confident of that,and had reassured his superiors,that he needed no assistance.
Unfortunately for him,his superiors had thought differently,and had ordered an allied,and armed human force to accompany him.The Sanna commander had bitterly protested at this,but he was curtly told to obey orders.
'These humans have their uses.'He remembered being sharply reprimanded.'Use them.'
Still smouldering,the Sanna commander had then met the leaders of the assigned human group.A human male and female awaited his presence.The male had introduced himself,as O'Rourke,saying he was in command.The female appeared held a cold,hard face.O'Rourke had introduced her,as Harris.This was his second in command.Both of them were well known collaborators,and were much despised by their human enemies.Although,they did have an excellent record,supporting the Sanna,and were eager to contribute,towards this latest fight.However,the Sanna commander had sharply reminded them,that his own troopers would complete the mission.
After landing,O'Rourke and Harris led their own force out from the Sanna craft.They both examined the radio station's defences themselves.
'Looks like a tough job.'O'Rourke commented.
Harris agreed.One of the very rare occasions she did so.
'They know what they're doing.'Harris saw no sign of the concealed enemy,but knew they were there.'Let's see how they do then.'
They both noticed the first wave of Sanna troopers,now started to advance on the radio station.Both watched,with interest.
High above them,Peters too,watched the Sanna advance.He was peering at them,through his rifle scope,selecting a suitable target.He had told his comrades in arms,to commence firing,the moment he did,and he was scanning the humanoids,before he found one.The Sanna commander.Peters knew,that if he could eliminate their leader,the Sanna troopers morale,would be badly affected.He'd seen this many times,and always advised this tactic.It had worked extremely well,and Peters was determined to make these cruel invaders suffer.
He was still looking at the humanoid commander,and now aimed.Peters tensed,as he then gently depressed the trigger.The Sanna commander's head disintegrated,into a bloody pulp,and the lifeless body slumped to the ground.It was a perfect shot,and as soon as he'd fired,all the rest of his platoon,opened fire.
Their accuracy was highly skilled,as scores of Sanna troopers fell.There wasn't much return fire,and within moments,all the attacking Sanna,were eliminated.However,Peters didn't rejoice,as he hurriedly reloaded a fresh ammunition clip,into his rifle.Despite the good start,and the grim satisfaction he felt,Peters knew the aliens wouldn't give up that easily.This was just the start of it.
Sure enough,he saw a second attacking group of Sanna,and he began shooting again at them,with his soldiers.
Still keeping under cover,O'Rourke and Harris watched the second Sanna assault.They could see the humanoids being ruthlessly cut down in hordes,by the defenders.Quite clearly,these opponents were highly skilled military.O'Rourke concluded.They were superb shots,and were holding the Sanna at bay.
O'Rourke of course,had no sympathy for any Sanna loss.He was here,merely to suit his own purposes.Harris too,but he was after all,on their side.
'Let's check the rear.'O'Rourke suggested,recognising it would be suicide to join the frontal assault,just like the Sanna were still attempting.'Maybe their defences are weaker there.'
Best to keep sneaky.O'Rourke smirked.He'd been so successful at this,and was utterly confident he'd be so again.Keeping low,he used the Sanna craft as a shield,to protect himself from the defenders deadly fire.Harris,and the rest of his group followed,as they made their way to the rear of the radio station.
Still high above the Sanna craft,Peters kept up his shooting.He could still see the effect it was having on the Sanna.They were losing so many,but more and more just seemed to take their place,and continue their assault up towards them.
'Keep firing!Keep firing!'Peters yelled,encouraging his platoon.He felt very proud of them all.Not one had ran for it,as they continued to blaze away.It was a brilliant example,of superb British army training.Even so,Peters knew that he couldn't hold out forever.His worst fears were realised,when the sound of another Sanna battle craft was heard approaching.It appeared in the sky moments later.The Sanna craft hovered menacingly over the battlefield,as the many,intense flashes of weapon fire was visible below it.It was a scene from hell.
Suddenly,the Sanna ship suddenly switched on several powerful,and blinding searchlights.They concentrated around the radio station,and now lit up the defensive positions.Instantly,energy weapons from the craft,were sent firing into them.They had a devastating impact,destroying and killing.Many of Peters people were vapourised,or blown into bloody corpses.To make matters worse,the Sanna troopers were now making their presence felt,hitting their targets with their own energy weapons.
Human screams ripped into Peters ears.He was still shooting,but could now see the Sanna,were now slowly getting the upper hand.Their defensive perimeter,was now breached,and Sanna troopers were now coming in force.Peters could see the inevitable.There were only a few survivors of his group,and their fire was now having little effect,on the advancing Sanna.It wouldn't be long,before they'd be overrun completely.
Recognising all was now lost,Peters grabbed the microphone on his headset,and made contact with Jennings and Montgomery.
'Get Kelly out of there.'He ordered them curtly.'I'll try to hold-'
It was the last thing Peters said,as he was now brilliantly lit up,by one of the Sanna's probing searchlights.He immediately raised his rifle to shoot,when an energy bolt struck his chest.Peters was killed instantly,and the searchlight went on hunting for more targets.
Finally,all human gunfire ceased,but the Sanna craft remained airborne,as its lights now showed human corpses,as well as Sanna dead.It remained menacingly airborne,its weapons ready to strike again.
Inside the radio station,Jennings glanced grimly at his friends.They could hear very little firing from their own people now,and they all anxiously scanned the monitor screens.They only saw advancing Sanna troopers,and all three of them knew their defences were now in collapse.Kelly's face was full of alarm,but Jennings and Montgomery were determined to protect her.
'Can you disconnect that thing?'Montgomery asked her,gesturing at the Sanna transmitter with his arm.
Kelly saw the powerful muscles Montgomery had.She couldn't believe the strength this man had,but she did reply to him.
'It will take a few minutes,Monty.'Kelly answered.She still remembered the complicated process,trying to understand how the thing worked in the first place.
Suddenly,the alarms sounded again,and the trio all knew what this meant.Montgomery had identified the source.
'That's the rear entrance.'He told Jennings.'Let's go.'
Both men hurried out,leaving Kelly to continue her efforts,to disconnect the Sanna device.She jumped in fright,as more weapon fire was heard,much more closer,and Kelly renewed her attempts,with much more vigour.
Jennings and Montgomery had reached the rear entrance.They stood either side of it,and Montgomery made a silent gesture to him,indicating to stay still.Jennings nodded,as he then watched Montgomery slowly peer out.He was just in time,to recognise O'Rourke's people,and they were throwing grenades,down at the few remaining defenders.The grenade blasts wiped out their friends instantly,and Montgomery then watched O'Rourke's men move closer,to the rear entrance.
His face was hard,turning back to Jennings.His friend too,had heard the demise of his own people,and with the same expression,raised his rifle,ready to shoot his enemies down.However,Montgomery indicated again for him to wait,as he peered out once more.He wanted to see how many of the enemy there were.He could see four of O'Rourke's men,still coming at them,and from the looks on their faces,they weren't expecting any more resistance.They'd obviously thought thy'd dealt with it.Jennings and Montgomery,were determined to prove them wrong.
They both tensed,hearing their enemies footsteps come closer.Montgomery held up his hand,and showed three fingers.He then mouthed a silent countdown from three.Jennings nodded his understanding,and prepared to fire.He watched Montgomery take down one finger at a time,and as soon as he mouthed 'one' both men then leaned out of the door,firing their weapons.They were successful,catching the advancing group of O'Rourke's men,totally by surprise.They clearly didn't expect any more problems,thinking they'd already dealt with it.It was a costly,fatal mistake,as Jennings and Montgomery expertly gunned them down,killing the group.They then raced outside,and into more cover.
Stunned,O'Rourke and Harris watched their first fatalities,and then saw two men race out from inside the base.They instantly opened fire on them,but were unable to see any successful hits.They only had four more men with them,and Harris turned to two of them.
'Set up a sniper position.'Her voice was sharp.'Take those two out.'
The two men nodded,and crept away,seeking that position.They kept low,and O'Rourke and Harris kept up a shooting barrage,hoping to keep their enemies heads down.
However,peering out from his own cover,Jennings had spotted the two men sneaking away.He could see one of the weapons the men were holding,and he turned back to Montgomery.
'Sniper threat.'He warned.
Montgomery nodded,and prepared his own weapon,whilst Jennings too,made counter measures.He reached into his battle pack,and produced a small,wooden tube.It was actually a spying glass,but Jennings always used it,to spy out any hidden enemy.It had also proved its worth,in sniper engagements.Both Jennings and Montgomery were masters in this field,and they always prevailed over any enemy sniper.Under normal circumstances,this took infinite patience,and could last days.
However,time was not on their side,and both of them knew,that the enemy had to be dealt with,and quickly.Fortunately,Jennings knew he had an extra weapon up his sleeve.
'Hunt,you there?'He called into his radio.
'Roger,Jennings.'A woman's voice answered him.'I see you and Monty.'
Well camoflagued,and observing the battle from a distance,a young woman lay on the ground,holding a deadly,powerful sniper rifle.This was Hunt.She was a really good,loyal friend of Jennings and Montgomery.Out of uniform,Hunt was a very attractive woman,but now she was in it,and ready for action.These two men had trained her,to be a soldier,and Hunt relished it.She too,utterly despised the Sanna invaders,and took great pleasure in eliminating them.Yet,Hunt also had extra motive,and this was against O'Rourke,and especially Harris.Hunt had sworn to herself,that she would kill this murderous bitch.She'd gunned down her brothers in cold blood,as they tried to protect her.Jennings and Montgomery had carried her to safety,but it had been too late for her brothers,and Hunt would never forget that awful memory.
This was why she trained to be a sniper.It was the ultimate skill of a soldier,to master this,and Hunt was always grateful to her two new friends,who showed her the ropes.Hunt though,had to control her bloodlust,as Jennings told her,whilst he trained her.
'You don't shoot to kill for pleasure.You do it professionally,and above all,you keep your position hidden from the enemy.Never waste a shot,Hunt.Remember,its always one shot,one kill.Got it?' She did.
Hunt could see the Sanna had just about defeated her people.Her face was almost contorted into a snarl,as she could only watch her people being killed.She made sure that many of the Sanna troopers paid dearly for this.Every time Hunt fired her rifle,it was only one shot,one kill.The rifle she was holding,was a Barret .50 calibre.This could do tremendous damage to the Sanna.It easily pierced through the Sanna armour,and used right,could even destroy enemy vehicles.It was a very deadly weapon,and Hunt loved it.
Keeping an eye on the enemy hiding above Jennings and Montgomery,Hunt's finger never left the trigger,waiting for another opportunity to shoot.She'd already made several successful kills here,her Sanna targets never knew what had hit them,and Hunt swore to herself,that she'd protect her friends,especially Jennings.
Jennings carefully held the wooden tube into a vertical position,and he then peered into the bottom of the tube.He could clearly see the terrain above him,and began scanning for any suitable shooting positions,the enemy may use.He still had to keep low,as they were still being fired upon,but Jennings kept calm,and continued searching.At the moment,he saw nothing,but he had an idea.Reaching into his battle pack again,Jennings produced a spare combat helmet.He then placed it on top of a branch,and nodding over to Montgomery to get ready,slowly raised the helmet.
Instantly,the helmet was shot away.Jennings wasn't hit,but he saw the helmet roll away from him,seeing the single bullet hole in it.This was what he wanted,as he made the mental calculations of the angle of the shot.Then,he peered again into the wooden tube,on a particular area.Sure enough,he'd found his target,seeing the faint trail of smoke,evidently coming from a weapon.
Signalling to Montgomery that he had,Jennings informed him of wind speed,and range.Montgomery was already aiming,and making the necessary adjustments on his weapon.After waiting for a few moments,he finally found his target.A man's head,was peering out.Only the top of his head could be seen,but that was more than enough for Montgomery.He then gently squeezed the trigger.He hit the man exactly where he'd aimed for,and was satisfied to see the man's body forced violently back.Montgomery then noticed another one of O'Rourke's men,who was forced into view.He quickly switched his rifle to him,and made another successful kill.
Stunned,O'Rourke and Harris could only watch again,as their men were easily disposed off.In particular,Harris clenched her teeth,as she turned to the remaining two men,ordering them to try again.They both nodded,and had just moved of,when suddenly,they all heard a booming shot,and one of the two men exploded into oblivion.His body disintergrated,instantly making O'Rourke and Harris duck.The remaining man was caught in the open,and both Jennings and Montgomery cut him down.
Furious,O'Rourke now knew they had a highly skilled sniper to deal with.He quickly turned to Harris.
'Get in touch with the Sanna for air support.'He ordered coldly.'Tell them to take that sniper out.'
Harris was already relaying that request,and within moments,they noticed the Sanna craft hover into view again.A sneer was now visible on both their faces,as they watched the Sanna ship loom overhead.
Not so on Jennings and Montgomery.They held hardened expressions,as they saw the Sanna craft now turn towards in Hunt's direction.Jennings knew he had to deal with this threat,if he didn't,Hunt was dead meat.He glanced quickly down,scanning for a better weapon.He was lucky,as he grabbed a missile launcher.As soon as he did so,Jennings made contact with Hunt again.
'Hunt!Get out of there!'He told her.'I'll cover you.Monty.'
He'd glanced at his friend saying that,and Montgomery understood.As Jennings prepared himself,Montgomery unleashed another long burst from his rifle,keeping O'Rourke and Harris' heads down.Then,Jennings stood quickly up,and after aiming upwards,he fired.
Whooosh!The missile streaked up towards the Sanna craft.They were heavily armoured,and capable of withstanding enourmous punishment,but Jennings knew precisely where to aim for,and targeted the engine exhausts.The missile hit right where he'd wanted it.The Sanna craft violently shuddered,and after a sheet of flame engulfed the rear,the Sanna ship plummeted to the ground.As it did so,the resulting explosion from it,killed many of their own Sanna number.
Jennings had instantly ducked back into cover,and threw the rocket launcher away.It was useless now,but it had served its purpose.Jennings sincerely hoped he'd bought Hunt some priceless time,to escape.He was just about to finish off the remaining enemy,when suddenly,another Sanna craft appeared right over them.
Montgomery instantly stood up,still firing at the hiding O'Rourke and Harris.He realised they only had seconds to spare.He grabbed Jennings by the shoulder.
'Let's go,John!'He shouted urgently.
'Damn it,Monty!'Jennings shook his head angrily.'We can't leave Kelly!'
Before Montgomery could respond,they were both caught in one of the searchlights.Montgomery then pulled his friend up,and they both jumped clear,just as a Sanna weapon fired at them.Both men were sent flying,and they tumbled down a rocky embankment.Their bodies didn't move,when they finally lay still.
Smirking,O'Rourke and Harris stood up,as the Sanna craft moved away.They were now free,to enter the base without any more opposition.Both gazed down at the two unmoving forms of Jennings and Montgomery.Their smirks remained,as both were pleased,knowing they'd won the day.
'Shall I finish them off?'Harris asked,fully prepared to do so.
O'Rourke took out a pair of binoculars,and scanned the still unmoving men for a few moments.He could see they'd both fallen a long way down the embankment,and their bodies were covered in blood.
'No need.'He smiled,handing over the binoculars.'They're both dead.Take a look yourself.'
Harris did so.She could see a lot of blood on both men.Falling down this type of terrain,there was more than a good chance of serious injury,or death,and it was a long way down.
'Okay.I agree.'She then handed the binoculars back,as O'Rourke moved in front,entering the base,Harris was right behind him.
As soon as they entered,both could hear a young woman's voice up ahead.The voice was frantic,and frightened,as she was calling for any outside help.O'Rourke allowed himself an evil smile,as he headed in the girl's direction.
Still trying to dismantle the Sanna transmitter,Kelly was getting more and more frightened.She heard no more firing outside,but could clearly recognise the heavy sound of Sanna footsteps coming closer.She was full of despair and dismay,knowing Jennings and Montgomery had been killed.Her last two protectors had gone.She was easy meat.
Do something!Kelly urged herself.She then decided to call for help.The Sanna transmitter was still connected,and any message Kelly could send out,would certainly go a great distance.It could even reach the furthest depths of unexplored space.
Grabbing a mircophone on the desk next to her,Kelly began frantically speaking,or more accurately,screaming into it.
'This is Captain Kelly Finch!We are under attack by the Sanna,invading our planet Earth,requesting immediate assistance!Please respond!'
No reassuring reply came back to her,only static.
'Anybody!'Kelly tried again.'Please,somebody helmmmmmffffffff!'
Kelly's call for help was sharply ended,when a black,gloved hand clamped over her mouth.A strong arm with a vice-like grip,seized her waist,and her unseen captor pulled her tightly back.Her eyes bulged,and she stiffened in horror,when she recognised O'Rourke's unwanted voice chuckle into her ear.
'Well,well.'O'Rourke was pleased,as he admired his latest catch.'What do we have here? A very pretty lady,and in uniform too.'He continued to chuckle.'Very nice,my dear.I like you.'
He then spun Kelly around to face the coldly smiling Harris,as he asked;
'She is very pretty,don't you think so,Harris?'
Harris maintained her cold smile,as she eyed Kelly up.She was pleased to see the fear in the girl's eyes,but she was even more pleased,to see the Sanna transmitter.Just at that moment,Sanna troopers entered the room,making Kelly scream in fear behind O'Rourke's hand.There were plenty of them,and all seemed to stare impassively at her,but Kelly knew otherwise.She knew they abducted many women,and it was practically guaranteed,they'd seize her too.
However,Kelly then felt O'Rourke press himself into her,making her giving out another attempted scream of fear,but O'Rourk made sure she remained hand gagged.
What's he going to do with me? Kelly thought frantically.It had been confirmed,that O'Rourke was a serial kidnapper of young,very beautiful women.Kelly didn't regard herself as beautiful.Pretty,yes,but that fact now made her tremble in fear,as she also recalled O'Rourke,was a rapist.She'd read this,from intelligence reports on him.Many of her female friends,civilian or military,had been captured by his people,and now,she too,was now his.
Kelly was full of terror,as one of the Sanna stepped forward to examine the transmitter.The humanoid made some readings on it,before he turned menacingly towards Kelly.
'The human female was able to send out a message.'The Sanna's voice hissed in English,making Kelly's skin crawl.All of the humanoids wore translators,in all their theatres of war,so they could issue commands to their conquered victims.
'Is that a problem?' O'Rourke asked him,now pressing himself into Kelly's back,enjoying her gagged mumbles,although he was still interested in the transmitter.
'The female sent a message into space.'The Sanna answered him,clearly irritated by this human's lack of understanding.No wonder they were winning this war,over this contemptible race.It was so obvious,and simple.'We must make certain,that the message will not reach any of our enemies.'
The Sanna then turned to one of his own,ordering.'Find out what she sent,and send a request to battlefleet command.Ask them to track the message route.See who will receive it.'
This was duly obeyed,and as they waited,the first Sanna moved right up to Kelly,towering over her.The humanoid then placed his weapon under the girl's chin,and leaned his face closer to her.
'I admire your courage,human female.'He was pleased to see Kelly's eyes,bulge up at him,in utter fear.'You understood our technology.'He then acknowledged,giving Kelly a rare compliment.The Sanna didn't do that much,especially to their enemies.
'However,my dear.'The Sanna used his gun to lift Kelly's chin up more.'You must hope for your sake,that nobody will have heard your pathetic plea for help.'
Kelly was still mumbling fearfully behind O'Rourke's hand,when she heard one of the Sanna reported in.
'Signal sent,and received.Battlefleet tracking message path,Commander.'
There was a tense wait for a few moments,but then,the humanoid heard the result.It was good news,for the Sanna.
'Battle fleet command reports,only empty space ahead of message trajectory,Commander.'He reported.'No hostile system to us,will receive.'
'Excellent.'The Sanna commander was pleased to hear that,although he still held his weapon under Kelly's chin.The girl's eyes stared back at him,in utter terror,especially at what the humanoid said next,as she watched him glance up at O'Rourke.
'You may keep the human female.'The Sanna told him.'As a reward for your assistance here.'
This pleased O'Rourke immensely.It was precisely what he wanted to hear,pressing himself hard,into Kelly's back,making the girl scream behind his hand.
'Hmmmmmfffff!Hmmmmmffffff!'Kelly's attempted scream for help,was desperate,but O'Rourke kept his hand tight.
Turning to Harris,he ordered her.'Find something to tie her up.'
'With pleasure.'Harris nodded,still smiling coldly at Kelly.She then produced a combat knife,and turned her attention to the floor.There were many electrical cables lying here,and Harris knelt down and used the knife,to slice through them.This made the monitor screens go black,as they lost power,but Harris knew this was perfect material,to secure the girl.The cable was thin,but it was made of tough material,and after she'd cut several lengths,stood back up,and nodded to O'Rourke.
Very reluctantly,O'Rourke removed his hand from Kelly's mouth.He'd enjoyed handgagging her,but he promptly shoved the girl into Harris' eager grip.Kelly yelped in fright,as Harris seized her.The cold faced woman,instantly forced Kelly's hands behind her back,and keeping a tight hold on them with one hand,grabbed a length of cable coil,and began to wind it around Kelly's wrists.She lashed several coils over them,making sure the girl's hands would be secure.After a few moments,Harris finished,making the last knots tight,making Kelly grunt in pain.She tried to reach the knots,but it was hopeless.Kelly felt the coils cut into her skin,and realised her hands were useless.Then,she felt Harris force her down,onto her knees,and saw more loops of cable being wrapped over,and under her chest.
Harris enjoyed this.She could see O'Rourke was too.He was almost drooling,gazing lustfully down at the girl,enjoying the coils being tied over Kelly's smart uniform,and relished her distress.He was pleased to see the girl's breasts expand,as Harris secured the coils over Kelly's upper body.She looked damn good,in her smart all blue uniform too.Kelly noticed his look,and was fully alarmed to see him get an erection.Her captors were enjoying watching her,being tied up,and Kelly could do nothing to resist.Nothing at all.
Harris wound more loops of the thin cable,over Kelly's waist,thighs,and finally,her ankles.After securing Kelly,she then produced a roll of silver duct tape,but before she tore off a strip to gag the girl,she gripped Kelly's chin hard,forcing her to look up at her.
'You're very pretty,my dear.'Harris told her,still coldly smiling at her.'Now,let's make you even more pretty.'
She then tore off a strip of the tape,and forced it over Kelly's mouth.The girl's eyes still bulged up at her.Harris made sure the gag was tight,and once satisfied it was,nodded at O'Rourke.
'Good work,Harris.'He was delighted.'Let's take her back to base.'
O'Rourke moved forward to Kelly's kneeling,bound and gagged form.Then,he reached down,grabbing her,and placed her over his shoulder.Kelly was mumbling fearfully into her gag,as he did so.He smiled,as he carried his prize out.The Sanna had now,taken their transmitter,and were also heading out.As O'Rourke carried her out of the radio station,Kelly suddenly noticed all her dead friends,and she started to cry in anguish.All these people had died,trying to protect her,but it was all in vain.Kelly never felt so much dismay,and despair.
The Sanna then returned to their craft,and were pleased to recover their transmitter.O'Rourke and Harris followed them on board,and after a few moments,the ramp was raised,and the Sanna craft lifted away,to return on patrol.
O'Rourke carried Kelly to the detention area,aboard the Sanna craft.He took her into one of the small cells,and placed her gently on the floor,but made sure the girl was on her back.He then straddled her,still relishing Kely's terror.
'Very,very pretty,aren't you?'O'Rourke stroked a finger down her cheek.'I love your uniform,and love seeing a beauty like yourself,bound and gagged in it.I can't wait to ravish you,my pretty.'
He then began to enjoy himself,fondling,and groping Kelly's breasts.He then stroked his hand,along her tightly bound,nyloned legs..The girl mumbled again into her tape gag,now knowing this monster,was going to rape her.She'd never felt so helpless.All Kelly could think off,was her two best friends,Jennings and Montgomery.If they were still alive,she'd have a chance,and Kelly hadn't seen their bodies.So maybe,just maybe,they'd survived the battle,and were now coming for her.
They must be alive!Kelly thought frantically,as she clenched her eyes shut in revulsion,from O'Rourke's groping hands.They've got to be!
Suddenly,O'Rourke received orders from the Sanna,to report back up to the bridge.He reluctantly stopped fondling Kelly,knowing it was a bad idea to keep them waiting.But just before he did leave,O'Rourke gripped Kelly's chin.
'I'm wanted for the moment,my dear.'He leaned close into her face.'But rest assured though,I'm coming back,to enjoy myself.'
He then gave her,an unwanted kiss on her gagged mouth,before he departed,locking Kelly into the cell.He also gave her a very nasty,threatening smile,before he hurried away.
Frantically,Kelly rolled all over the cell floor,struggling like mad against her bonds.She tried everything to get loose,but nothing gave.In the end,she tired herself out,and started to cry again.It wasn't just the threat of rape from O'Rourke worrying Kelly.She knew the Sanna would be determined to interrogate her,on her knowledge of their technology.There was also the grim possibility,that they would use her as a hostage,against her own people.
She just lay on the cell floor,dominated by despair,and praying for a miracle,that her friends would rescue her.For now,all Kelly could do,was stare in utter fear at the cell door,praying that when it opened,it wouldn't be O'Rourke returning to ravish her helpless,bound,gagged body.
Chapter 2 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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