Tokyo Bay was an enormous area of water by the capital city.It was also an excellent place for natural harbours,and this made it a constant thrive of shipping activity.Many Japanese and international vessels came to and fro here,and if an observer had witnessed the boats frequently passing each other,they would have thought it would take somebody special to sort it out.There was.
Nobody knew this port better than Nikki Mifune.She was a young,pretty Japanese woman.Nikki had shoulder length raven hair,a pair of warm eyes,and of course,a first class brain.Nikki was the harbour master here.It was her responsibility,to direct the shipping traffic,and to make sure the vessels didn't bump into each other.A lot of the ships were huge,ranging from passenger liners,to supertankers.Nikki had received some stunned looks,from the bridge crews,when she boarded the required boats to guide them into the harbour,or out.
Fortunately,Nikki knew her job very well.She was highly skilled in it,and once she proved it to the ships crews,they all stepped forward to congratulate her.Nothing nasty or anything sexist had been said towards her.The crews were far too professional for that sort of thing.In fact,she'd made a lot of new friends from them.
The same could be said of the port's security officer,Yuri Hamma.Like Nikki,Yuri was also a young woman,and they were great friends.Nikki also thought she was really beautiful.Yuri's hair fell down her back,and she too,had a warm pretty face.Many passers by,and even the ships crews stood in awe at her.This made Yuri blush,but she always returned a warm smile.She was a very friendly woman.
Even so,Yuri was no fool.Her duties as chief security officer here,was very important.There wasn't just normal shipping activity happening here.A lot of ports worldwide,had some serious crime problems.Japanese ports were no exception.Yuri had to keep her eyes peeled,for any suspicious movements.She'd had to deal with problems before,and they were serious ones.Smuggling was the main concern,and Yuri had boarded a lot of boats.Many had passed her strict security checks,but there was always one,which was trying to hide something from her.In all her recent searches,Yuri and her people had found weapons,cash,even diamonds and gold.Yet what really shocked her,was finding young women being concealed too.All the women were from Asia,being Japanese,Chinese,Korean,and Malaysian.Yuri had also been shocked to find these women bound and gagged tightly.Obviously,the women had been kidnapped.Yuri and Nikki knew of sex slavery rings that smuggled their kidnapped human cargo out.Ports were a frequent hot spot for this,and Nikki and Yuri were both determined to stop this.They were always glad to free these women,and would always continue to do so.
However,unknown to Nikki and Yuri,their successes had been discovered by Kim Yang.She was the one that organised the transport out of the ports,with their kidnapped human cargo.There had been many interceptions of her boats,by Yuri and Nikki,and this had infuriated Kim Yang.She swore a personal promise,to take care of these two interfering women.She'd been brought photographs of them,and had immediately ordered her people to seize them.Her people had sent her a recent message,confirming they were in the port,and were watching their targets closely.Pleased,Kim Yang had told them to wait for the right moment to grab them.She wouldn't be far behind.
Both Nikki and Yuri were now sitting in the harbour master's office.Both girls were finishing up,and were ready to go home.It had been a really busy day,but more than manageable.Nikki and Yuri were smartly dressed in their uniforms.Nikki wore a single breasted pocket blue shirt,with a matching knee length blue skirt.She wore dark nylons with smartly polished black high heels.Yuri wore a white,double breasted pockets,and a black knee length skirt.Her nylons were clear,but her shoes matched Nikki's.The two of them,looked really smart,and they had received admiring glances all day.I was nice to see,but finally,the girls had to get back to work.
At the moment,only Nikki and Yuri were the only two present,in the office.Everybody else had gone home,or was busy doing something else.Nikki then glanced down,at her next assigned work schedule.A boat was arriving from Hong Kong.Nikki gazed at the photograph of the vessel.It was big,sleek,impressive,and looked very much like a millionaire's plaything.It certainly appeared to offer luxury.
Nikki could see that the captain of the boat,was known as Liu.She'd never heard of him,but had requested to meet her.Nikki had met a lot of the shipping community,and made a lot of friends with them.Always willing to make a new one,Nikki decided to go down,and greet him.They had advised her,that they would require no assistance in docking.
Somewhat curious,Nikki decided to do a background check on the boat.She could see it had never visited this port before,but it had been to Tokyo Bay.
That's odd.She thought.As harbour master,Nikki was always well informed of the frequent boats who used these waters,and she knew a fair amount.This boat eluded her memory,but it didn't really worry her.Many people passed through her port,and it was impossible to know everyone.Nikki had more important things to worry about.Still,she was intrigued.
Glancing up at Yuri,who was still reading her security reports,Nikki asked her.
'You know anything about this boat,Yuri?'
Her friend glanced back up at her curiously.Yuri then rose up from her seat,and walked over to see for herself.She looked at the boat's picture and details for a few moments,before responding.
'Sorry,Nikki.'Yuri had to shrug.'Never seen them before.You think there's something wrong?'
Nikki glanced back at the information displayed for her.She was getting a bad feeling inside her,and didn't feel quite right about something.It was a creepy feeling.
'I know we get a lot of late arrivals here.'Nikki admitted.'It's just...'She left it unfinished.
'Just what,Nikki?'Yuri asked curiously.
After a few moments thought,Nikki decided to leave it.
'Oh,forget it.'She smiled.'Maybe I've been working too much.I just need a holiday,and soon.'
Nikki admitted,that she needed a break.Her job demanded a lot from it,and getting time off,was very rare.Although Nikki did enjoy her work,she still felt it would do her good,to get away for a while.
'Mind if I join you?'Yuri smiled too,asking that.'I'm hoping to get some time off myself.'
'You're always welcome.'Nikki nodded her full approval.Both girls were great friends,spending a lot of time together.Even away from work,they were still a good team,and had some great laughs.
Nikki then glanced over at Yuri's desk,seeing the mountains of paperwork there.
'Anything exciting happening your way then,Yuri?'
'No,not really.'Yuri shook her head.She had read through a lot of security reports,and was now going to call it a day.She badly wanted a stress free evening,and would start on the remaining paperwork tomorrow.
'Just been checking some reports for the office.'Yuri continued.She was also still thinking of finding the hidden,bound and gagged women earlier.That had really shocked her,and it made her smile vanish.Nikki saw her friend's worried frown,and put a reassuring hand on Yuri's shoulder.
'You're still thinking of those girls? You shouldn't worry.They're fine.You freed them,and they're safe now.'
Nikki kept her smile,hoping to see Yuri's smile return,but it didn't.
'I know they are,Nikki,but who on earth could do such a horrible thing to those girls?'Yuri shook her head disbelievingly.'To tie them up,and put them like that,had to be the act of a monster.'
Nikki agreed.She too,had been stunned,once she'd found out.She really hoped the police would get those responsible,for making those girls suffer,wherever they were.
In fact,they were a lot more closer than Nikki realised.Watching the two girls working in the harbour master's office,was Kim Yang.She was watching their every move,through a pair of binoculars.She was pleased to see that her intelligence,had been spot on.The two women were alone,and she was especially pleased to see both Nikki and Yuri in uniform.What also pleased Kim Yang,was that her latest two targets,were young,highly attractive women.Their smart uniforms increased her desire,to have them under her power.
Definitely two more additions.Kim Yang thought confidently.She then signalled her waiting people,to move in and take the two girls.
With her orders acknowledged,she then turned back to leer down at Sarah.The English girl was still seated,bound and gagged.Her favourite prize was still making vain struggles against the tight ropes.Not one loop of rope tied over her slackened.This made Sarah stare fearfully up at Kim Yang,knowing the woman had done an expert job tying her up.Her face was filled with utter dismay,and her eyes widened,as Kim Yang took a hold of her chin.
'Won't be long now,my dear.'Kim Yang told her prisoner pleasantly.'My boat will be arriving here soon,and then,I'm going to take you straight to my cabin.We can get reacquainted.I'm looking forward to that.'She smiled,which Sarah hated.'Won't you?'
Tightly gagged,Sarah couldn't respond,but she wasn't looking forward to it.She fully knew what Kim Yang was going to do to her.Sarah still had horrible memories,of when she'd been seized by Kim Yang's men,just after John had saved her from the then sinking 'Eastern Princess.'The Chinese woman had enjoyed herself with Sarah,and her prisoner's fears were increasing,knowing this was going to happen again to her.
Just then,Kim Yang's mobile rang.
'Yes?'She answered curtly.
The caller was one of Takachi's men,and he explained what was being brought to her.
'Excellent.'Kim Yang was pleased.'Bring them to warehouse 15.I'll be waiting for you here.'
She then ended the call,and was looking forward to seeing the Japanese girls from the bank again.
'We're going to have some company,Sarah.'Kim Yang's voice reflected her pleasure.'All those pretty girls you saw back at the bank,are now mine.So you won't be alone in your predicament,my dear.'
Sarah could only continue to stare back in horror hearing this.The woman was a ruthless kidnapper.How long she'd been working in the slavery business,was pure conjecture.But what Sarah did know,was that she needed to be rescued,and fast.If Kim Yang got her on that boat,John wouldn't be able to find her,and a grim life of sexual slavery awaited.
Where is he? Sarah's thoughts were frantic for her brother,hoping he'd get here in time to stop them.She was still frightened for his safety,knowing the bad guys were preparing a trap for him,back at the bank.Surely,they wouldn't kill him? Sarah prayed John would outsmart them.
Her grim thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of vehicles approaching.Maybe it was John,with the police.Sarah's hopes soared.Kim Yang had also heard the sound,and moved quickly to one of the windows to see.She was delighted to see the two vans she'd seen outside the bank,pull up outside her warehouse hideout.She turned back to Sarah,smiling.
'Well,here's the latest pretty stock,Sarah.'Kim Yang's statement crushed Sarah's hopes ruthlessly.She then stroked a finger down the girl's cheek.'Now you stay right there,my pretty.I'll be back soon.'
Kim Yang then left her,going down to make sure the transfer of her latest captives went smoothly.As soon as she had left,Sarah renewed her efforts to free herself,much more frantically this time.She really tried,even desperately shaking her head to try and loosen her gag,but all to no avail.Sarah had to finally slump into her chair,utterly defeated.Her faint,but frightened mumbles were heard by nobody.
Down below,Kim Yang was pleased to see Takachi's men work quickly,and efficiently.Every one of the still bound and gagged girls,was carried over the shoulder,and taken into the warehouse.All the girls were then placed face down on the floor,and then,Kim Yang ordered a couple of them to stand guard over them.The rest of the men,headed back to the vans,and to drive back to their master.
Kim Yang then strode up to the long line of girls.She was inwardly drooling.They were all beauties,and she thought the fear they were showing to her,made them even more appealing.
Still,she smirked down at them,relishing it.
'Now then,ladies.'Kim Yang spoke fluent Japanese to them all.'I want you all to be very quiet,which is why you are all gagged of course.'Her smirk widened saying that.'So you had all better be sensible,and not to attempt to reveal your presence here.That will have severe repercussions for you all.Do I make myself quite clear,ladies?'
There was plenty of menace in Kim Yang's tone,and still seeing the fear in her prisoners,she was satisfied.She was also hearing a lot of whimpering from the girls,and Kim Yang relished it.There was nothing better,than to have many pretty girls under her power.She was delighted at this catch,and was still drooling over what the girls were wearing.Every one of her new captives,had obeyed her strict instructions,regarding the dress code,and she then stepped forward to inspect their bonds.Kim Yang turned each one of the girls over onto their backs,enjoying their terrified eyes above the black tape gags.She was pleased to see Takachi's men had done well.Their bindings were more than secure.
'Good.'Kim Yang nodded in satisfaction,after she'd inspected them all.None of the girls would be able to escape.Just then,she received another call on her mobile.It was Liu.She and the Thai captain had stayed together,planning their next move,since they lost all their priceless merchandise.Losing girls was a costly business to them,but both Kim Yang and Liu didn't give up that easily.They'd made plenty of money through their slavery rings,and were not prepared to lose it.
'I'm about half an hour from you.'Liu reported.'Have you the English girl?'He quite clearly hadn't forgotten Sarah.
'Safely bound and gagged,as we speak.'Kim Yang enjoyed saying that.'I'm just going to get those two women in the harbour master's office.Make sure you have plenty of room.There's plenty of girls I've got here.'
'Don't worry.'Liu answered her confidently.'There is.'
'Good.'Kim Yang too,responded in the same manner.'Just get here on time.'
'Understood.I'll be there.'
With that,Liu ended the call,and Kim Yang gestured for two of Takachi's men to accompany her back upstairs,where Sarah was.The girl jumped in her seat,as Kim Yang forcefully entered.A sinister smile revealed her pleasure,as she knew her prize remained in her clutches.
'I have to leave you for a while,Sarah.'Kim Yang told her,gripping the girl's chin again.'I have a couple of binding matters to attend to,so I hope you won't give your guards any trouble.I will be very disappointed in you,if you do cause any trouble.'
She maintained her hold on Sarah's chin,and now spoke menacingly,her face right in front of the girl.
'If you do,I will make you suffer,my dear.I promise you that.'
Just for a brief second,Sarah saw the total inhumanity in her captor's eyes.She flinched in terror,seeing the woman's menacing face,but then Kim Yang leaned more into her,kissing Sarah's neck.She chuckled at Sarah's faint,but gagged mumbles.It was only just for a moment though,as she pulled back from her.There were other matters to attend to.
'Just do as you're told,Sarah.'The Chinese woman then ran a hand through Sarah's shoulder length,smooth silky hair lovingly.'You will learn to obey me,my pretty.Or else.'
Kim Yang left that unfinished,leaving the threat in the air.She then turned to the two silent men,waiting for instructions.
'Guard her well,and make sure she doesn't escape.'Kim Yang's smile frightened Sarah even more,especially when she heard Kim Yang go on.'She has a brother that may come for her.If he does,kill him,but remember,I want the girl alive,and unharmed.'
Both of Takachi's men nodded,and stood close to Sarah,who looked on in horror at Kim Yang.However,the Chinese woman hurried back down,and ordered another two men to accompany her.Sarah still sat in despair.
Nikki and Yuri were still working in the harbour masters office.Both girls were nearly finished,and would soon relax with a drink.Yuri was getting bored,working through all this paperwork.It had proved a welcome distraction,to her earlier,shocking discovery.Yuri would never forget the awful sight of those many bound,and gagged girls,cramped up in a hidden hold of that boat.She sincerely hoped that sort of thing,would never happen to her.
Yuri then rose up from her desk,to make a drink for herself and Nikki.There was a small kitchen area in the office,and she went into it.Nikki heard her go into the kitchen,but she was too absorbed in her work.She still felt uneasy about this incoming boat,and was typing in details of its previous shipping routes,but there was nothing she could find.
Yuri had put two mugs ready,and had prepared to make fresh jasmine tea.This was a refreshing drink,and she and Nikki both needed it.She was calmly waiting for the kettle to boil,when suddenly,she felt a gloved hand clamp over her mouth.Her eyes bulged in shock,as Yuri also felt her waist seized from behind.Something then prodded into her back.It felt metallic,and cold.
Stunned and shocked at this,Yuri reeled,trying to instantly scream a warning to Nikki,but the hand over her mouth was very tight.Yuri then smelled perfume,and realised her unseen captor,was a woman.This was confirmed,when Yuri heard a woman's voice whisper menacingly into her ear.
'Don't make a sound.'The voice was cold too.'You and your pretty lady friend will pay for it,if you do.'
Yuri never got the chance to respond,despite being handgagged.She was then forced back into the office,still full of fear.
Nikki had heard a commotion behind her,and thought Yuri had dropped something.She'd turned curiously to see what was going on,but when she saw her best friend tightly held,by a menacing Chinese woman,Nikki froze.There were also two Japanese men behind the Chinese woman,and they held pistols.Both of the weapons were aimed at her.
'Who are you people?'Nikki asked them fearfully.'What do you want here? Let her go.'
'At the moment,Miss Mifune.'The Chinese woman spoke to her,keeping a tight hold on Yuri's struggling form,eagerly eyeing up her latest hostage.'Just your co-operation,if you don't want to get hurt,or Miss Hamma here.'
'How do you know our names?'Nikki was stunned.Who was this woman? She could tell though,that she was a really nasty piece of work,especially the way she was holding Yuri.Her friend's eyes bulged in utter fear at her.
'I know a lot about you,Miss Mifune.'Kim Yang informed her.'And Miss Hamma here too.You see,I've wanted my hands on you two beauties,for quite some time.You've also interfered greatly in my shipping business,and cost me a lot of money.'
Kim Yang smirked at her.She was pleased to see the two women this close,dressed in their uniforms.There were slight differences in the girls clothes,but they still looked very sexy in them.She was glad she was taking them with her.
'You're after money?'Nikki was still baffled by this intrusion.She was desperate for them to release Yuri.'There's no money here.'
Nikki couldn't disguise the contempt in her voice,saying that final statement,but she could clearly see,that the Chinese woman,wasn't the slightest bothered.
'Money?'Kim Yang was faintly amused.'I have enough money to last ten lifetimes.Oh no,its very simple.You and Miss Hamma have interfered to much,with my shipments.That has cost me a lot of money,so I've decided to do something about it.You're both coming with me.'
'You're kidnapping us?'Nikki again spoke in contempt to her.It was then,that both Nikki and Yuri realised who this woman was.She had to be the one,who had put those women,trussed up,and hidden into a boat to sell overseas.She'd now come to prevent them,from stopping her boats again.
'You really think you'll get away with this?'Nikki still spoke in contempt,but she was now getting really scared.
She then noticed the woman and her two silent men,slowly smile at her.This made Nikki start to tremble even more.
'It will be interesting to see,if anybody can stop me.'Kim Yang admitted,but never seriously expected any problems.There was still no word of Jennings arriving,and even though there was no word from Takachi,at least he hadn't warned her,that there would be any problems.
Kim Yang then gestured with her head at Nikki,although her order was meant for her two waiting,but still ominously silent men.
'Tie her up.'She leered into Yuri's terror stricken face.'I'll take care of this beauty myself.'
Her chuckles really made both Nikki's and Yuri's skin crawl,as they suddenly saw plenty of rope being taken out.The two men advanced on Nikki,and seized her,forcing her onto the floor,before one of them yanked her wrists behind her back.He then started to lash the rope over the girl's wrists,whilst his accomplice tied Nikki's ankles together.
'Make sure you tie them up tight.'Kim Yang instructed coldly.'I don't want any of these two to escape.'
The two men nodded,and continued to wind more loops of rope over Nikki's helpless form.Kim Yang was pleased to hear the girl yelp out in pain,as her hands were made secure.The men worked quickly,wrapping horizontal loops over and below Nikki's chest.Kim Yang was eyeing the men's performance,with a critical eye,ready to point out any mistake.However,Nikki felt the ropes tighten into her,and knew there was no way she could get them off.Her despairing face,was enough evidence for Kim Yang to see,that she had another pretty prize secure.
Finally,the two men stood up,glancing at Kim Yang,seeking her approval for their efforts.She nodded in return,before ordering them.'Gag her.'
'No!Please!'Nikki yelped,not wanting that to happen.However,her pleas were coldly ignored.One of the men lifted her chin,before the other then forced a large strip of silver duct tape over Nikki's mouth,firmly silencing her.Nikki's eyes were wide,staring in terror at her captors.She was shocked and really frightened,but Kim Yang just kept on smirking down at her.
'Where you're going,my dear.'Kim Yang told her.'You're going to accept any hands to savour yours,and the delicious Miss Hamma's body here.I will personally have a lot of fun with you myself,before I decide to sell you both.'
Both Nikki and Yuri could only stare at her in horror,to what this woman was telling them.Their futures didn't look at all promising,and Kim Yang then felt Yuri tremble in her grip.She was pleased.
She then gently kissed Yuri's long,smooth,and very pleasantly scented hair,before increasing her captives woes.
'I know both of you will make my clients,raise some very impressive bids,once you're put up for sale.It's a guaranteed fact,that you'll both fetch excellent prices.'
Yuri tried to scream behind the woman's tight handgag.She was full of dread,and her trembling increased much more.The horror in her,knowing that she and Nikki were going to be tied up,gagged,and then dumped into a boat,ready to be sold as sex slaves,was overpowering her.Who on earth could help them? Yuri thought frantically,but there was nobody.This area of the docks,was deserted.None of her people were here,and there was no chance of rescue for her,or Nikki.
'Right.'Kim Yang suddenly became more businesslike.'Pass me the rope.I'll tie this beauty up.'
One of the men threw her the ropes.There was plenty of it,and working quickly,Kim Yang bound Yuri up the same way as Nikki was.She too,forced a strip of silver duct tape over Yuri's mouth.She then shoved the girl into one of the men's eager grip.
'Take them back to the warehouse.'She ordered.'Don't let anybody see you.'
Both of Takachi's men nodded,and promptly lifted Nikki and Yuri over their shoulders.They then quietly,but quickly headed back to the warehouse,and await new orders.
Just then,Kim Yang received another call from Liu.
'Any problems?'He asked her.
'Just waiting for you.'Kim Yang answered.'Where are you now?'
'I'm approaching the harbour now,but you might have a problem soon.'
'What are you talking about?'This made Kim Yang listen more intently to him.
'We've been listening to the police radio.'Liu explained.'They've regained control over your bank,and they're heading your way now.Takachi's been arrested.That Jennings managed to outwit him.'
'I see.'This of course,didn't really surprise her.It was always at the back of her mind,that Jennings would prevail over Takachi.Kim Yang always appreciated a highly worthy adversary,and the Englishman had certainly proved that to her,time and time again.She really wished she could buy his services.It would have been more than costly,but Kim Yang knew it would be worth it,every penny.
Still,he was now coming,and this demanded action.
'Warehouse 15,Captain.'Kim Yang reminded him.'Be prepared to leave,as soon as possible,once we get the women on board.'
'Understood.You should be able to see me,Miss Yang.'
Kim Yang then glanced out of the harbour masters office.Sure enough,she recognised her own personal boat,quietly moving into the harbour.It wasn't as big as a passenger liner,but it was certainly impressive enough,and would take Kim Yang wherever she desired,in extreme luxury.
'I see you.'She confirmed.'Hurry up.'
Kim Yang then terminated the call,and hurried out of the harbour masters office,and onto the jetty,where Liu intended to dock.As the boat pulled up alongside,a couple of the crew jumped onto the dock,and with great skill,secured the boat in record time.Liu too,then jumped to meet her..He did so,rather painfully.The gunshot wound inflicted on him,back in the Thai jungle,still had its scars on him.
However,Liu ignored his pain.He was actually quite excited.Just like Kim Yang,he was all for business,strictly for pleasure and profit.Despite losing his ship,the 'Eastern Princess' Liu felt his recovery wasn't far off,and that meant kidnapping more pretty girls.
'Are they ready?'Liu asked.
'Waiting for permission to come aboard.'Kim Yang smiled,as she led him towards warehouse 15.Liu also gestured sharply,for some of his crew to accompany him.When they got there,Liu grinned at the highly pleasurable sight,of seeing so many pretty girls bound and gagged.They were all placed in a neat row,on the ground,ad were staring at the new arrivals fearfully.Liu also recognised Kim Yang's two latest acquisitions,Nikki and Yuri.They too,were tightly trussed up,and effectively silenced.
'A very impressive collection,Miss Yang.'Liu congratulated her.'They'll all sell very well,but where's the English girl?'
His tone was full of sexual lust,and Kim Yang knew it.She smiled reassuringly at him.
'I will bring her for you,Captain.'She promised him.'In the meantime though,it would be best if you got our merchandise on board,and quickly.'
'Of course.'Liu agreed.He then ordered his crew,to take every one of the girls,and they all obeyed willingly.Each girl was easily lifted over a man's shoulder,and carried out.Liu himself,did the same.
Kim Yang checked her watch again,and felt a little more secure.She could now take Sarah on board too.Having another glance outside,she was pleased to see nobody interfering.All the girls were successfully taken onto her boat,and smiling,Kim Yang headed back up,to where Sarah was.The girl was still securely bound and gagged in the chair,and her eyes were still full of fear,seeing her kidnapper return.The two men guarding her,had never taken their eyes off her.Their cold gazes frightened Sarah so much,that she realised they were warning her.Sarah had to stay still,due to this.
Kim Yang smiled at her favourite captive,as she walked up to Sarah,lifting her prisoner's chin again.She then pulled out a sharp knife.Sarah squealed into her gag,cringing back from her.
'Well then,Sarah.'Kim Yang was pleased to finally get things moving.'Let's get you on board,shall we?'
Just at that moment,Yamamoto's police car pulled up outside the harbour masters office.He,Jennings and Sakai exited the car,and all three men hurried into the office.
'Nikki! Yuri!'Yamamoto called out urgently,hoping for a positive response,but the office was deserted.He had made many visits here previously,and at late times like this.The girls had always been here,and Yamamoto knew the office always had to be manned.Something was wrong.Yamamoto sincerely hoped nothing had happened to the girls.
With still no response,Yamamoto went straight up to Nikki's desk.He could see she'd been working on a lot of paperwork,but then he noticed a photograph lying on her desk.It showed a very impressive,white boat.His suspicions shot up even more.He took the picture,and handed it over to Jennings.
'Suzuki mentioned this Chinese woman owned a boat.Is this it?'
It only took a moment for Jennings to confirm that.
'Yes.'He nodded.'That's Kim Yang's boat alright.'
Jennings then looked outside.There were many boats moored up,and plenty of them looked like the one in the photograph.It would take hours to find one particular boat.
Fortunately,Yamamoto was searching through Nikki's reports on this vessel,and he struck gold.
'Found it.Mooring dock 32,by warehouse 15.'He then ordered Sakai.'Get back to the car,and radio for extra back up.Better bring in the fire teams.Let's go!'
All three men raced out of the harbour masters office,and Sakai reached the car in record time,whilst Jennings and Yamamoto were sprinting like mad towards the required warehouse.Yamamoto knew these docks like the back of his hand.He'd done many patrols here,and knew where to go.Nothing much happened in that area,and Yamamoto knew it was a good bet for a criminal to hide away there.It was an almost deserted,and forgotten place.
They both kept a quick,but unseen approach to the building,and prepared to enter discreetly.
Inside,Kim Yang had used the knife,to cut away the many ropes tied over Sarah,and as soon as the girl was free,Kim Yang seized Srah's shoulders,forcing her to stand.The girl yelped in agony into her gag,suffering a massive attack of pins and needles.Kim Yang was totally unsympathetic.She only cut Sarah loose,to tie her back up again.She couldn't wait to get this gorgeous prize onto her boat.
Sarah mumbled in despair,as her hands were forced behind her again.Kim Yang worked quickly,but still efficiently.She was pleased to see no resistance from Sarah,and had just finished tying her hands,when they all heard a commotion from below.
Instantly,Kim Yang pulled Sarah tightly into her,and despite the girl being gagged,clamped her hand over Sarah's mouth,reinforcing her silence.
'Not a word now,my pretty.'Kim Yang's voice hissed into her ear.She too,was wondering who had entered here.Despite that,Kim Yang still felt reasonably confident.This was a big warehouse,and would take time to search,especially if it was only a couple of people.She kept a tight hold of Sarah,tensing,as she waited.It was then,that Sarah heard her brother's voice.
'I'll check through here.'She heard him say.
John!Sarah's hopes flared back up.He was alive!If I could only get his attention!She thought frantically.Yet how? With a tight gag,and an even tighter handgag,there was no way Sarah could shout to him,revealing her presence here.Her eyes bulged even more,when she heard Kim Yang whisper to the two men.
'If they come up here,shoot to kill.'
I've got to help him!Sarah was now desperate.It was only a matter of time,before he did come up here,and walk straight into a lethal trap.It was then,that she suddenly realised her legs were free.She then gave Kim Yang a viscous kick in her leg.The Chinese woman howled in agony,instantly releasing her,and catching her captors totally by surprise.
Sarah didn't waste a second.She raced outside,scanning for her brother.She heard Kim Yang's snarl.'You little bitch! Get her!'
Sarah heard the mens footsteps race after her,and knew she only had seconds to spare.She managed to get outside,and fortunately,both brother and sister spotted each other immediately.
'Sarah!'Jennings called out to her,and he quickly began to race towards his sister.
'Help me John!'Sarah tried to scream that out,but her gag stayed tight,and then her luck ran out.One of the men had seized her from behind,and ignoring her frightened mumbles,shoved her straight back into Kim Yang.The woman's face was inhuman,as she roughly forced Sarah against a wall,and wrapped her hand over Sarah's neck.
'Very smart,Sarah.'Her voice was inhuman too.'But it's all for nothing.I'm going to make you pay for that.'
She then heard footsteps approaching,and knew it was Jennings.She then wrapped her arm over Sarah's waist,and curtly ordered.'Kill him!'
Ignoring Sarah's muffled cries,Kim Yang dragged the girl out.There was a door,that led out another way.It led straight to her boat.The two men then raised their weapons,ready to shoot,once they had their target in their sights.
Jennings sensed danger,as he approached the room he'd seen Sarah being taken into.He paused on the stairway he was slowly advancing,and decided to try something.Picking up a large stone,Jennings then threw it into the room.Gunshots echoed,and he ducked back into cover.There were many shots fired at him,but fortunately,he wasn't hit.Inside the room,Takachi's men were quickly reloading their guns,when suddenly,Yamamoto's voice sharply commanded.
'Drop your weapons.Now,or I fire.'
Neither man obeyed,as they aimed their weapons over at Yamamoto,but the police chief was far more quicker.He fired twice,hitting both men,who collapsed.Quickly,he signalled a thumbs up to Jennings,who returned the gesture,before he hurried in.He knew straight away,that Kim Yang had taken Sarah out another way.The door barred his way.Furious,Jennings tried to open it,but obviously,Kim Yang had locked it.
'Sarah!'Jennings pounded on the door,desperate to reach his sister.Fortunately,Yamamoto helped him again.
'Stand back!'He aimed his weapon at the lock,and after Jennings obeyed,he fired several times,shooting the lock away.Jennings then gave the door a savage kick,that spun it off it's hinges.He ran like mad through it.Yamamoto right on his heels.
Kim Yang had now reached her boat,and literally threw Sarah into Liu's eager grip.Sarah screamed in horror,recognising him.The Thai gave her a nasty smile.
'So nice to see you again,Sarah.'He chuckled.'I've got some catching up to do with you.'
Kim Yang was helped aboard,and she curtly commanded Liu.'Get us out of here.Now!'
They then heard police sirens,and Liu didn't hesitate.Hs men rapidly cast off,and the boat's engines were started,as they then began to move away from the docking bay.They'd only gotten a few yards,when Kim Yang suddenly noticed Jennings and Yamamoto burst out,onto the dock.They ran straight towards another boat,determined to pursue.
'Shoot them,you idiots!'Kim Yang shouted.'Don't just stand there watching them!'
Her armed crew obeyed instantaneously.Gunfire from automatic rifles aimed at the two men,fired with deadly intent.Both Jennings and Yamamoto were forced into cover,behind the boat they intended to use.Bullets shattered into the vessel,but they weren't hit.However,they couldn't get up,unless they wantede to commit suicide.
Kim Yang was enraged,seeing some very poor shooting from her people.
'You stupid fools!'She cursed them angrily.'Do I have to do everything myself?!'
She then grabbed a grenade from one of her men,and then moved up to Sarah,still being tightly held by Liu.Kim Yang seized her chin roughly,and literally snarled into Sarah's face.
'This time,my pretty.I'm going to take care of your meddling brother,once and for all.'
Sarah watched aghast,as Kim Yang released her chin,but then pulled the firing pin from the grenade,and after aiming,threw it at her target.
The firing had stopped,and Jennings hoped he had the chance to get on this boat,and start after them.However,he then suddenly spotted something coming towards them.For a second,he couldn't believe his eyes,but the moment,he did,he grabbed Yamamoto,yelling.'Grenade!'before he threw Yamamamoto,and himself,back into the water.The grenade exploded right above them,just as they hit the water.The boat burst instantly into a raging fireball,and the shock wave stunned them both.Yamamoto in particular.His senseless body began to sink to the bottom.Jennings however,was lucky,as he had his adrenaline on full charge.He kicked down after the drowning Yamamoto,before he managed to get his arms under him,and then kicking upwards,carried him back up to the surface.
As he did so,Jennings could see the keel of Kim Yang's boat too far ahead of him.The bastards had got away with Sarah.His fury was overwhelming,but knew he had to help Yamamoto first.They both broke surface,just as Sakai and several police officers helped them back up.Yamamoto was being tended to,but Jennings only had eyes for the escaping boat.He was hit by despair,and utterly exhausted.He didn't have any strength left to maintain the pursuit.Sarah was now a helpless prisoner,back amongst a group of ruthless slavers,and he was unable to rescue her from them.
With the despair still in him,.Jennings was just aware of Sakai bending over him.He had his radio in his hand,and was issuing new instructions.He was gesturing like mad at the escaping boat,and Jennings sensed vaguely,as the darkness closed in,that he was ordering Kim Yang's boat to be intercepted.Maybe there was a chance for Sarah,and all those other girls.Jennings just managed to think,before the darkness consumed him,and he collapsed into oblivion.
The End?
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
In Chapter 2 in the National Treasurers of Japan Bank Suzuki noted that all the women in the bank were "very smartly dressed" while in Chapter 5 Kim Yang is please that the captive bank women had adhered to her "strict dress code"--however I don't THINK that you SPECIFY what that code is? Is it the adult variation of the private/parochial school uniform: white cotton blouse open at the neck with the points of the shirt spread and flat against a dark blazer which the blouse is underneath?
ReplyDeleteANOTHER good web-site for d.v.d. sales of UNIFORMED JAPANESE women bound and gagged are: &
The clothes the bank tellers are wearing is of a white cotton shirt.Just like the drawings I have posted my female heroines are wearing.There are no blazers though.I've based the clothes on seeing real life female bank tellers.I still hope you liked the story though?
ReplyDeleteYeah, in the drawings ALL the women were wearing shirts with military-style epaulets on the shoulders (not usually a type of item worn in a bank!)
ReplyDeleteOf course I ENJOY the story--especially the parts with the women being held "tightly" and the emphasis on "tight" gags and "tight" ropes--I am "getting ready" for the lesbianic ravishment of Sarah, again (hopefully she will be wearing her Royal Naval uniform and not the "street clothes" she is currently wearing!