Thursday 2 December 2010

The Sanna Menace. Chapter Three.An earlier version.

Jennings and Montgomery were glad to get away from the Sanna camp,and with the girl still clinging tightly to Jennings,they headed towards the hills.

So far,there was no sign of any Sanna pursuit,but both men knew it wouldn't be long before they did.So they kept running,as fast as they could.

'Where to now?'Jennings asked.

'I've got somewhere in mind.'Montgomery responded,still keeping a sharp eye out.'I know somebody too.'

Jennings didn't ask him any more,as he too,kept his eyes peeled.The Sanna could drop totally unexpected on you.You had to be very lucky to survive that,so you had to have good eyes.

Fortunately,as they moved deeper into the hills,there was still no sign of any Sanna troopers coming after them.The weather was worsening,but this didn't bother Jennings or Montgomery.Both of them were determined,to get the girl to safety.

Jennings actually heard her quietly sobbing,and he tried to comfort her.He wasn't sure if it was working,but the hold she held on him,was reassuring to Jennings.It showed that she trusted him.

After what seemed like ages,Montgomery finally stopped,holding up a pre-cautionary hand to Jennings.His friend stopped,and waited.

Montgomery scanned the area intently,as he'd been here before.Aside from a bleak rocky landscape,with some cave entrances,he knew there were lethal traps here,and also knew of Reynolds.This man too,was a soldier,and both he and Jennings had fought with him before.It was only Montgomery though,that had met him.

This was why Montgomery took the front.He knew Reynolds had managed to make it here,and he also knew of an old,top secret bunker,that was in this area.Montgomery somehow sensed Reynolds,had made it into this bunker.Now,he was hoping Reynolds was now seeing them,and deactivating the lethal defence traps,hidden all over this place.

He stayed where he was,as Montgomery could see one of the surviellance cameras nearby.He'd found that by accident,and provided Reynolds saw him,he'd put that camera back into hiding.For the moment though,Montgomery had to wait with his two friends.

They waited for quite a while,and the cold was really biting into them,especially the young woman.Jennings felt her shivering,and he hugged into her,trying to keep her warm.He too,was shivering,and was now glancing worriedly at his friend.

Montgomery noticed,and he t5oo,was now starting to lose faith here.Maybe Reynolds hadn't made it to this hidden bunker,and they were wasting valuable time here.

In fact,Montgomery was just about to concede,when he suddenly heard Reynolds' voice.

'Come over to the large cave on the right.'

Both Jennings and Montgomery looked up sharply,towards the direction of the voice,but saw nothing.Only the mentioned cave entrance.

However,both men were anxious for the girl to be safe,and they took her over to it,and entered.On entering,the two men noticed nothing unusual,but then,they all heard something.

It was the sound of something opening,and Montgomery advanced cautiously to the source.When he found it,he turned to Jennings,and gave him a thumbs up.

When Jennings came over,he could see a steel ladder,going straight down.It looked fairly deep,and there was no sign of the bottom.However,neither of them was going back outside,and they wanted to look after the girl in their charge.

'I'll go first.'Montgomery told Jennings.'Reynolds will recognise me,so I'll be able to back you up.'

'Okay.'Jennings nodded his agreement.

With that said,Montgomery lowered his powerful frame onto the top rung,and carefully began to descend.Jennings watched him for a minute,letting him get some distance,before he decided to follow.

Before he did though,Jennings turned to the girl.

'Are you okay?'he asked,although he felt an idiot asking that.Of course she wasn't okay,you moron! Jennings silently cursed himself.She's been tortured,and probably suffering from hypothermia.

At first,the girl didn't respond to him,so Jennings laid a hand on her shoulder,hoping to give her a reassuring sign.

'Are you okay,Miss?'Jennings repeated his question to her.

At least she didn't reject his hand,but finally,the girl did respond back to him.

'I'm cold.'Her voice was weak,and Jennings knew he'd better act quickly.

'My name's John.'He told her his first name.'I'm here to help you,okay? Right now,you need warming up,so I'm going to take you down this ladder,unless you can manage it on your own?'

Much to his surprise,the girl nodded,but he didn't waste any more time.He lowered himself gently onto the first rung,and descended a couple of steps,before watching the girl do the same.

'Take your time,Miss.'Jennings advised her.'Don't rush it,but I'm here,if you need me,okay?'

The girl nodded again at him,and she too,moved onto the steel ladder,before they started to descend into the darkness.

As they climbed down,there was the same sound heard earlier,but Jennings could see it was only the steel covering closing.He hoped it was well camoflagued.

'I'm Louise.'

'Nice to meet you,Louise.'Jennings meant his greeting.He was still checking on their descent.Montgomery could still be seen,and much to his relief,there was now some light visible at the bottom.

Montgomery finally reached the bottom,and didn't see Reynolds waiting for him,but he knew he was here.He glanced back up,and could see Jennings and the girl climbing down.He decided to wait for them,and let Jennings help the girl step off the ladder.Her eyes widened,at seeing how strong both men were.

'This is Monty,Louise.'Jennings introduced him.'My best mate.'

'Nice to meet you,Louise.'Montgomery nodded politely to her.He then saw Louise grip Jennings' arm,but of course,he didn't mind that.He could see Louise,was a very pretty girl.Dark hair,warm brown eyes,and he had to admit to himself,a very impressive chest.She was indeed,a very pretty girl.

'Don't move!'A man's voice made them all obey.Montgomery of course,recognised Reynolds' voice,and he held up a pre-cautionary hand to Jennings and Louise.

'Don't shoot,Reynolds.'Montgomery responded,although he couldn't see him.'We're on your side.'

'That remains to be seen.'Reynolds answered,but he too,had recognised Montgomery and Jennings,although he had no idea who the girl was.

'Step forward.'he ordered the three of them.'Carefully.'

They did so,and it only took Reynolds a moment,to accept they were on his side.He stepped forward too,letting them see him.

'My apologies.'Reynolds made sure he'd lowered his weapon,that he'd just been aiming at them.'I had to be sure it was you,Montgomery.'

He then offered his hand to him,which Montgomery accepted.Reynolds then glanced at Jennings.He'd never met him,but knew who he was.

'Good to meet you,Jennings.'Reynolds again offered his hand,which Jennings also shook.'I've heard a lot about you.Who's the pretty lady?'

'This is Louise.'Jennings introduced her.'The Sanna used her as hostage against me,but thanks to Monty,we were able to get her out.'

'Glad to hear it.'Reynolds nodded at Louise,although he didn't smile,as neither did she.Reynolds clearly saw her gripping Jennings' arm,and knew she was okay.

'What do you need then?'Reynolds asked.'Got plenty here.Ammo,food,somewhere to clean up or sleep?'

'Sleep sounds more promising.'Jennings knew they all needed it.'Where's the bedrooms?'

'Right this way.'Reynolds turned,and led them to a sleeping area.The beds were comfortable,and there was clean linen on each of them.Jennings asked if there was a single bed for Louise,and despite Reynolds nodding to that,Louise refused to leave Jennings' side.They all understood.

Finally,after something to eat,Jennings,Montgomery and Louise went to sleep.All three of them stayed together,as they slept,each grateful that they'd survived another day.

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