Friday 17 December 2010

The Sanna Menace.Chapter Seven.An earlier version.

Jennings and Montgomery had made sure all the previously imprisoned girls,were not being observed by O'Rourke's spies.With the exception of Kelly,they made sure all of them,got home safely.As an added precaution though,Jennings set up hidden cameras outside their homes,and told them not to worry.If any of O'Rourke's men were stupid enough to return for them,they'd pay dearly for it.

Having accomplished that,Jennings then drove back into the mountains.They'd already destroyed the other truck,and would do the same with this one.Sanna air activity,was still a major threat to anybody travelling on the roads.

Fortunately,there were no problems,and after driving the truck so far into the hills,Jennings stopped it,and after getting their gear out,he,Kelly,Hunt and Montgomery watched in satisfaction,as Jennings set the truck over a sheer drop.The vehicle shattered on impact with the ground,and the four of them moved on foot,back towards their hidden home.

They all made it safely back,and as soon as they had all climbed down the ladder,they noticed Louise and Paula Ann waiting for them.

As soon as Jennings stepped off the ladder,Louise ran up to him,and gave him a warm embrace.She kissed him in relief,which Jennings returned.She also did the same for Montgomery,but not Hunt.Instead,the new arrival watched Paula Ann and Louise carefully.Jennings noticed her look.

'It's okay,Hunt.'He assured her.'These are friends of ours.Paula Ann,and this is Louise.'He then introduced Kelly,who unlike Hunt,gave a polite,shy smile to them.

Hunt didn't respond to that,but she refrained from any hostile comment.She did notice Paula Ann observing her curiously,whilst Louise had gone back into Jennings.She gripped his hand,not wanting him to let go.

Paula Ann decided to be friendly to this woman,although she could tell she was a soldier,she sensed her words wouldn't be welcomed by Hunt.

'Good to meet you.'Paula Ann nodded to her.'We could use the extra help here.'

As expected,Hunt didn't answer her.There was something about her eyes,that really chilled Paula Ann.Even Louise felt frightened by her,despite Jennings reassurances.

'Let's show you the base.'Jennings told Hunt and Kelly,before he proceeded to give them,a fully guided tour.Like himself earlier,Hunt was especially pleased to see the armoury.There were many usable weapons stored there,and Hunt would be more than glad to use them.

After Jennings had shown them around,Hunt told him quietly she was going to sleep.Kelly too,made the same request.He showed them to the sleeping area,and then left them alone.He then headed back to the command room,where everybody else was waiting for him.

'She's a friend of yours?'Finlay asked him,regarding Hunt.His tone was somewhat disbelieving.'She's so cold.I didn't think somebody like her,could have any friends.'

'If you'd have seen what Hunt has gone through,you would understand her manner.'Jennings replied,sticking up for his friend.'Believe me,once you get to know her,Hunt is one of the best friends you can have.'

'I'd hate to have her as an enemy.'Paula Ann admitted.

'Then,that's our gain,and our enemies loss.'Jennings nodded,pleased to tell them that.

'I agree.'Finlay remembered Hunt's accurate,deadly sniper fire.'She's definitely an asset.'He glanced at Jennings and Montgomery.'How long have you known her?'

'Years.'Jennings answered.'Me and Monty got her away from a gang of O'Rourke's thugs,but it was Harris who commanded them.She was trying to get away with her four brothers,but Harris gunned them all down before we could help them.Ever since then,Hunt's sworn to kill Harris.'

'I wish her well.'Finlay meant that.He knew from the intelligence reports he'd read,that Harris was a typical coward.She only came out,with plenty of back up,making it practically impossible to get her.Once she was back in the safety of her base,Finlay was almost certain,that she sneered down at her opponents.Meeting Hunt however,had just made him think a bit more positive.

However,that was for the future.He still had his mission to carry out.

'What do you want to do now?'Reynolds asked him,still carefully watching the monitor screens,showing him the base's surrounding terrain.

'We'd better check on what O'Rourke's doing.'Finlay told them grimly.'I hope he's not the type,to get reprisals.'

'If he could,he would.'Reynolds informed him.'I've seen him and Harris do it.Nice people.'

Reynolds didn't mean it saying the last two words,but everybody with him understood.

'That place you just came from,has no real military or strategic value.'Reynolds went on.'If it had,Harris would have probably ordered her own people there,but O'Rourke's only interested,in abducting girls for himself to enjoy.The Sanna too,deal with him in that regard,for obvious reasons.'

Nobody asked why,as they did indeed,all knew the obvious reason.It made them more determined to stop O'Rourke,and Harris.

'Can you pick up a news channel,or better yet,listen in to O'Rourke's communications?'Finlay asked Reynolds.

'No problem.'Reynolds confirmed this.'We've got some good,high tech stuff here.'He made a few adjustments on one of the control panels,and after studying it for a few moments,he put on a pair of headphones.There were other spare headphones too,and Reynolds gestured at them.Finlay and Montgomery put on a pair each,and listened intently.They never heard anything from the enemy camp,and they all knew their surprise ambush had paid off well.

Finlay listened more to the enemy radio traffic,and he finally nodded,satisfied.

'That's a relief,but they will find out,when those men don't report in.'

'So what do you suggest?'Reynolds asked.

'We keep on recruiting.The more people we can get,the better it will be for us.'

Finlay looked up at Jennings again.

'You did real good getting us Hunt,Jennings.'Finlay complimented him.'You wouldn't happen to know anybody else here,that may help us?'

Jennings nodded,looking over at his friend,Montgomery.He nodded back.

'Yes,I think so.'Jennings answered.'There's Finch.'

Finlay remembered the girl's surname they'd just rescued,and had come with them.He looked up expectantly at Jennings,who nodded again.

'Yes,Kelly is his daughter.'Jennings explained.'Myself and Monty served some time,in a nasty detention camp with Finch.He was the one,who showed us how to fight.In fact,it was he who made our escape possible.'

'He got away with you two?'Reynolds queried,interested.

'We all did.'Montgomery interjected.'But Finch didn't follow us.As far as I'm aware,he hangs out in the drinking bars.'

'It sounds as if this man has potential.'Finlay ignored the comment,regarding Finch's drinking.'I'd like to meet him.Can you arrange it?'

'We can take you to him.'Montgomery nodded this time,'but watch your step where we're going.Finch may drink a lot,but he's made sure only an idiot,would come after him.'

'It's a good job we're not then,is it?'Finlay told them,with just a hint of sarcasm.


The small settlement in which Jennings,Montgomery,Finlay and Paula Ann arrived in,was entirely deserted.Finlay knew why it was,but was still uneasy.

'Not a very friendly place,I take it?'he asked in general.

'You got that right.'Montgomery agreed.'The Sanna don't really bother with these places,but O'Rourke's people frequent here,looking for trouble.'

'So that means fights.'Finlay didn't ask it,but stated it.

'You got it.Watch your back though.If you don't have eyes at the back of your head,this lot will happily stab you in the back.'

Both Finlay and Paula Ann nodded their understanding,although Finlay did glance at Paula Ann concerned.

'Sure you want to go in?'he asked her.

'Of course.'Paula Ann nodded.'I'm your partner,aren't I?'

'You are that.'

They all followed Jennings into an entrance,and immediately,ear shattering music was being blasted out.Despite that,they all moved into the building.A huge mass of humanity greeted their eyes.Most were dancing to the music,although a lot appeared to act like zombies.There were young,beautiful girls dancing too,but not one of them was smiling,as their bodies were indecently assaulted.They stood no chance of escape,as Jennings noticed each girl had been chained around the ankle.His face hardened seeing this.He knew who operated this place,as both he and Montgomery,had had a few run ins with him.He tensed,as he jostled his way through the huge crowd.Many of the patrons glared at him,but they all knew Jennings and Montgomery's faces.It wasn't wise to take them on,and Jennings returned every hard stare he was receiving,whilst Montgomery covered their rear.

Just then,Jennings spotted Finch,and he gestured to his friends.They all followed him.However,somebody else had already spotted Jennings and his group.


Watching Jennings enter,was the bar's owner.He was only known as Turner.Turner was a powerful,muscular man,and he had cold,grey eyes.He liked operating his bar here,as it did make him plenty of profit.The Sanna invaders had never bothered him,as he was in cahoots with O'Rourke.Here,Turner could offer O'Rourke prime,beautiful girls.Just like he did,Turner sent out his own snatch squads,and they always came back with their pretty,bound and gagged captives.He then forced them to dance,making them all visible to any interested parties.O'Rourke wasn't his only customer,as there were many slave gangs,who came to visit.Turner made a fortune on this too.

He was still watching Jennings advance through his customers,and could see this man,was well able to defend himself.Turner watched a couple of his patrons try their luck on Jennings,but instantly,they were sent reeling in agony.Turner just shook his head sadly,feeling no sympathy at all for the assailants.They should have known better.

He knew why Jennings was here,as Turner gazed over at Finch.The man was sitting all by himself,and not surprisingly,he was being given a wide berth.Like Jennings,Finch held a fearsome reputation,and would prove it,if provoked.Turner knew these men were highly professional soldiers.He could have informed O'Rourke of their presence,but always chose not too.He'd seen what damage these men could do,and if he did try something on them,Turner knew he'd be out of business.It was far better,to leave them alone.

However,the moment Turner's eyes caught sight of the girl accompanying them,his eyes widened in excitement.

My god,he thought,with huge lust dominating him.she's a beauty.The girl was dark haired,and she had a very good figure,but seeing the weapons she wore,didn't bother Turner at all.She's mine.He still thought that.The lust inside him,was making him grin.Not a very pleasant sight.

Quickly,Turner turned to a couple of his people.They too,were very strong men,and heavily armed too.They stood waiting for his next orders.

'Bring me that girl.'Turner demanded.


Jennings had finally reached Finch's table.The man had spotted them some time ago,but hadn't moved to greet them.He watched,as a man and a young woman joined Jennings.He noticed Montgomery's powerful frame,standing watch over them.

'How are you,Finch?'Jennings asked him.

In response,Finch took a swig from a bottled drink.They could all see the empty ones he'd finished.

'Seen better days,Jennings.'Finch answered truthfully.'What are you doing here?'

'We're looking for you,that's what.'Finlay's tone was sharp.He was staring down at Finch in contempt.The man's a drunk.he thought,shaking his head sadly.What on earth does Jennings see in this bloke?

'And who the hell are you?'Finch's query to Finlay,wasn't friendly.He did see Paula Ann though,and his tone softened,but only a little.'Who's the pretty lady?'

'My name's Finlay.This is my partner,Paula Ann.'Finlay informed him,still gazing down in contempt at Finch.'We were hoping you could help us fight the Sanna.'

This only made Finch give out his own,contemptible laugh.

'Fight the Sanna?'Finch raised an amused eyebrow.'What makes you think you can beat them?'

'I had thought with people like you on our side,we'd have a really good chance to beat them.'Finlay spoke the last part with full meaning,before his contempt returned.

'However,seeing a drunk,isn't my type of soldier.'Finlay then turned back to Jennings.'This is a waste of time.I don't doubt for a moment what he did for you,but right now,I don't see anything impressive about him at all.'

Paula Ann was also keeping a sharp eye out,as she stood waiting.She watched Finlay and Jennings engage Finch in conversation,but she couldn't hear what was being said.She tried to listen in,and it was then,that Paula Ann made a mistake.

In trying to listen to her friends,she was distracted.Suddenly,a gloved hand clamped hard over her mouth,and a powerful arm seized her waist from behind.Her unseen captor,easily dragged her off.

Jennings however,had seen Paula Ann being abducted.He nodded sharply to Finlay,who also saw it.Both men reacted quickly,and pursued.They didn't see Finch,still sitting down,and didn't appear to be bothered at all,by what he'd just seen.

'Monty!'Jennings yelled at the top of his voice,hoping his friend would hear him.That blasted music,was making intelligent conversation impossible.Fortunately,Montgomery was always close to him,and he did hear.He saw Jennings gesture urgently with his arm,and looking in the intended direction,he noticed Paula Ann,hand gagged,and being dragged away.Her eyes were pleading at them.

Instantly,Montgomery reacted,as he moved through the packed crowd.More accurately,he flung everybody away from him,who blocked his way.Not one of the crowd retaliated,and the gap closed between them,and Paula Ann.

Jennings and Finlay too,were also roughly making their way through to her.A few of the crowd shouted abuse at them,but anybody who tried their luck on them,was again,sent reeling in excruciating agony.

Checking their movements,Jennings could see they were closing in on Paula Ann,when suddenly,they saw more armed men up above them,and their weapons were aimed down at them.The men then fired,into the seething mass of humanity below.

Screams of agony and fear filled the place,as bodies crashed to the floor.A panic ensued,as many people desperately attempted to escape the bloodbath.This only caused more fatalities and injured.

Grimly,Jennings and Finlay raised their own weapons to bear.They were lucky not to have been hit,but they made sure they hit their targets.Firing short,controlled bursts,every one of the men who'd fired into the crowd,came tumbling down,as their dead bodies slammed into the floor.

Once that threat had been eliminated,Jennings and Finlay now had space to run at Paula Ann's abductor.However,there was more opposition,as Jennings recognised Turner's thugs.The man dragging Paula Ann,now had enough time,to disappear with his prize.

Not intimidated,both Jennings and Finlay stepped forward menacingly,accepting and taking the fight to their opponents.Turner's men,were slightly taken aback at this,but by the time,they recovered,they were receiving hard blows.Every one of Turner's men,fell to the floor in a heap,not having time to land any blows of their own.

Grimly,Jennings,Finlay,and Montgomery,continued the pursuit.

Paula Ann struggled like mad,desperately trying to break free from her captor's grip.However,she was held tight,and was unable to use any of her unarmed combat skills against him.She had no choice,but to be dragged forward,wherever she was being taken.

The man finally forced Paula Ann into a private lounge.Her eyes widened,seeing the coldly smiling men awaiting her,especially one of them.Paula Ann knew immediately,that this man was in charge here.

She was still being hand gagged,as this man moved up to her.He too,was smiling coldly,and right in her face.He then lifted her chin,faintly amused to see the girl flinch her head away from him,but he maintained his grip on her.

'So what do we have here?'Turner smirked.'Another pretty addition,for my collection.'

He then ran a finger down Paula Ann's cheek.'You are very pretty,aren't you,my dear?'

Paula Ann mumbled behind the tight hand covering her mouth.Her eyes were bulging,now seeing the weapons each man was carrying.She wouldn't be able to warn Finlay and her friends.She'd seen these men ruthlessly firing down,into those people.Whether her friends hadn't been killed,was unknown to Paula Ann.All she could do,was hope.

She did see the broken glass from their viewing point here,and there was also a lot of blood visible.So she knew her friends had successfully counter-attacked.It just remained to be seen,if they could get here fast enough.

Turner took Paula Ann's weapons away from her.'I don't think you'll be needing those anymore.'he sneered,as he handed them over,to one of his men.Then,another man came forward,and much to Paula Ann's dismay,he was holding a large coil of rope.

'Take her into the back,and tie her up.'Turner ordered him.'Better gag her too.I don't want her pretty mouth screaming for help.'

'You got it,boss.'the man holding the rope grinned.

'We got trouble,boss.'Another one of his men informed him,clearly seeing the girl's friends,now closing in.

'Get ready.'Turner ordered sharply.He was preparing his own weapon for firing.'Don't let them get the girl.First one who kills them,I'll give her as a reward.'

The rest of his men enjoyed hearing that,and they prepared to fire their weapons too.

Then,still under the man's tight hold,Paula Ann was roughly forced forward,and the man holding the ropes,eagerly followed.

They forced the girl into some kind of storeroom,where the man holding her,made her lie face down.Much to Paula Ann's relief,he removed his hand from her mouth.The relief was only momentary though,as he seized her wrists,and yanked them behind her.Paula Ann couldn't help,but give out a startled,yet painful yelp at this.This didn't impress her captors,as the man holding her,suddenly seized the back of her neck,making the girl gasp fearfully.

'Just be quiet,pretty one.'he warned her ominously.'I'll make you quiet in a moment.Don't annoy me any more,or else.'

The last two words spoken,were filled with utter venom,and Paula Ann knew she had to obey.In no time at all,her hands were tied behind her,then her ankles were lashed together,making her totally immobile.Then,she was caught by surprise,as a large strip of black cloth,was quickly,and roughly forced over her mouth.Her protesting mumbles grew even fainter,as the man tied the gag secure.The man who'd bound and gagged her,then stood up.

'I'll tell the boss she's secure.You keep an eye on her.'

His accomplice nodded his approval,and stood in the storerooms door frame.Paula Ann watched in alarm,as he brought out a pistol.As she lay helpless and effectively silenced,Paula Ann sincerely hoped her guard wasn't going to use the weapon on her.

Suddenly,she heard a violent explosion,and there was a lot of screaming and shouting.This was followed by gunfire.She tensed in her tight bonds,praying.

As they easily disposed of any more opposition,Jennings,Montgomery and Finlay,pressed on.The three held their own weapons ready,sensing and knowing this wasn't the end of the fight.

Jennings reached the corner,where he'd seen Paula Ann being taken.He didn't go round it though,suspecting an enemy ambush.Instead,he pulled out a small mirror,that was fastened onto a small wooden tube.This had proved most effective,when dealing with the enemy.

Jennings knelt down,and slowly leaned the mirror out.He could now see the reflection,of two armed men,waiting to shoot them down.He pulled the mirror back,and showed Finlay and Montgomery two fingers.Both men nodded,as Finlay signalled he'd make the first move.

Finlay pulled out a flash bang genade.This weapon wasn't lethal,as it would temporarily stun and blind any opponent,but it would give Finlay and his friends the advantage.

Quickly,Finlay armed it,and still keeping back under cover,he threw the grenade towards the two men.There was a burst of gunfire from both men,before the grenade landed right at their feet,before it exploded.Both men screamed in agonised surprise,as they lost their sight,and they fell,clutching their heads.

Seeing this,Jennings,Finlay and Montgomery didn't hesitate.All three men raced around the corner,and gunned the two men down.They could now see more armed men up ahead.Jennings and Montgomery also spotted Turner.Each mens eyes identified each other,and their faces were full of fight.

They could see Turner waiting for them,in his own private,and very plush office.His own armed men,were full of confidence,expecting an easy kill.Turner too,was feeling the same,although something at the back of his mind,was warning him to get back.He followed his instinct,and did so.

This proved timely for him,as he suddenly saw three things being thrown into the room.His eyes widened in fear,recognising what had just been thrown in.

'Grenades!'Turner screamed out in half warning,half terror,as he threw himself onto the floor.

Next instant,all three grenades exploded,sending their deadly shrapnel everywhere.This proved fatal,for all of Turner's men,as they didn't get down fast enough.Their smashed up bodies,tumbled lifeless to the floor.

Desperate now,Turner scrambled away,just as he saw three forms of men,now entering the room,firing their weapons.He knew it would be suicide to fire back,so just about,managed to crawl away.

Seeing the dead bodies with grim satisfaction,Finlay stopped firing,holding up his arm to Jennings and Montgomery.

'It's clear.'

Both men understood,and ceased firing as well.They then checked the bodies,looking for Turner,but of him,there was no sign.Grimly,they moved on.

Turner had managed to reach the storeroom,where he saw Paula Ann,still tightly bound and gagged.He gave a sharp,curt order,to her guard.

'Get back up there,and stop anyone from following us.'

The man nodded,and holding his weapon ready,moved back,hoping to use his weapon.

Turner didn't hesitate,as he reached down,and seized the girl up to him.A sharp,deadly blade was now in his hand,and he immediately placed it,in front of Paula Ann's throat.

'I can't wait to ravish you,my pretty.'Turner hissed venomously into her ear.'Just don't get smart with me,or else I'll cut your pretty face.You wouldn't want that now,would you?'

Ignoring Paula Ann's frightened,gagged mumbles,he started to drag her away.Turner had some private transport here,and once he'd get the girl into it,she would be his to enjoy.

Another burst of gunfire echoed.This made Turner stop to face the source.He still kept a tight hold on the girl,just as he saw the man he'd just ordered,come crashing back.Evidently,he'd been shot and killed.

Just then,Turner saw Finlay,Jennings and Montgomery enter his line of view.All three men,were giving him hard stares,as they raised their weapons.

'Don't even think about it!'Turner shouted,almost desperately.'I'll slit her pretty throat!'

He did actually tighten the blade on Paula Ann's neck.This made her scream,although of course,no scream was heard.Her eyes pleaded at her friends.

'Let her go,Turner.'Jennings ordered him,through clenched teeth.

'You're not in any position,to make any demands from me,Jennings!'There was some confidence returning to Turner's voice.'If anything,it's me that will give the orders.Drop your weapons,and I'll let the pretty lady live.'

Much to his surprise,and relief,the three men lowered their weapons.

'You won't escape,Turner.'Jennings warned him.

A nasty smile crept over Turner's face.He was now faintly amused,hearing that.

'Oh,I think I will,Jennings.'There was now,much more confidence in his voice.'I don't think you can stop me.'

Turner then saw something he didn't like.Jennings too,was now smiling,and he was looking beyond him.He was just about to say something in contempt to Jennings,for trying that old ruse,when he did sense somebody behind him.

Quickly,he was just in the process of turning to face this unexpected threat,when there was the sound of a single gunshot.Turner was killed immediately by it.His head,fatally shot.

As his body collapsed,Paula Ann was released from his grip,and her three friends raced forward to help her.Finlay cut her loose from her bonds,and removed her gag.

'You okay?'He asked her,concerned.

Paula Ann nodded,but she was still too shaken to speak.They then stared at the man,who'd made the shot,saving her.

Finch stood staring down at Turner's corpse.His eyes were empty.

'Never did really like him.'

'Thanks.'Finlay meant it.'Guess I owe you one.'

Finch's eyes suddenly came back to life,as he glared at him.

'You don't owe me anything.Got that?'Finch snapped back.

Finlay was just about to snap back,when Jennings stepped in.

'Let's get out of here.You too,Finch,your Kelly is with us.She's waiting for you.'

The anger disappeared from Finch,as he looked at Jennings.'Is she okay?'

'She's fine.'Jennings nodded.'We just got to her in time.One of O'Rourke's snatch squads,had just grabbed her.'

'I take it you took care of them,Jennings?'

'Permanently,Finch.Come on,let's go.'

Finch didn't ask anymore,and he joined the rest of them,in their escape.

Chapter Eight to follow...


  1. Again an absolutely SPECTACULAR drawing to accompany Chapter Seven!
    The look of fear in the "Navette's" eyes as she is on her back as her impressive breasts are about-to-be fondled through her white uniform shirt/blouse!

  2. maybe you can use some sleeping gas on kidnap heroine who deliver lecture on Sandhurst Academy

  3. I have on my mind one of this heroines from war ship of british navy, in my opinion this stories are great so when will you post something


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