Within sight of Shinza's home on the beach,there was a magnificent castle,which dominated the skyline.
The owner of this castle,was one Lord Takanaga.Takanaga was a tough looking man,and he was.He held cold,calculating dark eyes,and was known as a cold,calculating man.
Takanaga was the supreme ruler in this area of Japan.He had a long ancestry,which included many famous shoguns.Like his descendants,Takanaga had a cruel,ruthless streak inside him.When he wanted something,Takanaga made sure he got it,by any means if needed,and it worked.
Takanaga was of course,fiercely proud to be a Japanese.He had read many of his ancestors exploits,and a lot of them were really inhumane cruel acts.
This of course,didn't bother Takanaga in the slightest.He knew his ancestors had been highly successful,and Takanaga was determined to emulate them.
He'd done well so far,having gained control over a lot of territory.Many people who lived near to his splendid castle,were forced to pay homage to him.There were some who resisted,but everytime those that did,Takanaga showed his cruel,ruthless streak.The resistance quickly ended then.
As well as having highly profitable territory,Takanaga also held many women under his power.He always chose the most beautiful,and most desirable girls.He held many of them,keeping them prisoner in his castle,and despite enjoying himself with his pretty captives,Takanaga was always on the hunt for more additions.
One such girl he had his eyes on,was Suzuki.Takanaga had seen her many times,and was always greatly excited on seeing her.The girl was a real beauty;Takanaga knew she was very young,but she was just about the right age to seize for himself.
Of course,he'd made sure he invited Suzuki first.Some of his concubines had willingly joined his service,and Tanakaga made sure he always rewarded those loyal to him.
However,after numerous failed attempts,Tanakaga had finally got the message;Suzuki wasn't going to join him.
He had already decided to abduct her,but there was a problem;Suzuki's father:Shinza.
Tanakaga and Shinza knew each other well,but they weren't friends.Unlike Tanakaga's distinguished ancestry(so he thought) he knew Shinza was of Samurai stock,but had chosen to settle down peacefully.
Even so,Tanakaga had seen Shinza fight,and he knew his target's father,was a highly formidable one.
Taking him on in single combat,would be utterly foolhardy.Tanakaga had seen Shinza easily beat some of his best men.To get the girl,Tanakaga would have to adapt a different strategy.
He'd started by sending spies out,to watch Shinza's house,keeping the father and daughter under constant observation.Tanakaga wanted to choose the right moment to grab Suzuki,but for the moment,that moment still eluded him.
Tanakaga was still hopeful though.He was still determined to have Shinza's daughter,by whatever means necessary.
At the present moment,he sat observing his personal guard,who were practising their skills on each other,in one of the many castle's courtyards.
This was of course,done by their swords,and Takanaga knew he had some very good,and highly skilled fighters.Every one of them,had sworn to lay down their lives if necessary,sgould Takanaga command them.
He paid particular attention to one of his men,who was known as Tenchu.Takanaga could see him easily beating all his opponents,and knew he was the best fighter he had in his employ.He knew it would be interesting,if Shinza and Tenchu could meet in single combat.Takanaga privately hoped for that.
As he watched his men practice,one of his men came up to him.After kneeling down respectfully next to him,the man bowed too,before reporting:
'Shinza has foreigners in his house,my lord.He and his daughter helped them,during the storm last night.'
This news interested Takanaga.Contact with outsiders for him,was extremely rare,especially foreigners.
'How many of them are there?'Takanaga asked.
'Five,my lord.Two men,two young women,and a boy.All English.'
'Young women,you say?'This really interested him.'How young?'
'Late teens,my lord.They are known as Kelly and Louise.'
'Both girls are pretty,I hope?'
'They are indeed,my lord,'his servant responded respectfully.'Would you like us to make preparations to bring them to you?'
This really tempted Takanaga,but he knew whilst Shinza was there;there would be no chance of abducting the women.
'Not at the moment,'he answered.'Instead,let's invite them up here.I'm sure they won't refuse our hospitality.'
He was pleased to his servant grin,and after bowing to him once more,the man left.
Takanaga continued to enjoy watching his men still training,but soon,he hoped he would be enjoying other pleasures.
An evil smirk passed along his face,as he thought that.
More to follow....
Funny,is it? Tossers..
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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