Suzuki Yamamoto dialled the number of the bank from her desk,and after hearing it ring for a few moments,she then heard a polite woman's voice answer her.
'National Treasures Bank of Japan.Can I help you?'
'I'm interested in applying for one of your vacant positions,you are currently advertising.'Suzuki made sure her response was confident,and to give them a good impression.'Can you put me through to someone,who can help me please?'
'What's your name,please?'The woman then asked her.
For a moment,Suzuki hesitated.Should she use her real name? Perhaps it was better to use an alias.However,she decided not too.
'My name is Suzuki Yamamoto.'
'One moment please.'
It was then,that Suzuki had to put up with the infuriating music so many companies played over the phone,making their callers wait for ages,before they decided to come back and speak.Good job I'm calling from work.Suzuki mused,and was glad she didn't have to make this phone call from home.
After a very long wait,which didn't please her,Suzuki finally got a response.This time,a different woman's voice spoke to her.
'Good afternoon,Miss Yamamoto.'This woman sounded polite too,but Suzuki clearly detected a note of pleasure.She suddenly got the creeps,as she heard the woman continue.'You are interested in applying for a position,at our establishment?'
'Er,yes,Ma'am.'Suzuki recovered,being slightly taken aback,by the woman's self assured tone she was hearing.'Is it possible to arrange an interview please?'
'Of course,my dear.'This time,the voice sounded smooth,yet somehow sinister.'Let me check my schedule for you.'
There was a slight pause,as Suzuki heard the woman speak to somebody in the background.She distinctly heard a man's voice,but it was too faint to understand what was being said.Suddenly,the woman's voice returned.
'This afternoon acceptable? Say 1530?'
Suzuki glanced at her watch.It was now 1300.Plenty of time to get home and changed.She certainly wasn't going to attend this interview,in her police uniform.
'Yes,that's fine.'Suzuki agreed.'I'll be there.Thank you,Ma'am.'
'Excellent.'The pleasure seemed to rise in the tone.'I shall look forward to seeing you,Miss Yamamoto.Goodbye,my dear.'
Suzuki then heard the woman hang up on her.She shuddered,not liking the woman's voice.It still gave her the creeps,but she had a strong feeling that the woman was involved in this set up,and she was going to find out.
Pulling herself together,Suzuki realised she'd better head back home to get changed.She turned off the computer monitor,but didn't close the Internet.Instead,she rose up from her desk,and left the station,heading back home.
Back at the bank,Kim Yang chuckled,as she put the phone down.She glanced at her own,gold studded watch.Another reward for her many fruits of labour,in the slavery business.Kim Yang was wealthy beyond imagination,yet she always craved more,which she happily admitted to.The only thing that made her mad,was if anybody stood in her way.Many had,and paid dearly for it.
She smirked,turning her gaze to Kimie.Whilst she had spoken to the Yamamoto girl on the phone,Takachi had held Kimie's head back,and placed a sharp knife at her throat.It was an ominous warning to her,that she had better not raise the alarm,so Suzuki could hear her.Fortunately for her two kidnappers,they had no reason to worry.The girl's gag was more than tight,to keep her quiet.Added to that,the knife Takachi held at her neck,had made Kimie freeze with fear.When he'd released her head,and removed the blade,Kimie closed her eyes in huge relief,but she was still their prisoner.
'Not long now,Miss Sakai.'Takachi gloated down to her,now stroking Kimie's jet black,shoulder length hair.'I really can't wait to seize Miss Yamamoto,and see two pretty hostages tied up together.'
Takachi's lust was also increasing,as he continued to caress her hair.He pulled her head up by her hair again.The girl whimpered in pain behind her gag.Her eyes bulged in shock,when she heard what he said next.
'She's very pretty,Miss Yang.'Takachi complimented,feeling his lust increasing,and Kimie did not appreciate his comments,especially when he grinned down at her,saying.'I wouldn't mind sampling her myself.'
Kimie could only give out another terrified,but muffled shriek behind the tape,realising Takachi's intent.He was going to rape her!Kimie's horror multiplied,when she then heard Kim Yang give her full approval to him.
'Of course you can.'The Chinese woman then walked up to Kimie's trussed up form,and gently lifted the girl's chin.She was pleased to see the girl's eyes were wide,hearing what she then told Takachi,even though she was still looking down at Kimie.
'I can't even wait to savour her myself,and Miss Yamamoto,when she comes.'
Both her captors laughed.Kimie still couldn't budge an inch.She was still tightly tied to the chair,and knew she was completely at the mercy of these two horrible criminals.They still hadn't finished taunting her either,as she felt then felt Kim Yang,stroke a finger down her cheek.
'Once you've served your purpose as my hostage,my dear,'the Chinese woman was still stroking her face.'I'm going to enjoy training you,for your new life,as one of my personal slaves.'
She then gripped Kimie's chin harder,forcing the frightened girl to look up at her.Kim Yang's voice,was now filled with utter menace.
'And believe me,my dear.You will obey me.'She almost hissed down at Kimie.'I'm going to make sure of that.Every girl I've taken,has turned into a most excellent slave.You will soon be joining them.'
She enjoyed Kimie's terror stricken eyes,and then released the girl's chin.Both she and Takachi laughed,sneering at her distress.Kimie had never dreamed in a million years,she'd end up in a position like this.Kidnapped,and being sold into slavery,to end up in some maniacs clutches,wherever that may be.No doubt about it.She needed a miracle,to get out of this.
Please!Kimie's thoughts were desperate.Somebody help me!
Suzuki had made her way back home,and headed straight into her bedroom,to change out of her police uniform.She slid open one of her cupboards where she kept a lot of her formal dress,designed for such an occasion like this.Suzuki had some nice dresses,but had made up her mind to wear a suit.
What should I wear.She thought to herself,but decided quickly,on a white shirt,a knee length,dark blue skirt,and a matching jacket.After changing,Suzuki checked herself out,in one of the bedroom cupboard mirrors.She looked very smart,and then heard Kieko's voice,also giving her an appraisal.
'You look great.'
Suzuki turned to see her sister leaning in the door frame,and smiled at her.
'Thank you.'She replied.'But I'm not going out on a date.It's for work.'
'Really?'Kieko was always interested in her sister's work.She made frequent visits to the police station,where Suzuki worked.They enjoyed a good chat there,on Suzuki's breaks.When she finished it,Suzuki literally chucked her out of the building.
'Any chance I can come along?'Kieko asked her hopefully.'I was hoping to show John and Sarah where you work.'
'Sorry,not today,Kieko.'Suzuki shook her head firmly.She certainly didn't want her sister,and her two new friends,walking into a suspected bad place.She noticed Kieko's disappointed face though,and offered an alternative.
'Tomorrow should be better,okay? It's impossible today.I have something important to do.'
'Well,okay then.'Kieko reluctantly agreed,before she added.'Be careful,okay,Suzuki?'
Suzuki's heart was touched,and she warmly embraced her younger sister.
'Don't worry.I will.'Suzuki then asked her.'Where are John and Sarah?'
'They're sleeping.'Kieko answered.
'Good.They need their rest.'Suzuki then gazed more thoughtfully at Kieko,before she asked.'You really do like him,don't you?'
'He saved my life,Suzuki.'Kieko nodded.'He's really something special to me.'
'Of course.'Suzuki agreed,still smiling.'You got a good catch.You're very lucky.'
Suzuki then picked up a handbag,and after giving Kieko a kiss on her cheek,made to leave.
'Please watch yourself,big sister.'Kieko's voice,was full of concern.
Again,Suzuki's heart melted,but she didn't anticipate any problems.
'Don't worry.I'll be back later.'She was still confident,in her tone of voice.'Prepare a nice meal for us all,when I return.'
With that said,Suzuki left.Kieko waved her off.She knew her elder sister was a very good police officer,and Suzuki had helped to catch a lot of dangerous people.However,as Kieko well knew,there were times Suzuki was seized by the criminal element,holding her hostage.Fortunately,she always managed to break free,and her fellow officers made successful arrests,but it still didn't stop Kieko worrying like mad for her.She sincerely hoped they wouldn't bump into any bad people today.
Suzuki had finally reached the National Treasures of Japan bank,and entered it.Glancing at her watch,she noticed she had ten minutes,before her appointed interview.All the female staff had watched her enter,but there was no sign of any male presence here.Suzuki could see all the female staff,were very smartly dressed,and were all highly attractive young women.She then walked up to reception,and the young woman sitting there,looked up politely at her.
'Can I help you,please?'
'I have an appointment for 3.30 here.'Suzuki informed the woman.'I'm applying for one of the positions here.'
'What's the name,please?'
Suzuki told her,and after a few moments,the receptionist nodded,seeing the details displayed on the computer in front of her.She then gestured politely at a small,but comfortable waiting area.
'Please have a seat,Miss Yamamoto.We won't keep you long.'
'Thank you.'Suzuki nodded,and then made her way over to the waiting area.She sat down,and then looked at the bank's interior more closely.The front of the bank was very small,but there was more than enough room,for the tellers to work.Suzuki also noticed the security cameras,placed on the ceiling.Security seemed good,but Suzuki could see more than one camera installed.More than necessary,it seemed.Suzuki had seen many security systems in banks,but she could tell when something was not right.Even so,as she listened to the conversations here,there was certainly nothing to suggest that.Suzuki never detected any tension,and the atmosphere was pleasant.If there was any criminal activity going on here,the perpetrators were doing a good job of hiding it.
Just then,Suzuki heard the telephone ring on the receptionist's desk.The girl answered it,and after listening for a few moments,she replaced the receiver,and walked over to Suzuki.
'Will you follow me please,Miss Yamamoto?'
Suzuki stood,and did follow her.The receptionist led her through one of the doors marked 'Private.'There were a lot more doors here.Suzuki noted.No doubt leading to back room offices,or storerooms.The receptionist led her to one door,and knocked politely.A woman's voice told them to enter.They did so,as the receptionist walked in first,Suzuki followed.
It was a typical office,with filing cabinets,a large desk,and other office mementos.Yet,the first thing that held Suzuki's attention,was that there was a woman sitting behind the desk.She was Chinese,and very beautiful.However,Suzuki could see her eyes were not friendly.She noticed the up and down look the woman gave her,and it went right through her.Suzuki suddenly shuddered,but kept calm,as she watched the receptionist bow politely to her,and introduce her.
'Miss Yamamamoto,Ma'am.'
Suzuki suddenly heard the fear in the girl's voice.Whoever this woman was,she certainly gave the impression of intimidating people.She averted her gaze for a moment,seeing a single file lying on the desk.Suzuki didn't doubt for a moment,that was her personal dossier she'd typed up for them.They would go over it very carefully,checking her background out.She tensed for some tough questions,knowing her police employment record was in there.
'You may go.'The Chinese woman dismissed the receptionist.'I will call for you later.'
The girl nodded,and hurried out of the room,giving the impression she wanted to get away.Suzuki didn't blame her.She clearly heard the distinct tone of pleasure,in the woman's voice.Her eyes chilled her too.Suzuki only saw a cold,and determined look.She suddenly had an incline about the voice.It sounded familiar.Was this the woman who had spoken to her,over the phone earlier?
Behind the desk,Kim Yang was pleased.The Yamamoto girl hadn't recognised her.How she hadn't,was a mystery,but Kim Yang wasn't complaining.Everything was proceeding as planned.
She stood up,and offered Suzuki her hand,which the girl accepted.
'So,you are Miss Yamamoto?'She asked.'I'm very pleased to meet you.Welcome to the National Treasures of Japan bank,my dear.'
Suzuki tried to offer a friendly smile,but she couldn't.She was still shaking the woman's hand,but just for a moment,she felt her hand seized by the woman.There was a deadly smirk visible,as if she knew something Suzuki didn't.She didn't like it at all.Then,her hand was released,as the woman gestured for her to sit,and she opened the file on the desk.
Suzuki did sit,crossing her legs,and hoped the woman's eyes didn't settle on them.She tensed,as the woman read the file.Then,she glanced sharply at her,making Suzuki jump slightly in her chair.
'So,Miss Yamamoto.'Kim Yang began the interview.'Why do you wish to join our establishment?'
It was rather a brusque start,but Suzuki maintained her composure.She had her answer ready for that question,but then,she asked one herself.
'I'm sorry,Ma'am.'She told the woman politely,ignoring the woman's rude manner.'I didn't catch your name?'
'That's right,my dear.You didn't.'Kim Yang's tone made it perfectly clear,that she wasn't going to tell her true identity.'Suffice it to say,I will reveal that to you,if you impress me.'
I bet you will.Suzuki sneered to herself,but still kept a polite face,ready to answer any more questions.She didn't like this woman,and personally,she couldn't wait to get away from her.She sensed this woman was dangerous,and had to be watched carefully.
'I'm still waiting for your answer,Miss Yamamoto.'Kim Yang's tone was sharp,but Suzuki had her answers prepared.
'I strongly believe I'll be an excellent asset to your firm,Ma'am.'Suzuki told her calmly,hoping to give a good impression.
'Oh yes,my dear.'Kim Yang's tone was now almost smug.'Of that,I have no doubt,but there are still a couple of things we need to go over.'
Suzuki then watched her read her file.She tensed again,and sure enough,the question she was expecting came.
'So you worked for the police.'Kim Yang made the first part a statement,not a question.She was still reading some of the file,as she asked.'What made you leave the force?'
'Yes,Ma'am.'Suzuki replied,still confident.'The police work was enjoyable,but I'd like to explore other challenges.'
Kim Yang then glanced back up at her.She was really pleased that the girl was very pretty,just like the Sakai woman,safely bound and gagged close by.Kim Yang couldn't wait for the pleasure she'd get,in securing this latest,and lovely acquisition.She noticed Suzuki was slowly getting nervous,but she made a decision.
'Well of course,we are always looking for new people.'Kim Yang spoke truthfully at that.'I have a strict,but fair selection process,so we will see how you fare,my dear.'She finished with a smile.
Suzuki sat dumbfounded for a moment,before she managed.'I'm in?'
'Temporary trial,Miss Yamamoto.'Kim Yang corrected.'I will be watching you,and see how you progress,but given your police background,I certainly don't anticipate any problems.'
'Thank you,ma'am.'Suzuki was elated.She'd managed to get in.All she needed to do now,was to check the place out,and hopefully,she might find the missing girls here.
'Oh,don't thank me,my dear.'Kim Yang smiled pleasantly at her.'I should be thanking you.After all,you're going to make my life,a lot more easier.'
'I don't understand,ma'am.'Suzuki glanced up at her,puzzled.
'Allow me to show you.Please follow me,Miss Yamamoto.'
Kim Yang then stood up,and left the office.Suzuki stood too,and followed,wondering what she meant.No doubt she'll tell me.Suzuki mused.
She noticed the woman stop outside one of the back room office doors,and she turned back to Suzuki,telling her to wait.Then,she entered the room.Suzuki could only see utter blackness inside,and oddly,the woman didn't turn on a light.
What's she doing? Suzuki was wondering to herself,when she suddenly heard a crash from inside.She heard the woman curse.It sounded like as if she crashed into something.
'Are you okay in there,ma'am?'Suzuki called in.
'Yes.'The woman's voice came back instantly,although it did sound as if she had hurt herself.'I was just a bit clumsy,that's all.Would you be a dear,and turn the light on for me,please? It's just on the wall,as you come in.'
Why didn't you do that in the first place? Suzuki shook her head sadly,but she'd better do it.After all,she might need some help.Suzuki stepped into the door frame,and her hand fumbled for the switch.When she found it,and turned it on,she froze,and gasped in shock.
The woman wasn't hurt at all.Instead,she was standing behind the still seated,bound and gagged Kimie Sakai.The Chinese woman's hands rested on Kimie's shoulders,wearing her trademark smirk,as she gazed lustfully at the stunned Suzuki.Suzuki in turn,could see the utter terror in her friend's eyes.She was desperately trying to speak behind her gag,but she couldn't.Kimie was also trying to tell her something else,frantically moving her eyes behind Suzuki,who suddenly realised the message,but it was too late.A hand clamped over her mouth,and a strong arm seized her from behind,pulling her tightly into her unseen captor.Now,it was her turn to frantically mumble.However,Suzuki froze,as a man's voice hissed into her ear.
'Don't struggle,and don't make a sound.'Suzuki felt his hand tighten over her mouth,and knew it was better not to anger her captors.They had her,and also realised Kimie would be at risk too.So,she nodded,trying to say 'Yes,'but she just managed a faint mumble,behind the man's hand.Fortunately,her captor understood her surrender.
'Good.I knew you would be sensible,Miss Yamamoto.'The man's voice was also filled with pleasure.He slowly removed his hand away from Suzuki's mouth,much to her immense relief,but he still held her tightly.
'Wh-who are you?'Suzuki tried to turn her head to him,hoping to see his face,but the man gripped her chin,and forced her hopeful gaze away from him.Her eyes settled back on Kimie's helpless form,and onto the Chinese woman.Kim Yang was still smiling at the girl's frightened question.
'You'll see who my guest is in a minute,my dear.'Kim Yang told her,as she lovingly stroked a hand through Kimie's hair.The girl whimpered,unable to escape from her touch.'I've wanted to meet you for a long time,Miss Yamamoto.'
'You knew who I was all along,didn't you?'She demanded,still struggling in the man's hold.
'Of course we did,my dear.'Kim Yang's smug,gloating expression was driving Suzuki mad.'I really enjoyed you performance back there.I've always loved the theatre,and you put on a fine show for me.'
'So what are you going to do with me?'Suzuki had to ask that.She noticed Kimie still trying to speak behind her gag,but even though she couldn't talk,Suzuki could see it wasn't going to be good news.
'Why,I would have thought that was perfectly obvious,my dear.'Kim Yang was fully enjoying herself,as she glanced down at Kimie,gently squeezing her shoulders.Kimie didn't enjoy it.'You're going to join Miss Sakai here,and you'll be bound and gagged just like her.Then,both of you will serve me,as hostages.'She smiled again.'I'm sure you two will make my bank balance,much more healthier.'
'Ransom?'Suzuki gazed at the Chinese woman in contempt.'You really think you'll get away with this? Why are you doing this?'
'In answer to your first question,Miss Yamamoto.'Kim Yang replied.'I will get away with it,having always done so.I have a hundred per cent track record.For your second question,let me show you.'
Kim Yang gestured at the man holding Suzuki to give her to herself.The man did so,as he roughly threw the girl into Kim Yang's eager arms,yanking Suzuki's behind her.It was only then,that Suzuki saw who the mystery man was.Her blood froze.
'Takachi!'Her eyes went wider,as her fear grew.
Takachi allowed himself a faint,thin smile,as he gazed at his prize.
'So nice to meet you at last,Miss Yamamoto.'He spoke calmly,but Suzuki recognised his sinister intent.'I've wanted my hands on you,for quite some time.'
Suzuki forced herself to keep calm,but he then told her.'I understand your younger sister,Kieko,was on that ship,the 'Eastern Princess'.I know my late brother was on the ship too,so it's highly likely your sister met him.Don't you agree?'
Suddenly,Suzuki's blood froze even more.She remembered Kieko had told her the whole story.She'd ran into some pretty nasty criminals,especially Takachi,and a Chinese woman named Kim Yang.
'She's a monster.'Kieko had told her earlier,when she'd got back home.'A modern day slave dealer.She kidnaps girls,to sell them as sex slaves.If it hadn't been for Jennings san,I'd have ended up as one of them.'
Now,Suzuki's face was full of alarm,like Kimie's,as she tried to turn her head towards the woman holding her.'You're Kim Yang!'The fear in her voice echoed,in the room.
'My compliments,Miss Yamamoto.'Kim Yang chuckled into her ear.'I'm sure your Kieko told you all about me?'
This was confirmed by Takachi.'That's right,my pretty.'He sneered.'This is indeed,Kim Yang.A very dangerous opponent,I'm sure you'll agree?'
Takachi also promised himself to watch Kim Yang too,knowing the woman was like himself.They only served their own interests,and used so many people to achieve it,regardless of any suffering incurred.He didn't doubt for a moment,that Kim Yang felt the same towards him.
Still,they both wanted the girl,and now they had her.He then grabbed another,hard backed wooden chair,that Kimie was tied to,and then suddenly produced more of the same,strong ropes.
'Let's tie her up,Miss Yang.'
'No!'Suzuki yelped,panicking once she saw the ropes he held,and coming towards her.
'Just relax,my dear.'Kim Yang whispered menacingly into Suzuki's ear.'I'm sure you value Miss Sakai's health,as well as others,don't you?'
Kim Yang then ordered her.'Now,Miss Yamamoto.Take your jacket off please.We just want to make sure you're not carrying anything,that may assist you escape our clutches.'
To emphasis this,Kim Yang suddenly produced a short,but deadly knife,inches away from Suziki's cheek.Suzuki's eyes bulged even more,seeing this.
'Don't worry,Miss Yamamoto.'Kim Yang stroked Suzuki's hair with relish.'I won't use this on you,but will slice the jacket off from you,if you refuse to obey.'
Suzuki was then released.Her first instinct,was to make a break for it.However,Takachi barred her way,and Kim Yang was still standing close to Kimie.If she did attempt to escape,her friend would pay for it.She slowly took off the jacket,and Takachi took it from her.He then began to search the jacket's pockets,only finding Suzuki's mobile.He nodded at Kim Yang.
'Just her mobile.'He stated.
He then pushed Suzuki gently,but firmly onto the chair next to Kimie,and both he and Kim Yang then started to bind Suzuki to the chair.Takachi had grabbed her wrists,forcing them behind the chair,and after crossing them,he wrapped loops of the rope over them.As he did that,Kim Yang had grabbed Suzuki's ankles together,forcing them onto one of the lower legs.She too,wound loops of rope over the girls ankles,and around the leg.Within five minutes,they'd tightly bound Suzuki hand and foot to the chair,but they hadn't finished with her yet.
Kim Yang smiled,as she wound four loops of rope horizontally,over Suzuki's chest,and repeated the process under it.The woman made sure she pulled every one of those loops,as tight as possible,before tying inescapble knots at the girl's back.Suzuki felt as if every loop of rope was crushing her,and she noticed her breasts were jutting out impressively too,due to this.She just had to sit and endure it,as both her kidnappers enjoyed themselves,tying her up.Finally,they wound more ropes over her waist,and her knees too,before they stepped back,admiring their bound prize,as well as their handiwork.
Suzuki knew she'd been tied by experts.Any attempt to try and free her hands,just caused agonizing pain.She just had to stay still,but both she and Kimie felt the ropes crush into their bodies constantly,making them wince in pain.Both their captors noticed it.
'A very pleasing sight.'Takachi remarked,watching his prisoners suffer.He was pleased he'd made them both helpless.Kim Yang also thought the same,as she then produced a thick white cloth,making Suzuki's eyes full of alarm.She had a nasty feeling what was coming next.Sure enough,she watched Kim Yang fold the cloth over several times,and then the Chinese woman tilted Suzuki's head up to her.
'I always enjoy gagging my pretty slaves.'Kim Yang smiled wolfishly down at her.'Close your lips please,Miss Yamamoto.'
Her eyes were still wide,but Suzuki knew she had to obey for Kimie's safety.She clenched her lips shut,and Kim Yang then placed the cloth over Suzuki's mouth,tightening it,making Suzuki mumble faintly.She was pleased,knowing the gag was effective,and she then fastened a double knot tight,at the back of the girl's head.There would certainly be no screams for help,from any of the two girls.Kim Yang thought confidently.
Also satisfied,Takachi then stepped forward menacingly,seizing the back of Suzuki's head forcefully,making her yelp behind her gag.
'I'm sure you two ladies will realise,that there's no chance of escape.'Takachi wasn't smiling,as he told them that.It was another warning he was giving them.
'I'm quite sure both of you,will value the health of all those other pretty employees Kim Yang has here.'He continued.'So,any attempt to escape by either of you,will have serious repercussions for those girls out there.I can easily choose another two pretty hostages,to take your place.'He tightened his hold on Suzuki's neck,hurting the girl again.'You wouldn't want that now,would you?'
Gagged tightly,Suzuki,nor Kimie could respond verbally back to him,but his words had succeeded on them.They didn't have a choice.Both of them fully realised they were under Takachi's,and Kim Yang's power.Suzuki could only stare like a frightened rabbit,into Takachi's eyes.He really was a monster,and Suzuki could also tell the Yang woman,was also displaying the same ruthless streak.
Just then,Takachi received a call on his mobile.Glancing at the callers identity,he noticed it was from one of his men,watching the Yamamoto home.
'Yes?'He answered bluntly.
'We have found out the Westerners identity,Sir.'The man's voice informed him.
'I see.'Takachi then released his hold on Suzuki,who was utterly relieved as he did so.'Who are they?'
He listened intently to the information given to him,before he glanced back over at Kim Yang.The man told him they were English,and then revealed their names.Takachi then informed Kim Yang,who had an immediate reaction.Takachi noticed her face sharpen up at this.
'They are sure of the name?'She demanded.
Takachi repeated that into his mobile.The confirmation came back immediately,with a new addition.
'Yes Sir.Their name is Jennings.Brother and sister.'
'What is the girl's name?'Kim Yang asked sharply,although inside,she was getting excited.Her lust was increasing every second,hoping to hear one of two names she was very familiar with.Sure enough,her wish came true.
'Sarah.'Takachi told her,then saw her pleased expression.'You know her?'
'Oh yes.'Kim Yang smiled,putting her hands on Suzuki's shoulders.'I've a very special attachment to Sarah,and I really can't wait to see her again.'
'Don't worry,Miss Yang.'Takachi smiled,almost pleasantly.'My men are watching Miss Yamamoto's home as we speak.Wherever she goes,I'll let you know.'
Suzuki was shocked,just finding out her home was being spied on.She had very strong fears for her family.All she could hope for,was that her father and Jennings,would spot the bad guys,and deal with them.Yet,Suzuki knew the Englishman had just flown in,from a very long flight.He was sleeping.Kieko had told her that earlier.It would be a miracle,if these yakuza made a mistake.That was all Suzuki could hope for.
'Where is Sarah now?'Kim Yang interrupted her frightened thoughts.
Takachi already had that information ready for her.
'Miss Yamamoto's younger sister,is hoping to bring her to her place of work tomorrow.She's quite keen to show what her sister does.With any luck,they may even come here.'
No!Suzuki suddenly panicked hearing that.She'd just realised she'd made a terrible mistake.Her computer! Suzuki now recalled,that she hadn't turned it off.If Kieko was going to be there,it was guaranteed she'd go straight to her desk,and look at the computer.There,she would see the bank's details,still displayed on the screen.Kieko would come here,and unwittingly bring Sarah too,right into her kidnappers clutches.What made it worse,was that Suzuki knew she wouldn't be able to help,or even warn them.Her bonds held her tight to the chair,and her gag was very effective.Suzuki could only give a faint mumble of despair behind it,as Takachi and Kim Yang,smiled down evilly at their captives.
Chapter 3 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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