Sarah slowly woke up from the bed on the floor.It had been a really good sleep,possibly the best she had for a long time.She rose up,and wearily rubbed the sleep from her eyes,heading into the bathroom.Once she'd showered and dryed herself,Sarah changed into a blue denim shirt,with a pair of matching jeans too.Sarah was always proud to wear her Royal Navy uniform,whilst she was on military duty,but she always enjoyed changing back into her own clothes.
Just as she was putting on a pair of slippers,she heard a knock outside the bedroom.Sarah could see from the silhouette,that it was Kieko.She was just a little smaller than Suzuki,and after hearing Sarah's permission to enter,Kieko did.Sarah had to admit the Japanese woman,was strikingly beautiful.The girl was wearing an exquisite kimono,that Sarah liked.She also knew Kieko had gotten a good catch,in finding her brother.John's done well.Sarah thought to herself.
Once Kieko had entered the bedroom,she immediately bowed deeply,and very respectfully to Sarah.
'Good morning,Sarah.'Kieko greeted her,with a warm,sincere smile,as she rose up.'Did you sleep well?'
Sarah had instantly bowed back to her.
'Good morning,Kieko.'She responded,smiling back sincerely.'Yes,thank you.Best sleep I've ever had.'
'Good.I've made some breakfast for you.'Kieko then told her.'Shall I go and wake up,John?'
Sarah could see Kieko was hoping she could,but she wanted to go and see him.
'No,it's okay,Kieko.I'll be down in a minute.'
Sarah correctly noticed Kieko's disappointment,but it was shown in a friendly way,so she nodded at her guest.
'Of course.'Kieko still kept her smile.'Father and I will wait for you by the table.'
With that said,Kieko gave her another deep bow,and left the bedroom.Sarah then brushed her long,dark hair,and then exited,sliding the door shut.Her brother was sleeping next door,and Sarah knocked politely.There wasn't a response,but Sarah knew John was still sleeping,so she slid open the door,and entered his bedroom.She saw his sleeping form immediately,and knelt down beside his bed.
'John?'Sarah gently shook his shoulder,calling softly to him.'Are you awake? Breakfast is ready.'
Sarah watched him stir a little,but his eyes remained closed.She gently repeated shaking her brother's shoulder,but it was unsuccessful.He was still in a deep sleep.Sarah decided to leave him,knowing he was still worn out by the long flight,and a decent rest would do him good.She gave him a warm kiss on the cheek,before quietly leaving him,sliding the door shut again.
Sarah headed into the kitchen,and she saw Kieko and her father.Both were sitting at the dining table,and waiting for her.As Sarah approached,she watched Kieko's father stand up,and he bowed to her.Sarah returned the gesture.
'Good morning,Sarah.'Yamamoto spoke excellent English,and his voice was polite,yet still friendly.He then indicated for her to sit with them.Sarah accepted gratefully.He did like Sarah and her brother,knowing his daughters did too.
'Good morning,Mr Yamamoto.'Sarah's own voice was warm,and sincere.She smiled,as Kieko served her breakfast,and she started to eat.
'Where is John?'Kieko asked curiously.
'He's still asleep.'Sarah answered,with a faint grin.'When he's worn out,he can sleep for England.'
The three continued eating their breakfast.All enjoyed it,and after finishing his,Yamamoto glanced at the two girls.
'So what do you two have planned for today?'He asked.
'I'm taking Sarah into Suzuki's work.'Kieko replied,remembering her elder sister's promise.'Then,we're going shopping.I'll show Sarah the sights then.'
Kieko then glanced back at him.'And you,Father? What are your plans?'
'I will entertain Sarah's brother.I'm very keen to find out more about him.'Yamamoto was very interested in Jennings,as he turned to Sarah,asking her.'I understand your brother,is a soldier.Sarah.'
'Yes,he is.'Sarah nodded,confirming that.'I'm very proud of him.He's helped a lot of people,who's needed it.'
'Then I shall be interested in exchanging stories with him.'Yamamoto was pleased.He'd been a soldier himself,although he didn't reveal that to Sarah.He had fought many battles,and had always emerged victorious.It had also helped him,in his constant war with the yakuza.It was always ruthless,and brutal.Yamamoto always managed to stay one step ahead,but he was also willing to learn new tactics,especially from a fellow soldier.At the back of his mind though,Yamamoto was hoping his two guests wouldn't get into any trouble.He dismissed that thought instantly.At the moment though,there was no cause for alarm.
Kieko then cleared away the dishes,politely refusing Sarah's offer of assistance,and after doing so,she took Sarah's hand,causing her to rise.
'Come on,Sarah.'Kieko's voice was excited.'Let's get ready.'
'Sure,Kieko.'Sarah smiled,as she bowed to Yamamoto.'Thank you for allowing us to stay,Mr Yamamoto.'
'Of course.'Yamamoto nodded,inclining his head to her.'Enjoy yourselves.'
He then watched both girls leave the kitchen,and then,finally waved them off,as Kieko drove Sarah to head towards Suzuki's place of work.He was just about to head back into the house,when he suddenly spotted something in the grounds.Yamamoto looked for a few moments in that direction,but he didn't go over to investigate.Instead,he headed back inside.
As Kieko drove away,the two men under Takachi's command,reported her departure to their yakuza master.They both heard Takachi curtly order them to maintain their spying duties.He said he would deal with the girl personally,before abruptly ending the transmission.This didn't go down too well,with either of them.
'Damn him.'One of them spoke with utter contempt.'Who does he think he is?'
'Yeah.'His accomplice agreed,speaking with disdain,before he then proposed.'Why don't we do something about it?'
'Like what?'
'Like we do the job ourselves.'The second yakuza grinned.'Should be easy.The Englishman's asleep,and we can finish him off easily.Then,it's two of us against Yamamoto himself.'
'Better be careful with Yamamoto.'The first yakuza man warned.'I've heard he's Samurai.'
'Then we'll make sure we kill him,before he knows what's hit him.'The second yakuza was full of confidence,as he took his silenced pistol for use.The first yakuza also followed his example.
'You kill the Englishman.'The second yakuza ordered.'Then we'll both finish off Yamamoto.After that,we can wait for his daughters to return,and have some fun with them.'He gave a nasty chuckle,before he added.'Even the English girl's very pretty.She'll be our dessert.'
Both men smiled with menace.They were eagerly looking forward to completing their grim task.Quickly,and keeping low,they both hurried towards the house.They reached one of the windows,and hid under it.One of them peered through the glass,but saw nobody in sight.He nodded to his accomplice,and he tested to see if the window was open.It was,and both of them climbed into the house quietly,their weapons ready to shoot anybody standing in their way.
However,there was still nobody in sight,and they both continued to search the house,for their intended victims.They both knew one of them was sleeping,and headed towards the bedrooms.They selected one such room,and as one of them gently slid open the wall door,the two yakuza immediately spotted Jennings' sleeping form.With tense,but eager grins at each other,one of them motioned for his accomplice,to stay on watch.Then,he silently moved forward,aiming his own silenced pistol at Jennings' unaware form to kill him.
He never got the chance,as he heard his accomplice suddenly give out a startled gasp behind him.Turning round,the first yakuza was shocked to see his colleague look at him stunned.Yet,it was what was protruding from his torso,that held both their attention.A sharp,but blood stained blade,had been struck violently into the second yakuza's back.The blade had easily penetrated into the front of the man,but then,it was sharply withdrawn from the victim.Instantly,the second yakuza man collapsed onto the floor,mortally wounded.With a snarl on his face,the first yakuza man fired several shots,aiming beyond his already dead accomplice.He then heard a thud,and ceased firing.It sounded as if he'd hit his target,and completely forgetting about Jennings,who was now awake,and now fully alert to the danger.His soldier's head switched on instantly,as he then rose from his bed,and quickly grabbed the armed yakuza man,his arm over his neck.In a flash,Jennings broke it.
He then released the body,with contempt,before he then noticed Yamamoto slowly enter.Jennings was pleased his host was okay,and also saw the deadly Samurai sword Yamamoto held.It had fresh blood on it,and Jennings then realised that Yamamoto had saved his life.
'Are you hurt?'Yamamoto asked him.
'No,I'm okay.'Jennings nodded his thanks,before glancing down at the body of the man he'd just killed.'Who were these men? Why did they try to kill us?'
'I'm afraid I have my suspicions.'Yamamoto replied grimly.He then knelt down by the yakuza he'd struck with his sword,and rolled up a sleeve.Both Jennings and Yamamoto instantly recognised the much feared yakuza tattoos,on the man's body.
'Yakuza.'Jennings stated.
'I'm afraid we had some uninvited guests.'Yamamoto nodded.'I spotted them outside,but had to wait,until they made their move.'
'So they've been watching us.'Jennings nodded in return.He was beginning to get a bad feeling.This wasn't good news.'You'd better show me.'He continued grimly.'I'll get dressed first.'
Jennings changed quickly,and he then followed Yamamoto.Both men reached the two dead yakuza's hiding spot.What they found there,made their blood boil,and also increase their worries.They saw binoculars,and radio equipment.Obviously,they'd been under surveillance.Yamamoto silently cursed to himself.He would make sure no more yakuza scum,would get this close to him again.Even so,his thoughts reflected Jennings',as the Englishman made the harsh,but grim fact.
'You realise what this means,don't you?'Jennings voice was full of worry,still looking at the dead men's gear.'If they've been watching us,then they'll have seen Sarah and Kieko leave.'
'I'll get in touch with Suzuki.'Yamamoto was already racing back towards the house.Jennings was right behind him.Yamamoto headed straight for the phone,but as he picked up the receiver,he noticed straight away the line was dead.
'The line's been cut.'Yamamoto informed worriedly.
Jennings already had his own mobile out,and selected Sarah's number quickly.There was a response,but his heart sank.A recorded voice told him Sarah's mobile was switched off.Why had Sarah done that? Jennings was really getting more worried.Sarah always kept her mobile on,and he knew something was up.
They both exchanged quick glances,before Yamamoto snapped.'Follow me!'
He raced back outside.Jennings right on his heels.Yamamoto had ran to his car,and after both men had entered it,the car sped off,heading towards Suzuki's place of work.They were both desperately hoping,to be in time.
Kieko drove into the police station car park,and after she'd stopped the car,both she and Sarah exited the vehicle.Sarah gazed at the the station.It looked very impressive,with a lot of satellite dishes placed on the roof of it.She then decided to take out her mobile,checking for any new messages,or missed calls.Sarah didn't see anything,but did notice that the battery level was weak.
Kieko saw her with the mobile,and told her.'I'm sorry,Sarah.All mobiles have to be turned off,once we're inside.'
'Why's that,Kieko?'Sarah asked curiously.
'There's a lot of high tech communications machinery inside.'Kieko explained to her.'Any mobile signals,will affect,and interfere with the equipment.'
'It's okay.'Sarah didn't mind,as she switched her mobile off.Anyway,the battery power level was low,so she'd charge it up later.
Kieko then led her into the police station.Both girls could see it was a typical,busy day,but they were both greeted politely enough.Kieko was well known here,so Sarah was really pleased to receive many bows,and greetings.She returned them all,with a very warm,sincere smile.
Kieko then took her to a desk,that held a personal computer,a phone,and a notepad.The notepad was open,and Kieko could see a number written down on it,recognising Suzuki's handwriting.
'This is Suzuki's desk.'Kieko informed Sarah proudly.'I visit her a lot here.We've had some good chats,but I know when it's time for me to leave.Suzuki's too engrossed in her work sometimes.'
Sarah was looking at the computer,and was curious to see what was on it.
'Can I have a look,please.Kieko?'She asked politely,gesturing at the monitor screen.
'Sure.'Kieko smiled.'I'm curious to see what big sister has been looking at too.'
Kieko then turned the screen on,and both girls noticed a picture of a building,with a lot of information displayed on it.They both peered closer to it,interested to see what it was.Obviously,the web page was written in Japanese,so Kieko had to translate.
'National Treasures Bank of Japan.'Kieko read the name out aloud.She noticed the address of the place,and there was a phone number too.The number matched the one,written down on the notepad.
'Suzuki must have gone there.'Kieko mused thoughtfully.To check,she then picked up the phone,and checked redial.Sure enough,her sister had phoned that place.
She then asked Sarah.'Do you want to say hello,or do some shopping first?'
'Oh,let's say hello.'Sarah grinned.'That was the first thing we agreed to do,wasn't it?'
'I agree.'Kieko nodded,also remembering Suzuki's promise to her.They then left Suzuki's desk,and headed out,waving goodbyes to everybody.Kieko then spotted Sakai.He was busy in his office,and looked worried.Just for a moment though,he did look up,and he spotted her.Kieko gave him a quick wave,but didn't see him return it,as she then led Sarah out of the building.Both girls then got back into Kieko's car,and they headed towards the bank's address.Kieko knew this area of Tokyo quite well,and knew it wouldn't take long to get there.
Kieko drove up to the bank's location without any problems.Both girls noticed however,that the bank wasn't on the main street.Instead,it was set well back,and in a very secluded place.Nobody was in sight,as the girls exited the car,and headed towards the bank's entrance.However,this didn't bother Kieko,or Sarah,as they entered the bank.
From the security cameras footage,Kim Yang and Takachi watched,as their two new,unsuspecting prey walked up to the pretty receptionist.Both exchanged cunning glances.Still bound and gagged on their chairs,so did Suzuki and Kimie.Their eyes were full of alarm,knowing the two girls had walked right into the lions mouth.She was desperate to help,or maybe just to try and get a warning to her sister.Suzuki couldn't help,but try and make an attempt to free herself,but to no avail.She slumped in defeat,mumbling despairingly into her gag.
Kim Yang and Takachi enjoyed her suffering.They would make sure it would continue.Takachi then looked more closely at Sarah.
'The English girl is very pretty.Miss Yang.'Takachi observed.
'Which is why I plan to have her under my power,and soon.'Kim Yang was adamant over that.She then produced a small bottle of chloroform,with a cotton wool pad.She smirked at her two captives,who could only look on helplessly.
'I certainly hope you two will stay where you are.'She warned her prisoners.'I will use this on you both,if either of you are stupid enough to try something.Do I make myself clear,ladies?'
Neither Suzuki or Kimie could respond back.They continued to stare in fear at her,and Takachi.Suzuki felt a horrible,and helpless feeling,that she wouldn't be able to help Kieko or Sarah.They were firmly held in their kidnappers clutches.
'So how do you plan to take them?'Takachi asked,interested.
'With cunning,of course.'Kim Yang was confident she'd think of something.She always did.Just then,a phone rang in the room with them.Kim Yang knew it was the receptionist ringing them.Before she picked up the receiver though,she put a finger to her lips,warning her two prisoners to be quiet.She certainly didn't want the receptionist asking any awkward questions.To reinforce her warning,Takachi then stood over them.
Kim Yang then picked up the receiver,answering the call with an almost smug.'Yes?'
'Sorry to disturb you,ma'am.'The receptionist's voice told her politely.'There are two young ladies here,to see Miss Yamamoto.The lady who arrived here earlier,applying for one of our vacant-'
'Yes.'Kim Yang interrupted her brusquely,but she was smiling at Takachi,fully enjoying the deception.'Who is asking to see her?'
'It's Miss Yamamoto's sister,ma'am.'
'Very well.'Kim Yang was also enjoying Suzuki's bulging,almost desperate eyes,as Takachi was stroking the girl's face.'Tell them to take a seat,and I will personally attend to them,in due course.'
Without waiting for the receptionist's acknowledgment,Kim Yang replaced the receiver.She then watched Kieko and Sarah walk over to the waiting area,and they sat down.
Takachi then released his grip on Suzuki,much to the girl's relief,and he walked over to the camera screens.He was pleased too,looking at the two unsuspecting girls.He couldn't wait to get started,knowing he'd waited a long time for this.He was looking at all the female employees,and had never seen so many young,and highly attractive women.He then had an idea.
'You know,Miss Yang.All these girls would sell very well.I think it's better we grab them all,and take them with us.'
Kim Yang glanced over at him.'Is that a proposal?'
'Why not?'Takachi liked the sound of his own idea.'There's always the chance one of those girls could walk in here unexpectedly,and find these two.'He gestured at the two tied up girls.'Don't you agree?'
He was pleased to see Kim Yang nod.
'Believe it or not,Mr Takachi.'She responded,having seen and choosing several of these beauties to take with her.'I was hoping you'd say that.I still have plenty of room,on my own personal retreat,for more additional slaves.'
'Good.I'll call my men.They can give us a hand.'Takachi then took out his own mobile,and began to make several calls.He issued his orders,still curtly,before ending the calls.
'My men are on the way.'This time,Takachi's voice was more pleasant.'They're looking forward to it.'
'I'm quite sure they are.'Kim Yang agreed.So was she.Then,she got excited.An opportunity had arose.Watching the camera screens,Kim Yang then spotted Sarah rise up from the waiting area,and the English girl entered the ladies room.
'I'm going to grab the English girl now.'Kim Yang pocketed the bottle of chloroform,with the cotton wool pad,and made to leave the room.Before she did however,Kim Yang then looked at her two pretty,but tightly bound hostages.
'Don't go away,ladies.'Kim Yang smiled,adding a remark of unwanted humour at the girls.'Oh,that's right,you can't.'
With her lust approaching overdrive,Kim Yang hurriedly left,leaving a smiling,but menacing Takachi guarding them.
As Kieko and Sarah waited patiently in the waiting area,the girls glanced curiously around the bank's interior.It was very smart,but Sarah did notice the many cameras placed all over.Well,it is a bank.Sarah thought to herself.They have to protect themselves,from being robbed.Still,Sarah did think it was slightly odd,perhaps a touch sinister.
They hadn't been sitting long,when Sarah felt the need to go to the ladies room.She asked Kieko ask the receptionist girl where they were,who did.
'Go through that door,Sarah.'Kieko pointed towards the relevant one.'It's directly facing you,at the end.You can't miss it.'
Sarah thanked her,and hurried through.She was getting a little desperate,but sure enough,she saw the right door,exactly where Kieko had said it would be.The universal sign on the door front Sarah recognised,and she gratefully entered.She never spotted the shadow closing in on her.
After finishing,Sarah felt better,and moved over to the spotless wash basins.She started to wash her hands,when Sarah suddenly heard a woman's voice from behind,startling her.
'Hello Sarah.'
Sarah suddenly froze.She knew that voice!It was a voice that she had hoped never to hear again.Instantly,Sarah jerked her head up to stare at the mirror,in front of her.Her eyes bulged in shock and horror,as she fully recognised the grinning,but sinister figure of Kim Yang standing right behind her.
In an instant,Sarah opened her mouth to give out the loudest scream of fear she could manage,but Kim Yang was fully prepared for this.She seized Sarah forcefully,wrapping her arm around the girl's waist in a vice like grip.Before Sarah could utter her scream,Kim Yang ruthlessly clamped the cotton wool pad over the girl's mouth.Sarah's eyes bulged even wider,as she fully recognised the smell of chloroform.Kim Yang had put plenty of the drug on the pad.Desperately,Sarah struggled like mad to free herself,but the Chinese woman held onto her prize easily.She chuckled,as she listened to Sarah's constant,frantic mumbles.She was relishing the girl's struggles,as Sarah fought furiously to break free,moving her body from side to side.It was useless.
'You didn't really think you could get away from me that easily,did you,my dear?'Kim Yang whispered lovingly into Sarah's ear.'I told you I would be back for you.'
Sarah's eyes were still bulging hearing Kim Yang's gloat.To make matters worse,she could feel her strength going.The heavily laced chloroform pad stayed tight over her mouth,and she was now starting to lose her senses.It was hitting Sarah hard,that she fully realised she was now back in this horrible woman's clutches again.She was just aware of Kim Yang seizing her more tightly,and her voice hissed into her ear once more.
'You're coming back with me,my pretty slave!'Kim Yang practically snarled,full of strong,overpowering lust and menace.
This was the last thing Sarah heard,before she finally succumbed to the chloroform,with a despairing sigh.
Kim Yang was pleased,enjoying to see the girl sag limply in her grip.She kept the pad over Sarah's mouth for a few more moments,before gently laying prize on the floor.Kim Yang leaned closer,and smelt Sarah's scent.She fully relished it,as she then kissed Sarah fully on the mouth.Although Sarah was out cold,Kim Yang felt her excitement grow.The girl tasted delicious.Kim Yang never felt so happier.
'Oh yes,my pretty.'She ran a finger down Sarah's cheek.'Once I get you back to my island retreat,you'll be mine to savour and ravish,for as long as I want.'
She kissed Sarah's mouth again.Her prisoner's scent was just as pleasurable,as when Kim Yang had ravished her last time.It had been an enjoyable experience,and Kim Yang couldn't wait to do so again.First things first though.Kim Yang smiled to herself.She then placed Sarah's limp form over her shoulder,and after checking the coast was clear,quietly exited the ladies room,taking her prize into captivity.
Kim Yang chuckled in great pleasure.
Chapter 4 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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