Still quietly chuckling to herself,Kim Yang easily carried Sarah's limp form back into the room,where Takachi was waiting for her.She then gently laid Sarah onto a comfortable couch,and brushed away some of the girl's long hair,that was obscuring her face.Takachi came over to look more closely at their latest captive.Just like Kim Yang,he felt his lust dramatically increase.
'She's even more desirable,than I expected.'Takachi stated,just managing to keep his urges in control.
'And the girl is mine.'Kim Yang's voice was firm,also adamant.'We'll use her a hostage first,against her brother.But be warned,Takachi.'Kim Yang spoke more harder this time.'The girl is not to be harmed.'
'Oh,I wouldn't dream of damaging such a pretty face.'Takachi grinned,rather unpleasantly.He ran the back of his hand down Sarah's cheek,then lifted her chin.
'You're quite right,Miss Yang.'Takachi nodded,after examining Sarah's face.'She'll fetch an excellent price,just like those two.'
Takachi didn't bother turning his head,to look at Suzuki and Kimie,but the trussed up girls knew he was talking about them.Both mumbled weakly,into their tight gags,but Suzuki's eyes bulged,when she suddenly watched Kim Yang turn towards her,and then smirked down at her.
'Well,Miss Yamamoto.It's time to bring in your pretty sister.I promised myself that.'
Suzuki was stunned,and full of despair.She was trapped here,totally unable to warn Kieko.She then gave her captors a look of utter hatred.
'Leave her alone,you bitch!'Suzuki tried to shout that out,her tone furious.However,her gag was firmly tied over her mouth.It still came out,as weak mumbling.
Kim Yang merely raised an amused eyebrow,at Suzuki's enraged eyes.
'Don't worry.'Kim Yang was still smirking.'I'm sure Jennings will come to rescue his girlfriend,as well as yourselves,or should I say,an attempted rescue.'
Her smirk increased at this,driving Suzuki even more mad,but then,Takachi's mobile rang.He answered the call,and listened for a few moments,before he replied.
'Very well.Everyone is prepared? Good.You can move in now.'
Takachi then ended the call,and informed Kim Yang.'My men are now here.They're coming in now.'
'Excellent.'Kim Yang was pleased.'We could use the extra help,especially when we tie up the rest of the girls.I hope they've brought plenty of rope?'
'Of course.'Takachi reassured.He then glanced back down,at Sarah's unconscious form,before he asked hopefully.'You want me to tie her up? It would be an honour,and a pleasure.'
Kim Yang shook her head politely,but firmly.
'My apologies,but Sarah is my favourite.I will tie her up,and gag her.'She relished saying that,continuing.'Besides,I need to get her away from her brother.I'll put her on my boat,where I can keep an eye on her.'
She then bent down,to lift Sarah's still out cold form over her shoulder,and was walking towards the door,when Takachi's voice stopped her.
'Remember the deal,Miss Yang.'This time,it was his turn,to speak with a more harder edge.'I want her brother.'
'You will.'Kim Yang was utterly confident of that,but felt it wise to give Takachi,a firm warning.'Just remember yourself,Takachi.Jennings is a very dangerous opponent.Don't under estimate him.'
Takachi scoffed at that.
'Really? Well,he won't be,after I'm finished with him.'The menace was fully felt by the two captive girls,who shrank back in fear from him.Kim Yang wasn't impressed though.
Fool.She thought in contempt.Better let him find out for himself.Kim Yang had never forgotten the fight she had with Jennings,back in the Thai jungle.Despite being defeated by him,she had fully enjoyed the fight,and was sincerely hoping for another opportunity.
Takachi turned his attention back to the security camera screens,as did Suzuki and Kimie.What the girls saw,made their hearts sink.Takachi was watching the footage outside the bank,and he then saw two large white vans pull up sharply outside the building.Instantly,the doors of the vans slid open,and several men jumped quickly out.All wore hooded,and held weapons.One of them carried a large holdall bag,but all advanced menacingly towards the bank's entrance.
'Well then,ladies.'Takachi turned to face his two hostages,pulling out a handgun.'It begins.'
He then saw Kim Yang face Suzuki,and Kimie too.
'I'll be back soon,ladies.'She promised them.'I'm sure you'll all enjoy my hospitality at my little island retreat.'She paused briefly,before finishing ominously.'Eventually.'
'Don't be too long.'He called out after her.'You might miss all the fun.'
'I wouldn't dream off it.'Kim Yang smiled,as she left the room,saying.'Enjoy yourselves,ladies.'Then,she was gone.Takachi then made to leave himself,but before he left,he also give the girls another sinister warning.
'Remember what I said,ladies.Stay here,and I won't harm any of the girls out there.'He gazed menacingly at Suzuki.'Or your sister,Miss Yamamoto.'
Both girls stared helplessly back at him.Then,with an evil chuckle,Takachi left them,heading towards reception.
Kieko was still sitting in the waiting area,and was starting to wonder why Sarah hadn't returned.It had been at least,ten minutes,since she'd went to the ladies room,and there was still no sign of her.
Maybe I'd better go and see if she's okay.Kieko thought,rising up from her seat.
Kieko was just heading towards the ladies,when she suddenly heard a commotion from behind.Turning round,she was stunned to see several hooded men burst into the bank.They all carried weapons,and their violent entrance had made some of the girls scream in fear.One of them stepped forward,firing his weapon into the ceiling,which still made all the girls jump in fear,but their screams stopped.
'Good evening,ladies.'The man's voice was calm,but all the girls clearly recognised the deadly intent in it.'I realise this is somewhat of a surprise,but please obey,and you won't be harmed.Do I make myself clear,ladies?'
There was no reply from any of the girls.All stared fearfully back at him,and his hooded colleagues.He knew however,that he had control of them all.
'Very good,ladies.'He continued.'Now,if you'd all put your hands up,and come out here.Then,lie face down,and put your hands behind your back.'
On saying that,the man carrying the holdall stepped forward,and unzipped the bag.Kieko and the girls clearly saw plenty of ropes inside it.The man was already dishing them out,to his accomplices,who then menacingly moved forward,to seize every one of the girls,who were too frightened to move.The men easily rectified this,as they forced their prisoners out into the open.Then,having forced them to lie down,the men began to tie the girls up.
Kieko stared in shock,as they did this.She had raised her hands in surrender to them,but her fear too,kept her feet rooted to the spot.She swallowed hard,as she desperately fought to get her courage back.Slowly,it did,as she then realised she was partly out of sight,from the men.Carefully,Kieko stepped backwards,desperately hoping they wouldn't spot her.If she could get away,there was a strong chance she could raise the alarm.However,Kieko suddenly saw the hooded man who'd spoke,spot her.Both their eyes met.Kieko' eyes were full of fear,whilst the man's showed only a cruel,narrowed look.Kieko couldn't see,but the man was actually smiling behind his mask.He'd seen something,that Kieko hadn't.Strangely though,he didn't race forward to grab her,although he could see the girl was moving away from him.He just stood there,watching her,as did a couple more of his men.Kieko continued to slowly back away from them all,praying she could turn and run.Once out of their sight,she could raise the alarm,and get the police here.
Kieko never got the chance.Instantly,she felt herself seized from behind.A strong hand clamped over her mouth,and an arm took her waist,pulling her tightly into her unseen captor.
'So you are Miss Yamamoto's sister.'Takachi's voice hissed into her ear with relish.'Kieko,isn't it? Very nice to meet you,my dear.Your pretty sister is mine,and so are you now.'
Shocked at hearing this,Kieko could only manage faint mumbles,behind the man's strong hand.Hearing that Suzuki was also a prisoner,made her struggle like mad,but Takachi held onto her easily.He made sure his grip on her was tight,as he glanced at the rest of his men,who were still tying up the female bank staff.
'Use all the rope.'Takachi ordered coldly.'I don't want any of them to escape.'
He then sniggered into Kieko's ear.'Nor will you,my pretty.'
Kieko's blood went ice cold.What had he done to Suzuki? Was he bluffing,and who was her kidnapper? Kieko didn't know,but she knew she was in trouble.What was going to happen to her,and all the other girls? She then got her answer,as Takachi gave another curt order.
'Make sure you gag all our pretty hostages.Put them in the vans,whilst I look after this pretty little thing.'
He then kissed Kieko's cheek,who gave a muffled squeal,but her cries were ignored.Takachi then swung her away,to take her back into the room,where he sincerely hoped the other two beauties,would still be there.
His men had acknowledged his order,and were now placing large,rectangular strips of black duct tape,over each girl's mouth.Once satisfied their prisoners were all tightly gagged,they then finished tying more coils of rope over them securely.
Finally,each girl was helpless,and silenced.One of the hooded men then checked outside the bank.He was pleased to see the street was deserted.There was nobody about,and he then nodded at his accomplices,indicating it was all clear.The men then grabbed every one of the bound,gagged girls,placing them over their shoulders,and quickly carried their prizes out of the bank,and towards the vans.Nobody was around,but the men made sure all the girls were put into the back of them,and two of Takachi's men sat in the front,to guard them.One of them produced a walkie talkie,and spoke to his master.
'The women are secure,Sir.'He reported to him.
'Good.'Takachi's voice came back through the radio.'Take them down to the docks.There will be a Chinese woman waiting there.Follow her instructions,and wait for me.'
'Make sure you keep checking the police radio traffic.'Takachi insisted,still making sure his men stayed alert.They always were,but he had punished some of his people,who had been careless.This was rare though,considering how severe the punishment he dished out was.'Anything new?'He asked.
'Nothing yet,Sir.They must all be asleep.'
'Then let's hope for their sake,that they stay that way.Go now.'
Takachi watched the vans drive off,from the security camera screens,where he'd easily forced Kieko into.He chuckled,as he put his own walkie talkie down,feeling his fingers through the girl's long,smooth,dark hair.Just like Suzuki and Kimie,Kieko was now securely bound and gagged on a similar type of chair.She was staring at her sister in utter fear,as Takachi's touch.Suzuki and Kimie also had huge eyes,dreading his next move.If they had been able to read his mind,all three women would have been horrified,to see what he was planning next.
Excellent.Takachi thought to himself,with an evil smile fully evident,reflecting his pleasure.With these three beauties in his power,he thought again,he could do anything he wanted.Takachi couldn't wait for his nemesis,Yamamoto to appear.As if right on cue,they all heard police sirens approaching....
Jennings and Yamamoto had finally reached the police station.They both leapt out of the car,and hurried inside.Yamamoto headed straight for his daughter's desk.He only saw a single notepad,but clearly recognising Suzuki's handwriting,noticed a telephone number written down on it.He then touched the keyboard,and the computer screen showed the building on it.
'What is that place?'Jennings asked him,looking at it too.
'National Treasures Bank of Japan.'Yamamoto translated.He also noticed the same telephone number,displayed on the web page.'She must have gone there.'
Quickly,Yamamoto looked up,to see if his friend Sakai,was here.He spotted him in his office,and hurried over.Jennings right behind him.Yamamoto almost burst into Sakai's office.His friend was working through a mass of paperwork,as he glanced up,slightly surprised.
'Did you see my daughters come in here earlier?'Yamamoto asked him urgently,almost demanding.'There was a young English girl with Kieko.'
Sakai nodded.
'Yes,I saw Kieko with somebody,Sir.They haven't long left here.'
'What about Suzuki?'
'I gave her an undercover assignment this morning.'Sakai hesitated for a moment.He knew Yamamoto wasn't going to like this,but what else could he do? 'I sent her to that bank.The National Treasures Bank of Japan.'
For a moment,Yamamoto was stunned.He knew about that place,but hadn't realised his two daughters were walking right into trouble by going there.
'You sent Suzuki and Kimie all alone,into that snake pit?'Yamamoto almost shouted that.'What the hell were you thinking?'
Sakai suddenly rose up to him.They were really good friends,but when they argued,it was very fierce,just as it was with their daughters.However,Sakai kept his voice calm.Yamamoto was his boss.
'Suzuki offered to help find Kimie.I haven't been able to get in touch with her,and I think she's in trouble.'
Yamamoto was still seething,but realised his friend was just doing his job.He knew Kimie was a lot like Suzuki.Both girls were fiercely dedicated to their jobs,and they would have eagerly relished accepting this type of mission.
He then noticed Sakai glance at Jennings.Yamamoto introduced him,and explained his presence here.Sakai then bowed politely to him.
'I am very sorry.'Sakai spoke in excellent English to Jennings.'I really hope we can help you.'
'You will,Sir.'Jennings replied back,in fluent Japanese.'I promise you,we'll get the girls back safely.'He then asked.'Did they say anything to you?'
'No.I'm afraid not.I only saw them leave.'Sakai still spoke in English.'I only gave Suzuki her duty assignment,for the bank.'
'What is this bank?'Jennings asked curiously.
'We think its a front,for a major kidnapping ring.'Yamamoto came in grimly.'Possibly a slavery ring.A lot of young women have disappeared there,and all very recently.Some have been customers,whilst others have been staff.'
'Then we'd better get there.'Jennings nodded at him.'And fast.'
Both agreed.Yamamoto didn't have to order his friend what to do.Sakai already had the phone in his hand,issuing out fresh orders to all his available,and mobile police units.Once he'd done so,Sakai raced out,following Jennings and Yamamoto to his friend's car.
Sarah slowly opened her eyes.What happened? She thought,still feeling the blackness gradually recede from her.It was then,that she found her body wouldn't quite obey her.As Sarah's senses became more aware,she could see she was sitting down,on a hard backed wooden chair.Sarah's eyes widened,as she then saw the horizontal loops of rope,tied tightly above and below her chest.Sarah also felt the ropes around her wrists,tied behind the back of the chair.She also felt both her ankles secured together,to one of the chair's lower struts.Sarah felt firmly imprisoned to the chair.
To add to her woes,Sarah suddenly found herself looking up at the person responsible,for tying her up.Kim Yang stood right in front of her.She stood with a feminine poise,as she held a raised arm above her waist.Yet there was nothing feminine in her expression.Her eyes gleamed down in great lust at her captive,also admiring her handiwork,fully confident Sarah wouldn't be able to escape from her bonds.Every knot Kim Yang had fastened,was done tight,and with relish by her.
She was still observing her prisoner lustfully,and could see Sarah's frightened face.The girl was also trembling in fear,as she could only stare helplessly back at her captor.
'So nice to see you again,my dear.'Kim Yang greeted her pleasantly.'I trust you're not to uncomfortable,Sarah?'
Sarah found her breathing increasing,and difficult to control.This was making her chest much more impressive,which Kim Yang noticed.However,Sarah managed to find her voice,but it sounded very shaky.
'Wh-wh-what are y-you going to do with me?'
Unwelcome memories of her,suffering at the hands of this Chinese woman,came back to haunt Sarah.Was she going to rape her again? Kim Yang was smiling menacingly at her,giving this horrible thought,much more likely.
'You'll find out soon enough,my pretty slave.'Kim Yang then stroked a finger down the girl's cheek,enjoying Sarah's bulging eyes.'I've no doubt you'll make a very useful hostage,should the need arise.'
Sarah struggled vainly against her bonds.She was now getting some of her strength back,and there was now defiance creeping in.
'You'll never get-'Sarah began.
'-get away with it?'Kim Yang interrupted her,raising a faintly amused eyebrow.'Who's going to stop me? Your hero brother?'This time,Kim Yang sneered that out,before her voice calmed down.'Rest assured,my dear.When he comes to rescue you,we'll be waiting for him.'
This filled Sarah with horror.'What are you going to do to him?'She demanded.Her tone desperate to find out.If anything bad happened to John,her chances of escape,were permanently diminished.
Kim Yang just chuckled.
'Well,let's just say that a business associate of mine,is quite keen to find out certain things.'She was still enjoying Sarah's anguished face,as she lifted Sarah's chin.'Don't worry your pretty little head though,my dear.'She continued.'I'm not going to lay a finger on him,but someone else will,if he chooses to be stupid.'
Sarah could only shake her head disbelievingly.She was appalled at what she'd just heard.The woman wasn't human!
'You-you-you're an inhuman monster!'Sarah screamed that out,in outraged despair.
'Why,thank you,my dear.'Kim Yang smiled down at her,almost pleasantly.She felt extremely flattered.It wasn't often she received compliments.She then produced a large strip of cloth,and began folding it over several times.Her gaze was now more sinister,and Sarah knew what was coming,knowing only too well.
'Much as I enjoyed this little chat.'Kim Yang told her,moving behind Sarah.'I think I'll make you much more appealing.'
'No!'Sarah yelped.'Please! Donnmmmmmfffff!'
Her protest was coldly ignored,as Kim Yang forced the cloth over Sarah's mouth,pulling the two ends she held tightly.She wanted maximum silence from her captive,and expertly tied a double knot at the back of Sarah's head,enforcing the gag.With this completed,Kim Yang was satisfied,as she walked back round to face Sarah.Kneeling down,her hands immediately groped Sarah's impressive breasts.She was amused to see the girl clench her eyes shut,as she indecently assaulted her.
Kim Yang continued her chuckles,as she went on enjoying herself.
'Even if by some miracle,your brother does manage to get out of what we have planned for him,Sarah.'Kim Yang taunted.'It will be too late for him to save you,my dear.'Her chuckles became more menacing.'You see,my dear.I'm going to make you totally submissive to my will,and I'm going to tie you you up,and gag you every night.That will be a great pleasure,as well as when I force you to come,just like I always do,with my personal collection of slaves.'She then lifted Sarah's chin again.'You'll be my favourite amongst them.'
Sarah screamed into her gag,utterly terrified.Of course,no scream came out,only her faint mumbling,but Kim Yang relished her prisoner's distress.She was determined to hold onto this beauty,and not let her escape a second time.She continued to fondle and grope Sarah's chest,feeling her sexual urges increasing.This made her more excited,as she then sat herself onto Sarah's lap,now starting to kiss her prize.The girl was firmly in her clutches,yet somehow,Kim Yang sensed she hadn't seen the last of Sarah's brother.
No matter.She thought confidently.There would be plenty of time to deal with him later.For now,she continued to enjoy Sarah's helpless form.
Chapter 5 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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