As he drove the jeep back into the port,seeing Louise,Kelly and Kate being seized,Jennings screamed out in half rage,half despair.He slammed on the brakes,and raced out of the vehicle.Running out though,didn't help.The girls were gone,and he sank to his knees in despair.
Hunt had also joined him,and was also furious,witnessing Louise and Kelly being kidnapped.She still wasn't sure about the other young woman,but she had seen Kate help them.
She then knocked Jennings on his shoulder,hoping to snap him out of it.
'John,these people need the food.We'd better give Monty a hand unloading.'She then squeezed his shoulder affectionately.'We'll get them back.I promise.'
This seemed to work.Jennings stood up,and although he didn't reply,he did make his way over,to where Montgomery was unloading the truck.The few surviving military personnel,also came over to assist.They didn't want a mass surge towards the truck,but fortunately,there was none.Everybody seemed to be in shock,as they stepped forward to receive the food.Jennings was thinking,that it was actually Montgomery's powerful physique,that kept them all calm.
As he helped to unload the food sacks,Jennings then noticed the Sanna battle cruisers moving away.So did the one,which had taken his sister,with Kelly and Kate.He was puzzled why they weren't firing on them.Their main armament,would have blasted them apart,but they didn't fire.Jennings bitterly knew the answer.The humanoids wanted him,and the three girls were the bait.
Suddenly,Jennings spotted something familiar.He recognised the boat,where Talbot had almost forced Louise onto.Jennings noticed the crew on board it,were watching the port.He cursed inwardly,realising the enemy was still here.
Instantly,he gestured to Hunt and Montgomery at it,and the trio raced off in pursuit.As he ran,Jennings wondered how long they'd been there.It was obvious,that they'd been watching the girls,then informing the Sanna to make their move.They'd done so quickly.Now,he'd better think of something,and quick.
The three of them ran on,keeping low,trying to find suitable cover,for a firing post.Hunt had just spotted one,when suddenly,the boat's crew had spotted them.Instantly,O'Rourke's men opened fire on them,sending everybody sprawling back into cover.
The boat's weapons were formidable.Montgomery noted,peering out at it,but he was already preparing to retaliate.He did prefer to use the knife,in his duels,but of course,Montgomery liked to handle weapons,that carried a lot of firepower.His own personal weapon,was just the right choice.It could fire plenty of ammunition,and the bullets were explosive,but the rifle was also equipped,with an under slung grenade launcher.This could practically blast through anything,or anyone.
He indicated to Jennings and Hunt his target,it was the mounted gun on the bow,and both nodded.They then leaned out,giving him the covering fire he needed.Momentarily,the gun crew ducked behind their weapon,thinking the bullets would bounce off,but they were wrong.Montgomery had already decided to use the launcher,and instantly fired his own weapon.The grenade hit right where he'd aimed it.In a short,but deadly explosion,the gun blew apart,sending the crew screaming into the water.
Satisfied that threat was dealt with,the three of them now started to shoot at their targets.It was now a viscous gun battle,as both opponents tried to overcome each other.In the end though,it was Jennings and his friends that won the day.They were better trained,and never wasted a shot.Every time they opened fire,they made sure they hit their targets.Within moments,the gunfire from the boat ceased,and it drifted aimlessly.
Grimly checking they'd beaten the enemy,Jennings nodded to Hunt to cover them.She did,as he and Montgomery hurried over to the drifting boat.Fortunately,it was close to one of the mooring bays,and both men jumped aboard.There were no survivors,and Montgomery gave Hunt the thumbs up.He then grabbed ropes,and tossed it around one of the mooring points.Hunt came out,securing it,then she jumped aboard too.
Going inside,Jennings had found the radio,and was able to see the coded messages written down.His suspicions were confirmed.They had been watching Louise.He could see the orders from O'Rourke himself,detailing the Sanna's involvement.He'd also left strict instructions,to seize Kelly,and Kate.Kate's presence,was of special interest to the Sanna.Jennings didn't have to think why.
He knew he'd have to get info,on that Sanna ship that had taken the three girls.That meant going back into O'Rourke's stronghold,and Jennings knew they'd be waiting for him.However,this didn't deter him.He certainly wasn't going to leave his sister,at the mercy of the Sanna.He told this to Hunt and Montgomery.
'I'm going after Louise.'He said it simple,but they both recognised the determination in his voice.
'We'll be there with you.'Montgomery nodded.He would always fight together,with his best friend.They were a good team.Montgomery never turned his back,on his friends.
Hunt also gave her assent,and asked him.'What's your plan?'
'As it's O'Rourke's doing.'Jennings explained.'We're going to have to get back into his base.That's our only chance,of finding the girls.He should have access,to the Sanna fleet.'
'It's a long shot.'Hunt admitted.'Maybe the Sanna won't allow him access.The Sanna fleet's huge.Louise and Kelly,could be on any one of them.'
Jennings did agree with Hunt,but just as he was going to tell her,that he wasn't going to give up,when much to their stunned surprise,they all saw the massive shape,of the 'Savage',suddenly reappear in the sky overhead.
On the 'Savage's' bridge,Griffiths was reasonably pleased.His deception tactic had worked perfectly,knowing the Sanna had been convinced,by the destruction of his ship.Thanks to his first officer,and all the serving female crew members,they'd sent out false images of the 'Savage' under heavy fire,before finally blowing up.
However,Griffiths knew he'd paid a price.Kate wouldn't have been able to pick up their thoughts,so would have been utterly convinced,seeing a powerful,dramatic image like that.He'd also seen the Sanna ship,seize his officer,as well as two more,young women from the planet.At that time,Griffiths couldn't help them.They had to wait,until all the Sanna battle cruisers left the scene.Although,Griffiths made sure he kept updated,on the Sanna ship's position,that had grabbed the girls.He still couldn't believe,how that had appeared out of nowhere.Maybe the Sanna had a new weapon? Whatever it was,Griffiths was going to find out.
He'd also been told of radio traffic,that had been directed at the Sanna.Griffiths was slightly stunned,to find out that it had come from,some of the Earth's people.They'd actually relayed Kate's location,to the Sanna.Immediately,he'd ordered the signal's source tracked.Within a moment,they'd found it.A small boat,which was identified as hostile,was confirmed.
Griffiths was just about to retaliate against them,when he suddenly noticed a quick,but nasty firefight develop around it.It was then,that he spotted Jennings,for the first time.
He watched,and was impressed with the man's battle skill.He and two others,a tall,dark skinned,powerful man,and a cold faced woman,easily defeat the boat's crew.They then boarded it.
With no Sanna ship in sight,Griffiths ordered the 'Savage' to reappear.This was promptly obeyed,and watching the monitors,he could see everybody down below,looking up.There were many,surprised expressions,but Griffiths was interested in Jennings,and his two friends.
'Status of Sanna fleet?'Griffiths asked Major Robson.
His first officer was highly efficient,in her response.
'All enemy ships powering down main primary weapons,sir.They're all resuming orbital flight.'
Griffiths nodded,then glanced back at the radar screens,checking the numerical strength,of the Sanna battle fleet.He could still see,that there were far too many of them,so he decided to call in some extra help.Griffiths then moved over,to one of his communications officers.
'Send a secure signal back home.'He ordered.'Ask for Commander Connor,of the 'Formidable',and see if he can assist.'
Griffiths was very good friends with Connor.He knew the 'Formidable',was a much more larger warship,than the 'Savage'.Whilst he knew his own ship,had proved a deadly threat to the Sanna,he knew with the 'Formidable' by his side,the Sanna would be in for a serious shock.
'Signal sent.'One of the communications officers reported.There was only a few moments to wait,for a response.'Request acknowledged and approved,sir.Commander Connor is en route.'
'Very good.'Griffiths was pleased,although he was still anxious to rescue Kate,and quickly.Every second counted.The longer the Sanna held her captive,the more chance they had,of finding their home planet's location from her.It didn't need to be said,that if this happened,the consequences for Sirrus 6,would be disastrous.Griffiths and his crew,were determined not to let this happen.
He then turned back to the monitor screens,watching Jennings in particular.He then decided he wanted to meet him,and he called his first officer over.
'Major.'Griffiths told her,when she appeared by his side.'Take a shuttle down,and invite this Jennings,with his two friends,to come on board.I want to speak to him.'
'Aye,sir.'Robson nodded respectfully,before she left the bridge.
Griffiths did sense this man would help them,and he admitted he needed it,or rather,Kate did.He wasn't going to let the Sanna escape with her.He had no idea,what Kate,and those two young females,might be going through.But based on what he'd learnt ,from Sanna treatment of their prisoners,he knew it wouldn't be pleasant.
Indeed,at the present moment in time,Kate was feeling anything,but pleasant..The Sanna had now prepared her,for the dreaded interrogation.Her arms had been released from her back,but Kate's relief was only temporary.The humanoids,had then forced her arms above her,securing her wrists together,onto a steel support in the ceiling.Kate's ankles were also tied together,and this forced her,to stand on tiptoe.It was agony for her,to be in this position.Yet,despite the pain she was enduring,Kate fully concentrated,on getting her strength up.She knew what they wanted,and there was no way Kate was going to give in to them.
Still tightly gagged,Kate glared back at her kidnappers.Present in the room with her,were two armed Sanna guards,the Sanna commander,and these two women.All were giving her,their full attention,and Kate could tell by looking into their eyes,her kidnappers were looking forward to this.
The Sanna commander then stepped forward,and began slowly circling Kate.He was pleased by what he was seeing,and then,ran his three fingered hand,through her long,bushy dark hair.Kate tried to flinch back from his unwanted touch,but the ropes held her where she was,and after enjoying fondling her body,the Sanna commander stepped in front of her.
He enjoyed listening,to Kate's mumbling behind her gag,and then he turned to face the two women,still standing silent,but their eyes had never left Kate.
'I believe you'd like to know,where we acquired the services,of these two exceptional females,my dear?'The Sanna commander smirked at her,fully taking his time here.'They are from Kavos,a planet I believe you Sirruns know?'
From the stunned look in Kate's eyes,it was crystal clear that she did.Kate was instantly filled with more revulsion,hearing that planet's name.Like Sirrus 6,the inhabitants held strong mental powers,very similar to their own.Sadly though,many of the Kavos people,chose to abuse their powers for profit and gain.It certainly wasn't a nice place to visit,but Kate was forced to hear the Sanna commander go on.
'I see you do know of Kavos.'He nodded,recognising her look.'You're quite right,my dear.Greed is the primary reason,that makes Kavos an interesting place for us,to hire certain services.They are indeed,very expensive,but the price is worth paying for.'
The Sanna then gestured at one of the Kavos women,to come forward.One did so.
Kate could immediately feel this woman's intentions.She felt no humanity,in either of them,but only a cold determination,to get inside her head.Kate didn't have to guess why.
She tried to back away,from the cold faced woman,but didn't get very far.Her bonds made sure of that.The Kavos woman,merely gave her a cold smile,as the Sanna commander turned his attention,back to Kate.
'Well,my dear,are you going to be sensible for us?'
Kate vigorously shook her head at him,her eyes blazing defiance.Only the tight gag,kept the obscenities she was swearing at them all,to the same,faint mumbling.
'That was what I thought you would do.'The Sanna accepted that,before nodding over to the Kavos woman to proceed.Again,Kate tried to back away,but due to her bonds,didn't get far.The woman gave her a cold smile,as the Sanna commander,went straight to the point.
'Well,my dear,are you going to be sensible for us?'He politely asked,but was well aware,that he was in charge of the situation.
Kate vigorously shook her head,with her eyes still blazing defiance.Only the tight gag,kept her protests to a low mumbling.
'That was the response,I fully expected from you.'The Sanna commander then nodded,to the Kavos woman facing Kate.
Instantly,she seized the back of Kate's neck,making the Sirrun woman grunt in pain,before she placed her other hand,on Kate's forehead.Almost immediately,Kate felt the woman's thoughts invade her head.She could hear the woman's voice,repeating the same question,over and over again.
What is the location of Sirrus 6? What is the location of Sirrus 6? Her voice demanded.
Kate however,fought back furiously,managing to expel the woman's invading thoughts.Her eyes glared in contempt at her.
However,the Kavos woman didn't give in that easily.Kate's mental assailant,came straight back into her,with much more aggression.
What is the location of Sirrus 6? Tell me now,or you will suffer!
Despite the much more stronger,renewed assault on her,Kate again,managed to reject the woman's thoughts,out of her mind again.
This made the Kavos woman release her hold on Kate,and she turned to face the Sanna commander.
'She's too strong,commander.'She informed him.'Perhaps if my colleague and I,could make an attempt together on her,we should be able to get the information we need.'
The Sanna commander pondered her proposal for a few moments,gazing at Kate's bound,gagged standing form.
'What is the risk to the captive,should you proceed?'He asked them.'Will she be damaged in any way?'
The second Kavos woman,then stepped forward.
'If she continues to resist us,the girl may damage herself mentally.'
The Sanna shook his head.That wasn't what he wanted to hear.He needed the Sirrun woman alive,and in excellent condition.That was the only way,he was going to get the information from her,so he wasn't going to take the risk,and said that.
'No,we need her mind unharmed.'He stepped forward himself,in front of Kate,and then gripped her chin hard.He could see the girl's eyes were weary,but she still had plenty of fight left in them.
'You still insist on being stubborn?'The Sanna then asked her,still gripping her chin.'If you continue this way,I promise you,that you'll only bring more suffering onto yourself.Perhaps,even some long term damage,to your brain.'
Kate didn't care.She'd already made the decision,to sacrifice herself,rather than betray her own people.The Sanna's hold on her,was extremely painful,and she made another attempt to break free.The Sanna however,easily held onto her,and he was now chuckling.
Kate suddenly noticed,that he was now giving her,a very sinister smile.He'd obviously thought of something,but what?
'Very well,my dear.'The humanoid accepted her decision,and was actually quite pleased with it.'I knew you wouldn't give us the information willingly,and your courage is excellent,to accept this very grave risk to yourself.'
Kate saw his sinister smile widen.'So,I have now decided to give you,a little more incentive.'
The last four words,were spoken with deadly menace,and Kate's eyes widened,when she heard the Sanna commander order one of the guards.
'Bring me one of the human females!The Jennings girl will do.'
The Sanna guard nodded,and promptly left the room.Kate could do nothing to resist.She just had to stand here,tied up,gagged,and helpless.
It didn't take long,for the Sanna guard to return,as he easily carried in,Louise's bound and gagged form.The girl was immediately seized,by one of the Kavos woman,her arm wrapped tightly around Louise's waist.The girl's eyes were terror stricken,as she felt herself,in an inescapable hold.The Kavos woman holding her,pulled her more tightly into her body.She wasn't going to let go of her,and Kate's eyes were full of shock,as she realised they were using Louise as hostage,forcing her to talk.Even so,Kate knew,that she couldn't concede.To do so,would be inviting disaster for her people.
Kate felt her chin released by the Sanna commander,as he walked over to stand in front of Louise.He towered over the young Earth woman,and was enjoying seeing her wide frightened eyes,bulging up at him.He then seized Louise's chin,making the girl yelp behind her gag.
'This Earth female,is very pretty.'He was still smiling,staring lustfully down at Louise.'I'm sure you wouldn't want us,to damage her in any way now,would you?'
He didn't bother looking back at Kate,who was only feeling helpless.Her own mind now in turmoil.She knew she couldn't tell her captors,what they wanted to know,but now they were threatening Louise.Kate never forgot her promise to Jennings,that his sister wouldn't come to any harm.She had to make a decision,and quick.
Despite listening to Louise's faint,gagged whimpers,Kate still kept up the fight,her eyes maintaining her defiance.
There was no disappointment visible,on any of her interrogators faces.On the contrary,they all appeared pleased,as the Sanna commander nodded over,to the Kavos woman holding Louise.She then placed her hand,on the girl's forehead.
Louise suddenly gave a violent flinch,in the woman's grasp.She squealed in pain behind her gag,as she felt the woman's aggressive voice,inside her head.
You are ours,my pretty!Her voice was totally dominating,and completely overwhelming Louise.You will obey us!
This made Louise scream again in fear,but like Kate,her own gag was more than tight enough,to keep her cries,considerably muted.
The Sanna commander,then signalled the woman torturing Louise to stop.The woman immediately removed her hand,but Louise was now crying in pain.She was reeling from the invasion in her head,never experiencing anything like that.She didn't want to again.The Kavos woman responsible,simply smiled,as she kept a tight hold on her pretty hostage.
Still holding Louise's chin with relish,the Sanna commander turned back,to face Kate.
'We are fully prepared,to keep this going.'The humanoid warned her ominously.'Any more suffering the Earth female endures,will be your responsibility,if you still refuse to answer.'
He paused,gazing expectantly at Kate's gagged face,before asking her again.
'Are you going to tell us,what we want to know,or face the consequences?'
Kate finally nodded,surrendering.Like Louise,her own eyes,were now filled with despair,as the woman who'd tried to get the information from her earlier,now stepped forward again.She placed her hand,back on Kate's forehead,and this time,Kate offered no resistance.How could she? There was no choice.
The woman's invading presence,came hurtling back into her mind,and after a few moments,she nodded,informing the Sanna commander,of Sirrus 6's co-ordinates.Once she'd done so,the woman removed her hand,and stepped back.Kate immediately sagged in her bonds,overwhelmed in utter dismay.
'Excellent work,ladies!'The Sanna commander congratulated the two Kavos women,before turning back to Kate.'And thank you,my dear.I knew you'd be sensible in the end.'He glanced back at Louise.'It would have been a great pity,to mark this pretty thing's face.'
His smile of triumph,was written all over his face,and of course,Kate fully knew,that he didn't really mean any thanks to her.She couldn't take the chance,that they may have been bluffing.She had to protect Louise.
The Sanna commander then ordered one of the guards,to get to the bridge immediately.There wasn't a moment to lose.
'Relay the co-ordinates of Sirrus 6,to battlefleet command.'His order was terse.'Prepare the fleet,for imminent assault,and invasion.'
His order was promptly obeyed,as the Sanna guard hurried out.He then lifted Kate's chin again,forcing her to look up at him.He was enjoying her defeated look.
'Don't feel too despondent,my dear.'He told her pleasantly,but his sinister,truimphant smile remained.'You proved yourself a worthy adversary,just as we expected.So you will be granted,prisoner of war status.'
Kate tried to glare back up at him,as she knew being a prisoner of the Sanna,wasn't really where you wanted to be.But all she felt now,was her betrayal of her own people.How could they stop the Sanna attacking,and invading their world? The future for Sirrus 6,looked pretty grim,and harrowing.
'What shall we do,with the human girl?'The Kavos woman holding Louise,asked.
This made the Sanna commander release his grip on Kate's chin,and he slowly moved back,to stand in front of Louise.His eyes gleamed with lust,staring down at her,as his tongue,suddenly shot out,and licked the girl's neck,before slowly stroking her face.Louise instantly squealed into her gag,revolted and terrified by his touch.She clenched her eyes shut,and was then forced to hear the Sanna humanoid's response.
'Why,she's going to serve me,of course.'He smirked down at Louise.'Just like our pretty Sirrun prisoner,I'm going to ravish them both.They'll make excellent sex slaves,for my own pleasure.'
He chuckled,stroking his hand through Louise's long,dark hair.Louise's terror,was fully dominating her.In her mind,she was desperately calling for John,but then,her thoughts were picked up,by the woman holding her.
'The human female,is calling for her brother.'She informed them,before adding.'He's just made mental contact with her.'
It was true.Louise suddenly heard John's voice inside her mind.He was comforting her,and reassuring,that he was coming for her.He was telling her,that he was going to rescue Kate and Kelly too.
Louise suddenly found some new strength,and she tried to break free,from the Kavos woman's hold,but the woman's strength,was too powerful.But hearing his voice,had instantly made her eyes flare,in renewed hope.
Kate too,appeared stunned,as she suddenly felt the presence of all her friends,back on board the 'Savage.'
That's impossible.She thought disbelievingly,still remembering seeing the 'Savage' blowing up spectacularly.However,Kate was still feeling the presence of her friends.
Is it really them? Kate thought,and was now starting to feel some hope coming back.
Suddenly,alarms began to echo in the Sanna ship.Irritated,the Sanna commander made contact with the bridge,and demanded to know,what was going on.
'Sirrun fighter attack!'There was a touch of panic,in the Sanna officer's reply.
This slightly stunned the commander,but he managed to ask sharply.'Enemy source?'
'Sirrun battle vessel 'Formidable',approaching from rear!'The panicky tone remained.
'Battle alert!'The Sanna commander hissed.He then turned to look,at his two female prisoners,before ordering his two Kavos allies.
'Make certain they stay bound and gagged.They'll make valuable hostages,if things don't go our way.'He gestured at Kate.'Cut her down,but secure her,like our pretty Earth hostage.'
He then used his tongue again on Louise,who screamed ineffectively again,into her gag.She could only watch helplessly,as the Kavos woman pulled out a sharp knife.She expertly cut away the ropes,securing Kate's wrists,to the steel support.This made Kate collapse in a heap.The Kavos woman made no move to assist her,but instead,yanked Kate's arms behind her,and started to wind the ropes,back over Kate's wrists.
Kate grimly realised the woman was an expert,and she finally give a muffled grunt of pain into her own gag,as the final knots were secured.More loops of rope followed,as they were wound horizontally,over her own chest,above and below,just as Louise was.A final tightening of Kate's gag,made the woman finally satisfied.Kate just lay,totally immobile on the floor.
Satisfied too,the Sanna commander issued more orders.
'Lock them up seperately,and keep checking on their bonds.'His voice was now eager for battle.'I don't want any of them to escape.That goes for Miss Finch too.'
Two Sanna troopers,instantly moved forward,and reching down,seized Kate and Louise,easily placing the trussed up girls over their shoulders.They were then carried out.The Sanna commander hurried up to the bridge,eager for battle.
Louise and Kate,were then carried into the prison area,of the Sanna battle cruiser.There were armed Sanna here,on guard duty,and they watched the two new arrivals,with interest,as well as other,meaningful expressions.
Also watching them,was Kelly.She was lying on her cell floor,bound and gagged too,and locked in.Her eyes were wide,as the troopers carried Kate and Louise,into their own cells.They gently placed both girls down,but didn't release them.Instead,the troopers marched out of the cells,and locked their two new captives in.
Instantly,both Louise and Kate renewed their struggles against their bonds,but they couldn't make any headway.They were tied up too tight.To make matters worse,the girls then noticed the camera surveillance,and were now aware,that they were being watched.As they sagged in despair,the girls noticed certain armed Sanna guards,leering at them.They saw lustful looks,which added to their fears.
Yet,for the first time,Louise knew help was coming,as did Kate.Kelly too,as all three girls,could now hear Jennings' voice.His presence seemed very close,and Louise was especially praying,that he was.With another useless struggle against her bonds and gag,Louise just kept on hoping.
Please,John!She implored him.Please hurry!
Chapter 8 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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