Jennings and his friends continued to help the survivors,here in the harbour,but he was still feeling enraged,knowing the enemy had abducted Louise,Kelly,and Kate.He couldn't explain the feelings he had for Kate,but he was drawn to her.Although,Jennings was pretty sure,that Kate had some kind of power,to attract him to her.Of course,as long as she wasn't the kind,to abuse it,everything was fine.
However,for the moment,things were not fine.He was still trying to think of a way,to sneak back into O'Rourke's base,when his attention was diverted,to a small shuttle approaching them.The shuttle made no attack run on them,and landed close by.Once it had,many people started to approach it,but Jennings,Montgomery and Hunt,made sure they were in front,ready to face any possible new threat from it.
A ramp suddenly started to lower from the shuttle,and almost immediately,two lines of women marched out,in perfect formation.They were obviously soldiers,as Jennings and his two friends noticed the two sheathed swords,they were wearing.The handles were solid gold,but Jennings ignored that.He also noticed,that every woman coming out of the shuttle,was strikingly beautiful,but none of them was smiling.
They then formed a line opposite each other,quite clearly forming a guard of honour,but for who?
The answer was then revealed to them,when they noticed another young woman,emerging from the shuttle.Like her female companions standing before her,she was also staggeringly beautiful.Jennings was almost bowled over by her,and he also saw,that her eyes locked onto him straight away.She then moved towards him.
As soon as Major Robson looked out of the shuttle,she spotted Jennings immediately,and then advanced towards him.As she did so,Robson noticed the huge throng of people,practically gaping at the new arrivals.She also spotted several armed people,pointing their weapons at her.
Well aware,that her bodyguards would defend her from any hostile act,Robson looked back at her people,and indicated for them,not to do anything.
As she neared Jennings,Robson felt no hostility from him,only curiosity.However,Robson noticed his two friends,Hunt and Montgomery,and both of them held their weapons aimed at her.
Fortunately,she saw Jennings gesture at his friends,to lower their guns,before doing so himself.Robson then reached him,and then bowed slightly to him,placing her hand on her heart,in the well respected Sirrun greeting.
'You are Jennings.'Robson spoke politely to him,giving him a slight,but warm smile.She also spoke excellent English.'I am Major Elisabeth Robson,first officer on the Sirrun warship,'Savage.''
Jennings suddenly realised he'd felt this woman's presence before,but made no comment on it.Instead,he sensed her warmth,and extended his hand to Robson.She was puzzled for a moment,not understanding his meaning.However,Robson accepted his hand.
'Looks like we owe you one.'Jennings shook her hand warmly,knowing full well,that it was Kate's people,that had driven the Sanna away.
'There is no need for any gratitude,Jennings.'Robson replied politely.'I have come with a personal request,from Commander Griffiths,from the 'Savage.'He wishes to speak with you.'
Surprisingly,she saw Jennings nod,although he did have a request.
'On one condition.'Jennings kept his own voice polite.'My two friends-'he indicated Hunt and Montgomery,'-can come with me.'
Robson felt the loyalty the three of them had for each other,and she nodded approvingly.
'Of course.Follow me,please.'
Robson then headed back to the shuttle.Jennings,Hunt and Montgomery followed.
When they reached the guard of honour,the two lines of women bowed politely to them.Jennings nodded back,although Hunt and Montgomery watched for any sudden moves,but there were none,and they boarded the shuttle.
However,Jennings hung back,standing in the shuttle's entrance.He was looking back at the mass of people,still gazing at him.A lot of their expressions were visible to him,and Jennings could see a lot of worried faces.So was he.
Robson noticed him standing there,and came up to him.
'Your people will be safe.'Robson reassured.She gestured up,at the still strong Sirrun fighter screen,maintaining its patrol up above.'Our people will protect them.'
Robson knew the 'Formidable' was on scene too,and was confident they could handle any Sanna threat.
However,Robson sensed the bitterness Jennings was now feeling,as he looked over at the large number of bodies nearby.Jennings still kept on wishing,that he could have helped them.
However,he refrained from comment,and entered the shuttle.Major Robson led them all,to a seating area,and gestured for them to sit,and strap themselves in.The three of them did so,and she did the same.Within moments,the shuttle took off,and raced back up,towards the 'Savage'
Once the shuttle had made a perfect landing,in its designated landing bay,the small craft then taxied,towards a pressurised area,and finally stopped.
Seeing it was safe to depart,Robson released her seat straps,and stood up.
'Follow me,please.'She politely instructed her guests.
Jennings,Hunt and Montgomery,had also released their own seat straps,and followed Robson out.Leaving the shuttle,they all saw an impressive sight.Fighter craft were placed all over the landing bay,and ground crews were hard at work,servicing them.Some were also being guided out,ready to launch.The whole landing bay,was alive with activity.
As he observed all this,it was slowly dawning on Jennings,that he'd just met human beings,living outside the Earth.A lot of the people here,glanced in their direction,but it was only curious looks.There was no hostile expressions whatsoever.In fact,they all sensed a lot of friendliness towards them.
I wonder if they really are human? Jennings thought grimly to himself,as he followed Robson into a lift,and with Hunt and Montgomery inside too,Robson pressed for the bridge.
As the lift carried them to their destination,she could still see the faint suspicion,on Jennings' two friends,but this didn't bother her.She was on their side,and would prove it.Looking back at Jennings,she felt no suspicion emanating from him.In fact,Robson felt he was attracted to her.Inwardly,she smiled at that.Sirrun women always had a strong appeal to any male,and this was why her people needed this strength.
The lift doors opened,and they all stepped out,onto the 'Savage's' bridge.Like the landing bay they'd just come from,the whole room throbbed with activity.Not one of the bridge crew glanced in their direction,as they were all too busy.
However,Jennings,Hunt and Montgomery did see one man looking directly at them.They strongly suspected,that this was Robson's superior.This was confirmed,when they saw her salute him,and after speaking a few words,she stood next to him,placing her hands respectfully behind her back.
Griffiths studied the three of them for a few moments,and knew immediately,that they were all battle hardened.Like his,this was reflected in their eyes,and Griffiths was pleased.He needed highly seasoned soldiers,and hopefully,these three people,could make strong allies.
Griffiths then stepped forward,offering his hand first to Jennings.
'Welcome aboard the 'Savage''He introduced himself,speaking perfect English,just as his first officer had done so.'I'm Commander Griffiths,from Sirrus 6 battle command.'
He was pleased to see Jennings accept his hand.Griffiths could see the man was looking at him closely,studying his own eyes.He saw Jennings recognise a soldier's eyes too.
'I'm Jennings.British army.'Jennings responded,and then gestured at his two friends,standing next to him.'This is Hunt and Montgomery.We've fought the Sanna together for years.'
Griffiths offered his hand to them both,and they accepted it too,although he could clearly see,some suspicion in their eyes.
'You are most welcome here.'Griffiths went on.'I watched you fight that air assault off.You did well.'
'Not well enough,to save everybody though.'Jennings still felt the bitterness,as he said that.
'As your sister told you,Jennings,it wasn't your fault.'Griffiths made sure his tone of voice,was polite.He saw the man look sharply at him,as he mentioned his sister.
'You knew that?'Jennings almost demanded,before realising the mental powers Kate had.It was more than likely,every aboard this ship did.
Griffiths however,nodded,before he went straight to the point.
'You will of course,have seen your sister,your friend,and one of our officers,being abducted by the Sanna?'
'That's true.'Jennings nodded back.'I was hoping you people could help us there.'
'Of course.'Griffiths then gestured for them to follow him,and he led them to a radar screen.It showed the current positions,of all the Sanna space traffic.Griffiths pointed to one marked position,on the star chart.
'We've managed to track the Sanna vessel,where the girls were seized.It is this particular Sanna vessel.'Griffiths pointed at it,and they all saw the relevant ship,was near to the Earth.
'For the moment,they think we've been destroyed,and have to deal with the 'Formidable.'Griffiths went on explaining his plan.'As you can see,the 'Formidable' will keep the Sanna fleet busy,whilst we sneak you in.'
'How?'Hunt asked.
'We've acquired several Sanna craft,including some of their own shuttles.'Major Robson interjected.'I'll fly you in there myself,and help you rescue your friends,and of course,Kate.'
Jennings glanced at his friends.It sounded simple,but he still hoped these people had thought of any potential problems.However,he suddenly sensed,and heard Kate's thoughts.She was telling him to come,and he then heard Louise and Kelly's thoughts too.Both girls were terrified,and he was constantly hearing Louise pleading for him.
This had already made Jennings' mind up,and he nodded at Griffiths.
'Okay.'He agreed.'What about Sanna detection though? I know all their ships,have a classified security code? How are you going to get past that system,before they blow us into space?'
Griffiths turned back to Robson,who let her explain.
'We've managed to get crack that.'Robson answered him.'I can send them false details,but they'll think it's genuine.Besides that,I've already seen plenty of Sanna shuttle traffic,ferrying survivors between their ships.'
Jennings nodded,thinking they had a better chance,so he nodded again at them.
'Good.'Griffiths was pleased,knowing already,that Jennings wouldn't have refused.His concern for his sister,his female friend,and Kate,stood out clearly to him.
Quickly turning back to his helm crew,Griffiths rapidly ordered a course,to head towards their target ship.Once this was done,he then asked for a sit-rep,from his squadron leaders.At the moment,his fighter pilots,were tearing into the Sanna military,keeping their defences fully occupied.Many Sanna battle cruisers were ablaze,and this was forcing them to scatter.
It wasn't just his fighter squadrons responsible for this.The 'Formidable's' main armament,was tearing into the Sanna battle fleet.The Sirrun gunners,were shooting well,always hitting their targets with deadly accuracy.Many of their strikes,struck the fuel and ammunition tanks,resulting in a spectacular,death knell explosion.
Watching this happen,Griffiths was pleased that his friend,Connor,aboard the 'Formidable',was doing so much damage,to the Sanna.It was just the diversion he needed.He then nodded at Robson,before wishing the three Earth people good luck.
Neither Jennings,Hunt,or Montgomery made any comment,as they all followed Robson,back into the lift.The launching bays,was their destination.
On the Sanna battle cruiser,where Louise,Kelly and Kate were held captive,the Sanna commander there,was watching the current battle's progress.It didn't make good viewing,as he could clearly see the Sirruns,were wiping out all opposition before them.Sanna casualties were immense.
Despite the severe losses being inflicted on his forces,the Sanna commander wasn't bothered.He already had what he wanted,with the location of Sirrus 6,now being prepared to be sent,to all available ships.There were still plenty of them,and this was making him eager,to get things started.
The Sanna commander,was standing behind one of his own communications officers,who was waiting for his next orders.
'Have the co-ordinates for Sirrus 6,been sent to strike command?'He asked,fully confident.
The Sanna officer,had already prepared the message,and was now typing in the command,to send it.A monitor screen in front of him,was displaying,'Transmitting.'Both Sanna humanoids smiled,seeing this.Once their ships had these information,the Sirruns home planet,would be wide open to attack.
The smiles were then instantly wiped off their faces,when the monitor screen,now flashed a new message at them.It now read,'Signal blocked.Unable to send.'
'What is this?'The Sanna commander growled,as he glanced at the crew member.'You have used the right frequencies?'
'Yes,commander.'The communications officer,was fully confident that he'd sent the message correctly.Yet,the result was staring them in the face.The message had failed to arrive.'I don't understand it.'
'Send again.'His commander ordered,more sharply this time.
The officer did so,but again,the monitor screen was still showing the same message.
This made the Sanna commander more annoyed.Signal blocked?He looked disbelievingly at the screen.Who could be blocking their signal?
Before he could order the communications operator again,there was an incoming message.The operator listened,and his tone became very unfriendly,although not at his superior.
'It is a message,from one of the human allies,commander.O'Rourke.'The officer informed him.'He seeks permission to board.'
'For what reason?'The Sanna commander's own tone,was still sharp.
The officer listened for a few moments,before he gave him the answer.
'He says he wants his female prisoner returned.The Sirrun woman.'
'Does he indeed?'The Sanna commander hissed in contempt.He wasn't going to let some,puny human dictate to him what to do.
'Ignore the fool.'He ordered.'We have more important things to attend to.Keep sending Sirrus 6 co-ordinates to the fleet.'
The Sanna officer dutifully obeyed,but they still kept seeing the same,fruitless result,and it wasn't helping the humanoids tempers.
Why was this happening? The Sanna commander thought with frustration.Who could be doing this?
It was then,that he got his answer.One of his bridge crew,suddenly called out in alarm.
'It's the 'Savage!'
Stunned,the Sanna commander raced over to the view screen,to see for himself.Sure enough,he recognised the large,but sleek shape of the Sirrun warship,now fully visible to them all.
'Impossible!'The Sanna commander was practically gaping,at what he was seeing.He'd been utterly convinced,that they'd blown that ship,out of the sky.
'How can this be?'He went on,although to himself.All the bridge crew,had been taken completely by surprise.'We destroyed her!'
There was no response to that,but suddenly,there was another alarm call.
'Sirrun fighters approaching!'
Every Sanna bridge crew member,whirled around,to see swarms of deadly Sirrun fighters,now attacking their ship.Like angry bees,they swarmed all over the giant ship,firing their weapons.The Sanna's own defences,were firing back,but the Sirrun pilots aimed well.They destroyed a lot of the battle cruiser's anti-aircraft batteries,and were now doing much more damage,without much opposition.They continued to fire into the Sanna vessel,and soon,fires were raging inside the hull.The Sanna ship reeled under fire.
To make matters worse for them,the Sanna humanoids noticed the newly arrived,Sirrun warship,'Formidable'now closing in on them.Watching it,the Sanna commander suddenly knew why the 'Savage' hadn't been destroyed.This made him furious,knowing he'd been deceived.
With an expression of utter menace,the Sanna commander turned towards a security detail,standing ready on the bridge.
'Bring me the Sirrun female.'He almost snarled it out.
As the battle raged,a small Sanna shuttle,was flying towards the battle cruiser.At the controls,Robson flew the shuttle skillfully,avoiding the few remaining,Sanna anti-aircraft weapons,and headed towards the Sanna landing areas.
Benind her,and watching the battle with interest,stood Jennings,Hunt,and Montgomery.They were all impressed,by what they saw.
'Your people seem to be doing well,Major.'Jennings complimented.
'We've fought the Sanna many times.'Robson responded.'After a while,you get to know their moves.'
'Sounds familiar.'Jennings agreed.The Sirruns were clearly winning here,with devastating results.Plenty of Sanna attack craft,were being launched to counter-attack,but they were easy prey,for the Sirrun pilots.Not one Sanna ship,managed to successfully engage them in battle.
Although he was pleased to see the Sanna suffer,Jennings was still concerned about Louise,Kelly and Kate.He could see the many raging infernos,the ship was suffering,and he was praying the girls were nowhere near them.It was as he thought this,that his head,suddenly jerked up.His friends noticed.
'What's wrong?'Montgomery asked him.
'I just heard Louise.'Jennings was grim in his answer.'The Sanna are coming for them.'He glanced back at Robson.'They're going to transmit the location,of your home planet.'
'I don't think so.'Robson had already prepared for this.Aside from her new three friends,there were also four women in the shuttle.They were intensely beautiful,but sat silent,and unsmiling.Of course,none of the Sirrun women,showed any hostility towards them.Jennings and his two friends,had already recognised them,as experienced soldiers.They were all interested,to see them at work.
'We'll keep blocking them,'Robson went on.'but we will need to destroy their command centre.They'll do everything they can,to keep sending it.We can only hold them up,for so long.'
Jennings noted the worry in her tone,and had already thought of something.
'Don't worry.'He wasn't smiling,as he was desperate to get Louise and Kelly out of there.But he would help Kate,and her people too.'I've got an idea for that.'He finished.
Jennings didn't say what it was,as he now saw the Sanna battle cruiser,looming in their sights.Robson guided the ship towards one of the many landing bays,whilst she also kept a sharp lookout,just in case a wandering Sanna attack craft,moved in suspiciously on them.
Fortunately,this didn't happen.The few remaining Sanna gunners,were too intent on defending their ship,as they continued to blaze away at the Sirrun fighters.As Robson sent the false security codes to the enemy ship,she was more than relieved,to see it accepted.The quick response to her,indicated the Sanna were simply too busy,and never bothered to check them.
Finally,Robson guided the shuttle into the landing area,and made a perfect landing.As soon as she'd done so,she shut down the engines,and instantly,everybody on board,sharply scanned for armed Sanna troopers.They saw plenty of them,and guards were all over the place.
Fortunately again,the guards weren't really paying attention,to their recent arrival.The landing bay was frantic with activity,as Sanna ground crews,struggled to get their own attack craft out,to meet the Sirrun attack.
This suited the shuttle's occupants perfectly,knowing it provided the much needed diversion they wanted,provided of course,that they played their tactics correctly.
Still seated in her flight chair,Robson was intensely monitoring the landing bay.Jennings too,was watching the Sanna troopers movements.They scanned for the exit they needed,and Robson laid out the route,to the detention area,where Louise,Kelly,and Kate,were being held.
'How long will it take to get there?'Hunt asked her.
'The landing bay is too heavily defended.'Robson could see they knew that.'So I have gotten you some help,in that regard.'
'What's that?'Montgomery came in,with his own query.
In response,Robson stood up from the flight seat,and told them.'Follow me,please.'
She led the three of them,to where the four stunning Sirrun women,who then stood up,acknowledging Robson's presence.They patiently awaited,their next orders from her.
'My people here,will take you directly to the detention area,where your friends are being held,as well as Kate.'Robson informed.'I believe Kate has helped you this way before?'
Jennings,Hunt,and Montgomery remembered Kate,transporting them instantly,by some sort of teleport ability.Looking at the four women,they could see what Robson wanted them to do.
'Help them find their friends.'Robson spoke directly to her people.'They will assist you,in returning Lieutenant Sanders.'
The four Sirrun women bowed to her,and then came forward,taking a hold of Jennings',Montgomery's,and Hunt's hand.As they all connected,they all suddenly disappeared from the shuttle,and Robson hurried back to the cockpit.She kept a sharp lookout,for any sudden Sanna intrusions.For now,she had to wait.
The Sanna detention area,was well guarded.Heavily armed Sanna troopers patrolled it,and they were also keeping a close eye,on the three tightly bound,gagged human female captives.Inside their small prison cells,Louise and Kelly struggled frantically against their bonds.Unfortunately,their humanoid captors had tied them up so tight,that all they were doing,was just rolling uselessly over the floor.
There was a lot of faint mumbling,from Louise and Kelly,as they desperately tried to get off their gags,but again,it was hopeless.A lot of the time,both girls couldn't help,but make panic stricken,yet barely inaudible cries.They also had to endure the unwanted attention,of some of their Sanna guards.The troopers clearly watched their vain struggles,and all fully enjoyed it.To make matters worse,a couple of the humanoids entered their cells,and with relish,squeezed and fondled all three girls breasts.Louise and Kelly's attempted,terrified shrieks,failed to put their tormentors off.
Louise lay on the floor,in her cell.She was dreading what was coming next.All she could do was pray,and kept hoping that John,would get to her,and save them all.She glanced over at Kelly's helpless form,sitting in the next cell to her own.Like her own eyes,Kelly's were huge with fear.Louise knew they'd need a miracle,to get out of this place alive.
Just then,Louise suddenly felt her brother's presence.Her eyes flared in new hope.He was close,very close,and she instantly started to look around for him.As yet,there was no sign of him,but Louise knew he was here.They were so close,and she gazed back at Kelly,trying to tell her the good news,but of course,her gag prevented that.
Louise suddenly found her gaze drawn to the Sirrun woman,who was looking back at her.She didn't see any fear in Kate's eyes.Perhaps a little apprehensive,but her eyes were telling her,that she knew what Louise was thinking.They now had a real chance,of getting out of here alive.
Suddenly,the girls heard a commotion nearby,and this made their Sanna guards look in that direction too.
Seeing no threat emerge,the Sanna in charge here,ordered a small squad to investigate.Four of them did so,whilst three Sanna troopers remained behind,still carefully watching their prisoners.One of them gave Louise,his total attention,and with his sexual lust dominating him,he moved towards her cell.
The four Sirrun women,suddenly emerged with Jennings,Hunt and Montgomery,in a deserted area of the Sanna ship.The three were impressed by the womens abilities.It was a very rare,priceless gift to have,transporting themselves this way.Jennings now understood,why the Sanna were so eager to conquer Sirrus 6.If they succeeeded,and enslaved the people there,they'd have a highly formidable weapon,at their disposal.
No doubt about it.Jennings thought grimly.The Sanna had to be stopped.
He then sensed,that Louise,Kelly,and Kate,were close by.The Sirrun women had their own weapons ready,holding their two,deadly swords,ready to strike.One of them then indicated for them,to take cover.They did so,just as the small Sanna squad,from the detention area,arrived on scene.The humanoids never stood a chance,or even raise the alarm.The four Sirrun women,were highly skilled with their blades,and easily disposed of them all.They never managed to fire,a single shot in return.
Quickly dragging the lifeless bodies out of sight,Jennings then followed the women.Montgomery and Hunt,covered the rear.Jennings followed them into an area,when his heart leapt.There was Louise!
She was locked up in a tiny cell,and was bound and gagged tight.Jennings saw how many horizontal ropes,that were secured all over Louise's body.Even her knees and ankles,had been made immobile.Jennings could see Louise's eyes were desperate,above her gag.She was utterly helpless,and he then noticed Kelly and Kate,also bound and gagged,in adjoining cells.
Grimly checking the opposition,Jennings only saw three Sanna guards.He was just thinking of a plan of attack,when his face suddenly hardened.One of the Sanna guards,was looking at Louise,with a smirk on his face.He then moved towards his sister's cell.Jennings could see Louise,go into frantic struggling,and he instantly knew,what the Sanna trooper,was going to do.
Silently,Jennings pulled out one of his combat knifes,and sneaked silently towards his target.Montgomery followed.
Inside her cell,Louise suddenly heard the sound of the door being unlocked.Her eyes bulged in terror,as she saw a Sanna advancing menacingly towards her.From the look in his eyes,Louise knew what he was going to do.
Desperately,she tried to slither away from him,but didn't get very far.The cell was small,and she was forced to stop against the wall.She heard the Sanna chuckle,as he reached her.Kneeling down,the guard grabbed both her impressive breasts,and squeezed them.Louise squealed,terror stricken into her gag,when the Sanna spoke to her.
'Very nice.'The humanoid hissed at her.'You're very impressive,for a human female.'
He continued to fondle Louise's impressive bust,making his prisoner clench her eyes shut,still attempting to scream.She was clenching her eyes shut,dreading the moment,when this monster would take her,when suddenly,Louise felt the Sanna stop groping her.She heard a sudden gasp of pain from him,and opened her eyes to see why.
The Sanna was slowly looking down at his chest,and Louise could see a sharp blade,had been forced in,from behind him.There was an almost,incredulous expression on his face,before somebody from behind him,then sharply pulled the knife out.The Sanna somehow managed to turn,and face his assailant.
Jennings gazed cold and hard at the humanoid.He wasn't going to let any monster,take advantage over his sister.He then watched the Sanna,slowly sink to his knees,as the life began to ebb away from him.Jennings then took his own rifle,and reversing the hold on it,he then smashed the rifle butt,hard into the humanoid's face.The Sanna collapsed,into an unmoving heap.
Once she saw her brother,Louise's eyes changed from being terrified,to overwhelming joy and relief.Jennings produced his knife again,but this time,used it,to cut away Louise's tight bonds.Removing her gag,he was pleased,to finally hug his sister.Louise actually grabbed him,by his neck,and started sobbing her relief out.
'It's okay,Louise.'Jennings warmly kissed his sister,on her cheek.'I've got you.You're safe now.'
With that said,Jennings then,easily lifted her into his arms,and noticed that Montgomery,and one of the Sirrun women,had eliminated the remaining Sanna guards.They then went in,and freed Kelly and Kate from their bonds and gags too.
Once she'd been freed,Kelly thanked,and hugged Montgomery,before she ran up to Jennings,and then kissed him warmly,and gratefully.Kate too,followed her example.
'Thank you.'Kate smiled at him,hugely relieved to have her voice back.She'd been gagged for so long.
'Don't thank me.'Jennings responded truthfully.'It was your people,that helped us find you.'
Kate smiled at his modesty.This was another reason,why he'd been chosen,and Kate was glad to have him.However,there was a more,pressing need,as Kate informed them all,of the Sanna's intent,to invade their home planet.
'We are currently jamming their signals.'One of the Sirrun women reported to her.'It is expected,that the Sanna will apply counter measures.'
This made Jennings remember his idea,as he glanced at Kelly.She in turn,nodded her understanding at him.With Kelly's knowledge of Sanna technology,Jennings knew they had a really good chance,of stopping them.
'I've got an idea.'He then told them,gently putting Louise down.He squeezed her hand in reassurance,and Louise clutched it tightly back.'We can send them,the wrong co-ordinates.They'll never be able to get back,if we choose the right area in space.'
'What did you have in mind?'Kelly asked him.
In response,Jennings produced a laptop from his battle pack,and then handed it to Kelly.
'If we give the Sanna,a different set of co-ordinates.'Jennings explained it to them.'We can send them somewhere,where they won't bother anyone else again.'
He glanced back at Kelly,before adding.'Kelly can type in the data,to their navigation systems,and send them straight into oblivion.'
'What do you mean?'Kate was curious.
'Well,this is where we'll need your help.'Jennings smiled faintly at her.'Ask your people,to choose a distant region in space,where they'll know the Sanna,will never return.'He paused momentarily.'Send them into a distant star,or maybe a black hole.They'll not be missed.'
'A good idea.'Kate liked the sound of that,and she then made telepathic contact,with Robson.This time,her efforts weren't blocked,and it only took a few moments,before Robson sent her the required information.Kate nodded in return.
'We've found a suitable area.'She answered,before giving Kelly the data.Kelly had already opened the laptop,and was now starting to hack,into the Sanna systems.
Well out of their sight,the two Kavos women,watched them like hawks.In particular,they both studied Louise and Kelly.The two human females,held their full attention,especially Louise.Both of them had seen Jennings' concern,and affection for her.This made them look at each other,and they both smiled,with ominous intent.
Chapter 9 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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