Kelly's fingers danced skillfully over the lap top's keyboard,as she typed in the data Kate had given her.She said it would take some time,so her friends kept a sharp lookout.
As Kelly worked,Kate,and her four Sirrun female companions,suddenly sensed that they were not alone.Kate in particular,knew who it was,and she turned her head sharply,checking the area thoroughly.However,none of them saw anything.
Jennings,Hunt and Montgomery,noticed something was wrong,as they watched the five women,becoming more alert.They did too.
'What is it,Kate?'Jennings asked her.
Kate glanced back at him.Her expression,very worried.
'We are being watched.'
Just as their Sirrun allies were doing,Jennings and his two friends,looked more closer,for any suspicious sign.Yet,they still saw no indication,that they were being observed by the enemy.
However,hidden in the shadows,the two women from Kavos,were making sure,that they weren't seen.They heard the Sirrun woman's suspicions,and sensed they'd gotten too close,so they decided to withdraw.Even so,their eyes never left the small group,and their main attention,was still focused on Louise.
'Programme downloaded.'Kelly confirmed.'I've sent the data into their navigation systems.As soon as they program that in,they'll have a nasty surprise waiting for them.'
'Where will they end up?'Hunt asked.
'I chose a distant area,in an unexplored region of space.'Kelly answered.She then looked at Kate.'It was your Commander Griffith's idea.There's nothing there for them.No new worlds for them to invade,in fact,it will take them years,to reach their own home world.'
'That's good work,Kelly.'Jennings nodded to her,and to Kate.He fully appreciated both their efforts,before he then said.'We'd better head back to the shuttle.I think Major Robson,may be getting concerned.'
He still hadn't forgotten about the unseen threat either.Who was it? Jennings didn't know,as they all moved away,from the detention area.He kept his eyes open,but no new threat emerged,to challenge them.
As they advanced,Jennings held onto Louise's hand tight.He was pleased to feel his sister's grip,just as secure as his own.Turning to face her for a moment,he squeezed her hand.This made Louise smile warmly back at him,grateful for his presence.Although deep down,Jennings knew they weren't out of the woods yet.
So far though,they managed to avoid detection from the Sanna patrols,and they finally reached the launching bay.Every one of them was relieved,to see the stolen Sanna shuttle they'd arrived in.Kate and the four Sirrun women,were also relieved to feel Major Robson's presence on board it.The Sanna it seemed,hadn't discovered her presence.
However,the launching bay was still hectic with activity,and they all crouched low,keeping out of sight.Peering out from his own cover,Jennings could see it would be suicide,to make a dash for the shuttle.Heavily armed Sanna troopers were all over the place,and they'd be gunned down within moments.
Giving Louise's hand another reassuring squeeze,Jennings made sure his sister,was well out of sight,and he then moved over to Kate.She too,was sharply observing the Sanna enemy.But as Jennings,Hunt,and Montgomery clearly saw,they knew their Sirrun friends,were still troubled by what they'd sensed earlier,back at the detention area.
'What's wrong,Kate?'Jennings made sure he whispered his question.'We're still being watched?'
'I'm sorry.'Kate nodded,also whispering,and confirming it.'I forgot to tell you.The Sanna have allies on board here.Two females,from the planet Kavos.They can block our telepathy.'
This was bad news.Jennings thought,but any obstacle or challenge that was thrown into his face,he was always prepared to overcome it.It was then he remembered,what Kate had told him earlier.She'd done this back at the base,to help them get to the harbour,so they could help Louise.
'You can still use your teleport ability though?'He asked.'When you got us to the harbour?'
Kate glanced at her four female Sirrun colleagues,and was pleased to see them nod back.She did the same.
'At least,that's something the Kavos women can't do.'Kate stated confidently.
'Okay.'Jennings would ask her later,on these Kavos women.For now,he had to get Louise and Kelly out of here.Glancing back at the two girls,Jennings could see from their eyes,that they were both desperate to escape,although outwardly,they appeared calm and controlled.
'Take Louise and Kelly first.'Jennings instructed.He wanted to get them out first.'You can-'
He never got the chance to finish.There was a sudden burst of Sanna laser fire,that had been aimed right at them.Instinctively,they all ducked,and immediately returned fire.As they did so,Jennings spotted something that made his teeth clench.Sanna troopers,had now surrounded the shuttle,blocking their escape route.
They continued to return fire,and they had a lot of success,shooting down many of the humanoids.Unfortunately,more and more of them,just seemed to take their place.This caused the Sanna fire to increase,and Jennings and his friends,had to duck down a lot more.For a few moments,they were all hit by despair.Jennings,Hunt,and Montgomery,knew their ammunition wouldn't last forever,despite their highly accurate shooting.
As the battle raged on,Louise was crouching down right at the back,with her eyes firmly fixed on her brother.She was so intent on watching him fight,that Louise never saw the silent hand coming up behind her.She was totally taken by surprise,when the hand suddenly clamped hard over her mouth.
Louise's eyes bulged again,as the hand stayed tight over it,firmly silencing her attempts to scream for help.The gunfire from the ongoing battle,was simply deafening,and Jennings,with everybody else in the group,never heard her.The grip on her mouth,was just as powerful,as the arm which had seized her waist.Louise was then forcibly yanked up to her feet,and her unseen kidnapper,easily and silently,dragged her away.
In the stolen shuttle,Robson anxiously watched the firefight begin.The Sanna were pouring,devastating fire into her friends position.She could clearly see,that the Sanna had the superior numerical advantage,and despite her friends excellent shooting,she knew the Sanna would eventually out-flank,and kill them all.
Robson tried to send a telepathic message over to them,but strangely,she couldn't.She was puzzled by this,so tried again,but it was the same,unsuccessful result.Several more times,Robson attempted it,and each time,she heard no response,she knew immediately,that somebody was blocking her,but who?
Despite that setback,Robson also knew her friends needed assistance,and she bought the shuttle's weapons systems online.Two twin Sanna laser cannons,emerged from the top of the shuttle,and quickly,Robson selected the firing control for it.She then aimed at her targets.
As Jennings and his friends continued to fight furiously,they were suddenly forced down,by the sound of another,heavy Sanna laser barrage.Yet,the barrage hadn't been aimed at them.They heard screams of agony,coming from their Sanna opponents.Carefully peering out,they all noticed it was the shuttle's weapons,that were now tearing into the humanoids.
Jennings could see,that Robson had managed to blast all the Sanna troopers,that had surrounded her,and she'd also successfully cleared a path for them.The shuttle's weapons,had now turned the odds in their favour,as they kept Sanna casualties mounting.
Jennings knew there wasn't a moment to lose.They now had the diversion they needed,and he'd just turned to give Louise and Kelly the good news,when he suddenly noticed,that Louise was missing!
With raging fear in his heart,Jennings instantly knew,that the enemy had seized her again.Hunt and Montgomery,also noticed,and like Jennings,they were enraged.
Yet,Jennings still kept his head.He had too.A professional soldier,always concentrated on the job,and right now,it was his job,to make sure Kelly got away safely..Once he'd done that,then Jennings would go back in,and rescue Louise.
Turning back to the fight,Jennings still noticed the shuttle's weapons,blasting away,and the route was still clear for them,but he had no intention,of sending Kelly out there.Instead,he knelt down by Kelly,and gestured for Kate,to do the same.She did so.
Jennings then took a hold of Kelly's hand,and Kate took the other.One of the Sirrun women,also knelt down with them,and placed her hands in theirs too.Instantly,both she and Kate,started to recite their own Sirrun tongue,becoming more faster.
This made Kelly lean into Jennings,as the women's strange language,was frightening her,especially when their voices,were heard at a tremendous speed.This made her lean into Jennings more,but he smiled quietly at her,reassuring Kelly.They then disappeared,from the landing bay.Hunt and Montgomery,also followed,with the remaining Sirrun women.
Jennings,Kelly,Kate,and the first Sirrun woman,were the first to reappear,in the shuttle's interior.Robson was relieved to see them get back safely,as she also noticed Jennings' two friends,and her remaining people also appearing.
Jennings saw Robson,and gave her a thumbs up,nodding his thanks.This made Robson return his gesture,and she then turned back,to operate the shuttle flight controls.She was just activating the engines,preparing for their escape,when she was slightly stunned,to hear what Jennings said next.
'They've got Louise.'His voice was grim.'I'm not leaving without her.'
The last part,he said with determination,and his two friends stood by his decision.
'We're going with you.'Montgomery was adamant,as was Hunt.
Jwnnings nodded at them,grateful for their help.He couldn't do this alone anyway.
Both Hunt and Montgomery knew what he was thinking,and they both punched him hard,but playfully,on his shoulder.Jennings did the same,and then looked at Kate.He was just about to ask her,for the help,when she too,confirmed it.
'We will help you recover Louise.'Kate then looked over at her people.Robson,and the four Sirrun females,also gave their approval.
'Kate,you said there were these women,from Kavos?'Jennings asked her,wanting to know more about them.'Who are these people?'
Before Kate could answer him,Robson did it for her,as she now knew why,her telepathy wasn't working.
'They are bad people.'Robson told Jennings and his friends.'They have mental powers too,just like us,but they tend to ally themselves,with the wrong sort.They're also greedy too.If they are here,the Sanna must have paid them a fortune,to get their services.'
'I see.'Jennings didn't like the sound of that.'They can't be reasoned with? There's nobody amongst them,that will fight for the right reasons?'
'If there is,'Kate interjected.'I'm afraid I haven't met them yet.Their planet's not a place,where you want to be.'
Grimly,Jennings nodded at that.If these women proved to be ruthless and uncaring,he wouldn't hesitate to deal with them,in his own ruthless manner.Anybody that kidnapped Louise,was simply asking for it.
'Okay,let's go.'Jennings was well aware,that the clock was ticking,and Kate stepped up to him,as did one of the Sirrun women.Both took his hand,and then started to recite,back in their native language,in preparation.
The hand stayed firmly over Louise's mouth,and the arm around her waist,proved totally inescapable,as her unseen captor dragged her along.Despite her furious,and frantic struggles,she was finally forced into a room.Then,her captor literally threw her in.Louise just managed to keep her balance,grabbing a table with both her hands.She then spun round,to face whoever it was,that had brought her here.
Her expression became more fearful,once she saw her kidnapper.It had been one of the Kavos women,and it was the same one,who'd invaded her mind earlier,forcing Kate to reveal the information they wanted.
The woman watched her prize carefully,but was wearing a sinister smile.She then slowly advanced on Louise,who instinctively leaned back into the table.She was still gripping it fearfully,with both her hands.Her eyes,were still wide with fear,knowing she was back in the bad guys clutches.
'Your brother will soon be here,my dear.'The woman spoke excellent English to her,and was now smirking.'The Sanna have put a high price on his head,knowing he's proved,a most formidable opponent,as all their efforts to kill him,have failed.I believe some of your own people,have even attempted this task.'
The woman was now standing right in front of Louise,and she stroked a finger,down the girl's trembling cheek.This made her more pleased.
'But now that we have you,my dear.'The pleasure was fully evident in her tone.'It's guaranteed,that he'll come to rescue you,and this time,we'll be ready for him.He is going to die today.I promise you that.'
Louise was horror stricken hearing that,but she managed to remain defiant.
'You'll never beat him,you bitch!'She snarled back,almost spitting in the woman's face.'Nobody will!'
The Kavos woman merely smiled,raising a faintly amused eyebrow.
'Well,we shall see,my dear,and I'm quite looking forward to it,but in the meantime...'
She then reached into her person,and pulled out her personal sidearm,before she then,placed the weapon under Louise's chin.She tilted the girl's head up with it.
'Don't worry your pretty little head.'The woman reassured her captive,but of course,Louise felt anything,but reassured.'The Sanna ordered me to take you alive,so you'll be the bait.'
Before Louise could offer another,defiant response,heavily armed Sanna troopers entered the room.The second Kavos woman accompanied them,and instantly,the humanoids took up different positions,blocking any escape attempts Louise may have been considering.But Louise knew it was hopeless.There wasn't a chance she could safely run out of this room.She'd be lucky to make three steps,before they'd catch her.
Added to her woes,the second Kavos woman,now walked up to her.Like her female accomplice,she was also smirking.She was carrying a bag of some sort,and the woman opened it.Louise could only watch in dismay,as she saw the woman bring out several coils,of strong white rope.She instantly knew,that they were going to tie her up again.
The first Kavos woman,then gestured with the gun,at a nearby,hard backed wooden chair by the table.
'Sit,my pretty.'There was utter menace,in the woman's voice.'We can certainly make you obey,if you choose to be foolish,and that my dear,would be most unwise.'
Even if Louise was going to obey,she never got the chance.The first woman suddenly grabbed Louise's shoulder,and roughly forced her down onto it.Louise gasped in fright,and then the second woman,quickly moved around to the back of the chair,and yanked Louise's arms behind it.Everybody in the room,enjoyed hearing their captive's startled squeal,as the second woman crossed the girl's wrists,and immediately started to wind the ropes over them.
Louise winced,as she felt the ropes snake over her wrists.It hadn't been that long,since she'd been last tied up,and the ropes were tight as ever.Coil after coil,was lashed around them,before Louise finally grunted in pain,as the Kavos woman,secured the last knot,firmly locking Louise's hands behind her.
There was still plenty of rope left,and she saw the woman now come to her front.Kneeling down,she seized Louise's ankles together,and wound four loops of rope over them,before tying them to one of the chair's lower struts.It didn't take her long,before she stood back up,and gazed down at her captive.Louise could see,that both these horrible women,were fully enjoying themselves,before the second woman moved to her back again.Now,Louise saw her upper body,being wound in ropes.There were four loops tied above her breasts,and four more under them.The woman also tied three more loops,around her waist.Every loop was pulled tight to the back of the chair,which forced Louise's back more into it.The ropes tied over her white navy shirt,made her chest stand out very impressively.Again,this pleased her captors.
This didn't make Louise feel good at all.In her thoughts,she was frantically calling for John.But strangely,she didn't feel his warm presence.This made her face more desperate,but the Kavos women knew what she was thinking.
'You're wasting your time,my pretty.'The first woman informed her,very smugly.'Your brother can't hear you.We've made sure of that,but as I said before.When he does get here,his rescue attempt for you,will be futile.'
Louise was still scared stiff,but she managed again,to glare back at her.Especially the second Kavos woman,who had now just finished,tying her up.
'You'll never get away with this!'Louise felt like an idiot,shouting that out.How many times had she heard that before?Yet,she felt the real fear in her voice,even when she continued.'I told you.You'll never beat my brother.He'll always come for me,and he'll always get me out.'
Louise then tried a testing struggle,against her bonds.After only a few seconds,she realised it was hopeless.She was firmly trussed up to the chair,and still had to endure,her two captors gloating expressions.The first Kavos woman,grinned ominously down,at her bound captive.
'Perhaps,my dear.Then again,perhaps not.Of course,you will fully appreciate,that we can't allow you to warn your brother,by screaming your head off.'
The woman then turned to her accomplice,and ordered her.'Put a gag over her pretty mouth.'
She spoke it with eager relish,and the second woman reached into her bag once more,pulling out a large roll,of black duct tape.She instantly tore off,a large generous strip,and with her companion gripping Louise's chin,she easily forced it over the girl's mouth.Smoothing it over,with both her hands,to check its effectiveness,the woman enjoyed seeing Louise's frightened eyes.The girl was so scared,that they could see the blood veins,around her pupils.
Louise's chin was still held by the first woman,and she was mumbling fearfully,behind her gag.She clearly saw,that both her captors were savouring their pretty hostage,now tightly bound and gagged.
'What shall we do with her,once her brother and his friends,have been dealt with?'The second Kavos woman asked.
'Oh,who knows?'Her colleague replied,now stroking her hand,through Louise's,long,dark hair,which made Louise's skin crawl.'She's very pretty,so the Sanna have already confirmed their interest in her.I'm sure she'll fetch an excellent price for them.Maybe we can have some fun with her.'
Louise stared wildly up at them.That wasn't a future she didn't want at all.John!Where are you?Please help me!She shouted that out in her mind,but again,her thoughts were rudely invaded.The first Kavos woman,simply shook her head,still faintly amused.
'Not giving up,my dear?'She smiled down at her.'I commend your spirit.You must have a lot of faith in him,but there's always a first time for failure.This will be it.'
Suddenly,both Kavos women sensed something,which made them look up sharply at each other.
'He's coming.'The first woman informed,the still silent Sanna troopers.'Stand by.'
The Sanna troopers raised their weapons towards the door,and stood ready to fire.Satisfied that all was ready,the first woman then turned back,facing her colleague.
'I know our pretty prize is gagged,but let's make sure,that she doesn't give the alarm away,shall we?'
Her companion agreed,and instantly brought out,a short,but deadly blade.With Louise's eyes still bulging in fear,the woman moved to the back of her,and roughly seizing the back of the girl's neck,she then forced the blade,right in front of Louise's throat.
Louise faintly whimpered into the tape gag,feeling the coldness of the blade.Both women were now chuckling,savouring their hostage's fear.The woman holding the knife on her,also chuckled into her ear.This made Louise flinch,but not much,due to the blade.
'Don't even think about trying anything,my pretty.'The second woman's voice,was one of the most horrible things Louise had ever heard.'Just remain still,and let's see how your hero does.'
Helpless,Louise could only sit enforced in this position,that they'd bound and gagged her in.All she could do now,was watch the door,as her captors and guards were.Louise kept on praying that John,was fully prepared to meet the threat.
Chapter 10 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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