Thursday 14 October 2010

Trouble in Hong Kong. Chapter One

Drake's Naval College was located near Hong Kong's huge harbour.It was a well founded establishment,as it offered many opportunities for young people,who wanted to choose an officer posting,aboard a Royal Navy warship.

Of course,many ships from the Royal Navy made frequent visits here,and guided tours were given to the willing applicants,to see what kind of posting they'd like.

Having said that,the training courses at Drake's Naval College,were highly demanding.The Royal Navy,just like the British Army,and the Royal Air Force,were the best trained military in the world.So the pressure to succeed from the applicants,was enormous.Not very many people were chosen,but those that were,went on to become superb officers,who could stand huge amounts of pressure thrown at them,yet still keep their cool.This was always something the college staff looked for,and of course,those that didn't succeed,could always try again.

The college was always a busy place.Many people went about their daily routines,walking outside the college's grounds.At the present moment,a young woman was walking there too,and heading straight for the college's entrance.

This was Jane Griffiths.Just like everybody else here,Jane was dressed in the customary naval uniform.A smartly pressed white shirt,with the black shoulder lapels and the gold markings on them.Jane also wore,a dark blue knee length skirt.She wore matching nylons to that,and her black high heels,had been rigorously polished the night before.Jane had checked herself out earlier,looking in the mirror,and was satisfied she appeared presentable.Surprise inspections still happened here,but Jane was confident she'd pass that.In fact,as she walked along,she received many admiring looks.This made Jane smile quietly to herself,but getting these looks,just because she was a really,good looking,and smartly dressed woman,wasn't her main purpose here.

What Jane was really here for,was to gain a posting on her dream job.A senior officer,on one of the Royal Navy's destroyers.This was something that Jane craved for.Not only would it offer travel,but she was also determined to prove herself,as a highly capable officer.

Jane entered the college,and made her towards her intended destination.This was for a formal interview,with Admiral Hunter,who basically ran the whole college.What made Jane interested,was that she knew,that the Admiral was also a woman.She had to be pretty good,to run a place like this.

However,Jane had also heard rumours,that the interview with the Admiral,wasn't a pleasant experience.She'd talked to many people who'd gone through it,and all of them said the same thing.Admiral Hunter clearly liked to give the interview from hell,but that didn't bother Jane too much.She thought that was part of the selection process used,to see who was mentally strong to stand up to her.Although Jane would respect the Admiral's rank,she was determined also,that she wouldn't allow herself,to be trampled on.

Grimly,Jane advanced up the stone steps leading up to the entrance,and walked in.The college's corridors were very busy,and Jane could see the whole place was thriving.A lot was getting done,and Jane felt very privileged to be here.She really hoped she could get that destroyer posting,and to impress this Admiral Hunter.Getting that post,meant more to Jane than anything.

She reported in to the main reception desk,and there was a solitary,but young and very pretty girl seated behind the desk.Jane informed the girl of her appointment with the Admiral,and straight away,Jane noticed the girl's face grimaced,mentioning the admiral's name.

Still the girl told her where to go,and Jane thanked her.However,as she headed there,Jane's own face grimaced too.She checked her watch.The interview had been arranged for 0930 sharp,so Jane decided to have a last minute inspection.

After asking for the ladies room from a helpful passer-by,Jane found it quickly,and entered.There was only one young woman in the room,washing her hands.Jane thought she looked gorgeous.She had shoulder length,dark brunette hair,warm brown eyes,and a very friendly eyes.Jane could see the girl,was looking at her curiously,as she examined her uniform,but after a few moments,Jane knew she looked good.

'You look a bit scared.'Jane heard the girl tell her.Her voice was warm too.'Are you okay?'

'Oh,I'm okay,thanks.'Jane smiled politely back.'Just an important interview I have to attend.'

Hearing that,the girl's smile disappeared.It wasn't a hostile act,but her eyes were now showing concern.

'You've an interview with Admiral Hunter,haven't you?'

Jane's face registered total surprise,but recovered quickly.

'I don't look that scared,do I?'She asked.

'You do.'The girl nodded confidently to her.'I've seen it that many times,from all the girls who've gone through it.'

'Including yourself?'

'I didn't like her.'The girl's eyes showed a faint hint of hostility,as she thought back to that.'When I did my interview with her,she kept looking at me,as if she had something else in mind for me.'

Jane made no comment on that,but had to admit,that she found that slightly disturbing.Still,she felt she should introduce herself.

'I'm Jane Griffiths.'She extended her hand,and was pleased to see the girl accept it.

'Sarah Jennings.'The girl's smile returned,and Jane was glad to see it.She could see it was a warm,and very sincere smile.It made her really like this young woman,and Jane admitted to herself,that Sarah was a highly attractive girl.

'What are you here for then,Sarah?'Jane asked.

'Oh,I'm into computers.'Sarah answered.'Complicated stuff.How about you?'

From what Sarah had just told her,Jane knew Sarah's job was highly confidential,and she didn't press her,for any more details.

'I'm hoping to get a destroyer posting.'Jane then told her,what she was really hoping for.'I know the crew spirit is really good there,so I'm hoping the admiral will give that to me.'

'I hope so too.'Sarah's smile disappeared again,albeit briefly,hearing the admiral being mentioned again.'Be careful though.Don't let her intimidate you.She may be superior in rank,but don't let her walk all over you.Stand up to her,if its needed.'

Jane was grateful for Sarah's advice,and smiled her thanks,She then checked her watch,and noticed the time was now 0920.She'd better get moving.

Jane then offered her hand again to Sarah,who of course,accepted it again too.

'Thanks for the advice.'Jane meant what she said,before she then asked.'Can I see you again? Maybe for a drink later?'

Much to her delight,Sarah nodded at her.

'Sure,why not?'Sarah was smiling again,giving her full approval.'I get a lunch break at 1230.I'm meeting my brother.He knows a good little Chinese restaurant.Want to meet him? He's great.I think you'd like him.'

Jane nodded her approval too.

'Of course.I can't wait.'She meant that too,before finally excusing herself,and both girls left the ladies room,to go their separate ways.But just before she left,Sarah wished Jane luck,and then headed away.Jane smiled,watching her leave.

What a really nice girl.She thought.Jane was looking forward,to seeing her again.She then headed towards the admiral's office.As she did so,the smile vanished from Jane's face.She wasn't expecting Admiral Hunter,to be so welcoming,as her footsteps echoed on the smartly polished floor.


Admiral Hunter was a very well respected figure,here in the college.She demanded only the best people to attend her place here,and many hopefuls were rejected.

Yet for every person rejected,there was always somebody,who did show potential.Seated in her immaculately kept office,the admiral was now reading Jane's personal file.It made interesting reading,and highly recommended her.Admiral Hunter was very pleased to read this information,and from all the accounts here,it said Jane had excellent potential,but of course,she'd want to see how the girl would fare,in her upcoming interview with her.

The file mentioned that Jane had an excellent education,graduating with honours at university.These qualifications were needed,for an officer's post aboard ship,and Admiral Hunter then read Jane's request,to serve on board a Royal Navy destroyer.

Her attention was then diverted,to Jane's photograph in the file.Jane was smiling warmly at the camera,and the admiral was pleased.She could see Jane,was indeed,a highly attractive young woman.This pleased her,and bought a quiet,yet cunning smile to her face.

Although the admiral was very well respected in the college,she held a sinister secret,which none of the college staff were aware off.If they had been,they would have been appalled,and would have gladly carted her off,to the most harshest military prison.

However,Admiral Hunter was highly intelligent,and she made damned sure nobody found out anything,about her secretive plans.She always prepared well,and always chose the right people,to accomplish what she really wanted here.

Thinking that,she glanced down again at Jane's photograph,and smirked.The girl's face,was very pretty.She had jet black hair,falling just past her shoulders,and the admiral could see,that the girl was smiling warmly at the camera.

I shall be interested to find out,how you do against me,my dear.she thought pleasurably.

Just then,there was a knock on her door,and looking up,Admiral Hunter could see the silhouette of the Griffiths girl outside,waiting for permission to enter.

Glancing down at her watch,the admiral was pleased to see Jane had kept punctual,and called,albeit sharply.

'Come in.'

The door opened,and Jane entered.She then closed the door,and marched smartly over towards the admiral.She stopped just in front of the desk,and stood to attention,before saluting the admiral,although she didn't look directly at her commanding officer.

'Good morning,admiral.'Jane spoke carefully,and respectfully.'Lieutenant Jane Griffiths reporting in,for interview as ordered.'

For a moment,the admiral didn't answer her,and Jane wondered if the nasty rumours were true,about her rude manner.But then,she noticed the admiral look up at her,and was clearly examining her.The admiral had also detected the nervous tone,in Jane's voice.This made her smile quietly to herself.This should be interesting.The admiral thought.

'At ease.'Admiral Hunter ordered,and as Jane promptly obeyed,she was very pleased to see the girl,now standing with her hands behind her back.Her chest was impressive,and she noticed the girl's face,now faintly blushing.Her own quiet smile,increased.

'So you are Lieutenant Jane Griffiths.'The admiral glanced down at Jane's file,saying that.'and you wish to serve on our destroyer flotilla.Am I correct?'

'Yes,ma'am.'Jane replied,still avoiding looking at her superior officer.She still couldn't eliminate the nervousness in her voice.True,she had felt excited hearing the destroyers,but that was only for a moment.The interview was just starting,and she really hoped to give the admiral,a very good impression.She hadn't liked the admiral's tone,but this was her privilege,as according to her rank.Maybe she just acted this way,but was firm,yet fair.

The admiral was still reading through Jane's file,and without looking up from it,then asked.'You have no immediate family,I see.Is that true?'

'Yes,ma'am.'Jane responded.She didn't really want to go into that subject.Both her parents had been killed,in a car accident when she was only a baby.This tragedy had made her more determined than ever,when she pursued her goals.

'Well,no matter.'Much to Jane's relief,the admiral seemed to sense her thoughts,and didn't ask her any more on it.Instead,she gave Jane a slight smile,although it only succeeded in making Jane's skin crawl.

'I'm sure you'll be an excellent asset.'Admiral Hunter finally closed Jane's file,and prepared to start the interview.

'Thank you,ma'am.'Jane made sure she still observed,the correct protocol.

However,this was a mistake.Admiral Hunter could detect the familiar replies to her queries,and it slightly irritated her.

'You can stop being a robot,Lieutenant Griffiths.'she almost snapped at Jane,watching the girl stiffen.She realised her usual,and brusque approach,wasn't making the girl feel at ease,and decided to ease up.She then gestured at a chair near her desk.

'Please sit down.'

Jane did so,and the interview started.The admiral fired questions at her,but as time went on,Jane began to feel more confident.The admiral did ask her a lot of questions though,but it was about her educational background,and her previous work experiences.Jane answered everything willingly,and after about fifteen minutes,she watched Admiral Hunter take out another file,from one of the draws in her desk.Jane recognised it,as a list of vacancies for postings on board ship.Her excitement returned.

Admiral Hunter examined the vacancies offered,and there were plenty of postings available,even on the destroyers which the girl wanted.The admiral though,had other ideas.

'Well,I've found a posting for you.'she looked back across at Jane opposite her.Her sinister smile was still evident,and she was pleased to see Jane squirm uneasily at it.Her smile was giving Jane the creeps,but she still had the excitement in her eyes,awaiting the admiral's decision.

'We have an immediate need,for officer posting on our MTB's,here in Hong Kong harbour.'Admiral Hunter informed her,before checking for Jane's reaction.She wasn't disappointed,but the girl was.For a few moments,Jane's face was incredulous,but the admiral made an offer to her.

'It will only be a six month posting,Lieutenant.'her creepy smile stayed on,saying that.'It's an excellent field of work,and of course,you won't be there forever.Once a destroyer vacancy arises,you will be the first to get it.'

'Of course,ma'am.'Jane was still hugely disappointed,having her hopes denied,but realised she had to accept the admiral's decision.

'Very good.'Admiral Hunter was pleased.'Report to harbour bay twelve,tomorrow at 1300 hours.I'm assigning you,to MTB 16.There's an excellent crew there,and I'm sure they'll be more than pleased,to show you the ropes,my dear.'

She smiled again,with a much more sinister expression as she said that.The admiral was pleased to see Jane having a slightly puzzled look.Even better.

'That's all,Lieutenant Griffiths.'The admiral's curt tone returned,as she glanced back down at the file.'Dismissed.'

Jane was finally glad to get out of this woman's sight,but she kept her posture,and stood back up to attention.Giving the admiral her best military salute,which was briefly returned,and Jane turned,to march out of the office.She closed the door gently behind her,but in reality,wanted to slam the door into the smug admiral's face.

Once Jane had gone,Admiral Hunter reached for the phone on her desk,and made a call.Almost instantly,a woman's voice answered her.

'Admiral Hunter.'the woman's voice sounded pleased to hear her.'A pleasure as always.What can I do for you?'

'I think it's more relevant,of what I can do for you.'Admiral Hunter's own tone,sounded pleased too.'I have another addition for you,if of course,you approve of her.'

'Indeed?'This time,there was intrigue in the woman's voice.'You have a picture?'

'Of course.'the admiral answered.'please wait a moment.'

There was also a fax machine on her desk,and from the moment Jane had walked into the office,she'd been secretly photographed.Several pictures of her,had been taken,and the admiral selected one of them,before putting it through the fax.

'Sending it now to you.'Admiral Hunter confirmed.

The woman's voice on the other end acknowledged,that she had received Jane's picture,and her reply came back.

'She's very pretty,Admiral.'The voice seemed to purr with pleasure,as well as lust the admiral detected.'I shall look forward to meeting Miss Griffiths.You checked her background,of course?'

'As always.'Admiral Hunter reassured.'The girl has no family.She'll be an excellent addition.'

'Even so,'there was now a pre-cautionary tone in the woman's voice.'We'd better be sure.Have her watched,Admiral,and make sure you see who she talks too.There might be some,unexpected problems.'

'I'll take care of it.Don't worry.I'll keep you informed.'

With that,the admiral ended the call,and then instantly,made another one.This time,a man's voice answered her.

'Yes,Admiral?'his voice was polite,but was also cold.

'Mister Lo.'Admiral Hunter spoke politely to him.She had too,knowing he was a loyal,but deadly servant of the woman she'd just spoke to.'You saw the girl,who's just left my office?'

'I did indeed,admiral.She was very pretty.'

'Follow her,Mister Lo.'Admiral Hunter instructed him.'She's going to be taken,but make sure you see who the girl talks too.There's a possibility of interference,if you understand my meaning?'

'I understand perfectly,admiral.'Mister Lo's voice,was now chuckling,but it wasn't a funny sound.'Leave it to me.You'll get the girl,and I'll personally take care of any concerns,that may arise.'

'Thank you,Mister Lo.'Admiral Hunter told him gratefully,before ending the call.The sinister smile was still evident on her face,as she was expecting good times ahead.

Chapter 2 to follow...

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