Sunday 17 October 2010

Trouble in Hong Kong. Chapter Two

Jane had completed the first part of her studies.It had been a busy day here at the college,but Jane felt things were proceeding well.Even though she still had the unsettling memory,of that interview with Admiral Hunter in her.But it was now,at the back of her mind.

Damn her.Jane still felt some resentment,at not being given a destroyer posting.Why the hell hadn't she'd been given one? She was sure there were vacancies,but Jane had to accept the admiral's decision.

Still,it was only for six months.she thought,and it would be another skill under her belt.So perhaps,it may prove to be a good move after all.

It was now her lunch break,and Jane was now making her way towards the restaurant,that Sarah had told her about.The place was located near Hong Kong harbour,and Jane was looking forward to it.Aside from having a good meal,she was looking forward to seeing Sarah again.

When Jane reached the harbour,she spotted the restaurant immediately.It was precisely where Sarah had said it would be,and Jane could see the interior.It looked very busy,but Jane's attention,was on the man standing outside the restaurant's entrance.

He was a tall man,and was obviously English.Jane recognised that immediately.He too,was serving in the military,but unlike Jane's smart uniform,this man wore combat fatigues,of the British army.There were of course,no weapons visible on him,but Jane noticed he was a very powerful man.He looked as if he could handle himself,even without the need for weapons.He really did look tough,and capable.

At the moment,his eyes had now locked onto her,and Jane could see he recognised her.As she got closer to him,Jane suddenly knew,that this was Sarah's brother.Both of them had the same face,and Jane noticed his eyes too,were warm.No doubt Sarah had told him,that she was expected.

As Jane walked up to him,she was relieved to see him,give her a warm,welcoming smile.

'Miss Griffiths?'his voice was actually quite gentle,as he then offered his hand to her.'I'm John Jennings.Sarah's brother.'

'Hello John.'Jane returned his smile,and accepted his hand.Both exchanged a warm,sincere handshake.Jane liked him.'It's nice to meet you.'

She then glanced over his shoulder,into the restaurant.

'Is Sarah here?'she asked him.

'Yes,she is.'Jennings nodded.'she's actually holding our table for us.'He then offered his arm to her.'Shall we?'

Jane looked again into the restaurant.The place was really busy,and there appeared to be some tough looking characters inside.

'Sarah's in there,on her own?'Jane asked him.

Jennings noticed the concern in her voice,and smiled reassuringly.

'Don't worry.I wouldn't leave my little sister like that.She's got her bodyguard with her.'

He then offered his arm again to Jane,and she took it.Jennings opened the door,and they walked in together.Just as Jennings closed the restaurant entrance,he suddenly spotted a lone Chinese man,jerk out of his sight.His eyes narrowed at this,but he made no comment,as he led Jane in.

Jane however,had seen him hesitate.

'What's wrong?'she asked him,concerned.

'Oh,nothing.'Jennings didn't want to alarm her.'I just thought I'd saw something,that's all.'


Jennings smiled warmly again at her,in reassurance.

'Don't worry about it,Jane.Come on.Sarah wants to know how you got on.'

He led her deeper into the restaurant,and there were indeed,many tough looking characters inside.However,there were no problems,as Jennings easily led Jane to the table,where Sarah and another man sat.The table was set by the window,but Jane suddenly realised what Jennings had said,about Sarah having a bodyguard.The man sitting opposite her,was dark skinned,and bulging with power.Her eyes widened slightly at this,but Sarah had seen that,and stood up in greeting.She smiled at Jane,and this made her feel at ease.

'Hello,Jane.'Sarah then embraced her,giving her a friendly kiss which Jane liked.'How are you?'

'I'm okay,Sarah.'Jane replied,although she still couldn't take her eyes off the man,who sat opposite Sarah,who noticed it.

'Oh,this is Monty,Jane.'Sarah introduced him.'he's a really good friend of ours.'

The man known as Monty rose.Jane's eyes widened even more,seeing his height.He was even taller than Jennings,who was over six foot himself.Like Jennings,he was also dressed in British army combat fatigues.When he stood up to greet Jane,the space widened between themselves,and the nearby patrons.

'I'm pleased to meet you,Jane.'his voice was also gentle,and he offered his hand in greeting to her.'My proper name's Montgomery,but please,call me Monty.'

Jane took his hand,and smiled up at him.She felt as if she was on tiptoe.

'Hello.'her voice shook slightly,even though there was nothing to worry about.Jane glanced back at Sarah's brother and Montgomery,and she knew these two men,were a match for anything thrown at them.Although she didn't know them as yet,Jane was glad they were here.She then turned to Jennings,still keeping a tight hold on his arm.

'I can see why you said Sarah's got a bodyguard.'she grinned at him.

'Well,I'm not going to let my little sister,fall into the bad guys clutches,am I?'Jennings grinned back.

He then motioned for Sarah to sit back down,and then gestured for Jane to sit next to her.She did so,and Montgomery moved his position,so Jennings could sit opposite Sarah.Their table was by the window,and they could see the harbour's busy schedule,as many ships passed them by.But none of them were really interested in that.It was the food.This was a favourite eating place,for Sarah and her brother.They came here frequently,and had made a lot of friends here.

As they asked for their orders,Jennings glanced outside the window.It looked like he was just giving a curious look,to see what was going on outside.The harbour itself,was doing it's usual,hectic day,but Jennings hadn't forgotten what he'd seen earlier.He was now on full alert.

With their orders taken,and reassurances that they wouldn't wait long for the food,Sarah turned to Jane,asking;

'So how did the interview go then,Jane?'

The reaction on Jane's face said it all.Her face grimaced in bitter distaste,thinking back to that interview.

'Oh,I hated her.'Jane spoke that,with a hint of contempt for the admiral.'She made my skin crawl,and I didn't even get the destroyer posting.'

'You're joking.'Sarah's face was full of disbelief.She had a good knowledge of assigning people,to their postings where their skills were needed.Something didn't sound right here.

'I'm afraid not.'Jane told her glumly.'she stuck me on MTB duty,here in Hong Kong.'

'MTB's?'There was even more disbelief on Sarah's face now.'Last time I heard,the destroyers were crying out for new people.'

'It's okay.'Jane shrugged her shoulders in resigned,but accepted defeat.She didn't want to get her new found friends depressed,before she continued.'I'm only here for six months,and she did tell me it would be good experience.After that,I may be lucky.'

'You know what boat you'll be on,Jane?'Jennings then asked her.

'No,not yet.'Jane admitted.'The admiral ordered me to report to harbour bay twelve.I'll meet the crew there.'

Sarah could still see the disappointment in Jane's eyes,and she did sound a tad nervous.

'I'll come along with you,if you want.'Sarah offered to her.

Jane fully appreciated Sarah's gesture,and responded.'I really don't want to make any trouble for you,Sarah.'

'Don't be silly.'Sarah scolded her,but gently.'I don't mind.'

Sarah then saw her brother looking out the window.She'd been watching him out of the corner of her eye,and she too,glanced outside too.However,Sarah didn't see anything amiss..Only the harbour's daily routine,but she could see her brother was clearly troubled by something.

'John?'Sarah touched his arm gently.

This made Jennings turn back,to face his sister's concerned face.

'Yes?'he asked,showing no sign of any worry,but Sarah knew her brother.She trusted him implicitly.If something was wrong,he'd know.

'What's the matter,John? Why are you looking out there all the time?'

'Sorry.'Jennings didn't want to set any alarm bells ringing,and turned back to the table,just as their food was served,saving him from any more questions Sarah was going to ask him.However,he knew there was trouble afoot,and he glanced at Montgomery.His best friend recognised his eyes,and nodded discreetly.They'd both deal with it,when the time came.


The Chinese man who'd ducked sharply out of Jennings' sight,was still carefully observing them through a pair of binoculars.He had watched the English girl enter the restaurant,with the Englishman waiting outside for her.He then watched the man lead her to a table by the window,and there was another young,and very pretty Royal Navy girl waiting for them.With the girl,was another man,who looked very powerful indeed.The man had admitted to himself,that both these men looked very tough and capable.He certainly didn't want to take these two men,in an unarmed fight.

No matter.the man thought slyly.they would be dealt with in due course.It was the girl,that his superior was interested in.Perhaps the second girl may be added.Yes,he liked the sound of that.

Quickly checking that he was still hidden from the restaurant's view,he pulled out a mobile phone,and dialled a number,that would let him speak to his boss.

'Yes?' a man's voice answered him sharply.'report.'

'Mister Lo?'the man then promptly obeyed Lo's wish.'The Griffiths girl has gone into a restaurant by the harbour.She's met some people there.Two men,and another navy girl.'

'Another girl?'This time,Lo's voice sounded pleased.'Let me see her.Take a picture.Now.'

Recognising the demand in his superiors tone,the man then activated the camera on his mobile,and after aiming it at Sarah,took a couple of pictures.He then sent them straight over to Lo,who received them after a short wait.

'Very nice.'Lo's voice was now filled with pleasure.'I think she may prove an unexpected bonus.Both of them will be.'He was referring to the girls,before he then asked.'Who are the Western men?'

'Not known yet,Mister Lo.'his employee admitted.

'Then find out,you moron.'Lo's voice had now reverted to being sharp.'I think these two,may prove troublesome.'

'Yes,sir.'the man hastily responded.'I'll find out.'

'You'd better,and get some extra men in.They look very tough.Just make sure you keep your eyes,on those two girls.'Lo paused for a moment,before he added menacingly.'Do you understand?'

Before the man could confirm his understand,the call was abruptly ended.This time,there was now menace visible on the man's face,as he turned to look at his targets.

The boss is right,he thought,still looking at Jennings and Montgomery's powerful forms.Better get more men,as he dialled another number on his mobile.


Inside the restaurant,Sarah and Jane had finished eating their meal,and were now relaxing with a drink.Jennings and Montgomery had also completed their meal,but Montgomery was still well aware,of his friend's earlier concern,and was wondering what the problem was.For the moment,Jennings didn't reveal anything,but Montgomery knew he would.

Sarah turned to see Jane's contented face.She'd watched her eat everything on her plate.

'You really enjoyed that,didn't you?'Sarah asked her.

'It was great.'Jane nodded,confirming this.She'd demolished the meal,and was now feeling a lot better,in the company of Sarah and the two men.The interview with Admiral Hunter,was already a fading memory,and she was glad her new found friends,had made it so.

Jane then glanced at her watch,and realised it was time to go.She reluctantly told them this,but Sarah noticed her disappointment,and stood up,offering her arm to Jane.

'Let's go then.'she smiled,not forgetting her earlier promise to accompany her,to her next assignment.

Jane gratefully accepted Sarah's arm,and together,they left the restaurant.After paying the bill,Jennings too,followed.Montgomery right with him.

As they walked through the busy docks,Sarah asked where Jane needed to be.

'Harbour bay 12.'Jane answered,pointing towards the relevant area.All of them could see,that it was a fair walking distance,and Jane mentioned it.

'It's right on the other side of the port.'Jane then thought of that,and turned to Jennings and Montgomery behind her,giving them both,a warm smile,especially at Jennings.Jane really liked him.

'I'll be okay.'she continued.'Thank you for inviting me to lunch.I loved it.'

'No problem.'Jennings returned her smile,although inside,he was still feeling tense and alert.He then glanced at his sister.'You'll be okay,Sarah?'

'He's still my bodyguard.'Sarah grinned at Jane,before she stepped up to him,and kissed him on the cheek.'I'll be fine,John.Don't worry.I'll just make sure Jane gets there.'

Sarah kissed Montgomery's cheek too,although the man had to bend down to let her do so.Sarah had to strain on her tiptoes to reach him.She then watched Jane do the same,clearly seeing the affectionate kiss for her brother.Sarah just smiled pleasantly at this,knowing John was well liked by the girls.

'I'll see you later,John.'Sarah bade him farewell,and with a friendly wave,she and Jane headed over towards the far side of the harbour.

Jennings watched them go.He still had that tense,uneasy feeling,and Montgomery was finally able to ask him.'What's wrong?'

Jennings glanced at his friend,and told him.

'I saw somebody watching Jane,Monty.'There was worry in his tone.'He ducked out of sight from me,but I saw him watching her.No doubt about it.'


'A Chinese man,but I don't know why he was doing it.'Jennings then went on.'One thing I do know though.The girls may need our help.'

Montgomery believed him.He and Jennings trusted each other with their lives,having fought many battles together.If one of them suspected anything was up,they both believed each other.

'What do you want to do?'Montgomery asked.'Shall we try and find that bloke?'

Jennings rejected that idea immediately.The harbour was a big place,and there were a million places to hide.He knew that unless they were both lucky to bump into him,they'd never find that man.

Fortunately though,Jennings did have an idea.

'No,we'd be wasting our time,Monty.Let's go visit a friend.'Jennings grinned.'She might be able to help us.'

'Who's that?'

'Somebody I helped a while ago.'Jennings was now thinking of Angela Lee.He remembered Angela had utterly devoted her friendship to him,having rescued her from Kim Yang's ruthless clutches.Angela had told him,that if he needed anything,she'd be there for him.

Giving a final glance at Sarah and Jane's receding figures,he could now see the area they were heading for.There was a single MTB just visible,and Jennings took out a pair of binoculars,and the boat's crew were now visible to him.Much to his faint surprise and suspicion,Jennings noticed the MTB's crew,were all Chinese.They all looked a tough bunch,and there was also a Chinese woman there too.Jennings recognised her rank,and noticed she was the captain.She didn't look very friendly though.In fact,Jennings clearly saw an evil gleam in her eyes,But all of the crew,were dressed in Royal Navy uniform,and appeared highly disciplined and extremely efficient.

Maybe I'm wrong.Jennings thought to himself,but this doubt only lasted a moment.Protecting Sarah was his life's mission,and he was fully prepared to give it up,should the need arise.

'We'll have to find out that boat's patrol route.'Jennings told Montgomery.

'Don't worry.'Montgomery reassured.'We will.'

With that said,both of them left the harbour,but as they did so,they were still being observed,by unfriendly eyes.


Sarah and Jane had finally reached harbour bay 12,and were now looking at MTB 16.The boat was smartly polished,and looked very sleek and powerful.The small craft still lay moored up,but this didn't stop the boat's crew,who were all preparing their vessel for another harbour patrol.It was then,that Sarah and Jane noticed the crew.All of them were Chinese,and despite being slightly puzzled by this,they did see all of the men,wearing the white Royal Navy uniform.Even so,they were still puzzled by the sight of no English men aboard.

Well,we are in Hong Kong.Sarah admitted to herself.She knew many of the Chinese naval people,who helped to patrol these waters,and they all did a great job,but just like Jane,she was still somewhat baffled.

Before they could make any queries on this,Sarah and Jane suddenly noticed a woman,now emerging out from the boat's interior.Just like the crew,she too,was Chinese,and also wore the Royal Navy uniform.Her shoulder rank lapels,identified her as the captain,although both Sarah and Jane could also see Chinese naval markings,fully visible on her shirt.Her gaze now fell onto the two girls,now standing on the pier,and just for a moment,Sarah thought she detected a sinister gleam,just visible in the woman's eyes.Jane too,had spotted it,and inwardly,both girls shivered.

Despite that,both Sarah and Jane knew this woman was their superior officer,and they both snapped to attention.They both gave a smart salute too.

'Lieutenant Jane Griffiths reporting for duty,ma'am.'Jane announced herself,and handed over some duty orders Admiral Hunter had given to her earlier.

The female captain returned their salute,and accepted the papers.She scanned them for a few moments,before she then turned her attention to Sarah.

'And you are?'The captain asked her,speaking fluent English,but she was definitely Chinese.Sarah picked up her Cantonese tone.

'Lieutenant Sarah Jennings,ma'am.'Sarah quickly replied.

'I see,and what are you doing here,Lieutenant?'

'Just making sure my friend here,reached this place safely,ma'am.'

'I see.Very noble of you.'The sinister expression had vanished from the captain's face.She seemed rather pleased,but Sarah could still detect something was up.The captain's eyes told her this.She didn't like it,but then the captain asked her;

'I take it you wish to accompany us,Lieutenant Jennings?'

The captain was pleased to see Sarah's face taken aback at this.How did she know that?Sarah wondered,but again,she responded quickly.

'If it's not to much trouble,ma'am.'Sarah answered her carefully.

'No trouble at all,my dear.'The captain told her reassuringly.'We're actually one crew member down,so you're more than welcome to join us.'

She then gestured for them to come on board.and she also barked another curt order,instructing two of the crew to assist the girls.Both men did so,and although still slightly nervous,Sarah and Jane accepted.

As they were helped on board,the two girls noticed the admiring,yet also,leering looks some of the crew were giving them.They were used to this kind of thing,but again,the Chinese woman gave another sharp order in Cantonese,and the looks stopped immediately.Both girls then followed the woman,into the boat's interior.

The captain led them into her own personal quarters.Despite the small size of the vessel,there was still plenty of room here.A small bar was the first place the captain went to.She took out three small glasses,and then produced a bottle of rum.Pouring a generous measure into each glass,she handed Sarah and Jane a glass each.Both girls accepted gratefully.The captain then raised her own glass to them.

'Welcome aboard MTB 16,ladies.'the captain formally greeted them.'I hope you'll have a rewarding time,here with us.'

'Thank you,captain.'Sarah and Jane acknowledged her in unison,before the captain allowed them to drink first.The two girls did so,finishing it in one swallow.The captain did the same,before she then introduced herself.

'I'm Captain Lin,commanding officer of MTB 16.I'm looking forward to working with you.'

Sarah hadn't forgotten seeing the Chinese military markings,and then asked Lin about it.

'You're not from the Royal Navy,are you,captain?'

Lin's eyes looked at Sarah fully in the face.She'd been told about this one,by the admiral.Very pretty,but very smart.Lin was pleased to see this.

'Quite right,my dear.'She responded pleasantly to Sarah's slightly suspicious query.'I'm actually a member,of the People's Republic naval force of China.But I'm here by special request,on orders from my superiors,and one of your own high ranking officers.They have given me the honour,of commanding MTB 16.'

Captain Lin was still seeing the doubtful expression,on Sarah's face.This made her smile,which actually made both girls uneasy again.

'You find it unusual,that a Chinese officer is in command,of a Royal Navy vessel?'Lin's smile increased.'I can assure you,that everything is in order.If you doubt my word,please feel free to contact your Admiral Hunter.She has given her full approval on this,and will no doubt,satisfy your concerns.'

This was the last thing Sarah and Jane wanted,but Sarah knew something was very wrong here.She had never heard,of any Chinese crew,now running a Royal Navy MTB.Sarah's knowledge of naval intelligence,was really good.She knew that her people and the Chinese,did do exchanges in laison officers,promoting goodwill.However,Sarah had never heard of anything like this.She was still smelling a rat,but then Jane suddenly spoke.

'No,captain.'There was a distinct touch of fear,in Jane's voice.She clearly didn't want to see Admiral Hunter again.'That won't be necessary.'

'Very good.'Lin nodded her approval.'I know Admiral Hunter is quite keen,to make this work.She's assured me,that there will be many benefits,to both our forces.That is,if you're willing to contribute?'

'Yes,captain.'Jane agreed.She then became aware,that Sarah hadn't responded,and promptly nudged her.Sarah's suspicious silence ended,as she too agreed.

'Of course,captain.'Sarah kept the peace,but she was determined to look into this,once she returned from this patrol.

'Where do you need me,captain?'Sarah asked.

'We need somebody on the radio.'Lin told her.'If you will make your way there now,please.'Her eyes looked behind them.'Mr Yang will show you the radio room.'

Both Sarah and Jane turned to look behind them,and nearly jumped out of their skins,seeing one of the male crew,standing behind them.His entry had been totally silent,and it really unnerved both girls.His own expression,wasn't encouraging either,but he looked at Sarah,and then gestured with his arm,indicating for her to follow him.

'I'm sure you'll be an excellent asset to us,Miss Jennings.'Captain Lin's voice was more pleased.'I'm very glad,to have you on board.'

Sarah clearly detected the sinister tone,and this more than confirmed her suspicions,that there was something fishy going on here.She couldn't help,but give a defiant glare at the Chinese woman,but it was only for a moment.Sarah then saluted Lin,and told Jane she'd see her later,before she followed Mr Yang out.

As Sarah left Lin's room,Jane could see Lin looking admiringly,at Sarah's retreating back.There was also lust visible,and Jane was clearly taken aback by this,but then,Lin's gaze settled back onto her.

'Your friend is very pretty,Miss Griffiths.'Lin complimented.'Just like you,my dear.'

Jane blushed at this,just as she'd done so,when Admiral Hunter had told her exactly the same,in the interview earlier.

'Thank you,ma'am.'Jane replied respectfully,before she then asked Lin.'Can you tell me,what my duties will be,captain,please?'

'You will accompany me to the bridge,and you will follow my orders to the letter.'The sharp tone had now returned in Lin's voice.'Do I make myself clear,Lieutenant?'

'Perfectly,captain.'Jane just stopped herself snapping back,and was thinking this was a bad start,but then,she noticed Lin relax her tone.

'Don't worry,my dear.'The Chinese woman gave Jane,a reassuring smile.'I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly here,just as Miss Jennings will.'

Jane sincerely hoped so.She was still gutted at Admiral Hunter's decision,not allowing her that destroyer posting.However,if she had to serve six months on this boat to get it,then so be it.Jane hoped to make a good impression,and then she watched Lin make her way out of her room.

'Follow me,please.'Lin's tone was now polite.

Jane promptly did so,and followed Lin out onto the bridge.The bridge officers here,were waiting patiently for their captain's next orders.Jane could see,that everything was normal,but she was still baffled.Why was there no British crew here? Only she and Sarah,representing the Royal Navy on this boat.What was going on?She was beginning to agree with Sarah,but didn't have a clue,as to what it was.

'Prepare to cast off!'Lin commanded sharply.

In record time,this was done,and then,Lin ordered the engines started.There was an immediate,powerful roar,which deafened Sarah and Jane.However,Lin oversaw the casting off,and there were no problems.Her crew were very efficient,and as soon as the boat was free from its mooring bay,the boat's pilot guided the vessel,out into Hong Kong harbour.

Lin made sure they stayed well clear,of any shipping traffic,and there was plenty of it.Hong Kong harbour,was one of the busiest ports in the world,and it took high skill to ease a small boat through here.

Fortunately,the Chinese crew were highly experienced sailors.They all knew these waters well,and there were no problems.It was then,that Lin ordered one of the crew,to bring her a chart.When this was done,she then ordered the chart spread out,and called Jane over.She too,knew these waters like the back of her hand,and she showed Jane a section of the sea on it.

'This is our patrol duty,Miss Griffiths.'Lin explained to her.'We regularly check out a lot of shipping traffic,that may need investigating.Smuggling's quite common,so we have to deal with a lot of stolen goods.'

'What kind of smuggling,captain?'Jane was curious.'You mean something like diamonds?'

'That is a possibility.'Lin admitted,'but I'm afraid it's a much more,sinister type of smuggling,my dear.People being smuggled,to be precise.'

Jane suddenly detected something in the woman's voice.This puzzled her,and it gave Jane the impression,that the Chinese woman knew more,that what she was actually telling.

'You mean people trying to escape,from the mainland,captain?'Jane had seen many news reports,on many Chinese people desperately trying to flee mainland China,hoping for a better life.Jane didn't know how many succeeded,but she did know many died in the attempt.

'No,my dear.'Lin was now smiling.'Nobody I've caught,has ever escaped.'She spoke that,with a hint of relish,making Jane glance curiously at her.The English girl was just going to ask her what she meant,but then Lin ordered Jane to pick up a pair of binoculars close by.

'I want you to keep a sharp lookout here.'The captain ordered her.'Admiral Hunter's provided me with excellent intelligence,so we'll be expecting something soon.'

'Yes,ma'am.'Jane acknowledged her,and picked up the binoculars,obeying her orders.She was very hopeful of some excitement.

A couple of hours later,Sarah and Jane were bored stiff.The initial excitement of the patrol,had now died.Jane hadn't seen anything remotely suspicious,and Sarah in the radio room,was now fed up from listening to the same,but extremely boring,shipping radio traffic.Both girls were now eager to return to port,and walk on dry land again.

Sitting in front of the radio set,Sarah held one ear piece of the headset to her ear.There hadn't been anything worth recording down,although Sarah kept mentally alert.She still hadn't forgotten her suspicions here,but at the same time,she was hoping something exciting would happen.Sadly though,nothing new was coming through,but the same boring messages.

Suddenly,Sarah jerked up in her seat,hearing something new in her ear.She listened intently for a few moments,before recognising it as an S.O.S message.It was repeating itself,and whoever was sending it,was doing so frantically.This made Sarah tap out an acknowledgment,and she hurriedly scribbled the message,as well as the position onto a notepad.Once she'd done that,Sarah tore the strip of paper off,and turned to a nearby crewman.

'For the captain.'Sarah told him urgently,handing him the paper.'Immediate priority one.S.O.S.'

The man nodded his understanding,and quickly left to hand his captain the message.Sarah then returned to sending out reassuring messages,to the ship's radio operator,that help was coming.Within moments,Captain Lin appeared by Sarah's side.

'What's their situation,Miss Jennings?'The captain asked her.

'They say they're sinking rapidly,Captain.'Sarah answered,with what she'd heard from the frantic radio messages.They were still being sent out to her.'They've hit a reef,and are going down by the bow.'

'What kind of vessel?'

'Large sail rigger,ma'am.'Sarah had asked them that.'They do have power to their pumps,but they're saying they're going down fast.'

'Keep talking to them.Tell then help is on the way.'

With that,Lin headed back up to the bridge,and immediately ordered a course change.She also ordered maximum power to the engines,and MTB 16 raced through the calm sea.

It didn't take them long to reach the co-ordinates,that Sarah had written down for them.Everybody on the bridge,could now see a ship come into view.It was a large sailing vessel,but strangely,it didn't look as if it was in trouble.

On the bridge,Jane was scanning the ship through her binoculars,and she could now see the boat's crew.However,Jane suddenly got an uneasy feeling.There was something odd she noticed,and that was seeing the crew of the boat,not wearing any life vests.They were also making no attempt,to abandon their vessel.

There was also something else.Jane could see a lot of the crew,were carrying something,but they were still to far back,for her to discern the objects.

'Captain.'Jane lowered the binoculars,and her face was worried,as she turned to Lin.'Something's not right.'

'We'll check it out.'Lin's voice was confident.'Take us around them,and let's see how bad it is.'

As MTB 16 raced towards them,Sarah was also looking out,at the seemingly stricken vessel.She too,could now see the boat's crew,and as their own boat got closer,Sarah could see the crew,were all tough looking men.However,just like Jane,Sarah sensed trouble here.The crew on the boat weren't acting,as if their ship was sinking.All of the men,were just standing there,and for a second,Sarah thought they were waiting to jump on board,instead of jumping into the sea.

Suddenly,Sarah spotted something,that made her eyes widen in alarm.They were carrying guns!

For a few moments,Sarah stood in utter disbelief,before she finally managed to race back to the radio.She was just about to send a message for help,when suddenly,a strong hand clamped tight over her mouth,and her arms were trapped behind her.Sarah's eyes bulged in terror,as she felt a cotton wool pad,being pressed firmly over her mouth.It was then,that Sarah recognised the smell of chloroform.Desperately,she tried to break free from her captor's grip,but it was useless.Within a few moments,her frantic mumbles faded,as the chloroform overwhelmed Sarah,and she sagged into darkness.

Satisfied the girl was out cold,the man behind Sarah's slumped form,gently removed the chloroform soaked,cotton wool pad from Sarah's mouth.As soon as he'd done so,the man made a telephone call to the bridge.He made sure it wasn't Jane he spoke to,but another one of the crew up there.The man then informed,that he had Sarah,and after listening to his orders,he acknowledged them,before hanging up.

Seconds later,another man appeared,carrying several coils of strong white rope.They both grinned at each other,knowing what they were going to do.

'The captain wants us,to make sure we tie her up tightly,just like all the others.'The man carrying the ropes,told his accomplice.

'Tell the captain not to worry.'his accomplice responded confidently.'We'll make sure this pretty thing won't get away.'

He stroked Sarah's hair,and got excited,hoping to have some fun with her,but a sharp word from the other crewman stopped him.Instead,he gently lifted Sarah's prone form,and laid her gently out on the floor,face down.He then pulled Sarah's unresisting wrists nehind her back,and crossed them.Then,he was given several lengths of rope by the other crewman,and he started skillfully,to wind the ropes over Sarah's wrists.His colleague tied Sarah's ankles together,and both men grinned at each other as they did so.They had plenty of rope,and were going to make sure they used a lot of it.


On the bridge,Jane's suspicions were confirmed,as she could now finally see the men on the other boat.They were all holding guns,and she also spotted the grins on their faces.It was obviously a trap!This made Jane turn around,wanting to warn Captain Lin and her crew,when she froze.

Captain Lin with her bridge crew,were all grinning too,and they were also holding weapons.Every one of them,was aimed unwaveringly at Jane.

'Wh-what's going on?'Jane finally managed to blurt out.The fear fully evident in her voice.

'Keep perfectly still,my pretty.'Captain Lin spoke with relish,but it was also a menacing warning.'Admiral Hunter was very anxious to have you in her pocession,and I fully intend to deliver you to her.'

She then gestured sharply,at one of her crew.'Tie her up.'

Jane suddenly felt her arms yanked behind her,making her gasp in fear.She then felt rope being snaked over her wrists,and she was unable to resist.Within a couple of minutes,Jane's hands were tightly tied behind her.Then,she gasped again in fear,as she was forced down onto her knees.Instantly,Jane now saw more loops of rope,being wound over her upper body.She tried to struggle,but her captors were taking no chances.There were four horizontal loops tied above,and under her chest,impressing her breasts even more.She noticed all the crew enjoying that particular sight,but Jane didn't.Her arms were now trapped behind her,and the ropes were tied very tight.

'Why are you doing this?'Jane still struggled vainly,and asking Lin fearfully.'What's happening?'

'Oh,it's really quite simple,my dear.'Captain Lin chuckled.'You remember the smuggling problem,I mentioned to you earlier? That is my true occupation.You see,Miss Griffiths,we abduct and smuggle very pretty girls like you,and of course,Miss Jennings.There's going to be,some very interested people,who want to look at you,especially Miss Jennings.I have a very interested client,who's very keen to see her again.'

Jane suddenly realised they'd grab Sarah!She opened her mouth,to yell out a warning to her friend,but her kidnappers had easily anticipated her reaction.Lin and her crew,had seen it so many times before.The captain enjoyed the sight,as the crewman who'd just bound Jane,now ruthlessly clamped his hand over the girl's mouth.Jane's eyes were huge over the hand gag.She desperately tried to scream,but obviously couldn't,and in the end,she slumped in utter despair.

Pleased at seeing Jane now firmly in her clutches,Lin then ordered one of her bridge crew.'Bring the other girl up.'

As the man left the bridge,a sickening feeling was in Jane.She realised she'd been a complete fool,allowing Sarah to accompany her.Now,they were both kidnapped,and from what this horrible Chinese woman was saying to them,it looked as if they were going to held for ransom,by the admiral.If she ever got out of this,Jane would make sure,that Admiral Hunter would pay dearly for this.

Suddenly,Lin's sharp voice cut into her worried thoughts,with an order that made her squeal in fright,behind the man's hand.

'Put a gag over Miss Griffiths pretty mouth,and make sure you tie it tight.'The Chinese woman smirked.

The crewman she'd just ordered,now approached Jane.He was holding what appeared to be,two strips of black cloth.He moved behind her,to stand next to the crewman handgagging Jane.The man nodded at him to release his hand,and he did so.Jane gasped in air gratefully,but if she still harboured hopes,of raising the alarm to Sarah,her hopes were instantly crushed.With lightning speed,her chin was seized,and her head was forced up by the man holding the cloths.He had already balled up one of the strips,and roughly forced it into Jane's mouth.This made Jane,make more frantic mumbling,and before she could try to push the cloth out,the man then folded the second cloth over her mouth,tying the back end tightly,which kept Jane effectively gagged.

Once satisfied with his handiwork,the man then wrapped his arm tightly around Jane's waist,and roughly hauled her up to her feet.Then,Lin approached her,almost standing nose to nose with Jane.

'I'm afraid your efforts to warn Miss Jennings,were a waste of time,my dear.'Lin was enjoying Jane's shocked,and frightened face.'I really must congratulate you though,bringing Miss Jennings here.She was such a difficult prize to acquire,but you really did give us an unexpected bonus,by agreeing to her wishes.'

She then used her gun,to tilt Jane's chin up.Now,there was utter menace in the Chinese woman's eyes,as she continued,scaring Jane even more.

'I'm going to give you to Admiral Hunter,whilst Miss Jennings will serve another.Once you've been ravished by the admiral to her heart's content,she's going to sell you to the highest bidder,and you're going to make us very rich indeed,my dear.'

Lin was pleased to see the terror dominating Jane's eyes,and still enjoyed hearing her frantic,but barely inaudible mumbles.Just then,she and everybody saw the man she'd ordered earlier,now bringing Sarah to the bridge.Jane could only watch helplessly,as the man carried Sarah over his shoulder easily,before he gently put her down.To Jane's ever increasing despair,she noticed that Sarah was bound and gagged the same way she was.Many loops of horizontal white ropes,had been tied securely over Sarah's upper body.Jane could tell Sarah was tied up tight,seeing how the ropes over her white navy shirt,were making Sarah's breasts stand out very impressively.Sarah too,was gagged,but instead of the cloth like Jane's,a large rectangular strip of black tape,was sealed over Sarah's mouth.She was still out cold,due to the chloroform.

Lin then released Jane's chin,and eyed Sarah with huge lust.She then moved over to her prone form,kneeling down beside her,stroking her hand through Sarah's long,dark hair.

'So pretty.'Lin smiled,savouring her prize.She then lifted Sarah's unresisting chin,and kissed the still senseless girl's forehead,before addressing Jane again,although she didn't look up at her.

'I'm so pleased you decided to bring her along,Miss Griffiths.There's a very special lady,who will pay me very well,for bringing this beauty to her.You see,my dear,I have a tendacy to tying up pretty girls,and gagging them.Especially,when they're in uniform.It makes them look so smart.Even your Admiral Hunter shares this.'

The pleasure in Lin's voice suddenly disappeared,as she wanted to get things moving.She then curtly ordered the boat's pilot.'Take us alongside.'

MTB 16 was skillfully steered alongside the rigger,and the latter's crew had already prepared to link up their two boats.Strong ropes were thrown to Lin's crew,and very quickly,both vessels were now held together.Once this was achieved,two armed men jumped aboard MTB 16,and Jane could see,fully alarmed,that their new arrivals,were totally menacing close up.To make matters worse,the men's gazes fell instantly onto hers and Sarah's bound and gagged forms.Their gazes were full of lust,and the two of them headed straight for them.

'Take them on board,and lock them up.'Lin ordered them.'When you reach the island,put them with the other merchandise.'

The two men grinned,as they reached down,and easily picked up Sarah and Jane,placing them over their shoulders,the two girls were easily carried onto the men's boat.

Before Lin followed them,she turned back to her own crew.

'Keep a sharp lookout for any other ships.'she warned them,well aware that two ships secured together,in the middle of the sea,was bound to attract some unwanted attention.'I don't want us disturbed.'

With that said,Lin then followed the two men onto their boat,who were waiting for her,and she then led the way into the ship's interior.Quite clearly,she knew the layout of this boat,having used it so many times before,taking her newly acquired,but kidnapped female victims,to a life of sexual slavery.

Lin headed into the bow section of the boat,and with the two men following her,still carrying the girls,she finally led the way into a storeroom.It wasn't a very big room.A couple of crates,with other stuff,and of course,plenty of thick ropes,but it suited Lin's purpose,as she then gestured at the two men,to put Sarah and Jane down.

As the men did so,Lin could see that Sarah,was now slowly recovering from the chloroform.She then instantly ordered them.'Tie them together,back to back.'

The two men produced more white coils of rope,and now wound it over Sarah and Jane's torsos.As they did so,they were amused to hear Sarah suddenly give out,a frightened,but considerably muffled scream,as she now realised she was bound and gagged.

Kneeling down beside Sarah,Lin smiled,as she used her finger to stroke Sarah's cheek.This made the girl flinch in terror from her,but there was nothing she could do to resist,as Lin savoured her prize.

It didn't take the two men long,to secure Sarah and Jane,and they stood back,awaiting approval from their captain.Lin promptly made a check on the girls bindings,and was satisfied her prisoners wouldn't be able to break free.

Still stroking Sarah's cheek,Lin then informed her pleasantly.'You're very privilidged,my dear.You're really beautiful,and your body will make a man crave for you.I just can't wait,to get you up on that auction stand,and see how much you'll fetch.I'm pretty sure a lot of my clients,will break their bank balances,to buy you,my pretty.'

Sarah was stunned and horrified hearing this.So this is what they were up to.She and Jane had been kidnapped,by a slavery ring!This made her fear rage inside her.Both she and Jane had to escape!But how were they going to do that? She and Jane were tightly trussed up,and their gags were more than enough,to keep them quiet.At the moment,it looked as if they didn't have a hope of escape.

Instantly,Sarah's thoughts went straight for her brother.She really wanted to call out to him,but of course,her gag prevented this.However,Sarah just prayed that John would find her,and quickly.

Lin then stood up,and ordered the two men.'Stay here and keep an eye on them.Make sure they stayed bound and gagged,and don't go too far with them.You can feel,but I'll know if you've gone too far.'

Both men nodded their obedience,and stood back.Lin then gazed back down at her captives.

'Don't worry too much,ladies.'her tone was smug,relishing Sarah and Jane's distress.'Admiral Hunter will want to ravish you first.We'll all have an enjoyable girls night in.That will be something to look forward to,won't it?'

Both Sarah and Jane could only stare up at her in horror,and Lin then bade them farewell.

'See you later,ladies.'she smirked down at them.'There's no white knight in shining armour to rescue you.We own you now,and you're going to be very obedient slaves for us.You will obey what we tell you to do.Every word of it.'

The last part of that was spoken with utter menace,and Lin's face showed it too.Despite her own fear inside,Sarah was determined not to surrender so easily,but she badly needed John.If anybody could save her and Jane,it was definitely John.

Sarah had to endure Lin giving her,a highly desirable kiss,before the Chinese woman stood up,and then left the storeroom.She was heading back,towards the MTB.

The two men guarding Sarah and Jane stood back from them,with arms folded,and both girls were anxiously hoping they'd stay there.Both girls eyes,were still wide with fear,dreading what was in store for them.

John,help me,please!Sarah thought frantically for her brother.However,for the moment,Sarah knew she and Jane,were now helpless captives,and firmly in the bad guys clutches.Rescue seemed a long way off.

Sarah hoped John would prove her wrong.

Chapter 3 to follow...

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