I hurried away from school,so pleased to get away now that it was hometime.I had a busy afternoon and evening ahead of me.
Later,I had a football match,and was really looking forward to that.I loved my football.It was certainly a lot different playing it,than watching it:but still enjoyable.
Before the football though,I wanted to watch one of my favourite programmes on the telly.This was the long running 'Blue Peter' show.
There were a few things I liked about it,but the main reason I watched it,was to see one of the female presenters.
She was called Konnie Huq,and I thought she was staggeringly beautiful.I'd written several fan letters to Konnie,but as yet,there hadn't been a response yet.I wasn't too bothered though.Just seeing Konnie on the telly,certainly made my day.
Her long,dark raven hair,which fell past her shoulders,was a huge hit on me.I'd always preferred girls with dark hair.Konnie had a really pretty face,and a lovely warm smile when she presented the show.So much so,that I started to fantasise over her.
A while back on the show,Konnie and the rest of the presenting team,did a comedy Sherlock Holmes spoof.I had really enjoyed that.Not only was it a good laugh,but there was a scene in it,which grabbed my attention.
The scene was where Konnie's character,got knocked out by the dastardly villian,and then bound and gagged her to a chair.It was really exciting for me:I'd never seen a pretty girl tied up before.It's stayed in me ever since.
Of course,Konnie was dressed in her character role,as it was set in Victorian times.I however,started to think a little differently,at what I'd like to see Konnie dressed in,to be bound and gagged.
I watched Blue Peter,and sure enough,Konnie was there,greeting us all.The same,lovely smile on her face.I suddenly found my urge increasing,as I stared mesmorised at Konnie.
The show was okay,and after it had finished,I then began to prepare for my match.It was going to be a tough match.We were playing our bitter rivals,from the nearest school.I knew there'd be some harsh challenges going in.
After my football(we won,2-0)I was knackered.That game had been really hard,but was pleased to win.I was so relieved not to be injured in it too.
I made it back home,and after preparing my stuff for school the next day,I had a bath,and after it,went to bed.I was totally knackered.
The next thing I knew,I was back at school,walking down one of the many corridors.
What am I doing back here? I wondered.Had I forgotten something?
I found myself hearing men's voices,and headed towards them.When I reached the source,I noticed it was originating from one of the biology classrooms.
I could see men there:three of them.All looked tough,and pretty mean.Added to this,the trio were all wearing balaclavas.They were even armed too,as I spotted two of them holding pistols.
I had also noticed four women in the room.Two of them were my biology teachers:Miss Anderson and Miss Sanders.Both teachers were still wearing their white lab coats,and they looked damn good in them.I knew this,having lusted after them.
The other two women were a fellow pupil:Sarah Williams(another one of my hopeful conquests),and I couldn't believe my eyes seeing the other woman.It was Konnie Huq!
Both Sarah and Konnie were wearing the compulsory school uniform.A long sleeved,white shirt with a square breast pocket either side,and a black pencil skirt.
Like Konnie,Sarah had dark hair,but as Konnie's fell past her own shoulders,Sarah's was just falling onto her shoulders.I could see all four of them,had been made to sit next to each other,and all four had been bound and gagged.
I stared in fascination at this.The three men had obviuosly done a pretty thorough job,tying the girls up.All four had their hands tied behind their backs,and they had many tight,horizontal loops of rope wound above and below their breasts. a black
The girls legs were also tightly tied too.More loops of horizontal rope,had been secured over the prisoners knees,thighs and finally their ankles.None of the girls were going anywhere.
Added to their discomfort,each one of the girls had been gagged too.I could see a black strip of cloth,that had been tied tight over each of their mouths.Not only had they been made immobile,but their captors had ruthlessly made sure none of the girls could call out for help.
I had instantly ducked back into cover,the moment I'd seen what was going on,and the men hadn't spotted me.None of the girls had either.
What the hell am I going to do here? I wondered.I'd always dreamed of being a hero,saving a really pretty girl,who'd been bound and gagged by their kidnappers.Now was a perfect opportunity.
The first thing I thought up,was the obvious one.Call the police.
However,I knew I had to stay still.I could see one of the men,had now turned his gaze towards the open door,and I was just hiding behind it.I prayed he didn't see my shadow.
Fortunately,he didn't.I breathed a silent sigh of relief.
Even so,I could hear all the women mumbling fearfully behind their gags,and then I heard one of the men speak to them.
'Don't get too alarmed,ladies,'the man's voice was clearly full of relish.'We'll be going soon.But first,I think it's better I explain what's going to happen.'
This bought chuckles from his two accomplices,as he went on.
'You've all been chosen for a very special trip,'the relish was still fully evident in his tone.'We need pretty girls like yourselves,to be part of a very special collection.In the Middle East of course.You're all going to be auctioned,to the highest bidder.After that,your'll have a brand new life ahead of you.'
I heard all four girls cream with fear instantly into their gags.I hadn't liked hearing it either.There was no way I was going to let this happen.I certainly didn't want the four of them,being sold like some kind of sex slave.I had to save them,but what could I do?
'Okay,'it was the first man speaking.'Get them in the van.We have to be at the harbour tonight.'
From my hiding place,I saw his two accomplices bend down,and they easily lifted Miss Anderson and Miss Sanders into a firemans carry,and promply carried them out.
My luck was still holding,as I thought for a panicky moment,they'd walk out right by me.If they had,I would have been spotted.
Then,I saw the leader reach down to grab Konnie.His prize was struggling and mumbling,as he lifted her into the same firemans carry,but Konnie's struggles didn't bother him at all.
Instead,he chuckled with utter relish,and I could clearly hear the menace in his voice now.
'Don't bother yourself,Miss Huq,'he was still chuckling,as he began to carry Konnie out.'You might prove to be our star hostage.I'm sure the BBC will pay quite a hefty ransom for you,my pretty.'
I could hear Konnie's frantic,gagged sounds as she was carried out.There was only Sarah,still bound and gagged.Her eyes were bulging in fear,as she knew her turn was coming.
I knew it was now or never.Quickly,I sneaked into the classroom,and headed towards her.Sarah saw me instantly,and recognised me.She knew my efforts to ask her out,and I'd been refused by her every time.Politely of course.
Sarah couldn't help,but mumble more into her tight gag,but I still made shushing movements towards her.I knew I wouldn't be able to free her quickly:so instead,I lifted her up,and carried her out to safety.
It was then,that I heard the men returning,and both mine and Sarah's blood went cold,hearing what was said by them.
'Hey,where's the other girl?' One of the men barked.
'No idea,'his accomplice responded.'She can't have got far though.Not tied up like that.'
'What the hell's that? I think she's behind that door.'
We both heard footsteps nearing.Damn,I thought.What's going to happen now?
I could feel Sarah pressing into me,and was even feeling her shake with fear.I had to admit,I enjoyed her silent pleading to me,for comfort and reassurance.I was going to protect Sarah,and had no intention of letting her down.Once I'd made sure she was okay,I'd get after the teachers and Konnie.If I was lucky,I may get a nice reward,and I didn't mean financially.
The man's footsteps were only moments away,and I was frantically trying to think of something.
Then,the bloody alarm clock went off....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
I HOPE that when she was "pressing into" you you had her TIGHTLY hand-gagged in an attempt to FURTHER SILENCE her so that you would not be discovered! (Like in the "Alien Invasion" drawing!)
ReplyDeleteAgain~Thank You for ANOTHER "school-uniform" story!
Please keep "dreaming"!