Here's another daft little tale I hope that's liked by a few.I wanted to continue writing another War of the Worlds version,which this time,would include some very nasty opponents.
Not just the nasty alien ones either...
The three massive tripod machines,continued to blaze away with it's weapons,and they succeeded in eliminating many of their intended targets.
Nowhere was safe for the fleeing human beings,as they desperately sought cover.There were even fights breaking out amongst some of them,as they fought for a hidden area,which they thought would protect them from the menacing tripods.
Sadly for them,the tripod machines seemed to know where all their hiding enemies were,and easily destroyed those unfortunate to be discovered.
Fires raged uncontrollaby,and screams of fear and panic echoed throughout this scene of hell.The tripods seemed to relish this,as they let out frequent roars of approval from within their machines.
However,that was not to say the alien machines had it all their way.
Not every human being was running from them.There was a large military presence here,and every one of them were furiously resisting,blasting away with their weapons at the looming tripods.
For the most part,their weapons had no effect whatsoever,as the tripod machines were well protected by some kind of shield.All they saw,were the weapons bouncing harmlessly off the tripod's structure.
Yet,this was all well planned,and it was the idea of two men,who had seen this work.
Jennings and Montgomery were great friends,loving to fight together in battle.They had already agreed in a blood pact,to die together,if necessary.
Fortnately though,dying was the last thing on both their minds.They'd already informed their superiors,how to bring one of these murdering monsters down,and had been granted full approval to do so.
Jennings had selected his first target.It was a tripod crushing its way,through a lot of buildings.It's weapons were still frequently firing down at the ground,and through clenched teeth,Jennings knew more lives were being lost.
Together,he and Montgomery signalled to some of their fellow soldiers,and they responded instantly,by blasting away at the selected alien machine.
As expected,there was no damage being done to the tripod,despite the furious onslaught.However,it did stop its advance,and that was just what Jennings and Montgomery needed.
Both of them instantly raced out into the open,and positioned themselves right under the tripod's legs.Quickly,Jennings pulled out his winch gun,and aiming it upwards,fired.
He was pleased to see the mechanism plant itself firmly into the tripod structure,and after placing his foot into one of the cable's loop he made,Jennings hauled himself up.
As he continued up,Jennings held his knife ready,seeing the long,but deadly tentacles attached underneath.Fortunately though,they remained motionless,and didn't threaten his ascent.
He reached the underside of the tripod's main belly seconds later,and after a quick check on the two cages at the rear of the machine,Jennings was pleased to see them both empty.He still remembered saving Louise and Lucy from them.No doubt,many more would need his help.
There still wasn't a second to lose,and he slammed two satchel charges onto the machine.Then,he began to descend quickly.The timers on the charges had already been set,the moment he'd placed them.
It was then,that the tentacles came to life,as they swooped up to him.Jennings though,was ready,as he easily sliced them all.Then,he was on the ground.
'GET CLEAR! GET CLEAR!'Jennings yelled at the top of his voice,before he threw himself into cover.Montgomery did too.
Next moment,there was a thunderous explosion,followed by another.The satchel charges ripped into the tripod's hull,and there a massive sheet of flame,completely enveloping the whole machine.There was an inhuman sound,which sounded as if it was groaning,before the entire tripod crumpled to the ground.
Cheers erupted instantly from the soldiers,and after checking there was no more threat from the fallen machine,Jennings and Montgomery sought out their next target.They noticed another tripod being destroyed,and were pleased to see their tactics working.
The final third tripod seemed to hesitate.It gave the impression it was now on its own,and then,it started to move away:a fierce barrage of fire at its back as the soldiers on the ground continued to blast away at it.It didn't appear to suffer any damage,but there was no more deadly fire from it.It advanced a few more,then curiously,it lowered itself down for a few moments,before it rose up again.Within moments,it had vanished.
'You see that?'Montgomery asked his friend.
'Yeah,'Jennings nodded.'They're up to something.Come on,we'd better get over there.'
Both of them immediately raced over to their intended area.
For Louise Jennings,her job as a military co-ordinator went on.She was now working in a small house,that had been set up as a command post.
In it,there was frantic activity,as Louise and everybody else tried to get some form of order back into play.
Lucy was here too,as well as the three other girls,who had been snatched by the aliens,before Louise's brother saved them all,and just in time.The three girls had sworn never to leave Louise and Lucy's side,and they were always asking after John,her brother.
At this moment,Louise was frantic with worry for him.She knew he'd gone back out there to fight the aliens.They had a new plan,to destroy their previously thought invincible machines.John had admitted to her,that it was very risky.But he was going ahead with it regardless.
It seemed to work:Louise had watched two of the tripods successfully destroyed,before the third one appeared to retreat.Where it went,nobody knew,but Louise sincerely hoped she'd seen the last of it.
Just then,Louise heard her commanding officer call her over.This was Major Burns,who was a tough,highly formidable soldier,but was also well liked by his subordinates.
Louise liked him too,and immediately walked over to him.
'Yes,sir?'Louise asked him.
'Louise,I want you to take a team over to this area,'the major had a map of the town,placed on his desk in front of him.'We've had reports of looting there.A squad is over there,dealing with any trouble.However,I want you to see what's missing,or if you can,recover it.We're going to need everything we can,so we can recover the situation here.'
'Yes sir,'Louise nodded,before she asked him:'Can I choose my own team,sir?'
Seeing Major Burns approving nod,Louise had to ask her next question.
'Any news on my brother,sir?'
'He's fine,Louise,'Major Burns answered,glad to give her some positive news.'I've ordered him to assist,with the help of organising the aid centres here.'
'Thank you,sir.'The relief in Louise's face,was fully evident,before she saluted him,and promptly departed.
Major Burns watched her go,and wasn't surprised to see the pretty Chinese girl,Lucy,and those three other girls follow them all out.They all appeared to be really close,and Burns understood why.He'd read Jennings' and Montgomery's combat reports,and had read of how Jennings had managed to get up to the tripod,and save his sister and her friends.Burns was glad to have him on his side.
Burns too,had watched the final tripod leave,and was determined to finish it off.He knew just the man to do it.
He turned to one of his aides close by,and ordered:'Get me Jennings and Montgomery here,on the double.'
Louise had managed to get her hands onto an armed Landrover.There was a single .50 calibre machine gun mounted on the back of it,and after Lucy volunteered to stand ready in the weapon's place,Louise drove off towards her assigned area.
It wasn't a pleasant drive,as Louise and all her friends could see the devastation in the area.The whole place had been utterly flattened.Added to this,were the grim sightings of the dead.Louise swallowed hard as she drove past those who'd been killed,and there was a lot of them.
When they reached where they needed to be,all the girls could see it was a wrecked mall.There were a few soldiers checking on some boxes outside the entrance,and Louise hoped there was some good news.
She got out of the vehicle,and spoke a few words to one of the soldiers there,before she thanked him,then gestured for her friends to follow her.
'Okay ladies,'Louise told them,'let's get inside,and see what we can salvage.Find any food,clothes,but see if you can retrieve any medical supplies.'
All the girls nodded,and with Louise leading,they all headed into the mall,not seeing three human,hostile eyes observing them keenly.
These eyes watched the girls enter the mall,and silently,the three human figures began to creep up to the mall.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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