This is another Sanna Menace spin off story I dreamed up.Pathetic quality of course,but still enjoyed writing it.
It concerns one of my favourite hero characters:Jennings,and I thought it would be interesting to write in an anti-hero character,who nevertheless,still fights alongside him.
I got the idea from watching one of my favourite actors:Kurt Russell,who of course,played Snake Plissken.The first time I'd watched an anti-hero character.Snake's a hard,badass character,but he will still do the right thing if required.So he still has some sort of decency in him.:)
So will this bloke alongside Jennings.:)
Bear with me though.I'm still figuring it out
The armoured column made it's way towards the prison camp,which was now visible to the drivers of the column,but only a few of the other occupants in the column noticed it.
The leading vehicle was occupied by Harris and O'Rourke.Both sat relaxed in the vehicle,and were looking forward to visiting the prison.It was a frequent visit,as they were both on the hunt for new recruits here.They were both confident they'd get new people here.After all,not many would have wanted to rot in these hellholes.
The column successfully entered the prison compound,and all vehicles drove immediately down towards the built in garage.Both Harris and O'Rourke could see heavily armed guards everywhere.Always a good idea to deter any thoughts of escape.Both of them had seen many potential escapees,paying the ultimate price.
Once all the vehicles had stopped in the garage,their doors opened and instantly,several heavily armed men and women raced outside,and formed a guard of honour.Harris and O'Rourke exited almost immediately.
As they left their vehicle,both noticed the prison governor,who stood waiting to receive them.He didn't look a friendly sort,but that didn't bother Harris or O'Rourke.They weren't friendly either.
Even so,they both made their way over to him.Governor Talbot was not a popular man in charge here,not even with the people protecting him.He was tough and ruthless,just like Harris and O'Rourke.
'Welcome,General O'Rourke,Major Harris,'Talbot greeted them,but both could clearly see he wasn't really welcoming them.
'Skip the crap,Talbot,'O'Rourke wasn't smiling as he responded.'Just take us to the inmates you've selected for us.'
Talbit gazed hard at them both,but made no further comment,as he then led them into the prison.
He finally led them into his office,a small room,but it suited Talbot's needs.
Aside from the usual desks and typical office equipment,Harris and O'Rourke could see several monitor screens,which was projected to them by the prison's security camera system.
Looking at the numerous screens in here,both Harris and O'Rourke could see they covered every inch of the prison.Nobody would be able to hide here.
Talbot gestured at one of the screens to them.
'They're your volunteers.'
There was total indifference in his tone,but both Harris and O'Rourke ignored that,as they both went to look at the screen Talbot had gestured too.
On this particular screen,it showed several men standing in a line.They were all looking up at the camera,and all of them looked very mean and tough.
O'Rourke and Harris knew they'd have to be interviewed,to check out their reasons to fight for them were genuine,but they could see all the men's eyes were hard.So,it looked a good start.
Talbot then tossed a filled up folder onto the monitor desk in front of them.
'That's their personal details,'he told them curtly.'You've got a pretty nasty bunch there.'
'We'll decide if they're nasty or not,'Harris sneered back in response.
Suddenly,a high pitched alarm sounded throughout the room.This made Harris and O'Rourke look up at Talbot,who did not appear alarmed.
'Incoming prisoner,'he informed them,still curt in tone.'From the alarm,whoever it is,they're a priority one.'
'Who is it?'O'Rourke demanded.
'See for yourself.'Talbot gestured indifferently at another screen,which both Harris and O'Rourke moved over to look at.
They saw four men advancing down one of the prison's corridors.Three of them were guards:all heavily armed and tough,but it was the fourth man which suddenly made Harris and O'Rourke stunned.
The fourth man was advancing in front,with the three guards behind him.He had his hands secured in front of him,but he appeared indifferent too.Indeed,the three guards behind him never mis-treated him at all,all they stayed close behind him.
At first,Harris and O'Rourke thought they were seeing things.Then,they both looked at Talbot.
'Is that who I think it is?'Harris' question was sharp.
They could both clearly see Talbot had no idea what this meant to them.
'His name's Jennings,'Talbot answered,still unfriendly,but there was now some puzzlement in his tone.'What's so special about him?'
'You really do live in your little isolated world,don't you?' Harris was still having difficulty accepting what she was seeing.Here at last,was one of their most notorious,yet highly formidable enemies,now a prisoner.
'Bring him here.'Harris meant her order.
'Out of my control,Harris.'Talbot gave a faint,but still nasty smile to her.'The Sanna want him.Appears they're going to do some body research on him.'
'Not if I can help it,'Harris almost snarled.Despite the fact knowing she'd tried to eliminate Jennings several times,his successful evasions had attracted her to him.She knew he was a ladies man,and the girls found him irresitable.She too,had admitted Jennings was really handsome.There was nothing better Harris would like,than to have Jennings under her control.
Today,this looked as if she may get her wish.
'Where was he caught?' O'Rourke asked.
'He was gun-running near the border,'Talbot answered.'There was a massive firefight there.Jennings killed a lot of Sanna,so I that's why they want him.Payback,I guess.'
'We'll see about that.'Harris was determined to have him.'Now bring him here,Talbot.I mean it.'
'It's your head,Harris.'Talbot shrugged.'The Sanna won't be too happy with you over this.'
'I don't give a damn about the Sanna.'Harris meant that too.'Don't you know who that is? That's John Jennings;one of the most deadliest resistance fighters to the Sanna,and even us.'
'His first name isn't John,Harris,'Talbot told her.'It's David.'
This made both Harris and O'Rourke look at each other.Now it was their turn to be puzzled.
'That can't be,'Harris was adamant.'It is Jennings.I recognise him.'
O'Rourke then produced a small disc,and fed it into one of the computers built into the office.
Almost immediately,a sharp,clear picture of Jennings unsmiling,hard face,became visible on one of the monitor screens.
'Bring up the details of him here,'O'Rourke ordered Talbot.'This man here.'
Talbot shrugged again,but did so.Again,another picture of Jennings came up next to the one O'Rourke had brought up.
Harris and O'Rourke studied both pictures intently,and were amazed.
'I can't tell them apart,'O'Rourke had to admit.'They're practically identical.'
'Possibly.'Harris however,wasn't so sure.Something wasn't quite right here.
'Drag his picture over,'she then ordered.
O'Rourke did so,and when the second picture of Jennings was placed on top of the other photo,both he and Harris studied it intently.
After a few moments,they both looked up at each other,somewhat disbelievingly.
'They're a perfect match,'O'Rourke had to admit.'I can't see any difference at all.'
Even though Harris reluctantly agreed,she was still bothered by something.This just didn't feel right.
Before she could demand again from Talbot to bring Jennings to her,they all heard the sound of a Sanna attack craft landing.
Their expressions weren't friendly.
More to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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