Furious,Jennings made his way away from where Sarah,and Kieko were being held.He couldn't wait to smash that Takachi's face in again,for holding the girls hostage.
However,he had to check out this bomb threat the Japanese man had told him about.Jennings swore that none of the passengers on board here,would lose their lives due to this.However,the 'Eastern Princess' was a huge vessel.Checking it out,would take time,and he knew it was against him.
This was why he was heading back to his cabin.He badly needed help,and he'd already dialled Kelly's number,on his mobile.
She answered him immediately,'John,are you okay? What's happening? Did you find Sarah?'
'Yes,I found Sarah,Kelly,'Jennings responded,'she's in trouble,just as I expected.'
'What do you mean,John?'Kelly's voice was more worried now,'is she okay?'
'She's being held by the bad guys,'his own voice was grim,matter of fact,'they're forcing me to check out something.I'm afraid I'll need your help,Kelly.'
'Of course,John,'Kelly was still worried for both her elder siblings,but she kept calm,'I'm here for you.I told you that earlier.'
He nodded his acknowledgement,although he knew Kelly didn't see it.
'I'll be back in touch with you in a moment,'Jennings told her,'then I'll explain.'
He was still well aware of the CCTV cameras placed throughout the ship's interior,and knew they were watching him,but once he got back to his cabin,he could talk freely to Kelly.
When he got there,Jennings made another check to make sure there were no new bugs planted in his cabin.This time,there wasn't.
He pulled out his holdall bag again from under the bed,and got out the stuff he needed.There was a radio headset among the contents,and Jennings put that on.Then,he took out his laptop,and quickly made a connection with Kelly.
'Kelly,you there?' he asked.
'I'm here,John.' Her response was instant.
'Okay.Here's what I need from you.They've told me there are bombs planted all over the ship.Can you pick up their detonator signals for me?'Jennings had seen one of the bombs placed next to Sarah,and knew what type they were.They were really nasty weapons.Defusing them was no problem,but he had to know their exact locations.If Takachi had told him they could sink the ship,it was obvious they'd be placed well below the waterline.
'Stand by.'Kelly was already checking it out,and sure enough,the details come through.Jennings could see the bomb locations.He was relieved to see there weren't that many,but did notice from their positions,that if they did explode,it would be a mortal wound to the ship.
'Got it.'Jennings then memorized their locations,and once satisfied with that,thanked Kelly again.He then had another grim thought,and didn't like it,but he made another request to Kelly.
'Kelly,we'd better be prepared.Find out our current position,and get a message to any ocean liner nearby,any ship really,and tell them of the bomb threat we have here.We'll need all the help we can get,if the worst happens.'
He sincerely hoped it wouldn't,but Kelly's answer was positive,'Tracking all current ships nearby in your area.There are two ships,both Hong Kong registered.'There was a pause before she told him,'There's one of them right next to you.It's not as big ship,but they're cruising next to you.'
That's a relief,Jennings thought,but he still asked Kelly to get that message out.She confirmed that.
He then closed the laptop,now knowing where to go.Then,he reached back into his holdall,taking out another disassembled AK-47.He put it together quickly,and then pocketed several ammunition clips.He took his bag with him this time,he'd need his gear to defuse the bombs.Then,he got back in touch with Kelly.
'Kelly,I'm heading up towards that hidden lift behind the bridge,'Jennings told her,'I think I'll check that out.It leads down to the first bomb.'
'Understood,John.Please be careful,and help Sarah too.'
'You can count on it.'Jennings would always honour his promises,especially to his sisters.He then left his cabin,still keeping the headset on.He'd need advice from Kelly here.She would be able to warn him of any booby traps,or indeed,anybody that was waiting to ambush him.Jennings knew Takachi only had two men with him,but the crew on this ship would prove difficult.He had no idea how many of them were involved,in the slavery ring.
Grimly,he made his way back up to the bridge.This time,he was determined to get in there,and find that hidden lift,and nobody was going to stop him.
Jennings reached the outside of the bridge without being detected,and he made sure nobody else spotted him.Peering around the corner,he was pleased to see the bridge manned only by a couple of the crew.He glanced around it,and spotted a single door.He guessed correctly that was the Captain's ready room.
He was also pleased to see,that there wasn't a security code lock on the door.That may have proved time consuming,even with Kelly's help.Keeping his eyes on the present bridge crew,Jennings slowly entered the bridge,and sneaked over to the door.He tested the door handle,and was relieved to see it open without any sound.He then entered the room,and silently closed the door behind him.
With great relief at not being seen,Jennings then saw the mass of prone bodies here.The Captain was here,with all the other people he'd seen arriving on the helicopter.They all looked dead,but as he checked their pulses,he could tell they were still alive.He then noticed the small bottle that Takachi had left,on the drinks tray.Gently sniffing it,Jennings winced in distaste.
Kelly's voice came back to him,asking for an update,'Did you find the hidden lift,John?'
'I'm in the the ready room,'Jennings made sure his voice was low.He didn't want to be heard from the bridge,'that Takachi's drugged everybody here.Looks like they'll be out for some time.'
He remembered her question,and silently began to check the room out.He could see the room was built like a small study.A bookcase was up against one wall,with filing cabinets on another one.One wall had a map of the 'Eastern Princess' route,and Jennings began knocking on it.He still didn't find anything,but then his attention turned to Liu's desk.
After checking out the draws,and the top surface of it,he put his hand under the desk.He found the hidden switch almost immediately.He pressed it,and sure enough,the wall with the map moved silently aside.The lift door was there.
'Found it,Kelly.'He then advanced towards it,when Kelly came back with grim news.
'John,there are two men down there,and they're armed.They're just outside the lift,'She paused,'it looks like they know you're coming.'
'I wonder how,'Jennings muttered to himself.He then slung his bag from his shoulder,and took out the AK-47 assault rifle,and prepared it for use.Once he'd done that,he told Kelly,'Heading down now.'
Her voice was full of concern,'Be careful,please,John.'
Jennings responded that he understood,and he then entered the lift,and pressed the controls to go down.He tensed,flicking the safety catch off the weapon as the lift descended.
The lift then stopped,and as the door slid open,there was a savage burst of gunfire.A hail of bullets smashed into the lift,continuing for a few seconds before ceasing.It was then,that one of Takachi's men slowly rose from his firing position,and moved up carefully to the lift,his accomplice covering him.Peering inside,the man was expecting to see the body of their target,but there was no sign of one,only a bullet strewn lift.His face was puzzled.
The puzzled frown only lasted for a moment,to be replaced by surprised shock.Jennings suddenly slammed into the man's torso,kicking his feet into it.He'd hidden on the lift ceiling,and caught his opponent completely by surprise.The force of his kick sent the man reeling backwards,and he collapsed in a heap.Jennings then dived out of the lift,and into cover.He'd seen the double doors marked 'Cargo hold 4',and suspected that was where he'd find Angela,and all the other missing girls too.
Grimly,he moved towards it,but had to duck back into cover,as he was fired upon again.The bullets were close,but he wasn't hurt.Jennings could tell from their firing,they weren't disciplined soldiers,only hired muscle.They didn't have his long,hard experience as a professional soldier.He waited until they both ran out of ammunition,and then returned fire.His aim was deadly,and within a few seconds,both men became bloody corpses.
With grim satisfaction,Jennings made sure there were no other threats,and then moved towards the double doors.It was only then that he was aware of Kelly's voice screaming at him,in his headset.
'John!Are you okay?'Her voice was frantic,'answer me,John!'
'I'm okay,Kelly.'He did answer his sister,and clearly heard her sigh of relief,then she told him more news.
'I'm picking up electronic radio signals in the cargo hold,next to your current position.That's cargo hold 4,John.Whoever set them there,made sure they had remote control in mind.'
Jennings remembered all too well the detonator Takachi had showed him.It still made his teeth clench.
'Yeah,I expected that,'his reply was grim.
Going forward,he saw the doors were locked,but he easily forced his way in.When he did go in,Jennings stopped in his tracks,totally stunned by what he was seeing.The cargo hold was massive,and he could see many large cages here,that held an imprisoned,tightly bound,gagged young woman.Every one of them was staring at him,mumbling against their gags,their eyes desperately appealing to him for help.
For a few moments,Jennings was still too stunned to move.He was simply overwhelmed,by the stunning beauty of the tied up women.However,he snapped himself back to reality,when he saw one of the bombs.He also noticed it had been placed next to a really pretty Chinese woman,dressed in the white naval uniform of the ship.Jennings instantly recognised her,it was Angela Lee.He hurried over to her cage,bending down to examine the bomb,although he did glance at Angela's bound,gagged form.
'Miss Lee?'he asked her,then feeling like a complete idiot,as he remembered the girl was gagged.She could barely make a sound.The large strip of black tape covering her mouth,showed no signs of coming off.Yet,Angela did respond to him,as she nodded her head,confirming it was her.Angela's eyes were grateful,and really warm.She knew this was Sarah's brother,the man who'd come to help her.She slithered her bound body over to him,and could see he was checking out the bomb,that Takachi's thugs had planted here.Her eyes were getting worried,as she could only watch him studying the bomb.
Finally,Jennings looked back up at her,with a reassuring smile,'Don't worry,you'll be fine.' He then went back to disarming the bomb,and after a few moments,succeeded,breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Angela's morale soared,as did all the other girls.His words had a positive effect on them all.They were all still mumbling into their gags at him,wanting to be freed,but Jennings had wanted to deal with the bomb threat first.He was very grateful he'd attended that bomb disposal course back home,and he got in touch with Kelly over his headset.
'Kelly,bomb disarmed,'he reported,'I've found the girls,going to free them now.'
He heard his sister's pleased acknowledgment,and then stood up to free the lock from Angela's cage.He saw the padlock on it,and asked Angela,'Did any of those men have the key on them?'
Angela could only shake her head,but he understood.Jennings reached back into his bag,and produced a skeleton key set.It never entered his head to shoot the lock off.If he'd done that,he could have shot the trapped girl.
He used the skeleton keyset,and soon unlocked the cage door.He moved into it,and then gently peeled away Angela's tape gag,who never felt so grateful to him.
'Thank you.'She meant that,as being gagged for so long,had nearly driven her mad.
'Your welcome,Miss Lee,'Despite his current situation,Jennings made the girl at ease,as he still smiled reassuredly at her,'I'll have you untied in a moment.'
Pulling out his knife,Jennings cut away the many loops wound tight over Angela's body.He was pleased he did have his knife.There was no way he would have been able to untie all those knots by hand.
Once he'd freed Angela,the girl rubbed her wrists gently,but as soon as he helped her out of her cage,Angela hugged him warmly,kissing him on the cheek.
'Thank you for helping me.'Angela really appreciated his help,knowing her prayers had been answered,and she hoped to return the favour to him sometime.
'Are you okay?' Jennings asked her concernedly.
'Yes,'Angela nodded,feeling so good to be finally free of her ropes,'you don't have a drink on you,please?'
Jennings did,as he gave her a bottle of water.Angela drank only a little,saving more for the rest of the girls,but she felt so much better.
Jennings then noticed Su,and the two Chinese journalists,Michelle and Jane.Just like the rest of the girls,they were so pleased to see him,and Jennings used his skeleton keys once more to unlock their cages.With Angela's help,they freed them,Jennings helped Su,and Angela with Michelle and Jane.
When Su was finally free,she also gave Jennings a warm hug,and another nice kiss.
'I knew you would come for me,'Su's smile was full of warmth again for him.
'Well,you helped me,'Jennings smiled back,'it's only right to return the favour.'
Su kissed him again,and he did enjoy it,but he knew time was against him.He gestured at Angela,who was struggling to untie Michelle and Jane.
'Will you help Angela,please? I'm afraid I don't have much time.'
'What do you mean?'Su asked,puzzled.
'My sister's in trouble,'Jennings answered.'the bad guys are holding her hostage.I've got to help her,but first,I need to defuse these bombs they've planted.'Jennings paused momentarily,'I can't wait to get my hands on them.'
Su saw a brief flash of anger in his eyes,and fully believed him.
'Is there anything I can do to help?'she asked him gently.
'Yes,you can,'he gestured again at Angela,still unable to free Michelle or Jane,and handed her his knife,'will you help free the other girls?'
'Of course.'Su hurried over to where Angela was,and handed her the knife.She smiled her thanks,and soon cut the two girls free.Eventually,all the girls were cut loose,and ungagged.Every girl was giving Jennings huge hugs,and kisses.He expressed his own warm thanks back to them all.
He then waited for them all to recover,and then he'd get them out of here.
Chapter 17 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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