Jennings had finally reached Kieko's cabin.He'd avoided the crew going there.Jennings didn't want to bump into any of them,still suspecting their involvement in this.He could also see the many cameras,that were positioned all over the place.So he knew they were watching him.
However,it was Kieko he wanted to see,and he knocked for the second time,on her door.
There was no response.
Jennings stood waiting for a few seconds,but after still not hearing anything,decided to enter.This time,there was nothing suspicious as he opened the door.
The cabin was empty,but there was a file lying on the bed,where Kieko had left it.He picked it up,and glanced through all the photos contained in it.
Every photograph showed many pretty girls,and Jennings knew these people had been abducted.He looked through them all,making sure he'd recognise them once he found them.Then he began to look around Kieko's cabin,seeing if she'd left anything for him.There wasn't anything Kieko had managed,but Jennings did find something,that made him grim.
Whilst looking behind the bedside cupboard,Jennings suddenly noticed a strip of wire,attached to the back of it.He instantly recognised it,as a listening device,and knew the bad guys had been monitoring Kieko's calls.
He started a more thorough search,and found more bugs.He was hoping he didn't find any surveillance cameras,but unfortunately,he did.
Cursing under his breath,Jennings instantly left Kieko's cabin,and headed back to his own.His face deadly serious.
When he got there,Jennings made the same search,and of course,found precisely the same.He was just about to rip them all off,when his mobile rang again.It was Kelly.
Not wishing to have his conversation listened to,Jennings moved into the shower room,and turned it on.This way,the sound of the water would drown out any prying ears.
'Hello,Kelly.'He answered her.
'Hello,John.'Kelly greeted him warmly too.'Why'd you take so long to answer?'
'Getting rid off the bugs,Kelly.'He almost smiled to himself at that,but then asked his sister.'What did you find out?'
'I got the ship's layout for you.Have you got your laptop there with you?'
'Just a sec.'
He went and got it from his holdall,hidden under his bed,then opened it up,and connected it.
'Okay,I'm ready.'He said.
Kelly sent the information immediately to him,and Jennings was pleased to see more details of the ship,that he hadn't seen before,in the normal drawings.Still,it looked a lot to go through,he mused.
'Can you see any sign of any hidden compartments?' He asked,still studying the schematic layout.'That's what I'm really after.'
'Nothing is showing up,John.'Kelly's reply was disapponting at first,but then she spotted something.'Wait a minute.There's a hidden lift,just back from the bridge.'
Jennings scanned the bridge area,and he too saw it.
'Got it.'He acknowledged.'Thanks,Kelly.'
'Your welcome.'Her tone was warm,but then became more serious.'John,Sarah still hasn't rang me yet.'
His feelings inside him,were growing more uneasy.Where was Sarah? He really hoped she wasn't in trouble,but he realised Kelly needed reassuring.
'Check out Hong Kong customs,Kelly.'He told her.'Find out who the staff are,and see who Sarah talked to,whilst she was there.'
'Got it,John.'Kelly was glad her brother had the right ideas.He was always a solid rock for both his sisters,in times of need.'I'll get straight onto them.'
'Oh,one more thing,Kelly.'Jennings prayed he would be wrong on this.'Scan all the CCTV security here,in the harbour,especially on the 'Eastern Princess.'
'On it.I'll get back to you on that.Just be careful,okay John?'
Jennings fully heard the concern in Kelly's voice,and despite the situation,he gave a quiet smile.'Don't worry.I will,for you,and Sarah.'
She thanked him,and then ended the call.Jennings then turned off the shower,and headed back into his cabin.
As he was putting his laptop back into the holdall,he heard the sound of a helicopter.Glancing out of his porthole,Jennings watched,as he saw a big helicopter,designed for passengers fly overhead,and disappear.
Quickly,he hurried out,wanting to see who was arriving.The 'Eastern Princess' was now well clear of Hong Kong harbour,and now well out cruising in the open sea.Whoever this was,it was an unusual arrival,but he still had that uneasy feeling in him.
Not feeling any unease at all,Liu and Yee watched the helicopter circle their ship,and then begin to land on the massive helipad,on the stern.They both grinned at each other,knowing they were going to be very rich.
Both men were also pleased to see two of the crew,also arriving on the bridge.A big laundry basket was between them.Faint,feminine moans could be heard coming from inside it.
'Excellent.'Liu nodded at the two men.He gestured at his ready room.'Put her in there,and secure her as ordered.'
The two men also smiled,as they obeyed.
Liu then turned to Yee.'Go and welcome our guests,please,Number One.I'll be waiting for you,in my ready room.'
'Understood,Sir.'Yee nodded.'I hope there's no trouble.'
It wasn't a minor worry.On board the helicopter,were some of the most dangerous men in the far east.There were Triad,Thai,and yakuza crime lords here.All had secretly made a peace deal,and were interested in obtaining the pretty girls Liu had secured for them.He was very confident that all these bound and gagged beauties,would sell very well to them.He fully enjoyed his life,making enourmous profits from selling kidnapped girls.Being a Captain on board a cruise liner,was an excellent cover.He and his men could look at their female passengers details,and choose who to seize,without any questions being asked.
'You worry too much,my friend.'Liu wasn't worried at all.'They've just come to see the girls.There'll be no trouble.'He then told Yee to go to the helipad again.
Yee made no comment,but appeared satisfied,as he left the bridge.
Inside Liu's ready room,the two crewmen lifted the top of the laundry basket,and almost immediately,Kieko raised herself,still tightly tied up,and mumbling against her gag.Her eyes were huge,as one of the men easily lifted her out of the basket,and briefly placed her over his shoulder.
His accomplice had already dragged over a hard backed wooden chair,which Kieko was then gently placed onto it.She was held in place,by the man,as both men wound more coils of white rope over Keiko's already bound body.This time,she was being tied to the chair.More rope was lashed tight around her waist,and her tied ankles were shoved to one of the chair's lower struts,and they too were lashed tight.
Finally,both men finished tying the final knots,firmly welding their prize to the chair.They wore evil smiles,as they watched the girl struggle against the ropes.They really admired their handiwork,knowing they'd done a good job tying her up.
Kieko still struggled desperately,but her efforts were all in vain.She then felt her chin gripped by one of the men,forcing her to look up into his face.
'Very nice.'The man sneered,with much gloating pleasure.'Just wait until who'll be coming to see you,my pretty.He'll be so pleased.'
Kieko tried to break free from his grip on her chin,but the man easily held onto her face.She was already full of dread,at who was coming.
'Who knows?'The man continued to taunt her.'He may even offer you to us,once he's finished with you.'He stroked his hand through Kieko's silky,long black hair.'You'll certainly be added to his vast collection of pretty slaves.You can rest assured of that.'
Kieko's heart was racing.She knew from her briefing,that Takachi,the infamous Japanese yakuza was on board that helicopter.Her naval intelligence people had confirmed that.That helicopter was carrying some highly unpleasant people,and she was now in their clutches!
Despite the fear racing inside her,Kieko never gave up hope that Jennings would get to her,and punish these men for her kidnapping,but at the moment,she was a bound and gagged hostage.She could only sit,as the ropes held her tightly to the chair,and prayed the Englishman would get to her,and quickly.
The helicopter made a skilled landing on the helipad.Yee waited until the ground crew slid open the door,and several tough looking,Oriental men clambered out of it.The men hurried away from the helicopter,still keeping their heads down from the rotating blades,and they headed straight for him.
Also watching was Jennings.He made sure he wasn't seen by anybody,as he saw the people from the helicopter leave,and move over to the first officer,Yee.He noticed there were no handshakes,although there was the customary polite bowing.Jennings suddenly had a nasty feeling who these people were,as he watched them all move off with Yee back up to the bridge.
He followed them,still keeping out of their sight,and he sensed Kieko was near.His determination grew,as he too headed up to the bridge.
Yee led the group into the bridge,and after politely knocking on his captain's door,allowed them in.
All the men noticed Liu stand up,and offer them his friendly Thai greeting.The polite bowing continued,as they too returned it,but from all the mens eyes,there was no real welcome offered by them.Liu noticed thay.
Still,this was purely buisness,and he offered them all a drink,which was accepted.Of course,all of them noticed the young,beautiful bound and gagged Japanese woman,sitting right by his desk.The girl's eyes were still huge,as she stared at the new arrivals fearfully.
'Welcome aboard the 'Eastern Princess' gentlemen.'Liu greeted them.'I'm so pleased you've made the decision to come here.It will be a worthwhile trip,I promise you that.'
Liu noticed the cruel smiles,and he couldn't resist from giving one himself.
He gestured at Kieko's helpless form behind him.'As you can see,my friends,we have some excellent merchandise on offer,so you won't be disappointed.'
More evil smiles followed that statement,and Liu then decided to make it even better.
'In fact,we've also received an unexpected bonus.'He grinned with relish,before continuing.'We have a very attractive English girl,safely tied up,and under lock and key.'
The smiles just got better and better.Liu couldn't wait for them,to start bidding.His bank balance was tremendous,but just like Kim Yang,he was greedy,and was never fully satisfied.Liu always wanted more.
For the moment though,he hid his greed,and went on,'Believe me,my friends,this pretty English rose is really worth taking.Perhaps you'd like to see her now?'
There was almost complete agreement from all of his guests,but before Liu could open the hidden lift door,he was stopped by a Japanese man,who'd stepped forward,gazing with utter menace,and pleasure at Kieko.
'One moment please,Captain.' The man's voice was dark,and his eyes were cold,but he gave Kieko another menacing look,fully recognising her.
He stepped forward right in front of Kieko,and lifted her chin.He smiled thinly,as he saw the gagged girl clearly recognise him in turn.
'Good evening,Miss Yamamoto.'He enjoyed saying that to her.'I'm sure you recognise me,don't you,my dear?'
Kieko did indeed recognise him.She was literally trembling in fear.This was Hiroto Takachi.One of Japan's most deadly criminals,and a sworn enemy of her father.This 'man' was responsible for so much suffering,that Kieko didn't doubt for a moment,he could do what he pleased with her.She mumbled,very frightened into her gag thinking this.
Takachi still held her chin,gently,but firmly,savouring her fear.
'You've done very well,Captain.'He offered his congratulations to Liu.'I've wanted my hands on this girl,for quite some time.'
Liu was also enjoying watching the Japanese girl,as she appeared frozen in fear.
'My pleasure,Mister Takachi.I understand her father has been a constant thorn in your side?'He'd already known about each man's criminal exploits here,and fully recognised Takachi as the most dangerous man here.
'Indeed he has.'Takachi's smile vanished for a moment,thinking how his previous plans had been foiled by Chief of Tokyo Police,Yamamoto.They were pretty bad memories,and he'd sworn vengance on him.
'Her father's an excellent police chief,Captain.'Takachi informed Liu.'He's always managed to foil my plans,and stay one step ahead of me.I've had that much bad luck recently,its been driving me insane,but now,'The cruel smile came back,as he still held Kieko's chin,and gripped more firmly.The girl whimpered into her gag,as she heard him say,'Now that I have his pretty daughter,he'll think twice about interfering in my affairs.'
He then told Liu.'I'll take her now,Captain.'His voice was cold and hard,almost as if he was challenging anybody to oppose him.
'I was going to show you the rest of the girls we have,Mister Takachi.'Liu was a bit suprised the man wanted to go now.'Don't you-'
'I came for the girl,Captain.'Takachi still spoke harshly.'I am not interested in any other girls you've kidnapped.Miss Yamamoto will come with me,right now.'
There was an uneasy silence.Liu of course,would give the girl to him.That had been the arrangement,but even so,he still admired Kieko's beauty,and wanted to keep her.
'She's still my prisoner.'Liu decided to see if he could get something here.'She would fetch an excellent price,if I did decide to keep her.'
Takachi sneered in response.'You are greedy.The file I read on you was right.'He paused for a moment,thinking.Then,he produced a small bag from one of his inside pockets,and dumped it on Liu's desk.The bag was opened,and everybody's eyes,except Takachi's,lit up with greed.
The bag contained diamonds.Many diamonds.Kieko was also staring entranced at them.Every one glittered back,but at this moment in time,they were not her best friend.
'I'm sure that will provide adequate compensation for you?' Takachi asked,clearly seeing Liu's eyes light up,with greed.
The Captain instantly began to scoop all the scattered diamonds,back into the bag.
'You can have the girl.'He stated,then ordering Yee to untie Kieko from the chair.This was done quickly,but the girl's relief was only for a moment.
After making sure she was still secure,and her gag too,Yee then picked her up,and placed her over his shoulder,her long dark hair flowing down his back,and after making sure the coast was clear,headed out.
Kieko frantically struggled in his grip,but she couldn't do anything.To make matters worse,she clearly saw Takachi following them.His eyes gleamed with lust,filling Kieko's own with panic.
Her gagged whimpers were fully enjoyed by all the men,in Liu's ready room.Then she was gone.
Liu put his newly acquired diamonds,into a secure safe,then smiled at his guests.
'Well then,gentlemen.'Liu activated the hidden switch under his desk,and they all watched the wall slide away,revealing the lift door.'If you will please follow me.'
All entered,and once everybody was inside,Liu closed the lift door,and the lift headed down.
Kieko was still desperately trying to break free from Yee's powerful hold,but it was a waste of time.They'd now reached the helicopter,and there were two men standing outside it.These were Takachi's men,and they both bowed their obedience to him.
Yee then slid open the helicopter door,and easily put the girl inside,then he turned to Takachi,excusing himself,saying he needed to get back to the bridge.
Takachi merely nodded.His eyes were fully focused on the pretty,bound gagged girl lying in front of him.He couldn't believe his good fortune in capturing her,and he couldn't wait to ravish her either.
He climbed aboard the helicopter himself,and issued a curt command to his two men.
'Make certain we are not disturbed.'He fully meant that,and saw his men bow again to him,then did as ordered.
With that done,Takachi slowly closed the helicopter door,and still smiling down at Kieko,advanced on her menacingly.
Kieko stared at him in utter terror,and fully knew what his intentions were.She desperately tried to back away from this monster approaching her,but there was nowhere to escape.She was trapped here.
'You really are very pretty,Miss Yamamoto.'Takachi gave her a compliment,'so it's only fair you should appreciate it,when I take you.'
The girl tried to scream again,as he suddenly grabbed both her breasts and then pounced on her,squeezing,and fondling her body.He sniggered at her pathetic attempts to slither away from him,holding her easily under him.
Kieko clenched her eyes shut,as he began his assault on her.She could do nothing to resist him,and her fears multiplied when she saw her potential rapist drop his trousers.
Takachi was so intent on taking her,that he never heard the brief commotion outside.It was only when he heard a vicous banging on the helicopter door,he stopped.
Swearing angrily,as he'd issued his men clear orders,Takachi quickly opened the door.
'I told you not to dist-'
He never got the chance to finish his outburst.A hard fist smashed into his face,sending him sprawling back.The blow knocked him senseless.
Kieko looked up,and her eyes lit up with so much joy,as she saw Jennings climb into the helicopter.Just outside,lay the two men he'd knocked senseless too,and for the second time,saw Kieko bound and gagged.He cut away her ropes,and removed her gag.The girl clung to him tightly,crying.
Jennings comforted her,whispering into her ear.'It's okay,Kieko,you're safe now.'
He easily lifted her into his arms,but was gentle,still soothing her.He felt Kieko bury her head into his chest,and he then spirited her away from the helicopter.He swore softly to himself,vowing he'd make those thugs pay for what they'd just done to his friend.
Jennings disappeared,with Kieko within moments.
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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