Back in the ready room,Liu slowly began to recover,as he pulled himself to his feet.His eyes found his friend Yee,also coming round,and it was then he remembered how he'd ended up like this.Takachi,he thought savagely.
Damn him!Liu cursed him,how the hell could he have been so stupid,accepting a drink from a deadly enemy.His head was killing him,and he craved water.There was a large jug of it on his desk,and he poured himself a generous measure,and drank greedily,hoping it would aid his recovery.
He then saw Yee do the same,but there was no sign of recovery from the others.They would obviously come round later,Liu assumed correctly.
He waited until he felt better,and asked his first officer the same.Yee nodded.
'Damn that Takachi.'Liu cursed him again,speaking his thoughts this time.
'We'll make him pay for that,Captain,'Yee assented,'I'll make sure of that.'
Suddenly,both men noticed the wall where the lift was hidden,only this time,the wall hadn't slid back into it's original position.This made both men glance at each other,their expressions a mixed reaction of anger and concern on their faces.
Quickly,Liu got in touch with his still unsuspecting bridge crew,and ordered them to take the still unconscious men out of his ready room.
'Do you want them overboard,Sir?'one of the bridge crew asked him.
'Of course not,you idiot,'Liu managed a sharp rebuke to the crewman,'I want their money,so that means giving them the girls.'
The crewman nodded his obedience,and with help from the other crew,carried the still senseless men out.
Once that was done,Liu activated the security cameras that were in the cargo hold.He liked to leer frequently at his female captives,but now he saw Jennings there,and he was surrounded by all the girls they'd previously seized.He could see the womens expressions were full of relief,and they were very keen on him,especially Angela,Su,and the two journalists,Michelle and Jane.
'So,'Liu's voice wasn't friendly,'it appears our pretty ladies have their hero in their midst.'
Yee wasn't pleased either,but he hadn't forgotten about Takachi,and reminded his captain,'We'd better find him,Sir.We don't know what he'll be planning,'he paused,thinking the worst case scenario,'he may even sabotage the ship.'
Liu nodded in agreement,'Get a search party out,and find him.Make sure you get good men to do this.We'll need them,especially when we get all those girls back into our custody.'
Yee nodded too,'It would be best if we can locate Takachi,with the security cameras,Captain.Let's hope he doesn't sabotage them.'
'Agreed,'Liu allowed himself a faint,but cunning smile as he stared down at the scene in the cargo hold,even though nobody could see him,'Enjoy your moment,Jennings,'Liu's smile was now more menacing,'I promise you,it's not going to last.'
As he watched Yee leave the ready room,Liu was suddenly aware that there was no sign of the Englishman's sister.He made a complete survey of the ship's interior,checking all the cameras,and finally found her,with the attentive Kim Yang right next to her.
Sarah made another umpteenth attempt to try and free herself from the coils of white rope tied all over her.Her efforts had almost felt superhuman at times,as she was still suffering Kim Yang's hands crawling all over her too.Regrettably,Sarah wasted her efforts,and instead,had to endure Kim Yang's amused smile,as the woman walked around to face her.
'Pointless,isn't it,my dear?' Kim Yang asked her,still smiling.She couldn't wait to take Sarah back to her auction house,in Bangkok.She'd have so much fun with this lovely English prize.There'd been many women Kim Yang had enjoyed sex with.She chose her most favourite ones to ravish,and there'd been some real Asian beauties that she'd enjoyed,but to have this pretty English girl to ravish at her mercy,was the icing on the cake.
Sarah was fully alarmed by the Chinese woman's expression,and could clearly see her intentions.Desperate for her brother to suddenly come charging in to save her,she couldn't help but glance at the door,where he'd been forced to leave them.Kim Yang in turn though,knew what she was thinking.
'If your brother does somehow manage,to make it back to you,my dear.You can say goodbye to him.'With that,she gestured at the bomb,still planted next to her tied ankles,'I'm afraid he won't get anywhere near you,Sarah.'
She chuckled at that,enjoying Sarah's distressed face,but then,much to the girl's surprise,she heard Kim Yang tell her,'Don't worry your pretty head though.'
Still alarmed,Sarah watched,as Kim Yang bent down,and then disarmed the bomb.
Why had she done that? Sarah was puzzled.
Seeing the girl's baffled frown,Kim Yang told her,'I don't like what that yakuza thug had planned for you.So,you won't be killed by this bomb,but of course,all the other bombs will still be left for your hero brother to deal with,if he can.'
'If he can't,'Kim Yang now had her familiar smirk on,'well,I'm sure you know what that means,don't you,my dear?'
She was pleased to see that from Sarah's terrified face,that she did indeed,knew what that meant.Sarah could still see many more bombs placed all over,close to her.With her being bound and gagged to this support,Sarah was trapped.There wasn't a chance she could free herself.Once the bombs were set off,there'd be a fatal hull rupture to the ship,and she'd be finished quickly.
'Quite right,my dear,'Kim Yang continued her smirk at the wide eyed girl,'the sea will flood in very quickly once that happens.It will take something very special to save you from this.Let's see if your brother can surpass himself.'
Just then,Captain Liu's voice came in over her radio,'Miss Yang,report to my ready room,immediately.'
Kim Yang was a little surprised to hear his voice.She'd honestly thought he was dead,poisoned by Takachi's drug.Evidently,he hadn't.
'On my way now,Captain.'She responded back instantly,then gently gripped Sarah's chin.The girl tried to flinch away from her,but easily,Kim Yang maintained her grip.She then kissed Sarah's gagged mouth,and then gently stroking her cheek,smiled at her prisoner.
'Goodbye for now,my pretty,'Kim Yang also ran her hand through Sarah's long hair,enjoying the girl mumbling frantically into her gag,'I hope I will see you again,and soon.'
She gave her another kiss,which made Sarah protest again,inaudibly of course,and then with another loving stroke of Sarah's cheek,left her all alone.Kim Yang enjoyed hearing Sarah's frightened,but gagged whimpers fade away,as she headed out of the depths of the ship.
When she entered Liu's ready room,she noticed everything had been cleared away.All the men who'd fallen here,had been removed,and only Liu was waiting for her.
'Enjoyed yourself,Miss Yang?'he asked her,somewhat sarcastically,'where have you been?'
'Doing my job,of course,Captain.'Kim Yang wasn't offended by his tone.It took more than that,to make her mad.
'Takachi has the Yamamoto girl,'Liu explained,'I'm sure you know where the English girl is.'
'Of course I do,Captain,'Kim Yang was still calm in manner.She was almost amused at Liu's slightly harassed look,'Takachi has her securely tied up down below,just above the engine room.He and his men have planted bombs all over that section.If they go off,your ship is finished.'
Liu was stunned for a few moments,scarcely believing what he'd just been told.Kim Yang just watched him calmly,waiting for his reaction.
'How many bombs are there,Miss Yang?'Liu finally asked,his face darkened considerably,and his voice made it quite clear,that he'd better get an answer.
'There's enough,Captain,'Kim Yang replied evenly,'but I'm afraid I've no idea of the precise number,but I do know Takachi and his men have placed them,in the ship's most vunerable spots.They do want your ship to sink.'
Just then,Yee entered.He barely glanced at Kim Yang,as he handed over a grim report.
'Bombs have been found at these locations,Sir.Bow,midships,and stern.If they go off...'Yee didn't finish,leaving it quite clear what the consequences would be.
Liu scanned the report,and ordered,'We'd better prepare for the worst,just in case.Number One,start increasing the lifeboat drills for the passengers,but keep them calm.I don't want a panic starting here.'
His first officer nodded to that,but he had more bad news for him.
'The radio room's been sabotaged,Sir.We can't send out any distress calls.'
'What?' Liu was shocked,but knew it made sense.Takachi certainly wouldn't want any of them to survive here,and come after him.It made Liu more determined to beat him.
'Then,it's a good job we have some powerful back up,'Liu glanced back at Kim Yang,'we'll need your help here.'
Fortunately,Kim Yang agreed.
'I'll contact my people,and prepare the girls for immediate transfer to my ship.'
'There's a problem,'Liu told her,gesturing at what he was seeing on the security camera,placed in cargo hold 4.Kim Yang then moved over,and clearly saw Jennings surrounded by all the girls that he'd just freed.
'I see what you mean,'she acknowledged,'so what do you propose to do about it,Captain?'
It was Yee who answered.He called in a group of the crew,and four tough looking men came in.They were obviously part of the engine room crew,but Yee was confident of success.
'We'll bring you Jennings' head,Sir,and we'll get Takachi too.'
Liu didn't seem convinced,but he nodded slowly,'Let's hope for all our sakes,you'd better be right.'He looked again at what was going on in the cargo hold.He saw that Jennings was talking to those two pretty Chinese journalists.They were now heading out of the cargo hold,and this made him gaze up sharply at his friend.
'Better go and get him then,Mr Yee,before he escapes with our catch.'
Yee nodded,and hurried into the lift,the four men following him.
Jennings seem pleased that all the girls had recovered.Now,he had to get them out of here.He'd already made up his mind not to use the way he'd come in.It was more than likely the Captain would have recovered by now,and had blocked that way out.In fact,Kelly had already told him so.He began to look for another way out of the hold.
As he did so,he noticed Michelle and Jane come up to him.Michelle spoke first,'There is another way out.We found it,just before they grabbed us.'
Jennings nodded,and stood back to let them show him.The girls found it straight away,having giving it so many desperate looks whilst they'd been tied up.Sure enough,another section of the wall slid away,revealing the flight of steps they'd walked down previously.Both girls grinned at him,and he nodded his thanks to them.
'I owe you one for that.Thanks.'
'As long as you give us an interview to me and Jane,when this is over.'
'Okay,ladies,'Jennings made sure they were all behind him,and they were,'let's go.Be quiet now.'
He then led the way,slowly advancing up the stairs,with Angela and Su right with him.Angela suddenly grabbed his hand,and held onto it,much to some of the girls annoyance.
'How did you find me?'Angela asked him.
'I saw you,remember?'he reminded her,'when you were knocking on the window.I wasn't sure at first,but then somebody grabbed you,and I knew then.'
'I owe you big time for this,'Angela was determined to return the favour.She knew that this man was one of the good guys,having known it when she'd bumped into him earlier.
'Don't worry about it,Angela.'Jennings then saw the top of the stairs,and moved up cautiously.There was still no opposition,and he found the hidden switch,to slide the wall open.There was much relief from the girls,as they noticed a much more brighter lit corridor.This area looked to be much more active with people walking by,although it was deserted at the moment.
Jennings raised his hand to stop the girls.He sensed something wrong here,and he then looked at Angela.
'Stay with the rest of the girls,Angela,'he told her,'I just want to make sure it's clear.'
Angela accepted his advice,and did so.She had the same feelings,something wasn't right.
Both their instincts were proved correct.Just as Jennings stepped out into the corridor,he was just in time to avoid a blow from one of the crew,waiting in ambush.
A lot of the girls had yelped in surprise,but Jennings quickly countered,kicking the man hard in the leg,flooring him instantly.This made all the girls now jump with joy,seeing how easily Jennings had disabled his opponent,but their joy was short lived however,as three more men now jumped him.
Jennings fought hard,and with skill.The three men did everything they could to get the upper hand over him,but he managed to block all their efforts,and hit back hard.The three men went sent reeling,but suddenly Jennings heard a shriek from Angela.
'Look out!'
It was too late,Yee had stayed hidden in the shadows,enjoying the fight.He'd sealed this section off,and simply waited for Jennings to arrive.All he had to do now,was wait for the right moment.Now,it had come.
He sneaked up behind Jennings,just as he'd hit one of his men,and clobbered him on the back of his head,Jennings fell,stunned.
With that done,Yee turned to face the girls,who were now slowly backing away from him.He was pleased to see their dismay on all their faces,whilst his was of utter relish.
Despite her own dismay at seeing Jennings being knocked out,Angela glared fiercely at Yee,'That's not fair!'
'Quite right,my dear,'Yee fully agreed,with an evil smirk,'it wasn't,was it?'He suddenly reached out,and seized her,enjoying her frightened gasp.It suddenly occured to Angela,that she and the rest of the girls were now back to being prisoners,and more than likely,bound and gagged ones.
This was confirmed,when she sheard Yee order the girls,'Now then,ladies,back down the stairs,and we'll be more than happy to show you the ropes.'
With Angela held as hostage,the girls had to obey,as they hated seeing Yee smile at them,with no warmth whatsoever.
Chapter 18 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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