Jennings lay next to the sleeping Kieko on his cabin bed.Both had just finished making passionate love to each other.He gently played with her hair,and was pleased she was okay.The attempted rape from Takachi was already out of her mind,and she lay her head onto his chest,having fallen asleep not long after they both climaxed together.
He gave her an affectionate kiss on her forehead,and lay there,thinking what to do next.He still hadn't heard from Sarah,and was getting much more worried.
Jennings got out his mobile,and tried to call Sarah again,but before he could dial her number,Kelly suddenly called him.
'Hello,Kelly.' He greeted her.
'John,Thank God you're okay.'Kelly's voice sounded more worried than last time he spoke to her.'Somebody's just tried to access your file.'
Jennings suddenly became more awake.
'Did you manage to get a trace on them?' He asked her.
'No,but don't worry.I managed to block them off,whoever it was.'Kelly's voice now turned more serious,'John,they keep trying to get into your file,and Sarah still hasn't been in touch yet.'
'Okay.'Jennings nodded to that,'just a sec.'He then leaned his arm under the cabin bed to bring out his holdall bag.He felt Kieko still cling to him as he moved.He gave her another gentle kiss on her head,and then opened the bag to bring out his laptop.
Jennings turned it on,and waited to connect with Kelly.Once he'd done so,he then told her,'Okay,Kelly,do you have the entire schematics of this ship for me?'
'Sending it over now.'She confirmed for him.Within moments,Jennings watched the data being downloaded onto his screen,and thanked his sister.He gazed intently at it.One thing he was taught whilst he trained to be a soldier,was to get in as much detail as he could on the given target.
He continued to study it for a few more moments before he asked Kelly again.'I'm after any hidden rooms or compartments here.Can you see anything your side?'
'No,nothing,John.'Kelly replied at first.Her gaze was also scrutinizing the ship's layout too.'Wait a minute.'Kelly suddenly spotted something,'there's a hidden lift,just behind the bridge.'
'Got it.'Jennings saw it too,and made a mental note to get there,as soon as possible.
He then remembered his other request.
'Kelly,did you get the CCTV footage,around the harbour?'
'I'm just downloading it to you.'
Both of them watched and waited,hoping to see any sign of Sarah.Jennings suddenly spotted her,and he clearly saw her walking up the gangway,and onto the 'Eastern Princess' His face hardened.The bastards must have grabbed her,he snarled to himself.
To make sure this was true,Jennings checked all the CCTV screens,trying to see if Sarah had left the ship,but saw no evidence of this.He could only rub his face in despair,realising he'd better inform Kelly.
'Kelly,I didn't see Sarah leave the ship,'His voice was grim,'she's still on board.'
'You've got to find her,John.'Kelly's tone was still worried,like his.
'I will.'He was determined to do so,still remembering his promise to Sarah about coming for her.'Try to locate the source of who's trying to access my file.'
'You got it.'Kelly acknowledged,before her voice became much more concerned,'John,please be careful,okay?'
'Don't worry,Kelly.'Despite the situation,Jennings smiled quietly.Kelly always seeked reassurance from her brother,and he was glad to provide it.
'Let me know if there's any new info,Kelly.I'll study the ship's schematics.'
'You got it.'Kelly told him.'I'll be here.'
He then started to study the ship's schematics more closely.Jennings was pleased his sister had found a secret entrance within the ship,but he still remembered how well the bridge was guarded.Getting to that lift might be tricky.
He then recalled the fire alarms,and thought about trying that,but then he still thought of Su's advice,who'd persuaded him not to.
Better find another way.He thought grimly,as he looked at the ship's layout intently.As he scanned it,he was aware of Kieko snuggling into him more,and responded to her,giving her hair a gentle kiss.
Let her sleep.Jennings didn't want to wake her,after they'd just made love.She needs the rest,especially after recent events.Besides,I need to know this ship like the back of my hand.
He went on studying,waiting for Kieko to wake up,thinking out his next move.His head and heart praying that Sarah wasn't in the bad guys clutches.
Back in Liu's ready room,the Captain was making another fresh round of drinks,still hoping to wipe out the recent memory of what had just happened down below.He could still feel the tension from everybody over the incident between Kim Yang and Takachi.He did know she was totally devoted to their slavery operation,but also knew that she did choose her favourites,and once that happened,she wouldn't let anyone else touch them.
The English girl now had that misfortune bestowed upon her.Of course eventually,Kim Yang would put her up for sale,but Liu clearly recognised the lust Kim Yang had for Sarah.She'd have the Chinese woman's attention for quite some time yet.He hoped he'd be allowed some time with Sarah too,as he'd never ravished a very pretty Western woman.
Despite that optimistic thought,Liu continued to watch Takachi carefully.Kim Yang had warned him about this yakuza.He was indeed,very dangerous.He too recognised Takachi's eyes lighting up once he saw Sarah,and knew he'd be determined to get his hands on her.
Still,Liu hoped to offer a distraction as he handed out the drinks.Everybody accepted,and much to his surprise,even Takachi.However,the Japanese man was already making his own plans.As he was handed his own drink,Takachi hid a nasty smirk,and a nasty thought entered his mind.They'll have a nasty surprise waiting for them soon.
Liu was speaking,as he thought that.
'I trust our fresh merchandise met with all your approval,gentlemen?'
There were smiles all around,and Liu felt a bit more relaxed,sensing the mood improving.Much to everybody's surprise,Takachi responded,smiling too.
'An excellent collection,Captain.'Takachi complimented,'the girls you have taken are the best I have ever seen.'
Liu smiled politely back in response.'I must admit I enjoy going down to inspect my cargo.'
He then made the atmosphere more sweeter,telling his guests,'As a free bonus,you may all have a girl of your choice,for your evening's entertainment tonight.'
'Including the English girl?' Takachi asked.
Liu hesitated for a moment.He wasn't sure if Kim Yang would allow that,but he was the captain of this ship,and felt confident Miss Yang would comply with his wishes.
'I will have her brought up for you,'Liu nodded,'if you will see my first officer,he will assign you to your cabins.'
'And the Chinese woman will not object?'Takachi's recent memory of Kim Yang's seizure of Sarah still fresh in his mind.
Liu however reassured him,'I will admit Miss Yang has many favourites of the women we seize,but rest assured Mr Takachi,she will obey my orders.'
Takachi bowed politely in gratitude,then excused himself,saying he'd forgotten something.As he turned away from them,an evil and triumphant smile flashed across his face.He headed back to the helicopter,and sliding the door open again,he reached in to take a large holdall of his own.Opening it,he checked the contents,and was pleased to see nothing had been touched.The bag contained his own personal armoury.He had a sniper rifle,a machine gun pistol with plenty of ammunition for both weapons.
However,what Takachi was really after though,was the remotely controlled bombs he'd packed in abundance.His men also carried the same gear too,and Takachi had indeed one thing in mind for this,as he was satisfied checking the amount he'd need.There was more than enough here to blow up the 'Eastern Princess',and send the ship to the bottom of the sea.
He then picked up a radio link to his men,and demanded,'Have you found the girl yet?'
The reply was negative.They told him they were still checking the passenger list.Takachi told them to keep on checking,but then ordered the ship's schematic design be brought to him.He wanted to know where to place the bombs,in the 'Eastern Princess' most vunerable spots.
Once his orders had been acknowledged,Takachi smiled.Things were never better.He'd get the English girl,ravishing her tonight,and also he'd soon have the lovely Yamamoto girl back in his clutches,before escaping with his two new pretty hostages,and leaving the impending disaster awaiting everybody else on the ship.
Jennings was still studying the laptop detailing him the plans,when he noticed Kieko was waking up.She smiled warmly at him,knowing he was there,and he responded back too,kissing her on the mouth.
'How are you feeling?'Jennings asked,'are you okay now?'
'Yes,I am fine.'Kieko returned his kiss,and wrapped her arms around his neck settling in,'as long as I know you are here.'
She then noticed the laptop screen he was examining.The details of the 'Eastern Princess' were fully visible to her.
'I got this from my youngest sister,'Jennings informed her,'Kelly found a secret lift,just behind the bridge,but I'm checking for another way down into the cargo holds.'
She watched him at work.Kieko could see he was fully concentrating on the task,but also noticed a worried frown too.
'You're troubled,Jennings san.'
He nodded,confirming that.'I saw Sarah come on board this ship,Kieko.Me and Kelly can't get in touch with her.I'm praying the bad guys haven't got her.They even tried to access my military file,but Kelly managed to prevent them.'
It was then that Kieko recalled something important when she'd been held,remembering a discussion with Liu and Takachi.
'Listen,there's something you should know.'She said gently,not wanting to bring more bad news to him but went on,'They are holding an Englishwoman.I listened to them talking about her,and they also mentioned your name.'
This made Jennings' face more mad.His worst fears appeared to be confirmed.Sarah was a prisoner,and he had to help her,and quick.
He finally finished studying the ship's plans,and found the option he'd need to get down to the cargo holds.Reaching down under his bed,he pulled out his holdall,and opened it.
Kieko watched him taking out the contents.Just as Takachi had done so,Jennings had brought his own firearms along with him.He had a .45 Colt pistol,an AK-47 assault rifle that was disassembled,and he had many other pieces of equipment too that Kieko never recognised.
Jennings then excused himself from Kieko's loving hold,and began to get dressed.She did the same.Once that was done,Jennings began to reassemble the AK-47.It didn't take him long having practiced it so many times during training.He could do it with any weapon,even blindfolded,and quickly.
'You will need them.'Kieko remarked,'they'll do whatever it takes to keep those girls.'
'So will we,Kieko.'He nodded,understanding,'and we're not going to let them take those girls away from us,especially Sarah.'His tone of voice became more determined saying that,'I made a promise to her she wouldn't be taken away fro me.I fully intend to honour it.'
He sincerely hoped there wouldn't be a firefight breaking out on the ship.The last thing he wanted was innocent people in the way,so he promised himself to be careful,and not to let the enemy fight him on their terms.
He was aware time was against him,especially for Sarah,and prepared to leave.Then he saw Kieko pull out her own weapon,a 9mm Browning handgun.She checked it expertly,loading the magazine into it,and readying the weapon for firing.
'I'm ready,Jennings san.'Kieko told him.The look she gave him clearly indicated she wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Grimly,Jennings accepted her decision.He wasn't going to leave her anyway,not when she already been grabbed twice,when he should have been there protecting her.
'Let's go then,Kieko.'Jennings picked up his bag,and slung it over his shoulder.Both left his cabin,and Jennings kept on praying that he'd get to Sarah in time.
Chapter 14 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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