Carefully hidden,Kim Yang and her man watched the helicopter.There was no movement to be seen around,or in it.But Kim Yang knew what she'd seen earlier.Walking out from Liu's ready room,she'd clearly seen the beautiful Yamamoto woman,now bound and gagged inside the helicopter,and Kim Yang sensed an opportunity here to recover her.
They'd both sneaked down to the helicopter landing pad,and made sure they weren't seen by the returning Takachi.He was still in there with the girl,and Kim Yang had also made sure,that she could listen to everything that was said in there.As soon as the helicopter had landed,and its passengers exited,Kim Yang had planted a bug inside it.She didn't trust any of these new people,especially Takachi,and she wanted to hear what his plans were.
She was just putting on a headset to listen what was going on in there,when Liu's voice came in over her radio.
'Miss Yang,what are you doing?'
'I'm going to do you a big favour,Captain.'She replied confidently.'I'm watching Takachi.He has Miss Yamamoto with him,inside the helicopter.'
'You are certain of this?'
She clearly recognised the pleased tone he spoke with,and did so herself.
'Of course I'm sure,Captain.Now,if you will excuse me,I'd like to listen what he's saying.'
'Very well,Miss Yang,'Liu replied,'if you can bring that girl back to us,it would be greatly appreciated.'
'That was my intention,Captain.'Kim Yang knew though,that the yakuza man was extremely dangerous,and finished with,'Just don't underestimate Takachi.Remember,he's yakuza.'
With that,she turned her radio off,and concentrated on listening to her headset.
In the helicopter,Takachi had fully enjoyed himself taking advantage over Kieko's helpless form.The girl's eyes were still full of terror,and he laughed at this.Making people scared,was something he excelled in.This was how he'd built up his empire,and whilst he greatly rewarded his people who stayed loyal to him,it was quite the opposite on those who dared to stand up to him.
Kieko was still making vain efforts to free herself,and Takachi smiled at his prize.
'Still trying,Miss Yamamoto?'His smile was now a smirk,'I assure you,my dear,it's no good.'
Kieko believed him.She'd almost thrown herself into a frenzy,desperately trying to escape her tight bonds.Unfortunately for Kieko,Takachi had made sure his pretty hostage wasn't going anywhere,and he didn't bother to check either.Kieko's wrists tied behind the chair were in agony.All the loops of rope were firmly tied into her body.Kieko had to accept there was nothing she could do.
Takachi had now turned his attention back to his laptop.He wanted to see what was going on,and he also wanted to see what Jennings was doing.Takachi sensed a real threat from this Westerner,but it was something he enjoyed,taking on a highly formidable opponent,and winning.
Strangely,he saw no sign of Jennings,but he did see the captain and his first officer on the bridge.There were also four men with him,and even though he could still identify them as crew,the men were armed with automatic rifles.
'Interesting.'Takachi muttered to himself.He had a strong suspicion what these men were going to do.He kept on watching them.There was a discussion going between Liu and Yee,but it was brief.Moments later,Yee took out an automatic rifle himself,and then led the four men out.
'Hmm,'Takachi rubbed his chin thoughtfully.'They must be going down after your boyfriend,Miss Yamamoto.Hopefully,he'll still be down there,trying to save his lovely sister.I wouldn't be surprised if the captain wants her all to himself.'
Kieko couldn't respond,due to her gag,but she noticed her captor was grinning smugly at her.Evidently,he had something planned,but what? Takachi then told her.
'If they really are after her,I'm very happy to disappoint them.You see,my dear,not all the bombs I planted were fakes.'He smiled at Kieko's huge eyes before going on,'There really is a live bomb on board here.It's powerful enough to make this ship sink,and Miss Jennings is right on top of it.'
Still enjoying the girl's muted protests,Takachi continued,'Oh don't worry,my dear.I'll make sure you're with me when the bomb does go off.You're my insurance against your father.'He then stroked his hand against Kieko's cheek,his eyes gleaming with lust before lifting her chin.Kieko could only mumble fearfully back at him.
'I really can't wait till I get you off this boat,Miss Yamamoto.'Takachi was still gloating,'It's a pity I couldn't take all those other pretty girls,but I'm sure Miss Yang will look after them.'He then produced the detonator again,and remarked,'That is,if the bomb doesn't explode.'
Kieko whimpered.This thing sitting next to her wasn't a human being,but a ruthless monster.She was filled with despair,still desperately hoping for Jennings to open that door,and get her away from here.But there was still no sign of him.
Takachi decided to head back down to where the English girl was still tied up.There was a chance the crew he'd seen heading down there,might locate the bomb.He checked to see if Sarah was still where he'd left her,and he smiled,seeing her bound,gagged body to the support.The girl couldn't budge an inch from her ropes,and the tape gag stayed firmly sealed over her mouth.
He closed the laptop,and made to leave.Checking his bag with his equipment and weapons in,Takachi was pleased.Shouldering the bag,he then lifted Kieko's chin,and kissed her cheek.
'Don't go away,my dear,'Takachi smirked,'I won't be long.'
He then got up,and slid open the door and jumped out.Slowly closing the door,Takachi gave her another one of his nasty smiles,then closed the door.He then made another check around him,but saw nobody,and he wasn't challenged.Quickly,he hurried away.
Kieko heard his footsteps receding,but her fear was still in overdrive.She still fought against her bonds,but again,it was pointless.All she kept thinking about was Jennings,and hoped he'd stop Takachi from sinking the ship.
Kim Yang watched the Japanese man leave the helicopter,and smiled to herself.This was proving better than she expected.The girl was still in the machine,and the fool Takachi hadn't even left any guards outside.This was excellent news,and she informed Liu.
'I'm going to get her.She's Jennings' girlfriend.If we grab her back,we'll have a little more edge over him.'
Liu agreed with her,his reply was instantaneous,'Go ahead,Miss Yang.I just hope we can get his sister.She's the real bonus.'
'Believe me,Captain,'Kim Yang smiled,'I look forward to that as well.'With that said,she gestured with her head at her male accomplice,and they both sneaked over to the helicopter.Once there,Kim Yang slid open the door,and was delighted to see Kieko Yamamoto,still sitting in her enforced position.The girl had fully expected to see Jennings opening the door,and her eyes were full of hope.But now,her former captors were there,smiling back at her,and she'd jumped in fright once she'd recognised them.
'All by yourself,Miss Yamamoto?'Kim Yang asked politely,admiring all the many ropes tied over Kieko's body.'We can't have that now,can we,my dear?'She nodded at the man accompanying standing behind her,still keeping a careful lookout.'Let's get you back amongst friends.'
Kieko trembled,as she watched the man climb aboard the helicopter,and produce a sharp knife.He expertly cut away the bonds binding her to the seat,but left her still bound and gagged.Then,he grabbed her,and easily placed her over his shoulder,and with Kim Yang now checking it was clear,led the way back up to the bridge.
They reached it without encountering any problems,and Liu was waiting for them.His face filled with pleasure,as he entered his ready room,leaving the door open for them to bring Kieko in.
'Give her to me.'Kim Yang curtly ordered.
Her order was swiftly obeyed as the man gently put Kieko down from his shoulder,and handed her over into Kim Yang's eager grasp.Kieko still couldn't stop mumbling behind her gag,and she was really frightened now.The Chinese woman wrapped her arm around Kieko's waist tightly,and relished her prize.Liu did so too,walking right up to her face,almost nose to nose.
'Welcome back,Miss Yamamoto.'He ran his hand through her hair.'I'm very pleased to have your charming company back with us,and I promise you,my dear,your company will be greatly appreciated.'
This made Kieko shake her head furiously,trying to rid herself of the tape gag,but her former captors just smiled at her futile efforts.
'I'll take her over to my boat now,Captain.'Kim Yang was now kissing Kieko's hair,enjoying the girl's gagged vague mumbling.'Better to make it as difficult as we can for Jennings,when he comes for her.'
'Of course,Miss Yang.'Liu gave his blessing,and with that,Kim Yang easily forced Kieko into the still bullet strewn lift,and they headed down back towards the cargo hold.Kim Yang's men were waiting for her,and she was pleased to see plenty of spare crates ready.She chose one,and then nodded at two of her accomplices to put Kieko in it.They easily did so,totally ignoring the girl's frantic struggles.
Just before the girl was put in,Kim Yang noticed her pretty prisoner make a desperate glance all around her,and knew what she was looking for.She waited until Kieko was put inside the crate,and leaned over the top,smiling down at her captive.
'Try not to worry to much,Miss Yamamoto,'She told Kieko,who hated her,'I'm sure you'll see your boyfriend again,for the last time.'
The final four words were spoken with utter conviction by her,and then she disappeared,as her men placed the top of the crate into place,and started to hammer it down,trapping Kieko inside.Desperate more than ever,Kieko then felt the crate being moved,and knew she was being taken off the 'Eastern Princess',and onto this mad woman's boat.Kieko still kept her hopes up that Jennings would get to her,but how would he know they'd moved her? The longer she was in these slavers clutches,the more remote the chance she had of escaping them.
Chapter 21 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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