Jennings finally made it to the boat deck.There were still a fair amount of passengers here,enjoying a stroll or simply lounging in deck chairs.They had no idea how much danger the ship was in,Jennings thought,as he headed straight for the helicopter,hoping to help Kieko being held captive there.
Damn that Takachi.Jennings swore to himself.He couldn't wait to give that yakuza thug some payback,for kidnapping Sarah,and Kieko.When he reached the helipad,Jennings didn't see any of Takachi's men guarding the machine.That wasn't surprising,he thought grimly,thinking back to the brief gun battle,down in the cargo hold.I've already dealt with them,was his concluding thought.
He reached the helicopter,and slid open the door.To his dismay,there was no sign of Kieko inside.Must have just took her,but where? Jennings was puzzled for a few moments,as he closed the door,trying to think that.
It was then he saw the boat cruising alongside the 'Eastern Princess.'To Jennings,that boat looked very familiar,but he couldn't be sure where he'd seen it last.Just then,he was aware of somebody approaching,and he moved away quickly,but silently.
It was the pilot returning to check his machine.Jennings watched him enter the helicopter,and start his checks.He did this for a while,and a puzzled frown was visible on his face.The pilot then exited the aircraft,and did a check on the fuel tank.Although he found nothing wrong there,he was still baffled returning to the cockpit,and seeing warning lights flashing at him there.In the end,the pilot walked away,still scratching his head.
Jennings on the other hand,was very pleased.Evidently,Kelly had done her part,in deceiving the enemy.He got back in touch with her.
'Nice job,Kelly,'he complimented his sister,'looks like they fell for it.'
Kelly's reply was grateful,as she was always glad to help her brother out.
'I'm not sure how long it will work though,John,'Kelly warned him,her tone more than worried.
'See if you can do anything else with the flight panel,Kelly,'Jennings was determined not to let Takachi escape by air,'anything to stop them flying off.I want that Takachi to think he can't leave the ship.'
'Understood,John.I'll do it.'
'Have you managed to locate the bomb yet?'
'Stand by,'Kelly told him,'I was just getting to that.'
There was a momentary pause from her,but when she did come back,Jennings clearly heard his sister gasp,'Oh my God,John! Sarah's right on top of it!'
Jennings had fully expected this from Takachi.The swine had delayed him,using fake bombs,so he could escape with Kieko.Now,he had Sarah in peril,from a real bomb.He'd always known that Takachi wasn't a human being,but a murderous monster.
'Kelly,stay calm,'he felt a fool asking her this,but it was necessary,'are you sure the detonation signal is genuine,not faked,like the others?'
'John,I know what I'm talking about!'Kelly's voice sounded more shrill,and he even noticed a hint of anger in it too,but she then obeyed his advice,calming down,'The signal is real.'
'Okay.'Jennings didn't snap back at her.That would have been foolish,but then she had more bad news for him.
'The bomb can be set off by remote.Takachi must still have the detonator on him.'
'Have you managed to contact any other ships in the area?'he asked her,thinking they'd need all the help they could get here,just in case the bomb did go off.
'Yes,John,'Kelly had at least,some good news for him,'there is a ship heading your way.It's a cruise liner,so there's plenty of room for everybody.They should be there within twenty minutes.'
'Okay,Kelly.Well done.'Jennings was pleased with his sister's efforts,'Tell them we have a bomb threat,and need immediate assistance,possibly abandoning ship.'He hoped it wouldn't come to that,but he always prepared for the worst.
'I have to find Takachi now,okay?'Jennings now had his next move planned,'Keep me posted on that ship's position.'
'Understood,John.'Kelly's voice had lost her earlier sharp tone,when she snapped at her brother.Now,it was full of concern.'Just be careful,John,please.I don't want anything to happen to you,or Sarah.'
'Don't worry,'He allowed himself a wry smile,knowing his sister was just anxious for her elder siblings.'I'll help Sarah.You know I will.'
Jennings never adopted a defeatist attitude.He certainly wasn't going to leave all those innocent young girls,to end up on some damned slave auction,and he certainly wasn't going to let Sarah being blown to kingdom come.
However,just as he'd finished speaking,Takachi's voice came in.
'That's very brave of you,Jennings,'his smug tone was still there,'I salute that,but I still have Sarah here with me,so I'd like you to come down here.'
'My pleasure.'Jennings almost snarled.Now,he could finally deal with this lunatic,but realised he still had to be careful,'I take it you're in the same place?'His tone was hard.
'Maybe,maybe not,'Takachi then chuckled,'but your pretty sister is most eager to see you,aren't you,my dear?'
Jennings then heard Sarah give out a terrified,but gagged mumble.He didn't hesitate any more,as he raced back down,into the depths of the ship.
'Kelly,where's the bomb?'His tone was urgent.
'It's located in the bow section,John.'Kelly then gave him the precise location,and after thanking her again,quickened his pace.
In the ready room behind the bridge,Liu was hoping for some good news.He'd agreed with Yee,to send in a small hand picked team,to eliminate Takachi,and seize the English girl.Although,Yee hadn't been gone long,he was praying everything would go smoothly.So far,everything was now starting to go wrong.His ship had been infiltrated,and there were still many problems to be solved.Liu had realised that his whole set-up needed a thorough overhaul.The security and intelligence forces were now making their presence felt,threatening the whole operation.He'd promised himself,he'd find out how.
He wanted a report from Yee,and grabbed the radio.There was immediate contact with his first officer.
'Status report,Mr Yee,please?'
'We are closing in on the girl's location,Captain,'Yee gave his update,'but we're still running into the bombs Takachi has left here.We have to check them out.'
'Understood.'Liu fully agreed with him.'Just remember,Mr Yee.I want the girl alive,and in one piece.'
'Yes,Captain.'Yee acknowledged.'Any news on the girl's brother?'
'No,I've heard nothing from him for a while.'Liu admitted.'But I'm sure he'll be heading your way soon.Make sure you deal with him,Mr Yee.'
'With pleasure,Sir.Yee out.'
Feeling much better,Liu then helped himself to a drink.Just as he finished pouring it,Kim Yang suddenly entered his ready room.She wore a cold smile on her face,and Liu knew she was expecting something.He felt glad she was on his side.There was no way he'd want her as an enemy.He'd seen her kill,and knew she'd take some beating.
'So,you have all the girls safe on your boat?'Liu queried.
'Including Miss Yamamoto,'Kim Yang nodded,'although I'm looking forward to seeing Miss Jennings again.She's the real bonus for me,and of course,'she then produced her knife,gently touching the tip,'her brother's death too.'
'You seem confident of accomplishing this.'Liu stated,still watching her carefully,as she played with the knife.She noticed his look,and still maintained her cold smile.
'You don't need to worry about anything,Captain.This blade is for Jennings' heart,and I promised Sarah a front row seat,when I let her watch me kill him.Then,she'll be all mine to savour.'
'You certainly have plenty of girls already,Miss Yang.'Liu knew that,from his many visits to her impressive house in Bangkok.
'Indeed I do,Captain,'Kim Yang agreed.'But like you,I crave fresh challenges,and that means obtaining fresh merchandise,which reminds me.'
She then produced a laptop,and opened it up.Once she got the connection she desired,Kim Yang then took out her radio,and then informed Liu,'I believe we have another pretty addition coming to us very soon.'
She then typed in certain details,and established a link.Just as she expected,one of her men answered her.
'Are you ready?'Kim Yang asked him.
'We are in position,Miss Yang,'the man's voice told her confidently,'we have the girl in sight.'
'Good.Remember,she is not to be harmed,but make sure you bring her to me.Keep her secure,at my house.'
'Understood,Miss Yang.'
She then closed the call,although she kept looking at the laptop screen,grinning in pleasure.
Liu noticed this,and had also enjoyed listening to that brief conversation,'Who have you got your eyes on now?'
'Jennings' youngest sister,Kelly.'
Liu was surprised,'I didn't know he had another sister,Miss Yang.'
'Well,it's fortunate for you that I look for my enemies weak spots.'Kim Yang spoke with confidence,'This girl has been helping him ever since he came on board.She's tracked,and located Takachi's bomb for him,and she's even helped us.'
'Yes,Captain,'she confirmed,'Kelly's helped us by sending us assistance,in case that bomb does explode.There should be another ship approaching us,very soon.'
This pleased Liu,but he was curious to see what this girl looked like.
'Is she pretty?'
The smile stayed on Kim Yang's face,as she turned the laptop towards him,so he could see.Liu saw a very pretty young woman.The girl was dressed just like Sarah,a Royal Navy white shirt,white knee length skirt,and he could clearly see Kelly was Sarah's sister.Her hair was just a little shorter,but the same rich black colour.He was also highly impressed by her bust.
'Oh yes,Miss Yang,'It was now Liu's turn to give a sinister smile,'I like her.How did you find her?'
'It wasn't easy,Captain.'Kim Yang admitted,'She had excellent protection with her firewalls,but her concern for her family made her stay longer than the security demanded.She's been helping her brother a lot,so it was just a matter of time.'
'So where is she located?'Liu asked.
'Believe it or not,she's somewhere in Bangkok.The next time she speaks to her brother,we'll have her.'
Liu made to speak again,but Kim Yang held up her hand.Just as she anticipated,Kelly did speak to her brother again.Quickly,she typed in the codes needed to activate the tracking system,that was built into the laptop.Then,she waited expectantly.After a few moments of waiting,Kim Yang finally got the answer she wanted.
'Well,well,'There was a smile of self satisfaction on her face,'she's at the British Embassy in Bangkok.'Kim Yang then passed on this information to her men.
Jennings was racing back down to where Sarah was still held.He'd managed to get his weapons back,and was now holding the AK-47 assault rifle.He had no idea what Takachi was planning for him,but knew Sarah was the bait.
As he hurried along,Jennings saw the many fake bombs Takachi had planted.Seeing this deception,almost made him snarl.Jennings wasn't so easily deceived,and he was going to make Takachi pay dearly for this.Kelly was still with him,ready to assist if needed,but right now,speed was of the essence.He'd think about his plan of attack,when he got there.
Just then,Kelly did come in with new information for him,and it wasn't good news.
'John,I'm picking up five men waiting in ambush,about two hundred metres ahead of you.'
'Understood.'Jennings acknowledged.It didn't concern him that he was outnumbered.He'd fought many times,with the odds stacked against him,but he always prevailed.Jennings had the superior motive to win,his sister was in trouble,and he was going to get her out of it.
'One hundred metres,John.'Kelly updated.
Jennings was going to confirm that again for her,when he suddenly heard an ominous clicking sound over his headset.This made him stop in his tracks.
'Kelly,what was that?'He had a horrible thought,knowing he'd heard that sound before.
Kelly didn't answer him,but she also knew what it was.She tried to change the subject,'One hundred metres,John.Go and help Sarah,she needs you.'
However,Jennings had now recalled what the sound was.It was a trace signal.
'Kelly,close the line,and get out of there now!'He couldn't hide the anxiety from his voice,as he now knew the bad guys were closing in on his youngest sister.
Much to his annoyance,and admiration,Kelly refused.
'No,John.You and Sarah still need my help.I'll stay on as long as I can for you.'
'Damn it,Kelly-'Jennings began,ready to insist,being the elder.However,she beat him to it.
'John,please! Just get Sarah out of there!'Kelly almost shouted it out at him,and with a hint of desperation too.
There was no point arguing with her.He knew she wouldn't back down,and he admitted Kelly was right.He had to help Sarah.
'Okay,Kelly,'Jennings conceded,'but make sure you get out of there,if you see the bad guys coming.'
Her voice then softened.'Don't worry.I will.'
Jennings moved on,tense and ready for the fight.Reaching a steel ladder,he started to climb down it.He recognised the area,and knew Sarah was close.He could still hear her muffled cries,into her gag.
He was about halfway down the ladder,when there was a sudden burst of gunfire directed at him.Instinctively,Jennings threw himself of the ladder,and dove into cover,readying his own weapon.He'd hidden himself behind a nearby wall,and his soldiers head came on,as he checked for any line of fire,that could hit him.There wasn't.
The gunfire continued,making him move further back behind the wall,but he sensibly waited,until there was a pause in the firing.When this occurred,Jennings then peered out,making himself a smallest target as possible.He could then see his enemies,who numbered four,reloading their own automatic rifles.This gave him the moment he needed.
He reacted quickly,and returned fire.The AK-47 was deadly in his hands,and he aimed accurately.Within a minute,he'd finished them off.It was then he heard Kelly's voice almost screaming at him,in his headset.
'John!Are you alright?'Her voice was full of alarm,praying her brother was safe.
Jennings had to wait until he got his breath back.He calmed himself down,before he did answer her,'I'm okay,Kelly.'He was still hearing Sarah's frantic,gagged sounds,and told Kelly he was moving forward.
'John,be careful,'Kelly warned him,'I'm getting interference from your location.I don't know if there's anybody else there waiting for you.'
'I understand,Kelly.Thanks.'
He'd just finished speaking that to her,and was now ready to advance again,when disaster struck.The sinister voice of Kim Yang came into both brother and sister ears.'And thank you,my dear,'she was speaking to Kelly,'you've been most helpful to us.Take her.'
The last two words were spoken with utter relish,and suddenly,Jennings heard Kelly give out a muffled cry.He knew what had happened.Somebody had clamped a hand over her mouth!
'Kelly!'Jennings called frantically for his sister,'Kelly!'
It was too late.Her muffled cries were now receding,and then he heard Kim Yang's unwanted response came back to him.'Tie her up,and gag her,'she was obviously ordering whoever had seized her,'and take her to the house.I'll enjoy myself with her there.'
'You damned bitch!'Jennings snarled in utter fury,knowing he couldn't help Kelly,'I'll kill you for this!'He was almost surprised at his own extreme reaction.
However,Kim Yang was in the mood to celebrate capturing her latest victim,and she chuckled,directing her next remark at Jennings.
'I don't think so.Your pretty little sister belongs to me now.Once I've finished ravishing her,I'm sure she'll fetch an excellent price,with your girlfriend too.'
'Where is she?'The snarl hadn't left him.
'Well,now.That would be telling.'The smugness was now evident in her voice,'but suffice it to say,if you can make it to Bangkok,we'll see how things go from there.Now,if you will excuse me,Mr Jennings,I have some very pretty ladies to look after.'
'I'll make sure you pay for this,Miss Yang,'his voice now cold as ice,'I really can't wait till we meet again.'
He heard her chuckle again.'As do I,Mr Jennings,but first,you have to save Sarah,don't you?I'm sure you'd sacrifice your own life,to save hers.That may be very well the case.'She then ended ominously,'Goodbye,Mr Jennings,enjoy your final moments.'Then,her voice was gone.
Jennings clenched his fists.They'd kidnapped Kelly,and he'd been utterly powerless to help her.Why the hell hadn't she done what he'd told her to do? The answer was simple,and there for him,she'd cared about him,and Sarah.
Realising he was near Sarah,Jennings moved forward.He then saw her,still tightly bound and gagged to the support pillar.She noticed his entrance,and her eyes above her tape gag,now showed hope.Jennings however,put his finger to his lips at her,and she nodded.He still sensed danger here,and there was still no sign of Takachi.He then saw Sarah gesture with her head,her gaze going upwards,and he saw the gloomy gantry's above him.He checked them all for any hiding figures,but it was impossible to be sure.There just wasn't enough light.For the moment,he thought it best to remain under cover himself.
High up above,Takachi was peering through the telescopic sight,of his sniper rifle.The girl was still frantically trying to get rid off her gag,shaking her head furiously,now knowing her brother had arrived.No doubt,she was trying to warn him,that he was now targeted by Takachi.He grinned maliciously,witnessing the girl fail in her attempts.Sarah then tried to warn Jennings verbally,but she could still barely make a sound.Her eyes were in total despair,and she was praying John would have a good plan.
Takachi saw the dim outline of Jennings.He was being cautious.Very sensible.The Japanese man gave him a rare compliment,but right now,he was eager to finish him.He put his finger on the trigger.However,Takachi was so busy concentrating on aiming at the Englishman,he completely failed to spot Yee silently creeping up on him,readying to fire his own weapon.Yee had watched Jennings eliminate his own men ruthlessly,and had stayed back,waiting in the shadows to make his move on him.It was then he'd spotted Takachi,in his sniper position.Yee hadn't been certain who to strike first at,but decided on the yakuza man,thinking he was the main threat.Carefully,he found a good hiding spot,and took aim.
Jennings realised he couldn't stay here forever,and was still trying to see anything up above on the gantry above,when there was a single shot.Sarah screamed into her gag,as both she and Jennings saw Yee,the first officer slowly rise up,but then fall.He didn't get back up.Jennings knew Takachi had just shot him.
'All right,Jennings!'Takachi shouted down at him.'Come on out where I can see you,or I shoot the girl.'
To emphasis his threat,Takachi then aimed at Sarah's standing,tied up form.The laser sight on the rifle moved from her bound legs to centre between her breasts.The tightly tied ropes over them,certainly made her chest more impressive.Sarah could only watch fearfully,as Takachi deliberately taunted her with this,still enjoying watching her useless struggles.
Then he noticed Jennings walk out,as he'd told him too.His face far from friendly.
'Drop your weapon.'Takachi ordered him curtly.
Jennings did so,seeing where his enemy was hiding,due to the laser sight,but he stood no chance of shooting back,or trying to get to him.He was caught cold,and Takachi was determined to exploit it.
'You disappointed me somewhat,Jennings,'Takachi admitted,'I was hoping you'd put up more of a fight from you,but then of course,you couldn't really do that much,could you? Your sister made an excellent hostage,and once I've finished you off,I'll take her with me.She'll all be mine to savour,but I will be honourable to you both.Before you die,I will let you say goodbye to her.'
Sarah gave out another muffled,and fearful scream into her tape gag,as she watched in horror,the laser sight leaving her body,to centre on her brother's heart.
'Give your pretty sister a farewell kiss,Jennings.'Takachi taunted him,'I still have the detonator for the bomb,that is,the real bomb.I wouldn't hesitate to press it right now,and believe me,the ship is finished.'
Just then,there was another burst of gunfire,catching Takachi completely off guard,forcing his attention away from Jennings.It was one of the crewmen,Takachi saw it was Yee,who'd fired at him.Fortunately for Takachi,the bullet had only hit him in the arm.Still enraged though,at being hit,Takachi swung the weapon away from Jennings,and fired his own shot.It smashed into Yee's neck,mortally wounding him,as he collapsed back onto the gantry.Smirking in truimph,Takachi then turned the rifle back to where Jennings' position.Only this time,the Englishman wasn't there.
He aimed back at Sarah,and was going to call out to Jennings again to come out,when suddenly,the rifle was kicked hard out of his grasp.Jennings had gotten the diversion he'd so desperately needed,and had raced up to where Takachi was hiding,and he finally made his move.
He then lifted the Japanese yakuza by the throat,and punched him hard,in the man's solar plexus,totally winding him.Then,as Takachi bent forward in agony,Jennings hit him hard again,only this time,with a full powered punch in the face.Takachi staggered away from him,and fell.However,his opponent got back up,but Jennings allowed him too,before both men engaged in a bitter one to one fight.
Still trussed up tight to the pillar,Sarah could only watch her brother fight the deadly Japanese man.Despite the yakuza's skill in martial arts,Jennings used his height,and better power to send him reeling.He had somebody to defend,and wasn't going to let this thug take his sister away from him.
He rained in blow after blow,until finally,Takachi was sent sprawling,his face bloody,and he landed in a heap.He lay away from Jennings,as he slowly took out the detonator,an evil smirk on his face doing this,as he slowly crawled away.Jennings however,had seen him take it out,and realised what he was going to do.Before he could race over and stop him,Takachi pressed the switch.
Instantly,there was a thunderous explosion,that sent both men flying away from each other.Jennings crashed into a nearby wall,knocking him senseless.Sarah screamed in horror,as she felt the force of the explosion lift her up,although the ropes tied tight over her,kept her firmly lashed to the support pillar.The bow of the ship was lifted up by the force of the explosion.Sarah watched,her eyes huge,as a massive sheet of flame raced underneath her,searing the bottom of her feet.Then,the bow of the 'Eastern Princess' came crashing back down onto the sea.
Alarms were now blaring throughout the whole ship,and then Sarah heard the ominous sound of metal creaking,and straining.This continued on for about a minute,when suddenly,Sarah screamed again behind her gag,as the hull was breached,and the sea burst in.
Chapter 22 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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