Jennings silently moved down into the house,keeping his eyes sharp for any sudden opposition,that may have leaped out at him.So far,none of the enemy had discovered his presence,and he hadn't seen any hidden CCTV cameras.He had a strong hunch that there was a surveillance system here.Kim Yang would have certainly thought of that.He would keep his eyes open.
As Jennings moved deeper into the house,he saw more of Kim Yang's men.Every one of them was armed,and in pairs.They all looked alert,and he made sure he stayed out of their sight.As he moved from one hiding place to another,he heard voices nearby,and headed over towards them.He was still determined to rescue Sarah,Kelly,Kieko,and all the other girls from Kim Yang's clutches.He would make sure he helped Louise,Su,Angela,and the two journalists,Michelle and Jane.All these girls had helped him,and he was also determined to return the favour.
Still successfully avoiding the enemy patrols,Jennings could now see where he heard the voices coming from.He could see it was a big room,and ducking behind cover,saw it was a hall.There were many people standing in it,and their faces were aimed at some kind of stage.As Jennings looked closer at them,he noticed there were plenty of men dressed in Arab headgear.There were also a few Orientals too,and even some people from the West too,including some women.Jennings instantly had his nasty gut feeling,as he knew who this lot were.No doubt to increase their collections.He thought bitterly.
Still hidden from their view,Jennings suddenly saw two men,followed by Kim Yang.However,it was one of the men who held his attention,as Jennings saw a girl being carried over his shoulder by him.The man waited until Kim Yang walked in front of him,and then gently put the girl down.She was instantly seized by Kim Yang,and it was then that Jennings recognised Kieko.She was bound and gagged,and struggling like mad in the Chinese woman's grasp,but Kim Yang easily held onto her.There was an appreciative gasp from the huge throng of buyers,as they saw Kieko.The Japanese girl's eyes were full of terror,as she could only stare at the many leering faces,giving her their whole attention.
Kim Yang heard the crowd's approval,and decided to get the auction under way.
'I see our first offering pleases you,my friends.'Kim Yang smiled,as she went on.'Allow me to introduce Miss Kieko Yamamoto,of Japanese naval intelligence.Wouldn't you just love to ravish this beauty,at your leisure?'
She could see that her audience fully agreed with her.Even Kieko saw the approval,and she was frozen in fear,stiffening in Kim Yang's hold.
The Chinese woman smiled,enjoying the girl's distress.She lovingly stroked Kieko's long,silky,raven hair down her back.Then,Kim Yang forced her forward,giving the crowd a more closer look at Kieko's face.
'Look at her gorgeous eyes,ladies and gentlemen.'She told them honestly.'Miss Yamamoto's a true beauty indeed.'Then,she called out.'Any offers for her then?'
'I'll pay 50,000 for her!'One of the Arabs shouted out.His greedy,lustful eyes couldn't take themselves off Kieko,still gripped firmly by Kim Yang.
'An excellent start,Sir.'Kim Yang was pleased,knowing full well,the money would start rolling in.'Would anybody care to advance on that?'
'70,000!'A second man called out.
'Ridiculous!'This from a third.'She's worth more than that.90,000!'
The first man came back in,determined to get his hands on the girl.
This was exciting.Kim Yang was enjoying the current bids being thrown at her.She sniggered into Kieko's ear.
'Seems you'll break the bank,my dear.I knew you'd fetch an excellent price.'
Her taunt only made Kieko give a muffled squeal of terror behind her gag,and Jennings heard it.He had to fight to keep himself hidden,and he was infuriated,seeing the crowd laughing at Kieko's distress.He had to wait for the right moment,and it wasn't now.There were just too many in his way,and there was always the chance somebody might be carrying a concealed weapon.With clenched teeth,he had to keep listening to the ongoing bids for Kieko,although he still kept an eye out for any unexpected patrols.
'500,000!'It was the first Arab,and he really shouted it out,glaring at his rival bidders.He was almost daring them to continue,but his bid had worked.A sullen silence descended from them,as his competitors conceded defeat.
Kim Yang stared at the Arab,and then back at his rival bidders,then switched her gaze back to him.This was a very good start indeed.
'No more offers then?'She scanned the crowd,holding the small gavel,and still checking,raised it to strike the deal.'Going once,going twice-'She was interrupted by Kieko's gagged whimpering,but coldly ignored her,as she slammed the gavel down.'Sold to you,Sir.'She pointed at the first Arab.'Believe me,Sir,you've got a bargain.She's worth every penny.'
She kissed Kieko's hair again,much more longer this time,not seeing the girl's eyes clench shut,but the Arab man had.There was a triumphant smile across his face.
'My sincere thanks,Miss Yang.'The man still hadn't taken his lustful gaze from his newly acquired prize,who could only stare back,her eyes still huge above her gag.
'Would you please join us for a drink afterward?'Kim Yang asked him.'I'd like to say my goodbyes to her.'
'It would be an honour.'The Shiek nodded,still eyeing Kieko greedily.
With her first sale successfully completed,Kim Yang roughly shoved Kieko into one of her men's grip.'Take her to my room.'She curtly ordered.'And bring me Kelly next.'
The man nodded,and easily lifted Kieko over his shoulder,carrying her out.Kieko's muffled cries were either laughed at,or coldly ignored by the crowd.
However,Jennings could see Kieko being removed,and carefully watched where the man carrying her,was going.He made a mental note to head down that way,before his teeth clenched again,as he heard Kim Yang speak again.
'I'm so pleased you enjoyed our first offering,my friends.'The Chinese woman announced.'We will now give you a very rare treat.The first English girl we've been able to acquire,for quite some time.'
Jennings could see this had an instant effect on the crowd.They became more excited,eagerly anticipating Western women offered for sale.Jennings could see their mote than pleased reactions.His own expression was cold,but inside,he was worried.Who was Kim Yang going to bring up first,Sarah? Kelly?
Just then,he noticed another one of Kim Yang's men hurry up to her,and whispered a message into her ear.She nodded,and then turned back to her audience.
'Please excuse me for a few minutes,my friends.'She smiled,which Jennings hated seeing.'I shall return,but in the meantime,make yourselves comfortable.'
Once that had been said,Kim Yang wheeled away from the stage,and left the hall.Jennings watched her go,his eyes still hard.You'd better find the girls.He thought to himself.It seemed unlikely she'd bring them all up here,but he'd better get moving.He made another careful look around him,but still,nobody had discovered his presence.This made him take the holdall bag from his shoulder,and opening it up,plucked the C4 plastic explosive chargers from it.Then,still keeping his stealthy approach,rose from his hiding position,and began to place them all over the house.Just like Takachi had done,Jennings fitted digital timers to them,setting a countdown of thirty minutes.
Once he'd set all the charges,Jennings crept his way around the hall,and disappeared down towards the area where he'd seen Kieko being taken.He could sense he was approaching some kind of cellar,or a basement,and he then heard faint,feminine moans.He instantly knew he'd found the girls,recognising their gagged sounds.As he approached a corner silently,Jennings made sure he wasn't being followed,and then,peered around the corner.He could see a lot of girls,all bound and gagged,and he then saw some familiar faces.Louise was there.Angela Lee,Su,and Michelle with Jane.However,he saw no sign of Sarah,or Kelly.
He did see the two armed men,walking amongst the girls.They too,looked alert,and Jennings watched their movements carefully.He couldn't fire his weapon in here.There was just too much risk of hitting the girls.However,he had an idea.Pulling out a wooden tube,Jennings carefully loaded a small dart into it.This wouldn't kill,but it would knock them out for hours.He then noticed Louise close by,and she'd spotted him.Her eyes brightened,and despite the tight gag,tried to say his name in relief.Jennings however,wanted to maintain the stealth,so quickly put his finger to his lips.He was pleased to see Louise nod,and then he noticed Angela had seen him too.He did the same gesture,and she too nodded.
Angela had never felt so glad to see this man.Her hopes of rescue,had all but vanished.She had to suffer Kim Yang's gloating,as well as being touched up by her,and even the guards took advantage sometimes.Now,she saw the Englishman that had helped her.How he got here was a mystery,but Angela didn't care about that.Now,there was hope.
She could see him motioning her to stay silent.No danger of that.Angela mused bitterly.I'm gagged.However,she could see him watching the two men guarding them,hoping for an opportunity to use the blowpipe weapon he held.Angela knew she had to help him.She was sitting with her back to the wall too,and tried to call out something to the guards.Of course,her gag prevented that,but she made enough mumbling to distract the men from their guard duties.As they both turned to look at her,Jennings acted swiftly.He had already aimed at his first target,and blew the first dart successfully into one of the guards.The man felt something hit him on the back of his neck,but Jennings didn't waste a second.He'd already loaded the second dart into the blowpipe,and then,fired it successfully into the second guard.Within seconds,both men crumpled to the ground.
Quickly,Jennings hurried around the corner.All the girls could now see him,and were begging for him to release them first.Louise was the closest to him,and he removed the gag from her mouth.
'Are you okay,Louise?'Jennings asked her,full of concern.
'Yes.'Louise was so pleased to get her voice back.The gag had nearly driven her insane.'Thank God you're here,John.I was getting worried.'
'They didn't hurt you?'
'No,but I was so scared.'Louise's voice reflected that.She then saw Jennings produce his knife,and cut away the ropes holding her hands behind her.The rest of the ropes followed,and as soon as Louise was free,she instantly grabbed Jennings,giving him a warm,grateful hug.'Thank you,John.'She then gave him a warm kiss,and he hugged her back in return.Louise was a really good friend indeed.
'It should be me thanking you,Louise.'Jennings told her honestly.'You saved my neck at the hospital.I don't know what you injected me with,but it did the trick.'
'What are friends for?'Louise replied,giving him a lovely smile.He then asked her to help free the other girls,which Louise accepted eagerly.Then,he headed over to Angela's bound and gagged form.Jennings knelt down by her,and gently removed the strip of black tape covering her mouth.Angela gasped gratefully,as she could finally breathe in through her mouth.
'Are you okay,Miss Lee?'Jennings asked her,as he then used the knife again to cut away Angela's ropes.
'Yes.'Angela nodded,still grateful,and so pleased to be not tied up and gagged anymore.'Thank you for helping me.'
'No,Angela.'Jennings knew he owed her.'Thank you.I wasn't sure if I could get past those two guards.'
He liked her warm smile that she gave him,and he helped her to her feet.Angela winced in pain,as she felt the blood loss in her hands and feet.Jennings noticed it,as well as all the rope marks on her body.He helped her to sit back down,and taking her feet,began to rub them together,getting her blood circulation flowing again.Angela winced,as he did so,but she trusted him,and after a few moments,she felt okay.She stood up again,allowing him to help her.
'Thank you for saving me.'Angela repeated Louise's actions,as she wrapped her arms around his neck,giving him a very nice,and highly appreciated kiss and hug.Although,she was still baffled by something.
'I don't understand.'Angela conceded.'They said you went down with the ship.'
'I did.'Jennings admitted that.'But I was lucky.I got blown back to the surface.Air pockets escaping,I guess.'
The Chinese girl smiled at him.'I'm glad you're okay.That's twice you've saved me.'
'Believe me,Miss Lee.'Jennings smiled back in return.'You're worth saving.'
Angela blushed faintly at his compliment.Then,he asked her to help Louise free everybody else.Angela nodded,glad to assist.
He then saw Su.The Thai girl was unable to move,due to her own bonds.She was just lying on the floor,totally immobile.However,Jennings made short work of her bonds,and removing her gag,helped her to her feet.Su hugged him in overwhelming relief,and couldn't help herself,as she started to cry.
'It's okay,Su.'Jennings whispered comfortingly into her ear.'You're safe now.'
Just then,he received a call from his mobile.It was Panna.
'Mr Jennings.'His voice was polite,but firm,as Panna asked.'What do you think you are doing?'
'I'm getting my sisters out of this hell,Mr Panna,and I've got some good news for you.Your daughter's okay.She's here.'
'Let me speak to her.'
Jennings handed Su his mobile,and let father and daughter exchange their relief.They only spoke for a few moments,then Su handed him the mobile back,telling him.'He wants to talk to you.'
Jennings took the mobile,and he then heard Panna say to him.'Thank you for saving my daughter.Now,please let us return the favour.We're coming in.'
'No,you can't do that yet.'Jennings was firm in his response.'Just give me a little bit more time.I still haven't found Sarah or Kelly yet.'
'Mr Jennings.'Panna's voice was still polite,but there was an exasperated tone faintly evident.'You are not helping us,nor yourself.Why will you not let us help you?'
Jennings told him the truth.'Believe me,Mr Panna,if you and your men come barging in here now,you'll all be shot to pieces.There's an army in here,and they will slaughter you.'He paused to let this sink in,then continued.'Trust me.Just give me that little bit more time.I've planted a few nasty surprises for them.I'll let you know when you can come in.'
There was no reply at first,although Jennings heard Panna speaking his native Thai to someone.Su was also listening,and they both heard him respond.'Very well.I will give you fifteen minutes,then we are coming in.'
'You've got plenty of people with you?'Jennings asked.
'Of course.'
Across the street,Panna was waiting,with several of his colleagues.All were armed.Some had shotguns,others automatic rifles,but they all looked a mean sight,and patiently waited for the order to go in.
'Thank you.'Jennings was now grateful to Panna.He had that extra time to find Sarah,Kelly,and Kieko.'Don't worry.'He reassured Panna.'Su will be okay.'
With that,he ended the call,and helped the few remaining girls who were still trussed up.
Back in Kim Yang's bedroom,Sarah was still sitting bound and gagged.She now had Liu standing behind her,playing gently with her hair,fully enjoying it.He could see the girl was frozen in fear from his touch,and smiled contentedly.He knelt down,and whispered into Sarah's ear.'Absolutely gorgeous,my dear.Miss Yang has done well to seize you.I can't wait to see you broken by her.'
Sarah could offer no defiant response.The black tape over her mouth ensured her silence,and her eyes widened even more above the tape,when she noticed Kim Yang enter.The woman chuckled in pleasure,as she bent down,to check Sarah's bindings.There was no need to worry.Their pretty prize was still helpless,and both Liu,and Kim Yang were determined she would remain that way.
Satisfied Sarah was still secure,Kim Yang turned to Liu,asking.'What did you want to see me about?'
Liu was still playing with Sarah's hair.'Any news on the girl's brother?'
'Nothing yet.'Kim Yang admitted,although she could see Sarah was listening eagerly.She just smirked at the girl's hopeful eyes.'But he's coming to rescue her,as well as all the others.'
Liu nodded his agreement.'Maybe we'd better get rid off her.'He didn't see Sarah's shocked eyes on hearing that sinister statement.This made her mumble fearfully,but vaguely into her gag.
Liu however seemed to realise what the girl was thinking.He was still kneeling down behind her,and whispered into Sarah's ear,frightening her more.'Don't worry,my dear.Your death serves no purpose to us.We're just going to make sure we'll get top money for you.'
Sarah could only still give out her faint,mumbling protests,and Liu went back to gently stroking her hair.However,he then seized her chin,forcing Sarah to gaze fearfully up at him.
'It's your brother's head that I want.'Liu almost snarled into her face.'And believe me,my dear.I'm going to get it.'
His threat in his voice really terrified Sarah,making her eyes clench shut to avoid his his hateful gaze,but fortunately,Liu released her head.She never felt so much fear.Her kidnappers relished the power they held over her,and Sarah could only just sit here,with her bonds not giving an inch.The longer she was their prisoner,the worst it appeared it was going to get for her future.Her only hope was John,and she was willing him to get here,and fast.
Back down in the basement,Jennings was in the process of freeing the two pretty Chinese journalists,Michelle,and Jane.Both girls had been bound back to back,and appeared firmly welded together,with the tight ropes secured around their bodies.The two girls were mumbling like mad at him through their tape gags,and Jennings gently removed them.Then,he skillfully made short work of their bonds.
'You girls okay?'Jennings asked them,which led to both of them giving him another warm embrace,and grateful kisses.Jennings had to admit he'd enjoyed all the girls thanks to him,but he still hadn't seen Sarah,Kelly,or even Kieko.Angela and Louise came up to him,knowing what he was looking for.
'Where's Sarah and Kelly?'Jennings couldn't disguise the worry in his own voice.'What about Kieko?'
Angela tried to break the bad news gently to him.'They kept Sarah separate from us,John.'She was surprised she called him by his first name,although he didn't protest at that.She went on.'They just took Kelly out before you came.I think they were taking her to be sold.'
Jennings clenched his fists in frustration.How the hell had he missed her?
'Do you know where Sarah's being held,Angela?'He asked hurriedly.
'That Yang bitch probably has her.'Angela was almost sure of that,having seen the lavish attention Kim Yang gave to Sarah.'I think they're holding her as hostage,for when you come for her.'
Jennings realised he'd better get a move on.He nodded his thanks to Angela,and then called Panna from his mobile.
'Okay,'he informed the Thai policeman.'I'm bringing the girls out now.'
Panna's reply was instantaneous.'We'll cover you.My men are in position.'
'Thank you.'Jennings meant it.'I owe you one.'
'No,my friend.We owe you.Just get them out of that horrible place.'
Again,Jennings thanked him.He ended the call,and got all the girls together.
'Okay,ladies.'Despite the worry burning away inside him for Sarah,Kelly,and Kieko,Jennings made sure he showed total confidence to the girls.He was still determined to get them all out of here safely.'I'm going to get you all out of here now.With a bit of luck,the bad guys will be getting a nasty surprise waiting for them soo,so that will be our diversion.If any of Kim Yang's men show up,take cover immediately.'He smiled gently,seeing a lot of worried,and scared faces.'Don't worry.If there's any problems,I'll take care of it,okay?'
This seemed to help the group,and he nodded,pleased his words had the positive effect.He readied his weapon,preparing to leave the basement.
'Okay,ladies.Let's go.'
Jennings led from the front.Angela and Louise made sure they were right behind him.Jennings was still confident he'd get them all out to safety.He just hoped he'd have enough time to get Kieko away from that Shiek,and rescue Sarah and Kelly from Kim Yang's clutches.
Chapter 27 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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