Slowly,Jennings opened his eyes.He wasn't sure where he was at first,but his memory came back instantly,remembering all the recent events.He was then aware he was in hospital,and his brief discussion with Louise came back to him.
As he sat up on the bed,Jennings admitted he felt a lot better.In fact,he felt great.Whatever Louise had injected him with,it seemed to have done the trick.He also felt something under the pillow,and reached in to take out a laptop.He recognised it as Louise's,but his attention was then focused on the note left for him.He opened it up,and read it.Sure enough,it was from Louise,recognising her handwriting.
'Hi John,hope you're feeling better.I've left my laptop for you.It contains all the details you need to take down Kim Yang.I've also left some of your gear for you.'Jennings glanced down,and saw a large holdall bag,and clothes stacked neatly on a nearby chair.He recognised them as his own combat army clothes,a crew neck khaki coloured T-Shirt,his combat trousers,and his boots.He read more of the note from Louise.
'Don't worry,John.I can handle it.Take care,see you soon,love,Louise xx'
Jennings saw the address Louise had written down for him,telling the location of Kim Yang's house,and he slowly lowered the note.He never had any doubts at all,that Louise was walking straight into trouble.Just like his two sisters,Louise was very headstrong.Jennings knew she was very close to Sarah and Kelly.All three girls had bonded extremely well,having joined the Royal Navy together.It wasn't just the travel the girls loved,but also the fight against the bad guys.Like himself,Sarah,Kelly and Louise were fully prepared to fight for the right cause,and did so.He was very proud of them all.
However,the girls had all now landed in the bad guys clutches,and Jennings knew he had to help them.Getting out of the bed,he grabbed his clothes,and started to get dressed.Once he was,Jennings then opened up the large holdall,and was grimly satisfied to see plenty of weaponry Louise had left for him.There was another AK-47 assault rifle,grenades,C4 plastic explosives,and a sniper rifle.Ammunition was very plentiful,and he suspected he'd need that where he was going.
Just then,he heard a knock on the door,and he hurriedly put away all his weapons back into the bag,before dumping it under the bed,before he called out.
He saw a Thai man enter.The man's face was warm,and friendly.He made the customary greeting to Jennings,who in turn,returned the gesture.
'You are feeling better,Mr Jennings?'The man asked him politely.
'Much better,thank you.'Jennings nodded.'How do you know my name?'
'My name is Detective Panna,Mr Jennings.Bangkok police.Your people informed us of your mission aboard the 'Eastern Princess',as well as my daughter did.'
Jennings realised this was Su's father.He wasn't looking forward to telling him,that his daughter was now a prisoner in Kim Yang's clutches.However,before he could,Panna told him.'Your lady friend was very concerned for you,and most considerate.'
'Yes.'Jennings would owe Louise big time for saving his life.'Louise is a great friend of mine.We have been for years.'
'It was very close.'Panna said.'You were nearly lost,but I am pleased you have recovered.'
Jennings appreciated what the man just said,however,he then decided to break the bad news to him.
'Yes,I met your daughter on board.'He confirmed.'Su really helped me a lot.I'm just sorry I wasn't able to return the favour.'
'What do you mean?'
'Kim Yang has her,as well as my two sisters.'Jennings explained to Panna how he'd managed to get the girls free,including Su,before he was knocked out.
'I see.'Panna had a much worried face,and Jennings sincerely felt for him.However,thanks to Louise,he had at least,some good news.He then handed the note Louise had written for him.
'Do you know where this address is?'Jennings asked.'It's where Louise has gone.'
This increased the worry on Panna's face.'Your lady friend has gone to this place?'He shook his head grimly.'If she has,she's walked straight into Kim Yang.This is where she holds regular auctions,selling the girls she and her people have kidnapped.'
'You have your people there now?'
'I'm afraid not.'Panna had to admit.'Kim Yang does her best to intimidate my people not to interfere.'His face grimaced,remembering how much success Kim Yang had doing this.'I've lost a lot of good people due to her,and her bullying tactics.'
Jennings understood.This made him pull out the holdall from under the bed,and he opened it up.Panna clearly saw the many weapons in the bag.He glanced curiously at Jennings.
'These are your weapons?'He asked the Englishman.
Jennings nodded.'Louise left it for me.'He took out the AK-47 weapon,and loaded the magazine clip into it.Then,he suggested.'Why don't we pay them a visit,and give them our thoughts on those thugs.You get my meaning,Mr Panna?'
Panna did get his meaning.'I'll get my own stuff,and bring my people there.'He couldn't wait to get there.There was more than a good chance Su was there,and he was going to get her out of there.
'Stay here.'Panna instructed him.'I'll be back as quick as I can.'
'I'll be waiting.'Jennings nodded,and with that,Panna left.Jennings continued to get dressed.As he did so,he noticed the only window in the room.Walking over to it,Jennings could see the entrance to the hospital.He could see plenty of people coming in and out,and after a moment,watched the Thai policeman leave.It was just then that he noticed two men watching Panna leave.
Panna quickly left the hospital,and hurriedly entered into his car.He sped off,flashing his siren.However,his departure had been carefully noted by two of Kim Yang's men.These were the same two men who had spied on Louise,back in the hotel.Now,they had new orders,and both of them were looking forward to their next assignment,and to boost their own reputations.
One of them took out his mobile,and made contact with Kim Yang.
'We're heading in now,Miss Yang.'The man spoke confidently to his superior.
'Good.'Kim Yang's voice was serious in return.'Just make sure you don't fail.'
'Don't worry,Miss Yang.'He was still confident.'We'll do it.'Then,he rang off.
Their orders were to kill,and the two men discreetly checked their hidden silenced pistols,and after satisfied at that,entered the hospital.The reception area was deserted,only a single young woman manned the desk.She was obviously part of the hospital staff,dressed in the white uniform of a nurse.She eyed them suspiciously.
'Can I help you?'
'We understand you have an Englishman here.'One of the men told her.'His name is Jennings,and we'd like to speak to him.'
The girl still kept looking at them,clearly thinking that they were suspicious characters.However,she was still polite to them.
'What is your business with the patient?'
Both men looked at each other,almost smiling to themselves,which the girl noticed.She was going to call for security on the phone on her desk,when the first man answered.'It's very important we see him.A police matter.'
'You have identification?'The girl asked him.
'Of course.'The first man smiled faintly,as he reached into his person,then suddenly producing his silenced pistol,aiming it directly at the now shocked girl's face.He could see she was going to scream,but instantly put his finger to his lips.
'Just do as you're told,'he warned her,'and we won't shoot.'
The second man eyed the girl up intently.He liked what he was seeing.
'She's a beauty.'His eyes were dominated by lust,making the girl's eyes bulge in fear.'Let's take her back to Miss Yang.I think she would be very interested in this one.'
His accomplice agreed.'Of course we will,but first,we've got a job to do.'He then gestured at the girl with his pistol.'Stand up,Miss.You're coming with us.'
'What are you going to do to me?'The girl asked him,still staring in terror at the silenced pistol.
'Shut up.'He warned her.It was a calm voice,but the onus was there.'We're just going to put you somewhere safe in storage,then we'll be back for you.'He glanced over at his colleague.'Find something to tie her up.'
The second man grinned,and before the girl could obey the order to stand,he grabbed her arms behind her,and forced her away from the desk.She gasped in pain and alarm,as she was forced into an empty storage room.The two men were still checking to see if anybody was approaching,but there was nothing.The door was slammed shut behind them.
Still holding the girl tightly,the second man forced her onto her knees,as he had already spotted some rope on one of the shelves.Keeping the girl's hands behind her with one hand,he grabbed the rope,and quickly began to bind her wrists.Their prisoner was too scared to scream,but both men worked quickly and efficiently.Within a few minutes,the girl was bound hand and foot,and to gag her,one of them placed a large rectangular strip of white medical tape over her mouth.
Satisfied the girl was secure,the first man then ordered.'Right,that should hold her till we get back.Let's find the Englishman.'
They both heard the gagged girl mumbling fearfully at them,and with a smile of utter relish at her,one of the men sneered down at her.'Don't worry,my pretty.We won't be gone long.Besides,our employer is always on the lookout for fresh merchandise,and she'll be very pleased to have you ready for sale.'
They both smirked at the girl's terror stricken eyes,and then left the storeroom,locking her in.Both men were eager to get the job done,so they could steal their prize away undetected.They then headed over to the reception desk,and began to use the computer to locate their target.It didn't take them long.
'Found him.'One of them had the details ready.'Second floor,in a private room.'
'Room number?'
'Good.Let's get him.'
Both men hurried up to the second floor without any problems.They were encountering more people here,but nobody was challenging them.It was better for them that they weren't,as both Kim Yang's men had already made the decision to gun down anybody in cold blood,that stood in their way.However,nobody did,and they both found room 23 quickly enough.Readying their weapons,one of them knocked politely on the door.
'Come in.'They heard an English voice call out to them,which was just what they wanted.
Grinning at how easy this was going to be,both of them then burst into the room,their silenced pistols instantly firing into the large form,on the hospital bed.Both men fired like mad,and every bullet hit their mark,finally sending the form on the bed collapsing.This made both men stop shooting,as they'd used up their ammo,but wore smug looks,as one of them cautiously approached the bed.The second began to load a second ammo clip into his weapon.
The first man sharply pulled away the bed covers,fully expecting to see a bloody corpse.However,he and his accomplice were stunned to see only a set of now ruined pillows underneath.They both gaped.Then,both men were sent reeling,as Jennings came up from behind them.He'd hidden himself,rightly assuming they'd just burst in,firing at where they'd thought he'd be.Now,he held the upper hand,and he acted decisively,kicking out at his unsuspecting opponents.Both men crashed down hard onto the floor.They never got the chance to rise,as Jennings efficiently hit them on the back of their heads,sending them senseless.
With that threat eliminated,Jennings took away their guns,and grabbing his holdall bag,and Louise's laptop,quickly left the room,hurrying towards the exit.As he reached the reception,Jennings heard faint sounds nearby.It was the sound of a woman,obviously gagged,and he quickly found the source.The door that blocked him was locked,but he easily pushed his way in.He instantly noticed a pretty,bound and gagged woman lying on her side,on the floor.Her eyes pleaded for him to help her.He did so,cutting away her bonds,and gently removing her gag.
She instantly spoke to him rapidly in her native Thai.Jennings didn't have a clue what she was saying,but reasonably guessed she was saying thank you to him.This seemed to be verified,as she warmly put her arms around him,hugging,and kissing him.He blushed,and smiled slightly,gently squeezing her shoulder in reassurance.Then,he gently lifted the girl,carrying her out of the storeroom,taking her back to the her place in reception.He put her back down in her seat,and somehow made sign language to call for help from the phone,writing Panna's name down for her,and the word,'police.'She nodded her understanding,then he made the polite Thai greeting to her,before hurrying out of the hospital.Jennings heard her call out after him,but he had to get moving.Time was running out for the people he cared about.
Don't worry.Jennings' thoughts were strictly for all those girls being held.Help's on the way.He didn't have any doubts at all that he'd meet resistance.No doubt,armed resistance.However,if that's what the bad guys wanted,he'd gladly oblige them.It was the main reason why he loved being a soldier.Jennings loved a good fight,and he was looking forward to it.Although,his expression hardened,as he swore to himself,that he was going to make Kim Yang and her people pay dearly,for kidnapping the women he adored so much.
Jennings picked up the pace,as he headed towards Kim Yang's auction house.
In Kim Yang's house itself,the owner was in her bedroom.A highly spacious room,that Kim Yang used frequently,and not just to sleep either.There was a built in gym for her,which she used to practice her combat skills.She was practicing at this very moment.Her feet stepping over one another gracefully,as she swung out her arms in thrusts,striking out at an imagined opponent.Her face was intense,concentrating.This was something Kim Yang adored.She loved taking on a highly skilled opponent,in unarmed combat.Although recently,there hadn't been much skilled opposition,but with Jennings now on the scene,Kim Yang was intrigued by him.
Despite her orders to kill the Englishman,she had a strong incline that Jennings would get the better of her men.He'd proved that before,and she was interested to see how it would turn out.
As she kept up her practice,Kim Yang also enjoyed the added bonus,of having her favourite captive present.Sarah Jennings sat in a hard backed chair,bound and gagged tightly to it.Kim Yang had made sure of that,having secured her earlier.There were loops of horizontal ropes over and under Sarah's chest,keeping her back firmly lashed to the back of the chair.Her waist too,was also similiarly tied,and there were even more ropes tied across the top of her legs,and under the seat.Her ankles also secured to one of the front legs of the chair,making her totally helpless.Her gag was now a tight,white silk scarf,tied over her mouth.Sarah could barely mumble a sound under it.
Added to her discomfort,Sarah was also well aware of the sinister Thai man standing behind her.He was obviously guarding her,and made frequent checks on Sarah's tight bonds,but made no attempt to loosen them.Sarah couldn't help herself,as she sometimes frantically glanced back at him,but that proved very disconcerting.His sinister gaze really scared her.Kim Yang certainly knew how to choose her people.She thought bitterly.
As Sarah watched Kim Yang continue her exercises,another one of her men slid open the door,and entered.He then walked up to Sarah's guard,and spoke briefly to him.The guard nodded,and allowed him in.Kim Yang saw him,but didn't stop her training moves.
'Yes?'She asked,as he walked closer to her,but maintained a respectable distance.
'Message from our people at the hospital,Miss Yang.'The man informed her.'The Englishman survived the attempt on his life.'
Sarah heard him,and closed her eyes in blessed relief.Thank God John's okay! She thought.There was still a good chance he'd get to her,but she also saw Kim Yang wore a pleased expression.
'Excellent.'The Chinese woman was indeed,very pleased.It was what she desired so much.To beat the girl's brother,right in front of her.Kim Yang couldn't wait for Jennings to get here.
'Keep everyone alert.'She ordered.'He'll be coming here soon.'
The man nodded,and after bowing to her,left to carry out her wishes.Kim Yang then finished her practicing.She took a towel from her hugely impressive king sized bed,and after wiping the sweat from her face,slowly advanced on the visibly trembling,bound and gagged Sarah.She stood behind the girl,and then knelt down close,whispering into Sarah's ear.
'Good news indeed,my dear.'Kim Yang chuckled,seeing the girl stiffen in her enforced,bound position.'I must compliment you on your brother's survival skills.'She then took a hold of Sarah's chin,forcing her to look right at her.
'It won't be long now,before I finish him off,just like I promised you.'Her threat was fully meant.'But don't worry your pretty little head.I'll make sure to give him a chance.'
Sarah closed her eyes,not wanting to see this crazy woman's eyes gleaming at her.Fortunately,Kim Yang turned her attention to Liu,who'd just entered.However,she still stayed behind her,now standing to stroke her fingers through Sarah's smooth raven hair.Sarah's eyes went wider above the silk gag.Liu himself,smirked at Sarah's trussed up form,before he spoke to Kim Yang.
'I hear Jennings survived the hospital?'
'I'm very pleased he did.'Kim Yang confirmed that,still playing with Sarah's hair delicately.'He should be on his way here now.'
'Good.I hope he'll be dealt with.'Liu spoke that with venom,still thinking Jennings was responsible for Yee's death.He produced a pistol from his person,and walking up to the front of Sarah,put the gun under the girl's chin.He smiled down at her,but it wasn't a pleasant one.
'Remember your promise,Miss Yang.'Liu was now using his gun to stroke Sarah's cheek.'Keep her for me.I want her.'The lust in his voice fully evident.'Just make sure you keep her brother alive long enough for me,so she can watch him die.'
Sarah mumbled again behind her gag.Still very frightened,she heard Kim Yang respond.'Don't worry,Captain.It's all taken care off.'
Liu then put the gun again under Sarah's chin,lifting her face.Her eyes were huge.
'Don't worry,my dear.'Liu gloated.'In time,I'll make sure you appreciate me.'
He enjoyed saying that.Liu had said that many times to all the women they'd abducted.Now with this English beauty firmly in his clutches,Liu couldn't wait to take advantage over her.He then took away his weapon from under Sarah's chin.The gagged girl closed her eyes in relief,as he did so.
'I'm going to check on the sentries.'Liu glanced up at Kim Yang.'The buyers have arrived,and they're waiting for you in the hall.'He gave Sarah another sinister smile.'I'll be back later for you,Sarah.I can't wait to taste you.Part of the perks of the job,my dear,to sample the merchandise.'
He and Kim Yang were amused to see Sarah's eyes blaze back at them.However,the defiance was only brief,as she whimpered,feeling Kim Yang's hands still playing with her hair.Sarah just had to freeze,knowing the woman would hurt her,if Kim Yang felt the need too.
Fortunately,Liu made one more sneering remark.'Don't go away though.'He then left himself.
Sarah was glad to see him go.She then made another futile effort to free herself,but again,it was hopeless.Kim Yang just shook her head again,as she knelt down again behind Sarah,raising an eyebrow in vague amusement.
'I told you,Sarah.'She whispered again into the girl's ear.'Not one girl I've tied up has escaped.Working with sailors does have its advantages,which I'm sure you already know.'
Sarah grimly had to agree.Her fingers just clawed uselessly at the tight ropes locking her hands behind her.She found it impossible to reach the knots,and Sarah slumped her shoulders in utter defeat again.Kim Yang relished that.She was a perfectionist,when it came to tying knots.Seeing Sarah surrender,made it all worthwhile.
She then glanced at her watch,deciding to freshen up,and then,meet the buyers.After having a refreshing shower,and changing into a beautiful silk robe,Kim Yang gave Sarah a kiss on the top of her head.
'Well,time for me to meet my latest clients,Sarah.'Kim Yang chuckled.'But don't worry,I will be back.I'm pretty sure they'll want to see you.I would hate to sell you,my dear,but who knows?'She grinned down again at Sarah's gagged mouth.'If the price is right,I may just let you go.'
Sarah was full of dread hearing this.Being dragged up to a bunch of slave owners to be sold into God knows where,only made her think more frantically for John to get here more sooner,rather than later.
'You just stay there,Sarah.'Kim Yang kissed her prisoner on the neck,making Sarah wince.'I won't be too long.'
Much to Sarah's relief,Kim Yang left her bedroom.However,she was still aware of the silent guard,calmly observing her,awaiting further orders.If necessary,to kill.
Kim Yang walked gracefully into the hall where her guests were waiting.There was quite a number of them.Some came from Asia,a lot of them were from the Middle East,but Kim Yang knew this was the largest gathering for her latest auction yet.She was delighted.This promised to be a most profitable evening.
All the buyers had been given a drink of their choice,and now watched her entrance.There had been a buzz of conversation as she approached the hall,but as soon as she entered,a silence descended.Kim Yang appreciated it.It was a mark of respect,and fear.There were indeed,plenty of people here,and she saw Liu checking out everybody.With a few exceptions,strangers really stood out here.Every auction Kim Yang held was carefully arranged,and there was strict security.Despite a few recent scares,every auction had gone very well.They all enjoyed them(bar the girls being sold)and everybody got what they wanted.Future business dealings with new slavery rings were established,and there was a healthy,profitable exchange between them all.
Of course,there were exceptions.Some buyers hadn't been too pleased,when they'd been outbidded.It had led to some highly unpleasant confrontations,but Kim Yang was an expert in dealing with trouble.Her own security staff were more than competent,to deal with any aggression.She too,had entered the fray on odd occasions,dealing with any troublemakers.
At the moment though,everything was going well.The buyers greeted her entrance,and she nodded politely back to them all.She moved to a raised platform,so she could address them all.
'Welcome,my friends.'Kim Yang raised her arms in greeting.She felt a good mood,and why not? After all,these people were going to make her richer than she ever dreamed off.
'I'm so happy you have all accepted my invitation for another show.'She then went on,smiling.'I can promise you,ladies and gentlemen,our latest collection of girls we have on offer for you all,are quite simply,the best we've ever had.'
Kim Yang was pleased to see many smiles in front of her.She could see they were all looking forward to it,so she decided to make it even more sweeter.
'In fact,I have a couple of extra treats,my friends.'She smiled pleasantly,knowing they would just love this.It was after all,a very rare treat that she could offer them this.'Tonight,we have three very gorgeous English girls up for sale.'
As expected,she saw this had an instant effect on her audience.The buyers expressions became more keen,knowing Western women were a rare,and highly valued prize at slave auctions.When there was one,the bidding was guaranteed to go through the roof.
'Believe me,my friends.'Kim Yang went on,pleased to see her audience spellbound.'Every girl we have here,is worth seeing.I can promise you that.Now,if you will excuse me.I'll go and get your first offer.'
She then gestured at two of her men to follow her.The men were armed on her instructions.Clearly,Kim Yang wanted to make it as hard as possible for Jennings,when he finally got here.She passed more of her armed men,heading down into the basement,and she was pleased to see all of her pretty merchandise stare fearfully back at her.All the girls they'd seized,were here.Every one of them was still tightly bound and gagged.Some were tied to strong wooden supports,that rose from the floor into the ceiling.A couple of the girls were bound back to back,whilst there was more than a few lying down,helpless on the floor.
'Well then,ladies.'Kim Yang beamed.'The big day's here,and you're all about to go on a free trip,wherever your new owners take you.'
There was a lot of muffled screams in protest,but Kim Yang rubbed her hands together in relish.'So then,who's going to be first?'She began to walk amongst them all,enjoying their frightened faces,as she thought to make her choice.
'I think it should be-'She paused,before her finger suddenly pointed at Kieko's bound,gagged form.'You.'
The Japanese girl jumped in shock,as she desperately tried to get rid of her gag.Her eyes were panicky,as Kim Yang gestured for her men to take her.As one of the men dutifully lifted her over his shoulder.Kim Yang noticed her look,and she raised the girl's chin with her finger,clearing away the gorgeous Japanese girl's hair,covering her face.
'Don't worry,my dear.'She smiled in relish at Kieko.'Your boyfriend is on his way,right now in fact.'
This made all the other bound and gagged girls eyes light up.Kim Yang noticed Kelly,Su,Louise,and the two Chinese journalists,Michelle and Jane have hope in them.However,she merely smirked at them all.They're going to be disappointed.She thought confidently.He may have survived a sinking,but he won't survive my knife.
'That's right,ladies.'Kim Yang informed them all.'Your hero shouldn't be too long in coming.That is,if he's any good.'
She then curtly ordered the man carrying Kieko,to take her up to the hall,where the buyers were waiting.Kieko's faint cries receding,as she was taken away.Then,she spotted Kelly,and Louise.Both girls were sitting with their backs to the basement wall.She enjoyed seeing these two beauties bound and gagged,in their Royal Navy uniforms.She would relish putting Kelly and Louise up for sale.
Kim Yang then knelt down by Kelly,smirking.Jennings' sister flinched her head away from the woman in fearsome contempt.She mumbled in protest,as the Chinese woman stroked one of her bound legs.
'You'll be next,Kelly.I'm not going to make it easy for your brother to rescue you.Let's see how good he really is,shall we,my dear?'
Kelly's blood ran ice cold.Her thoughts were just like her sister's before,hoping John would beat this mad woman,before she was hauled up to be sold.It was the only thing keeping her going,as she still had to endure being a bound,gagged hostage.But Kelly knew hers,and everybody else here,tied up with her,that their time was running out.
Kim Yang smiled,giving Kelly an unwanted kiss on her cheek,as she then stood up,sharply gesturing at the man carrying Kieko.Her voice was totally inhuman.
'Bring her.'
With that,the trio disappeared with their prize,increasing all the girls despair,knowing it would soon be their turn.
Had Kim Yang known of Jennings' present whereabouts,she would have been seriously impressed,and alarmed.He was actually approaching from the rooftops.He was now dressed in black,concealing his stealthy approach to Kim Yang's house.He had the rooftop of it in sight,as well as the sniper rifle in his hands.He had the rest of his gear on his back,the AK-47,his handgun,and his trusted knife.
However,as he neared the rooftop of the target house,he could see two men patrolling there,obviously on sentry duty.Jennings raised the sniper rifle,and peered through the telescopic sight,observing their movements.It didn't take him long to realise he'd have to kill them.There was no way he could get over there,and stun them.They appeared highly alert,and sharp.Grimly,he screwed a silencer onto the sniper rifle,and aimed.He waited until they both had their backs to each other,then he fired.He only fired two shots,striking each man in the back of their heads.Both shots were fatal.
Grimly,Jennings hurried over,and seeing he could jump onto the roof from where he was,did so.He hid the bodies of the two men,and after completing that grisly task,found the single door,that would lead him into the house.Jennings found it unlocked,and silently moved in.
Chapter 26 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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