Captain Williams had now been informed that all the passengers from the 'Eastern Princess' were now being taken care off.Even though,there were no injuries reported amongst them,Williams couldn't stop thinking about that man who'd gone down with the ship.It would be a miracle,if he survived that.
This actually got him thinking.Williams then turned to one of his bridge crew.
'Get me that passenger list from that ship.I want to find out something.'
The man nodded,saluted,and promptly left to carry this out.
With that done,Williams then raised his binoculars,scanning the area,where the 'Eastern Princess' had sunk.The small Thai fishing boats were still there,circling around the strewn floating wreckage,but Williams didn't see anything new happening.He must have had it.Williams thought grimly,thinking back,as he saw that man go down with the ship.That was what Williams needed to find out,who that man was.
Also watching the fishing boats,was Major Karen Williams.She was no relation to the Captain,only a namesake,but like everybody on the bridge,Karen had watched the final moments of the 'Eastern Princess',and had clearly saw Jennings disappear with the ship.She kept her eyes open on that area,hoping to see her man come up to the surface.She was just about to reluctantly concede that he'd gone,when she saw Jennings being pulled out of the water,by one of the Thai boats.Her relief was overwhelming.
Thank God John's okay.Karen thought that,although as she peered through her own pair of binoculars,Jennings didn't look okay.His legs flopped,as one of the Thai fishermen put his arms under Jennings' shoulders,and took him inside the boat.Karen's expression became more worried.She made it her next mission,to follow that boat,and find out where her friend was being taken.
Still bound and gagged inside the crate,Sarah lay still on the bottom.The drug was still keeping her body paralysed,and she could only just move her head.Peering out of the crate,Sarah saw the heavy bustling activity outside,and her hopes of attracting attention were totally zero.Her kidnappers had made certain of that.Sarah's tape gag was driving her insane,as it remained firm over her mouth,increasing her despair.There was no escape.She thought glumly.
Sarah felt her crate being lifted from what was obviously a crane,and being put onto a forklift truck.There were also two large trucks close by,and Sarah could see the other crates that held another bound,gagged woman like herself,being put onto them.She whimpered fearfully,as her turn came.There were plenty of Kim Yang's loyal men assisting,as they dragged her crate off the forklift,and moved it to the back of the truck,then carried on doing the same with the others.
Watching the operation closely,Kim Yang was pleased.So far,there were no problems,as no police suddenly appeared.Even so,she'd warned her men to keep a sharp lookout.If necessary,she was prepared to shoot her way out of the docks.Fortunately,there was no need.All the crates had been successfully loaded,and she could now get them to her auction house.She then saw her own vehicle pull up beside the trucks.It was an impressive,black limousine.The driver exited his side,and opened one of the passenger doors for her.She entered gracefully,still seeing she was receiving a lot of attention,from the dock workers.Kim Yang quietly smiled to herself,but made no comment.As soon as she was in the car,the driver respectfully shut the door behind her,then got back in the drivers seat himself,and drove away.The two trucks followed close behind.
As they drove away however,the Thai police were there,and had watched their every move.In particular,was Detective Panna.He was well hidden,watching the Chinese woman direct her orders at her men,lifting their 'cargo' onto the waiting trucks.Panna's face hardened as they drove away.He was determined to stop them,but realised this wasn't the right time.Just like all his other colleagues in the police,Panna knew about the slavery rings.They were a constant problem,and extremely difficult to trace,and stop.The people who ran them,were no mugs,as they either had plenty of places to hide,or they even had the political power to stop them looking.
Panna certainly knew Kim Yang had that last option.She had tremendous influence all over Asia.China,Thailand,Japan,her power had gained her plenty of allies.This fact especially,stopped them a lot.Panna and his people had been threatened many times by some very unpleasant people.They made threats against their families,and worryingly,death threats.It wasn't going to stop Panna of course.He and a lot of his police colleagues refused to be intimidated,and carried on regardless,but Panna did know a lot of his people had been scared off,by Kim Yang's thugs.
Still,Panna had vowed always to get people like this.It was part of his sworn duty,to protect innocent people.He never gave up on any case he was assigned to,and this one had extra reason.One of his daughters was involved in the same case.He knew she'd gone out undercover on the 'Eastern Princess.'A cruise liner he'd been briefed about,that was known to be used for smuggling kidnapped girls all over it's sea route,from Tokyo to Bangkok.The latest intelligence indicated though,that the cruise liner had been sunk.Unconfirmed reports suggested a bomb.Panna was extremely worried for his daughter,and sincerely hoped she was okay.He'd sent a message out,asking exactly that.There was good news,as ships were out there,picking up the survivors.He kept on praying Su was amongst them.
He grabbed his radio,and made contact with the other concealed policemen.
'Follow them.'Panna briskly ordered.'Don't lose sight of them,but make sure they don't spot you.Remember,change over at regular intervals.'
His order was confirmed.Panna knew Kim Yang was very smart,and she'd be keeping a careful eye out,but so would he.This way,there would be more of his people taking over from the first group following their quarry.There were also lookouts well hidden,and posted around Kim Yang's impressive,but notorious house.Many times they'd seen her and her people bring their female victims into the house,but were frustrated,as they were refused so many times to go in to help the girls.
This time,it's different.Panna thought determinedly.He remembered from his briefing,that there was an Englishman who was travelling on the 'Eastern Princess.'Su had actually spoken to him about it.The European man was a soldier,sent in to help locate the missing girls.She'd spoken well about him,and Panna had to admit he was keen to meet him.He knew Su was very careful in choosing which men to trust,and if she liked this Englishman,he knew she'd made a good choice.
Just then,he received a phone call on his mobile.Panna's face was grim,as he listened to what he was being told.It was one of his people,informing him of the latest.
'We've sent a message out to a British passenger liner,the 'Royal Empress.'They're actually picking up everybody from the 'Eastern Princess.'It does look like only one fatality suffered.'
'Do you know who?'Panna's heart was in his mouth,as he asked that.
'A male.'That answer strangely relieved him,although the following did not.'An Englishman.Evidently,he rescued a female passenger,whilst the ship was going down.'
'Find out what you can.'Panna told him,wondering if it was this man who had saved his daughter.The answer came almost immediately.
'Wait,Sir.'The man then paused on the line for a few moments.Panna heard him speaking to somebody else,then he came back.'The Englishman has survived,Sir.A fishing boat picked him up.They're bringing him here.Evidently,he's in a bad way.'
'You have the boat's identity?'
Panna listened to the information he needed,then ordered an ambulance to come to the docks,with strong protection.There was no doubt in his mind,that Kim Yang's spies were still present.They would of course,probably see this Englishman being taken away,but Panna was going to make sure nobody would get anywhere near him.He then ended the call,and waited for this fishing boat to arrive.Actually,just as he glanced in the direction of the harbour entrance,he did see a fishing boat come in.A quick glance at the boat's details confirmed this was the right boat.Quickly,Panna hurried out,and watched where they were going to be moored up.When they did,Panna took out his police badge,and the crew stood back,allowing him to jump aboard.He headed straight into the interior,and saw the Englishman.He looked dead,although Panna examined him,and could see he was still alive.
'What happened to him?'Panna asked the Captain of the boat.
'You wouldn't believe it.'The Captain answered.'The ship was sinking,with him and a girl trapped near the stern.The girl nearly fell over,but he grabbed her.Just managed to get her back,and a helicopter came over.She got on the ladder,but he went down with the ship.'The Captain shook his head,somewhat disbelievingly.'We all thought he was gone,but he came back up.He's swallowed a lot of seawater though.That's got to be seen to.'
'I agree.'Panna nodded,and then heard the sounds of the ambulance entering the docks.'Let's get him on there.'
The Captain beckoned his crew to carry the unconscious Jennings out,as the ambulance pulled up beside his boat.The ambulance crew opened the back doors,and relieved the crew of carrying Jennings,and put him in.Panna made sure he thanked every member of the crew for saving the Englishman,then got in the back with him.He sat down by Jennings' prone form,and took out his radio,issuing further instructions.
'Get in touch with the British Embassy.'Panna looked at the European man.'Tell them to send somebody out at..'He paused,not knowing which hospital they were going to,so asked the ambulance crew.They told him.Panna followed suit to his call,then ended it.He just sat in the back,knowing all he could do now was wait,and hope.
The ambulance drove quickly away,and reached the hospital in record time.Panna helped the two para-medics get their casualty out of the vehicle,and hurried in.As Panna opened the entrance doors,he noticed a young,very pretty,dark haired European girl.She wore a worried expression,as her eyes found the Englishman being taken in.Panna instantly knew she was from the British Embassy.
He walked up to her,and bowed politely,clasping his hands together in the usual Thai greeting.
'Good evening.'Panna spoke excellent English.'I'm Detective Panna,Bangkok police.You are from the British Embassy?'
'Yes.'The girl smiled politely back at him.'My name's Louise.Louise Mitchell.'She returned his greeting,and then offered her hand,which Panna accepted.However,he could still see the anxious look she held on her face,as Jennings was wheeled in on the stretcher.
'What happened to John?'Louise asked him.'Is he going to be alright?'
'You know him,Miss Mitchell?'Panna was a little surprised.
'Yes.'She confirmed.'I'm actually great mates with his two sisters,Sarah,and Kelly.Kelly's disappeared,but she left me a note,saying John and Sarah were in trouble.'Louise paused,before she asked him worriedly.'What did she mean,Mr Panna?'
'I'm afraid I don't really know any more than you do,Miss Mitchell.'Panna conceded.'What I do know is that your friend here,was sent in to locate a missing,young undercover Chinese policewoman on the cruise liner,'Eastern Princess.'That ship has now sunk,by a bomb I believe.My own daughter was on that ship too,assisting your friend.'This time,Panna paused.'I haven't heard from her yet.'
'I'm sorry.'Louise really felt for him.'I hope she's okay.If she worked with John,she will be.'
'Thank you.'Panna then gestured for her to accompany him.'Let's attend to your friend.'
They both made their way deeper into the hospital,hunting out where they had taken Jennings.They found him quite quickly.He had been put into a single room,and a drip stood beside his bed.There was a pretty Thai nurse,attaching the drip tube to his arm,and making sure he was receiving the fluid.It was then,they all noticed their patient begin to stir.
Slowly,Jennings opened his eyes.His vision was blurred,and he felt terrible.All his inner body felt so weak.Jennings could barely move,although he was vaguely aware of lying on a bed,and he could sense he was in hospital.This was confirmed,as he turned his head slowly,and noticed a blurred shape of a medical drip close to him.Then,he felt the drip tube in his arm.He slowly turned his head back,but then sensed he wasn't alone,as he heard voices in the room with him.He faced the sound,and noticed two people sitting by his bed.A man he recognised as Thai,whilst the second was a young woman.Jennings could see she was another Royal Navy officer,although he didn't recognise her.The woman was strikingly beautiful.Shoulder length brunette hair,warm green eyes,although her current expression was one of concern,as she gazed down at him.The Thai's expression was mostly curious.
He then could understand what was being said to him.
'How are you feeling?'The girl was asking him.
Jennings however,still couldn't respond.He then fell back into oblivion.Both Panna and Louise appeared more worried.Thai and the girl noticed,and appeared more worried.This made Louise produce a bag she had brought along,and after rummaging inside it,plucked out a syringe,followed by a small bottle of clear looking liquid.
'What is that?'Panna was curious.
'This is going to help him.'She answered,then selecting an area of Jennings' arm,cleaned it,and then skillfully administered the injection into him.After doing so,she checked his pulse again for several minutes,and it was still weak,but she was still hopeful.
'We just have to wait and hope he'll respond to that.'Louise then pulled up a seat,and then held Jennings' hand.Panna could see she felt a great deal for him.He was just about to pull up his own seat,when his mobile rang.He answered,and listened for a few moments,then ended the call.
'Will you excuse me please,Miss Mitchell?'Panna had just been told of the British cruise liner,the 'Royal Empress' now entering Bangkok docks.He wanted to see if Su was there.'I'm hoping to see my daughter arrive.'
'Of course.'Louise understood.
Panna left quickly,and Louise felt Jennings' forehead.He's burning up.She thought grimly.Maybe I should give him another shot.She was just going to prepare the syringe again,when she noticed his eyes flicker back open again.
'John?'Louise leaned closer to him,full of concern.'Are you okay? Can you talk to me?'
Much to her delight,Jennings did.His eyes recognised her.
'Louise?'It was a weak response,but he had answered her.
'You're going to be okay,John.'Louise reassured him.'I've seen to that.'She pressed her hand gently on his forehead,and she was pleased to see him give her a faint smile.
'John,what happened to you?'Louise didn't really want to put him through this,but she needed to know.In fact,she knew already what had happened to Sarah and Kelly.It was Kelly that had told her,whilst she was helping her brother.She'd listened to Kelly's advice to him the whole way,but then,she was called away.When Louise had come back,Kelly was gone,although she'd seen signs of a struggle.An overturned chair,and there was also a smell,a sticky sweet smell.Louise had recognised it.It was chloroform.The bad guys had somehow found out where Kelly was transmitting from,and then grabbed her.Louise had a very strong hunch where they'd taken Kelly.
'Sarah,Kelly.'Jennings' voice was still weak,as he tried to answer her.'Kieko..grabbed..Su..somewhere here...'He closed his eyes again,but opened them after a moment.He stared right into Louise's eyes,finishing.'Kidnapped.'
'I know,John.'Louise admitted that to him.'I've been watching those people,and I know where they've taken them.'She still kept her hand on his forehead,and decided to give him another injection.This would help him recover,but he'd be out for a bit,once she did administer the drug.
As Louise prepared the second shot,she was taken aback slightly,as she watched Jennings rise up.He seemed to be recovering well,but Louise was determined to make certain it was complete.The second injection would see to that.
'What do you mean,Louise?'She clearly heard the strength in his voice.'You know something I don't,don't you?'
'Yes,John.'She nodded,confirming that.'I know where they put up the girls for sale.That Chinese woman,Kim Yang holds regular auctions there.I'm going to be watching them,and bring in the cavalry.'
'No,Louise.'Jennings' eyes were now pleading at her.'Don't go there.They'll be watching you,and you'll be taken.'He tried to rise more.'I'd better go with you.'However,Louise put her hand firmly down on his chest,and made him lie back.She could see he was now starting to go under.
Louise appreciated his warning,but felt confident she'd be okay.There was a hotel just opposite the target house,and she'd used it many times to watch what was going on in it.She had the syringe ready,and injected Jennings arm again.This had an immediate effect,as he slumped back onto the bed.
'Don't worry,John.'Louise told him.'I can look after myself.When it's all over,you can treat me to a drink.'She kissed him warmly on his cheek,and waited until he was well into a deep sleep.He'll be okay.Louise was confident in that thought.The drug she'd used on him,was always effective.Then,Louise reached into her bag again,and pulled out her laptop.This was where she'd stored all the information,from spying on Kim Yang's activities in Bangkok.It would prove very useful to the authorities.Louise had been shocked at the Chinese woman's cold,ruthless face.It made her more determined to get as much evidence as possible against Kim Yang.
After a moment's thought,Louise then put the laptop under his pillow.Once he woke up,all the intelligence she'd gathered,would be ready for him.It held enough detail to close down Kim Yang's slavery operation.She then wrote the address of Kim Yang's auction house,and placed that on the bedside table by his sleeping head.She gave his forehead another warm kiss,then promptly left.There was a mission to accomplish.
As Louise left the hospital however,she failed to notice that she was being watched,and followed.She hailed a taxi,and told the driver her destination.When she arrived at the hotel opposite Kim Yang's house,Louise headed straight into reception,to get her room key.The hotel wasn't luxurious,but it was comfortable.It's location suited Louise perfectly.The hotel was just off the main streets,and very few people walked by here.Louise was pleased at that,as it meant little or better yet,no distractions,whilst she watched Kim Yang's base of operations.More precisely,her auction house.
As Louise got her key from reception,and walked up to her room,she was well aware of the many leering looks she was receiving.There were many men in the hotel lobby watching her,and really enjoying her appearance in her uniform,and also her feminine gait.Her footsteps added to that.Louise ignored her unwanted admirers.There were more important things to attend to.She hurried up to her room,still unaware she was being watched.
Two Thai men had been out of Louise's sight,as she entered.They watched her every move,and grinned with huge lust at the pretty English girl.One of them then nudged his accomplice,ordering.
'Better go and inform Miss Yang,that she'll be getting an unexpected bonus tonight.'
His accomplice smiled in complete agreement,and did as he was told.
Louise had made it unmolested,to her hotel room.She was relieved to see,that everything was normal.Nobody had tried to enter her room,and the traps she'd laid carefully,hadn't been activated.Quickly,she slid the key in,and entered the room.Locking the door behind her,Louise then pulled her stuff out,that she'd left under the bed.A small holdall bag,which contained a small handgun,a pair of specially built binoculars,and a digital camera.
Louise checked everything,and once satisfied,pulled up a chair to the only window in the room.The view however,gave her perfect access to observe Kim Yang's house.Settling down,Louise kept a sharp eye on it,and waited.
For the umpteenth time,Louise glanced at her watch.She'd been sitting here for ages,and nothing was happening.Even when she needed the bathroom,Louise left the digital camera recording the street outside,but there was nothing new to see.The street itself was deserted,but Louise had infinite patience.She was certain things would be happening soon.
Just as she was thinking that,Louise suddenly noticed a large black limo pull up.It parked right outside Kim Yang's house.Peering already through her raised binoculars,Louise tensed,as she watched several tough looking men exit the car.One of them opened the rear door,and sure enough,the familiar figure of Kim Yang climbed gracefully out.Louise had to admit,the Chinese woman was very beautiful,but one look at the woman's eyes told a different story.Louise only saw a cold,ruthless determined woman.Wouldn't want to fall into her hands.She thought grimly.Whilst spying on her,Louise had watched Kim Yang practice her martial arts,and had to admit the woman was highly skilled in unarmed combat.It would certainly take a highly skilled opponent in return,to defeat her.Louise had never seen the woman lose any of her practice fights.
Behind the limo,Louise also saw two large trucks pull up too.There were now more men coming out of the house,and they then opened the back of the two trucks.Some climbed into the back,and with grim satisfaction,Louise could see they were helping to unload several large crates.Has to be the girls,she thought.Louise had seen this done many times before.
Just to make sure,Louise pressed a switch on her binoculars,as it offered her an infra red option.With this advantage,Louise could see what was being hidden beyond any barrier.Sure enough,as she aimed her gaze at the crates,there was a thermal image of a female form,obviously still bound and gagged inside them.Excitedly,Louise reached for her mobile,and tried to contact her people at the British Embassy.However,there was no signal on her mobile,not even after several attempts.Louise frowned at this.What was going on?
She switched back to normal magnifying vision on the binoculars,and settled her sights on Kim Yang.The woman was being informed of something by one of her men,and a satisfied smirk was visible,as she watched the crates being taken inside her house.This sight made Louise grip the binoculars more harder.
'You bitch.'She muttered to herself,teeth clenched.'I know exactly what you are.You're going to pay for this.'
The Chinese woman then followed the last of the packing crates being taken into her house,and within moments,the street was deserted again.Louise made another attempt to call for back up from her people,but again,there was still no signal.Looks like you have to do it yourself,she thought,and quickly accepted it.
Louise then grabbed her sidearm,and quickly left the hotel.She didn't see anybody,as she walked out into the street,and quickly headed over to her target.Louise moved straight up to the door,and peered inside.Nobody was about,and that suited her perfectly.She tried the door,and much to her surprise,found it unlocked.Louise however,didn't waste a second,as she silently entered.
Her stealthy entrance did not go unnoticed however.The two Thai men,who'd observed her earlier in the hotel,grinned at each other.One of them produced his mobile,and after being answered by a familiar woman's voice,responded with relish.'The girl's just entered the house,Miss Yang.'
Inside,Louise made sure her footsteps were silent,although this was not always so.Not all the highly polished floors were carpeted,and her steps echoed.She accepted that however,as she discreetly checked into rooms.Every room she looked into,was filled with fabulous treasures.Statues,wall paintings were everywhere she looked.The place was worth a fortune.No doubt earned by devious means.Louise assumed correctly.
She began checking the walls for any hidden entrances,but still found nothing.For the first time,Louise suddenly felt nervous.Even though,she still couldn't see anybody,there were sounds of human voices close by.She headed in that direction,still trying to use her mobile.Again,without success.She then spotted a flight of stairs leading downwards.Louise quickly hurried over to them,still keeping her weapon ready.She peeked down the stairs,but nobody was coming up to challenge her.Taking a deep breath,Louise cautiously advanced down them.There was now another sound she heard,much more closer,and Louise could clearly hear that it was coming from a whimpering woman.There was something unusual about the whimpers,and it wasn't until Louise turned the corner,when she saw why.She stopped in shock.
Kelly was there,but she wasn't alone.Another tough looking man held her bound and gagged body close to her.A knife was held at Kelly's throat,making her eyes stare at Louise in terror.A sinister smile was on the man's face,and before Louise could react,another man suddenly stepped sharply into her view.This man also held a weapon,a shotgun of some kind,and he held it aimed straight at Louise,startling her.Unlike the first man's face,the second man wore an expression of utter menace,gazing hard at her.
Louise knew they had her.She didn't stand a chance of getting a shot off.They'd shoot her dead on the spot,and she wouldn't be able to help Kelly.Just then,Kim Yang strode into view.She was pleased at what she saw,and settled her gaze on Louise.
'Ah,good evening,Louise,my dear.'Kim Yang greeted her latest prisoner politely.'So nice of you to join us into my little trap.'She then raised a hand.'The gun,please.'
'How did you know my name?'Louise demanded,although she did surrender her weapon.What other choice did she have?
'We're not idiots,Louise.'Kim Yang answered.'I know a lot about you,especially your very close friendship with Kelly here,and of course,Sarah.'
'You can do what you want with me.'Louise tried to keep her voice defiant,but she couldn't hide her nervousness,which was detected by her captor.'Just let Kelly and Sarah go,and everybody else you've kidnapped.'
Kim Yang gave her a cunning,devious smile.
'Why,thank you,my dear.I will do what I want with you,and right now,I'm going to tie you up.'With lightning reflexes,Kim Yang seized Louise's arms,and held them behind her.The girl gasped in shock and fear,as she heard Kim Yang order the man holding Kelly.'Take Miss Jennings back down to the basement.Keep checking her ropes.She's not to escape.'
The first man nodded his obedience,and quickly lifted Kelly over his shoulder,and then disappeared with her.Then,Kim Yang grinned at her latest prize.
'Well,my pretty.Let's get going,but no tricks.'She tightened her grip on Louise's arms,making the girl wince as she was forced away.The second man followed close by.Kim Yang frog marched Louise into a storeroom.She could see plenty of rope was stored here.Then,she forced Louise down onto her knees.
'Don't move,my pretty.'She smirked,then ordered the man to get plenty of rope.The man did so.Louise gulped inwardly,trying to control her fear,as the man then started to tie her wrists together.He made sure they were both crossed,before he wound the rope around them,and he pulled every loop as tight as possible.Within a couple of minutes,Louise's hands were tightly tied behind her.Kim Yang had let go of the girl,knowing her man would make certain Louise would remain their captive.He was now winding loops of rope over,and under Louise's hugely impressive breasts.Just like he tied her hands,the man really pulled every loop tight.Louise felt the ropes crush into her,and she couldn't help but gasp in pain at this effect.
He still wasn't finished tying her up.There was an abundance of rope in the storeroom,and the man added more horizontal loops over her waist,thighs,knees,and finally tied her ankles together.Once he was satisfied the girl was secure,the man then forced Louise into a sitting position against the wall.Louise fearfully raised her knees,dreading if the man was going to rape her.However,the man stood back,as Kim Yang took something from her person.Louise could see it was a cloth of some kind,and she watched Kim Yang slowly balling it up.Her fears rose,as she guessed what that was for.
'You'll never get away with this,Kim Yang!'Louise just about managed a defiant outburst,but it had no effect on the Chinese woman.She merely raised an amused eyebrow down at her beautifully bound hostage.
'Oh,I assure you,my dear Louise.I will get away with it.'There was supreme confidence in Kim Yang's tone.'I fully intend to get away with you,and I can't wait to see what price you'll fetch for me,when I sell you.'
'You're sick!'Louise's eyes were now terror stricken,knowing full well the woman's threat.'You're all mmmmmmmmmmffffffff!'
Kim Yang had thrown the balled up cloth to her man,who then roughly forced the cloth into Louise's mouth,effectively gagging her.Kim Yang fully enjoyed the girl's mumbles,as he did so,then he took out another large strip of black cloth,and tied it over Louise's mouth.He really tied the gag tight at the back of her head,in a triple knot.Louise could now barely mumble,now helpless,bound,gagged,and totally in her kidnappers clutches.
'Wait outside.'Kim Yang then ordered her man.'I want to sample this beauty.'
The man nodded,and bowed respectfully to the Chinese woman,ignoring Louise's barely inaudible cry of alarm,hearing that,before he closed the door behind him.Kim Yang smirked with relish.
'Well then,my dear.'Kim Yang spoke,turning to Louise.'Let's see if you're an asset.I've been looking forward to this.'
Louise's screams of fear were effectively silenced,as Kim Yang bent forward with an evil smile,to savour her prize.
Standing guard outside,Kim Yang's man didn't move an inch.He heard what was going on inside the storeroom,and made no attempt to interfere.
After a considerable length of time,the door finally opened,and Kim Yang exited.Her face was filled with contented pleasure,whilst behind her,Louise still lay on the floor,bound and gagged,but her skirt and knickers had been forcibly removed,and the girl's face was crying,feeling abused and ashamed.It was quite evident what had happened,as Kim Yang took a moment to collect herself,before she moved back into the storeroom,gesturing for her man to follow.He did so,utterly loyal to her command.
'Take her and put her with the others.'Kim Yang instructed.She then knelt down,and lifted Louise's chin with her hand.'Don't worry,my dear.I'll make sure we both have a good time again,before I offer you to some of my more respectable clients.I really can't wait to see what price you'll go for.'She then kissed Louise's cheek,who cringed from her,but this only made Kim Yang laugh,as she stood back,to let her man obey her orders.
Louise could only keep giving faint,but really frightened mumbles behind her gag,as the man seized her,and again,putting her over his shoulder,took Louise into deeper into the lion's mouth.
Chapter 25 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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