As the huge explosion occurred,everybody on the bridge was thrown off balance.The bow of the 'Eastern Princess' came crashing back down onto the sea,and the bridge crew were thrown all over the nerve centre of the ship.
Liu was the first to recover his footing.He immediately ordered some of his men to reassure the passengers.His men did that,and Liu looked out from the bridge,down at the bow of his ship.There was no visible damage to be seen,but he knew it would be underwater.
'Stop engines.'he ordered,and then picked up a telephone linking him to the engine rooms,and once he got through there,immediately demanded a damage report.This was promised to him,and he impatiently waited for the response.
That swine yakuza.Liu's thoughts of Takachi was viscous.The fool did set off his bomb on his ship.Looking out again from the bridge,Liu could now see smoke rising from the starboard bow.That sight wasn't good news.
Finally,the chief engineer returned with his damage report.Again,it was bad news.
'It's bad,Captain,'the engineer told him,'I'm afraid she's had it.'
Stunned at this shocking news,Liu was speechless for a moment,before he recovered.
'What the hell are you talking about,Chief?'Liu snapped,still refusing to believe what he'd just been told.
'We're sinking,Captain,'the engineer kept his response respectful,'it's just a matter of time,before she goes.'
'There must be something you can do,'Liu wasn't going to give up that easily,'what about the emergency pumps,the watertight doors?'
'The pumps have been sabotaged,Captain,and the watertight doors won't make that much difference.'
Liu felt his fury overwhelming inside.Damn that Takachi! He'd sunk his ship.Liu would make him pay dearly for this,but right now,he still acted calmly.He had too.Liu always knew,that in the event of a catastrophe at sea,a good Captain would always remain calm,providing support and inspiration to his crew.
'You're certain she's finished,Chief?'Liu tried one more time,'You can't repair the pumps? There's nothing you can do?'
'I'm sorry,Sir,'the Chief Engineer was adamant,'she's going down.'
Liu took a deep breath,finally accepting what he'd just been told.Then,he asked,'How long?'
'About an hour,Captain,'the engineer had already done the grim calculations,'possibly another half hour after that,but not much more.'
Liu glanced at his watch,then thanked him,and replacing the phone,turned back to the waiting bridge crew.He then issued the order no Captain at sea would ever want to.
'Uncover the lifeboats.Get the passengers to their lifeboat stations,and prepare to abandon ship.'
His order was obeyed instantly,and Liu was wondering how they'd be able to call for help.Takachi had also sabotaged their communications.How could he send out an S.O.S?
Just then,his prayers were answered.One of the bridge crew was scanning through a pair of binoculars,and had seen something.
'Captain!'The crewman called out to him excitedly,'Ship sighted!'
Liu had his own pair of binoculars,and immediately looked over in the same direction.Yes! A ship was heading their way.Liu was pleased to see it was a large passenger ocean cruise liner.This was good news.Now they could all be saved.
With the crew morale lifted,Liu then gathered them round him,and gave strict instructions to help,and make sure every passenger safely left the ship by lifeboat.This would work well in his favour,when no doubt,the inquiry started to ascertain why he lost his ship.
'Remember,gentlemen.'he told them with a smile,'we have what we came for,and the girls are in no danger.However,let's make sure that we too,get off here to enjoy their pleasant company.'
He was pleased to see his men nod in agreement.They then saluted him,and left to carry out his orders.Liu raised his binoculars again,gazing at the approaching ship.She was signalling them,by morse lamp.Liu was highly skilled in reading the code,and saw that they were flashing.
'Understand you have bomb threat,'Liu read it out aloud,and slowly,'standing by to assist you.'
He was puzzled at first.How did they know about the bomb?Then he remembered.It was one of Jennings' sisters,who'd Kim Yang had just grabbed.She must have relayed the call just before she'd been taken.
Well no matter.He thought to himself,and despite the current situation,grinned in pleasure.He'd make sure he thanked this girl personally,once he was back in Bangkok.
Liu then turned his attention to his radio man,standing by their own light,ready to signal back.
'Send this over to her.'Glad you are here.Bomb explosion.Sinking.Request all available help''
The crewman skillfully flashed out the message,and there was an instant response for them.The still approaching ship sent back to them,'Understood.Standing by.Any casualties?'
Liu wasn't sure how to respond to that.There was always the chance that the girl,and her brother had perished in the explosion.He somehow doubted it,having seen Jennings easily brush aside any challenge they'd set for him.Even so,he decided to send back this message over,'Not known.Investigating.'
Of course,Liu was still hoping that if Jennings and Takachi were still down there,they would have been killed in the explosion.It was a pity about the English girl,Liu admitted,he'd have loved to have grabbed her,and brought her up to Kim Yang's boat.Actually,this thought made him ask one of his crew,'Where's Miss Yang?'
'She transferred over to her own boat,five minutes before the explosion,Sir.'The crewman responded promptly.
Liu just nodded.Kim Yang had obviously wanted to get of the 'Eastern Princess' quickly.No doubt she was waiting for him,Liu concluded.He continued his role as Captain,making sure the evacuation of his ship was proceeding without any problems.Liu took a check at both starboard and port boat decks,and was pleased to see everything was going smoothly.He was grateful for a calm sea too.Liu would have hated launching lifeboats in a stormy sea.
He then remembered Yee hadn't been in touch recently,and got on his radio to him.Despite his numerous attempts to raise his friend,there was no response.Liu slowly lowered the radio,and wondered what was going on down there.
At the present moment,the sea was still flooding in at a furious speed.Sarah,still bound and gagged,now found her position changed somewhat.She was still trussed up to the support pillar,but now,the weight of the water in the room,had now made walking normally impossible.Everything was now at an angle,going downwards.Sarah's eyes were still huge.Her body was tied tight to the support pillar,and this was preventing her from falling into the rapidly rising sea,but she was stuck here.It was only a matter of time,before the water would reach her,and there wasn't a chance she could free herself from the ropes.She'd drown.
Sarah was gazing frantically all over for her brother,but there wasn't a sign of him.She'd seen his body roll away,just after he'd slammed into the wall.Sarah was still frantically struggling against the many ropes that held her in place,and she noticed with growing alarm,that the rising sea was creeping closer to her.
Sarah's gaze was desperate,as she kept up the struggle.Still tightly gagged too,her attempts to call for him,were considerably muted,only soft,tiny mumbling was the feeble result.Suddenly,Sarah watched in horror,as the menacing figure of Takachi came into view,now slowly advancing on her.Sarah screamed ineffectively into her gag,as this monster got closer to her.Her eyes were literally pleading for John to reappear,and deal with Takachi,but there was still no sign of her brother.
As Sarah watched the yakuza man get more closer to her,she could see his face had been battered,and was now bloody,due to Jennings' hard blows.It practically made him look inhuman,as he continued his slow,deliberate advance on the tightly bound girl.Takachi was in a lot of pain,but he held a nasty smile on his face,fully enjoying Sarah's terror stricken eyes.
'Well,then,my pretty.'Takachi sneered at her,his voice didn't sound human either,'it looks like your brother didn't save you after all.Did he,my dear?'
Sarah was unable to reply,and she vainly tried to back away from him.Of course,this was impossible.Sarah was stuck in her enforced position.Her efforts to back away from Takachi,merely amused him.He knew she wasn't going anywhere,having tied her up himself.
'Now,you're all mine,Miss Jennings.'Takachi then produced a knife,which made Sarah squeal into her gag again.He chuckled at the girl's distress.He was going to cut her loose from the support pillar,and take her to the helicopter,then he'd have two beauties to enjoy.One Western,one Oriental,and he couldn't wait to ravish them both.
He was just about to seize Sarah's chin,when suddenly,Takachi felt his shoulder savagely pulled back.He was sent flying away,as Jennings had now reappeared.His own expression was furious,knowing this thug had deliberately,and callously,set off a bomb,endangering hundreds of innocent lives.Now,he was going to make him pay.
Takachi had recovered,and snarling,launched himself at Jennings,who eagerly met the challenge.Both men fought furiously,and with the angle of the engine room now more steeper,it was quite difficult for them to keep their balance.However,Jennings managed to maintain his footing,as he easily blocked Takachi's moves,and again,rained in more hard blows.
Suddenly,the whole room seemed to tilt even more downwards,sending both men sliding down,towards the still rising sea.Jennings heard his sister squeal his name behind her gag,as he desperately tried to stop his own fall.He did so,just managing to grab a hold on a stairway's railings,although he hadn't got a foothold.
Takachi too,had somehow stopped himself,but just like Jennings,his own tenure,wasn't so secure.His legs dangled over a sheer drop,and he was just about hanging on.Jennings' legs too,were swinging wildly over the flooding room.He then heard his sister cry for him,as Sarah was fearing the worst.This hardened his resolve to help her.
Get up there,you idiot!Jennings angrily told himself.Sarah needs you!
He swung his legs up towards the railings,and after a couple of attempts,managed to get a foothold on them.Then,Jennings pulled himself up,and headed towards Sarah to free her.Behind him,Takachi watched his hated enemy somehow get himself into a better position,and he was going to help the girl.However,Takachi had also managed to improve his own position.He'd managed to get his upper body over,and reached inside to pull out his knife,ready to throw it at Jennings' back.
Sarah noticed what Takachi was going to do,his sneering face fully visible to her,and she tried to yell out a warning to her brother.The tape gag was still effective though,but Jennings understood Sarah's frantic eyes,as she was gesturing with them to look behind him.He did so,seeing the yakuza man just about to throw a knife at him.However,Jennings quickly pulled out his own knife,and just beat Takachi with his own throw.The knife struck Takachi's shoulder,forcing him to abandon his own throw.Then,the room tilted more downwards,with the weight of the flooding water increasing.This proved fatal for Takachi,as he lost his grip.Screaming,he plummeted into the water.Jennings never saw his body come back up.He was too busy freeing Sarah.Gently,he removed the tape covering her mouth,and Sarah was finally able to speak,after being gagged for so long.
'John!'Sarah felt eternally grateful to him for coming for her.'I never gave up on you.'
'Are you okay,Sarah?'Jennings asked her concernedly.He'd pulled out another sharp knife,and was skillfully cutting the ropes away from her.There was no way he could have untied her by hand.
'Yes.'Sarah nodded,as she felt the ropes leave her body.Instantly,she fell into her brother's willing arms.She'd been tied up for so long,that Sarah was unable to move.Jennings however,understood,as he easily picked her up.He looked down to check at the water's progress,and could see the water was nearly on them.
'Let's get out of here.'He told Sarah,hurriedly exiting the engine room.He felt Sarah's arms wrap around him in complete trust,and he was determined to get her to safety.He managed to shut the watertight door leading into the engine room,and hurried up to the upper decks.However,progress was slow.The corridors of the 'Eastern Princess' were now also at a steep angle,and there was wreckage everywhere,making them dangerous obstacle courses.Jennings always got Sarah over them,and he tried to shut every watertight door he could to delay the water's advance.Anything to give them that extra priceless time.
Finally,Jennings realised that he hadn't been able to close every watertight door,and now knew speed was the key for Sarah's survival.He felt his sister cling to him more,as he neared the upper decks....
Safely on board her luxury boat,Kim Yang and Liu watched the slow demise of the 'Eastern Princess.'Both were scanning the ship through their binoculars.The bow of the ship was now completely under the surface,and the massive twin propellors were now seen above the water.The evacuation of all the passengers had gone efficiently,and smoothly.None had been injured,and Liu had ordered the crew manning the passengers lifeboats to head over to the waiting liner,where they'd be all picked up.Liu however,had decided to head over to Kim Yang's vessel.He didn't want to face the inquiry,asking why there'd been a bomb on board his ship.
Kim Yang was still watching the ship slowly sinking.She sensed this wasn't the end of the drama.Of course,she was still hoping to see Sarah had survived,and was scanning the decks,hoping to see her there.Of course,there was always the chance the girl could have made it onto one of the lifeboats,but none of the crew had reported her on any of them.She must still be on board.Kim Yang assumed.
Liu too,was also checking the 'Eastern Princess' decks.He'd never heard from his first officer,and was now seriously concerned for his friend.He turned to Kim Yang.
'No sign of Yee?'He asked her.
The Chinese woman shook her head,disappointing him,'Nothing.'was her simple reply.She was still intently watching the 'Eastern Princess' slip more and more under the sea,before she asked a question of her own,'How long before she goes?'
Liu glanced at his watch,and at his ship.It was still tearing his heart out,watching his vessel being destroyed,by an act of sabotage.This incensed him,and not only that,but he'd have to face that inquiry sooner or later.That may prove complicated.Liu thought.He certainly wasn't looking forward to try and explain the loss of his ship.Ultimately,he was the Captain,and responsible for the safety of his ship.Liu knew the safe rescue of all his passengers,would go in his favour,but there would be more harder questions to answer.
'I don't think she'll last much longer.'Liu had answered Kim Yang's question immediately.'It's been well over an hour.'
He then heard her order one of her own crew,'Get the helicopter airborne,and secure a rope ladder.Find somebody to help the pilot,in case he needs it.'
Her order was swiftly obeyed,and within five minutes,the helicopter had lifted off from her boat,and immediately flew over to the stricken ship.
Just at that precise moment,Jennings finally made it with Sarah,to the boat deck.Still holding Sarah in his arms,he violently kicked open a blocked door,barring his way.It had been a tough struggle to make it here,but he'd done it.However,both brother and sister could see that all the lifeboats had gone.Jennings could see all of them scattered around another passenger liner.This was obviously the ship Kelly had requested to help them.He was proud of Kelly,knowing his youngest sister had saved all these peoples lives.He swore to rescue her,from King Yang's clutches.
However,Jennings clearly saw that they'd just about ran out of time.Judging from the ship's angle,he knew there was perhaps only minutes to spare.It was just then,that he and Sarah noticed a helicopter flying towards them.A rope ladder was dropped from it,and then the helicopter headed towards the stern,hovering over it.Jennings knew he and Sarah would have to go for it.
Just then,Sarah spoke to him.'John.I think I can walk.Put me down.'
He did so,but she still kept a tight hold of his hand.Both of them slowly made their way up towards the slowly rising stern,grimly holding onto the ship's railings to keep their balance.Sarah led the way,and had now reached the stern.The rope ladder was within her reach,and she was reaching out to grab it,when suddenly,the stern lifted more sharply,forcing Sarah off balance.Momentarily,Sarah lost her grip on her brother's hand,as she fell screaming,over the ship's stern.Fortunately,the railings had slowed her fall,giving Jennings that extra priceless second to instantly dive after her.He managed to get his grip back on Sarah's hand,but now noticed his sister was dangling precariously over a sheer drop.If he lost his hold on her...
He angrily got that thought out of his head,and heard Sarah scream her head off at him.
'John!Help me,please!'
He was going to tell her to put her feet on the ship's hull,but could see Sarah's body was just out of reach to do that.Grimly,he knew he would have to get her back on board,using his strength.Digging his foot into one of the railings,he then leaned over,and managed to get one of his arms around Sarah's back,and under her shoulders.Then,clenching his teeth,he began to lift her back up.Sarah was still screaming her head off as he got her closer to him.She glanced back down,and knew she'd made a big mistake in doing so.Her screams increased,and her eyes were frantic,pleading at her brother.
Jennings however,was determined to save her.He kept on lifting her,although he felt his foot slipping from the railings.Fortunately,it held just long enough,as Jennings,still with teeth clenched,fianlly managed to get his sister back on board.
Sarah instantly clung to him in overwhelming relief,crying.
'John,I'm scared!'
Jennings quietly comforted her,whispering soothing words into her ear,although inwardly,he was just as scared as she was.They were unable to stand up straight,and the angle of the ship was now more steeper.The railings were the only barrier that prevented both of them from falling.Jennings kept on comforting Sarah,gently kissing her forehead,and squeezing her hand.He always did this as a huge affectionate gesture,for his sisters.
'Ssh.'He whispered into her ear,still comforting her.'You'll make it,Sarah.I promise.' He then led his trembling sister back up to the ladder,and he grabbed it,bringing it close to him.He felt Sarah's grip on him tighten.
'I'm not going without you,John.'There was a lot more strength returning in Sarah's voice,even though she was still crying,but she fully meant what she said.Her brother smiled gently in return.
'I'll be there with you,Sarah.'Jennings promised her.'Remember though,it's ladies first.'
He helped her to step on the ladder,and told her,'Keep a good foothold,and whatever you do,don't let go of the ladder,Sarah.'
Sarah nodded,but she then gestured urgently for him to join her.'Come on,John!Hurry!'
Jennings was just about to join her,when they both heard an ominous roar,coming deep from within the sinking 'Eastern Princess.'The stern lifted again,much higher this time,forcing Jennings and Sarah away from each other.
'John!'Sarah screamed in horror,watching the awesome,but frightening sight unfolding in front of her.Being forced away from the rope ladder,Jennings had nearly lost his own grip.It was now his turn to dangle helplessly over a sheer drop.Glancing back down,his eyes widened as he realised the 'Eastern Princess' was now making it's slow,but final plunge into the icy depths.
'Oh my God.'Jennings realised he was trapped here.All he could do was just hold onto the railings.If he fell from this height,he'd surely be killed,or at best,suffer a serious injury.He thought about jumping,when the stern reached the surface,but he knew the suction effect would just pull him under.Glancing back up at what he thought would be his last look on earth,he noticed Sarah still clinging to the ladder,but then,saw something was wrong.Sarah should have been lifted well clear of the sinking ship.Instead,she was following him down,her face paralysed in fear.
What the hell? Jennings thought.He was baffled for a moment,trying to understand why this was so.Then,he saw why.The rope ladder had become entangled in the ship's railings!If he didn't do something quickly,the ladder would break free from the helicopter,and Sarah would plummet to her death from that height.
However,Jennings was determined not to let this happen.He was close to where the ladder was entangled,and he swung an arm over,trying to unfree the jam.His fingers touched the ladder,but maddeningly,he swung back.Jennings tried again.Still nothing,and a third attempt proved fruitless.
Come on,come on,damn you! Jennings cursed himself.As his arm swung back from the third attempt,he felt it strike the sheathed knife on his side.Quickly,he pulled it out,and swinging back,made desperate,but successful strikes against the jam,freeing the entanglement.The effect was instant.He watched Sarah being lifted clear,but he had hardly any more strength.All he could do was just hold on.He never heard Sarah's anguished shriek,as she watched her brother,still clinging onto the railings,disappear beneath the waves.
'Johhhhnnnnnnnnn!'Sarah was still howling his name in despair,as she watched him go under,the stern following.She anxiously prayed he'd come back up,but there was nothing,only a mass of giant writhing bubbles on the surface.
Just then,the helicopter flew away from this spot,and headed back to it's vessel.Sarah was caught totally by surprise by this.She honestly thought they'd stay to see if they could help John.Obviously,they weren't.
'What are you doing?'Sarah yelled at them,although her shouts weren't heard by the men above her.'Get back here!'She continued her protests anyway,to no avail.
The helicopter flew back to it's home vessel,and hovered skillfully over it's helipad.The pilot was well aware of the girl still holding onto the rope ladder,and made sure he didn't land his machine.Instead,he gradually descended,seeing some of the boat's crew waiting for the girl to be within their reach.As Sarah did,one of the men had to prise open her fingers from the ladder.She was still remembering her brother's words,not to let go of it.As her grip was released,and before Sarah could say anything,she was suddenly seized by the man,who promptly hoisted her over his shoulder.He then made his way into the boat,carrying her.
'What are you doing?'Sarah yelled out in protest,being stunned at first at this rough treatment.However,she recovered quickly,as she pounded her fists uselessly into the man's back.'Put me down,you big ape!PUT ME DOWN!'
Sarah's screams were ignored by the man,as he took her into the boat.He finally reached a door,and entered.The room was actually a highly spacious,and luxurious cabin.Whoever slept here,had luxury beyond belief,and of course,it's main attraction was the king sized bed.The man then threw Sarah from his shoulder,onto the bed.Then,stood back quietly watching her.
Sarah instantly backed away fearfully from him on the bed.What was happening?The man made no move to grab her,or molest her.He simply continued to stand there,arms folded,and not saying anything,but his eyes never left her.Sarah realised she was being kept under guard.But who by? It was then she heard a famaliar,but unwelcome woman's voice.
'Good evening,my dear.'
Sarah's face was full of alarm,and her eyes raced side to side,as she spun round to face the grinning,yet sinister figure of Kim Yang.Behind her,stood two burly crewmen,and Sarah noticed one of them held coils of white rope.All three of them eyed her with lust.Instinctively,Sarah scrambled off the bed,and flattened herself against the wall,with her hands behind her.Sarah couldn't control her now rapid breathing,which made her huge breasts stand out more impressively.Her captors noticed that,and were very pleased,especially Kim Yang.
'I'm so pleased to have you back,Sarah.'Kim Yang told the frightened girl.She was so overjoyed to have her favourite,pretty slave back in her clutches.'I really thought I'd lost you,when Takachi's bomb exploded.'
Sarah was still too terrified to answer.Her eyes were darting between them all.
'A great pity about your brother,my dear.'Kim Yang went on smugly,not feeling any pity at all for the girl's brother.'I would have loved to have fought him,and to prove to him,and to you,that I was the superior fighter.'She then rubbed her hands eagerly,relishing the plans she had for the girl.'Still,at least he did rescue you,albeit a temporary one.I'm now going to enjoy your company,Sarah.'Kim Yang grinned malicously at her.
Sarah could only stare back in horror.She clearly saw the mad gleam in the Chinese woman's eyes,and shook her head slowly,as she finally managed to find her voice.
'You're insane.'It was only a whisper,and a very frightened one.Sarah didn't even recognise her voice,knowing she was back in this woman's power.
Her remark only provoked an amused smile from Kim Yang.
'Nonsense,my dear.'The woman's admonishment was gentle,but again,her eyes told a different story,still gazing lustfully at Sarah.'If I really was insane,I wouldn't know what I was doing,would I?'
Kim Yang then stepped menacingly forward towards Sarah.'Believe me,my dear.I know precisely what I'm going to do with you.'She then snapped her fingers,and instantly,the two crewmen moved in to grab Sarah.They too,had eager grins on their faces,obeying Kim Yang's unspoken command.Each one of them seized Sarah's arms,making the girl yelp in fear,as they forced her down onto her knees.
Kim Yang was still amused to hear Sarah's screams.'Get your hands off me,you creeps!Leave me alone!'
This made the elegant,but cruel woman kneel down in front of the girl,as she produced a large,wicked blade,making Sarah's eyes bulge,shutting her up once she saw the knife.Sarah froze too,as Kim Yang used the face of the knife to delicately stroke her hair.
'Such pretty hair.'Kim Yang chuckled,still relishing the power she had over the girl.'I'd hate to cut it,my dear Sarah,or perhaps mark that pretty face.'She then used the knife tip to tilt Sarah's chin up to face her.
'We're going to take very good care of you,my pretty slave.'Her voice was still calm,but now,the menace was unmistakable,as she ordered her men,still holding Sarah,'Tie her up.'
The two men forced Sarah's wrists behind her back,and crossed them.Immediately,one of them started to bind loops of the white rope over her wrists,making Sarah glance around her desperately,trying to see any hope that she could escape.Kim Yang saw this,and increased the despair in her,quite happy to do so.
'There's no escape,my dear.'Kim Yang warned her,taking away her knife,but then gripped Sarah's chin.'It will be so much better for you,if you obey.'
Sarah suddenly gave out a cry of pain,as one of the men had secured the final knots,firmly binding her hands behind her.This only made Kim Yang smile.
'Gently now,boys.'She mockingly tutted at her men.'We don't want to damage the merchandise now,do we?'
Her two men nodded regardless,as they continued to tie more loops of rope over Sarah,who groaned in more dismay.She felt each loop very tight,as they made her immobile,tying her ankles together.Kim Yang assisted,fully enjoying it,tying ropes over Sarah's chest and waist.Sarah recognised that she was being tied up the same way,when she'd been kidnapped back in Hong Kong.She was totally at their mercy.
She tried to appeal to her captors humanity,directing it at Kim Yang.
'Please,let me go.'Sarah pleaded,but at first,Kim Yang didn't respond to her.Instead,the Chinese woman checked her bonds,and after being satisfied,nodded at her men,who moved back respectfully.Sarah then saw Kim Yang then pull out the famaliar roll of black tape,and knew she was going to be gagged yet again.It wasn't something she was looking forward to,but then,Kim Yang did reply,as she knelt back down in front of her.
'Why should I let you go,Sarah?'She stroked the girl's black hair lovingly,almost possessivelly.'You're very beautiful,and you're worth a great deal to me.I'm going to keep you,and besides,'there was now a nasty smile visible,'I have something you care very much for,or rather,someone.'
Sarah struggled against her bonds.'What do you mean?'She asked,full of dread at what was coming.What did this mad woman have in store for her now? Her taunts to her,made her more frightened of her than ever,especially when she felt Kim Yang's hands grope her chest.Sarah could do nothing to resist this sex mad woman,enjoying feeling her helpless body once more.
'Well,I have some good news for you,my dear.'Kim Yang smirked,telling her,'you may have lost your brother,but we now have your sister,Kelly.'
Sarah's face was full of shock,and she was aghast at this bombshell news.She could only gape in horror,at Kim Yang's smug face leering at her.
'You kidnapped Kelly?'Sarah's voice was full of disbelief.Was she bluffing?'I don't believe you.'
Kim Yang was hoping Sarah would say that,and she then produced a large photograph,showing it to her.The picture stunned Sarah.It showed Kelly alright,but it wasn't a nice picture.Kelly lay on her side,and just like Sarah,was dressed in the same white Royal Navy shirt,and white knee length skirt.And she was also tied up tight,the same way as her elder sister was.The only difference was,that Kelly had been gagged with a large strip of white tape.Sarah clearly saw the utter terror in her youngest sister's eyes above the gag,especially when she saw the knife held at her throat,by an unseen man.It sickened Sarah,and increased her fears for Kelly.
'Kelly's very pretty,isn't she?'Kim Yang looked at the photo eagerly.It was one of her favourites,and she'd add it to one of her many albums.'Your sister will fetch an excellent price,once I put up her for auction.'
'You're mad!'Anger was now replacing Sarah's fear,as her eyes blazed back in utter hate at Kim Yang.'Let Kelly go,you sick bitch!Go to hmmmmmmffffff!'
With lightning reflexes,Kim Yang grabbed Sarah's jaw,and had already torn off the needed strip of black tape,and then forcing Sarah's lips together,then she planted it over Sarah's mouth.With that done,Kim Yang then turned back to one of her men,who understtod.He easily lifted Sarah's bound,gagged form,and put her back on the king sized cabin bed.Kim Yang then dismissed him,and her other men.They left the cabin,leaving the two women alone.
Kim Yang chuckled again,as she then made sure she lay on top of Sarah,who was only mumbling behind the gag.She savoured her prize,stroking the girl's cheek.
'Why,both you and Kelly have the same eyes,Sarah.'Kim Yang noticed.'That will come in handy,if I decide to sell you both.'She couldn't help,but give out a low sound of utmost pleasure,seeing the girl's eyes return to fear,fully recognising what she was going to do to her.Then,Kim Yang pounced.
Sarah screamed ineffectively behind the gag,as she felt the woman eagerly use her hands,to crawl all over her body.Her chest received the usual attention,and much to her horror and revulsion,Kim Yang then started to kiss her neck,who was determined to ravish this pretty slave.She sneered at Sarah's vain struggles,fondling the girl's breasts again.
'This time,Sarah.'Her voice was full of confidence,as she kept on kissing the girl.'Nothing will stop your voyage into slavery.Your brother's dead,and he won't be able to rescue you,or Kelly.In fact,no one is coming for you,and you won't escape me.I'll make sure of that.'She paused in her kissing,as she noticed Sarah was now crying.No doubt thinking about her dead brother,she assumed.
The menace came back into Kim Yang's voice,as she seized Sarah's chin again.'The only thing I demand from you,is your total obedience.Do you understand,my pretty?'
Sarah's eyes,although still full of terror,managed a glance of utter hatred back at her.Kim Yang just simply laughed this off.
'Well,perhaps in time,you will.I'm sure you wouldn't want anything nasty happen to Kelly now,would you?'
She was pleased to see this defeat Sarah,who now felt overwhelming despair.She had to obey this horrible woman,for Kelly's sake.If ever Sarah and Kelly needed a miracle,it was now,but she only felt real hope with John.Now,that he was gone,Sarah dreaded her future,and Kelly's.
Kim Yang was still enjoying herself,ravishing the girl.Sarah's face was enough to tell her,that she had the upper hand over her.She would also enjoy herself,with Jennings' other sister too.Who knows?Kim Yang thought pleasantly,the two English girls could be used as highly prized hostages,should the need arise.If not,there was always the welcome opportunity,to add two more gorgeous sex slaves into her personal collection.
Sarah was still crying behind her gag.If ever she and Kelly needed a miracle,they needed it now,but she was slowly sinking into despair,as the woman continued her indecent assault on her.Kim Yang's pleasure at making her suffer,made her twist the knife in further.
'Don't worry,my dear.I won't sell you.My auctions can attract some very dangerous,and highly unpleasant people.It's been known if they fail to meet the asking price,they do everything they can,to abduct the chosen girl.'
Sarah's alarm had increased on hearing this,especially when she heard Kim Yang tell her.'But don't worry.I'll make sure you and Kelly are perfectly safe.I wouldn't want two of my favourite slaves kidnapped from me.'
Sarah mumbled weakly into her gag.Somebody help me,please!She thought desperately.It was just then,as she was forced to endure Kim Yang's hands again,that she heard the woman's mobile ring.Not pleased at being disturbed,Kim Yang answered the call with a sharp,'Yes?'She listened for a few moments,and Sarah,grateful for a repreive from the woman,listened too.She could see that Kim Yang's face was clearly taken aback.
'What do you mean,he survived?'Kim Yang's voice was now full of disbelief,not believing what she was hearing.'That's impossible! I saw him go down with the ship!'
Sarah's eyes suddenly flared in renewed hope.John!He was alive!This made Sarah mumbled again into her gag,as she kept an eager ear on the woman's conversation.
'Was he picked up?'Kim Yang asked.'Damn!What's his condition?'
Sarah desperately tried to hear the answer for that,but the woman answered it for her.
'I see.No,no.Just follow that boat,and don't lose sight of him.Understood?'
She then listened some more,before replying,'Don't worry.I'll take care of him.'She turned an ominous gaze towards Sarah.'After all,I have some very pretty bait to lure him in.He'll attempt to rescue his sisters.No doubt about that,at all.'She then ended the call.
Kim Yang was baffled.How the hell had Jennings survived that?He must have been damned lucky,or maybe a guardian angel was watching over him? No matter.Kim Yang smiled,calming down,as she turned her attention back to Sarah's gagged face.She clearly saw the new life in the girl's eyes,but that didn't bother her.Actually,it would make it more enjoyable,destroying that new hope,and have Sarah completely under her power.
'Well,well.Your brother's alive,my dear.'Kim Yang confirmed this.'He really must be very resourceful,to have survived something like that.'Privately,she was also pleased.Now,she could look forward to the upcoming fight with Jennings,and finish him,permantly.
Sarah ignored her.There was only one thing dominating her mind,and that was John.Despite still being a bound,gagged prisoner,or hostage,Sarah was smiling inside.He's coming for me.She thought happily.She just hoped he'd get to her and Kelly,before this mad woman did decide to sell them,into some sex maniac's clutches.
Kim Yang interrupted her thoughts,as her chin was held again by her.
'Like you,Sarah.I will enjoy seeing your brother again.I did promise you,that you would watch me kill him,didn't I?'Kim Yang smiled politely down at her captive.'Still,there's plenty of time for that.His recovery won't be instant,so let's enjoy ourselves in the meantime,shall we,my dear?'
Chapter 23 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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