Leading the group of nervous girls towards the exit,Jennings made sure he kept his eyes peeled.So far,he'd been lucky.There was of course,the odd man they bumped into unexpectedly,but true to his word,Jennings swiftly took care of them,sending them senseless.He could however,still hear the voices from the hall,where the slave buyers were.Jennings was desperate to get back there.His sisters needed his help,and Kieko too.However,he kept his head.The girls safety following him,depended on his actions.
He'd studied the plans of the house before he'd infiltrated it,and knew where the entrance was.He recognised part of this area,and then gestured for the girls to take cover.If the plans were right,the way out should be just around this next corner.He made a careful check,peering around it.Sure enough,the way out was there.Unfortunately,the door was guarded.Two men stood either side of it.Jennings looked closer at them.Both men looked really tough,and he was wondering how to deal with them.Angela,right behind him,was also peering out.She gripped his shoulders.
'You can't beat those men.'Angela saw the power the two men guarding the door had,but even though she could see admiringly,that her rescuer was no weakling himself.
Jennings heard her,but he'd already decided.He handed his rifle over to Angela,who was taken aback.
'Stay here.'He told her.'I'll call you over when I get through them.'
With that,Jennings stood,still motioning for the rest of the girls to stay put.He did hear Angela whisper disbelievingly to him.'John,you're mad!'
However,he'd made his mind up,and walked around the corner.His appearance clearly noticed by the two men.For a second,they were stunned,but quickly recovered.Menacingly,they moved towards Jennings,and recognising the challenge to fight,began it.Watching from their hiding place,Angela,Louise,and Su were fascinated by the three combatants.The three men certainly put up an awesome display.Jennings had to admit both his opponents were highly skilled,and he received a lot of punishment.There were many hard kicks,and punches exchanged,but Jennings didn't go down.As he fought,only one thing burned determinedly in his mind,and that was to save these girls.Nothing and nobody would prevent him from doing so.Finally,Jennings prevailed.Despite being battered and bloody,he floored the two men,with two hard karate kicks.They didn't get up from that.
Not wasting a second,Jennings went straight to open the door.Fortunately,it wasn't locked,and as he looked out,noticed the many Thai police cars,and a lot of armed policemen.He then saw Panna,and waved,who returned it.Jennings clearly saw the relief on his face,and glancing back at the cowering girls,gestured for them to come forward.At first,they didn't.He could see Angela,Louise,and Su were gaping at him,not believing the fight he'd just won.Jennings gestured again,more urgently this time.
'Come on,ladies!'Jennings called out to them softly,but his eyes told them.'Hurry up!'
The girls got the message,and Angela with Louise organised their exit.Jennings kept the door open for them,and he was relieved to see Panna reunited with his daughter.Both warmly embraced each other,and then he ushered Angela and Louise out to safety.Then,Jennings headed back into the house,determined to get back to the hall.However,he was so intent on getting there,he'd failed to spot Angela and Louise glance at each other,before the two girls did a double take,and followed him back in.
Jennings hurried back to the hall.Fortunately,he got back without encountering any more opposition,and concealed himself again.Looking in at the many buyers still present,he could see they were waiting patiently for Kim Yang to return.Indeed,just as he glanced in,Jennings watched the Chinese woman return,with the same man carrying another girl over his shoulder.As soon as he forced the girl into Kim Yang's eager hold.Jennings could see it was Kelly.With a superhuman effort,Jennings forced himself to stay hidden.He could only watch,as Kim Yang wrapped an arm over Kelly's waist,and then gripped his sister's chin.
'Isn't she a very pretty sight,ladies and gentlemen?'Kim Yang could see the crowd literally drooling at the girl she held.When the Japanese girl had been displayed,the slave buyers had given their full approval.Now,they were shoving each other out of the way,to get a closer look at Kelly's tightly bound and gagged form.Kelly's eyes were huge,as she saw many mad,lustful faces staring back at her.She started to struggle frantically,but Kim Yang held onto her easily,chuckling.
'As you can see.'The Chinese woman grinned evilly.'She has a fiery spirit,but of course,one worthy to be tamed.'
She was still enjoying Kelly's struggles.It actually made her feel hot towards her prisoner,and she pressed her own body into Kelly's.The girl felt,and realised what she was doing,making her give out a muffled scream in horror,behind her tape gag.Kim Yang then forced her hand over Kelly's mouth,ensuring maximum silence from her captive.
'Well then,gentlemen.'Kim Yang decided to get the bidding back under way.She was looking forward to increasing her bank balance again.'Shall we begin?'
Still hidden,Jennings watched,his teeth clenched,as the crowd threw their offers to buy Kelly.The money paid for Kieko was easily surpassed,as the buyers were literally shouting desperate bids,to get their hands on his youngest sister.However,the bidding was abruptly stopped,when he noticed one of Kim Yang's men walk up to her,on the stage.He then whispered into her ear.
'The girls have gone.'He spoke it softly,but urgently.
This caught Kim Yang by surprise.'What?'
'The girls have escaped,Miss Yang.Somebody cut them loose.'The urgency was still in his tone.'There's no sign of them anywhere,and there's more.The police are here.'
This hardened Kim Yang's expression.Jennings!It had to be his doing.She had no doubt about that at all.He'd certainly moved quicker than she'd anticipated,and if he was here,he'd be looking for Sarah,Kelly,and his Japanese girlfriend.
This made her ask the man.'What about the girl in my room?Is she still secure?'
'Yes,Miss Yang.'The man gave her some good news,at least.'Still under armed guard,as you ordered.'
'Good.Find Captain Liu,and tell him to prepare the boat.'
Kim Yang not only had her highly luxurious vessel docked in Bangkok harbour,but she also had another boat,moored deep down underneath the auction house.It wasn't as big as her own boat,but it could carry several people in comfort,and of course,had the speed should a fast escape be required.It was always an excellent idea to prepare for any problems,and Kim Yang was pleased she'd thought of this option.
She then reluctantly forced Kelly into the man,ordering him curtly.'Take her down there.I'll be there shortly.'
The man nodded his obedience,and lifted Kelly over his shoulder,then promptly disappeared.This instantly caused the buyers before her,to stop shouting out their bids.A stunned silence swept all over them,as they watched this sudden change of events.
However,Kim Yang was still feeling supremely confident,as she smiled at them all.
'My apologies,ladies and gentlemen.'She announced.'I'm afraid there's been a security alert,and I must ask you all to leave.'
This didn't go down well at all.None of the buyers returned her smile.In fact,Kim Yang could clearly see some angered expressions.
'You promised us to show the Western women!'A Sheik shouted out to her,making quite a few in the crowd agree with him.
'Indeed I did.'Kim Yang answered him.She tensed,keeping a careful eye on the crowd.This sort of thing didn't happen very often,when she had to put an abrupt stop to her highly lucrative auctions.However,she was fully prepared for any problems amongst the crowd.Still,she continued to act reasonably,continuing.'However,I'm afraid I have to report a security alert.The police are here,and once again,I would strongly suggest you all leave.'
Kim Yang was pleased to see this had the desired effect.The hostility being sharply replaced by alarm.Practically,all the slave buyers bolted for the exits.As they stampeded out of the hall,Jennings made sure he kept hidden.When he finally heard the last running steps fade away,Jennings turned his attention back to the hall.He could see that not all the buyers had taken Kim Yang's advice.
There were now only two men standing in front of Kim Yang.Both of them were Arabs,and Jennings recognised one of them.He was the one that had successfully bidded for Kieko.The second Arab was the one who'd protested about not being shown the Western women.His face was still mad,and although Kim Yang noticed it,she addressed the first Arab.After all,he'd just made her richer,paying superb money for that delicious Yamamoto girl.
'Would you please follow one of my men,Sir?'Kim Yang snapped her fingers at one of them,standing patiently nearby.'He will take you to your prize.'
The first Sheik bowed his head in deep gratitude to her.'A thousand thanks,Miss Yang.I am grateful.'
He then followed Kim Yang's man out of the hall,and she then turned her attention to the second Sheik,who still wasn't smiling.He looks a nasty sort.She mused to herself.Better be careful here.
'I want to see the English women.'He demanded.'You promised that.'
At first,Kim Yang didn't respond to him,although she watched him carefully.He certainly made no move to pull out any hidden weapons,keeping his hands together,and visible.He then withdrew some of his hostility,although he still maintained his gaze at her.
'I would appreciate it,if you would make an exception for me.'He smiled,not a very nice one,but he went on.'My own personal harem has many beautiful Western women.Miss Yang.You would be more than welcome,to inspect my own personal collection.'
I'm quite sure I would.Kim Yang thought,not trusting him an inch.However,she decided to humour him.
'Follow me,please.'She instructed him politely,turning away to lead him back to her bedroom.The sinister smirk was back on Kim Yang's face,but of course,she made sure the Arab didn't see it,as he followed her out of the hall.
Still hidden,Jennings watched them leave.He checked his watch,remembering how much time there was,before the C4 charges went off.He then quietly followed Kim Yang,keeping a safe distance,and he watched the woman lead the Sheik into a room.Finally,he caught a glimpse of Sarah.His sister was sitting in a hard backed wooden chair,tightly bound and gagged to it.One of Kim Yang's men stood behind her,arms folded,calmly obeying his orders.Jennings also noticed Kieko too.The Japanese girl had been put onto a couch.She too,was tied up and gagged.Her eyes were huge,as she stared fearfully up at the first Arab there,also in the room.The man's eyes were gleaming lustfully down at this Japanese beauty.
'I must commend you,Miss Yang.'The first Arab spoke.'You really choose the most beautiful captives to enslave.'
'Thank you.'Kim Yang's response was courteous to him.'I always choose the best looking girls to kidnap.You'll pay the usual way?'
'Of course.'His answer pleased her,seeing him produce a laptop,and after being given permission to sit by Kim Yang,opened the laptop up.He instantly started typing in the necessary details.Once he'd done so,he informed her with a smile.'The money has been credited into your account,Miss Yang.'
'Thank you.'Kim Yang nodded,before she turned her attention to the second Arab.The man was almost entranced by Sarah's trussed up form.Sarah cringed in fear,as the man stroked his finger down her cheek.
'I like this one,Miss Yang.'He was enjoying himself touching the very pretty Western girl,even fondling Sarah's chest.The girl could only give out a faint,muffled squeal behind her gag at this.
'She's in excellent,prime condition.'The second Arab concluded,after doing so.'You are certain she's not for sale?'He was disappointed to see his query refused.
'Unfortunately not.'Kim Yang shook her head,determined to keep a hold of her favourite slave.'I have a soft spot for this pretty young lady.'
'A pity.'The disappointment was fully evident in his voice.'I would have gladly spent all my fortune on her.Perhaps later.'He finished ominously,without explaining why.
However,Kim Yang had seen it all before.She knew he wasn't going to give up on getting his hands on Sarah,so she thought of a plan.She then went up to her more than impressive drinks bar,and offered the two Arabs a drink of their choice.Both men accepted,as she prepared them expertly herself.Then,handed them over.As Kim Yang did so,she then poured herself one,and raised her glass in toast.
The two Arabs raised their own glasses in return,and drank.They clearly enjoyed the drink,and then,the first Arab spoke to her,his greedy,cruel eyes gleaming down at Kieko's frightened ones.
'I'd like to take her now,Miss Yang.'He was quite forthright,eager to take the girl.'My private jet is waiting.'
'Of course.'Kim Yang nodded her approval.'But please,enjoy your drink.I hate to see excellent liquor being wasted.'
Both men nodded their own approval at that,and promptly drained their glasses.The first Arab then closed his laptop,and stood up.He felt very pleased,knowing he'd acquired another beautiful slave,for his own pleasures.He was just about to get a hold of Kieko,who cringed back from him,when he suddenly felt strange,as did the second Arab.
'Enjoy your drinks,gentlemen?'Kim Yang asked them politely.
None of them answered,as the two Sheiks staggered together,their hands clutching their necks,releasing the glasses that shattered to the floor.Both men then followed,crumpling to the ground.Their eyes were bewildered,realising what had been done to them.
So did Kieko and Sarah.They'd both jumped in their bonds in surprise,knowing Kim Yang had drugged the mens drinks.Both girls saw their female captor smirk at this.
'My apologies,gentlemen.'Kim Yang told the two Sheiks,who were now staring at her in great hate.'But I never had any intention of selling these two beauties.They're simply too priceless for me,to part with them.'
She could see the two men were now convulsing,but her smile remained down at them.
'Don't worry too much,gentlemen.'Kim Yang reassured,although of course,there was no warmth in her eyes.'The drug won't take long to reach your hearts.It will be a peaceful death.'
Sarah and Kieko could only watch,as the two men finally breathed their last,and then Kim Yang curtly ordered their bodies removed.Her men moved efficiently,and soon,the two bound,gagged girls found themselves alone with her.The Chinese woman noticed the horror in Sarah and Kieko's eyes.She smiled more pleasantly at Sarah,moving up to her,and lifting her chin.
'You must think I'm a cold blooded murderer,my dear.'Kim Yang kissed Sarah's hair,making the gagged girl whimper.Her captor merely chuckled.'Believe me,my dear.I did that for you.There was no way I was going to let them take you.You are mine,Sarah,just as Miss Yamamoto is.'
She kissed Sarah again,this time,on her cheek.Kim Yang saw Sarah's eyes shut in revulsion,but she sneered at that,gripping the girl's chin harder.
'And when you are totally mine,my dear.I'm going to make you pay for your defiance.That's a promise,my pretty.'
Sarah could offer no defiant reply.There was no way she could avoid the lustful looks from Kim Yang.Just like Kieko was doing,Sarah could only whimper fearfully behind her gag,desperately hoping for a miracle,that John would get in here,and save her from these monsters.
Chapter 28 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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