On the bridge of the rescuing ship,the Captain and his crew were making sure everybody who'd abandoned the 'Eastern Princess' was picked up safely.This was going very well,and to make matters more easier for them,there was another vessel close by,also assisting.
In command of the ship,was Captain Williams.He loved the sea,and was vastly experienced.He'd served his apprenticeship,in the Merchant Marine,but Williams had always wanted to command the big passenger liners.It was an awesome responsibility,but it was something he enjoyed very much.
Of course,he'd done his fair share of saving lives at sea too,but this was the first time he'd seen a huge passenger liner going down.In fact,he'd first received a radio message,not from the 'Eastern Princess',but from the British Embassy in Bangkok.A young woman had told his own radio operator,that there was a bomb threat on board that ship.Anything like this,had to be treated very seriously.He'd ordered full speed to the 'Eastern Princess' location since then.
He was checking to see that everybody from the ship,was now safely climbing aboard his own vessel.Williams wanted especially,to speak to the Captain,but as yet there was no sign of him.All the lifeboats from the 'Eastern Princess' were on the starboard side.The crew did a good job,and Williams felt content enough to attend other matters.
Regarding this,he raised his binoculars,and looked at the doomed ship.The stern of the 'Eastern Princess' was quite high.He estimated it about thirty degrees,and knew there wasn't much time left.He also noticed that there was a helicopter flying towards the doomed ship.It had come from the boat,that was cruising some distance off.He watched it head over to the stern,wondering if it was a TV news crew,going to film the final moments,of the 'Eastern Princess.'
Just then,one of his officers on the bridge,who was also looking at the scene,through a pair of binoculars,suddenly called out to him.
'Captain! There are still people on board!'
'You're joking.'Williams hoped he was.If anybody was still stuck on that ship,they'd had it.He peered at the stern area,and sure enough,he spotted two figures.A man and a woman.The woman was being carried by the man,and after a moment's hesitation,the man put the girl down,and they headed up,or more accurately,began climbing up towards it.All of them then saw the stern lift up,more sharply this time,and the girl lost her hold,toppling over the railings.Everybody's heart skipped a beat,fearing the worst,but fortunately,the man with her,managed to grab her hand.The girl was dangling for a few moments,but the man managed to get her back on board,and everybody breathed a huge sigh of relief.
They then watched the drama unfold with the helicopter.The girl was helped onto the ladder,but then,the 'Eastern Princess' was now going under.Williams saw the man pull out something,and started hammering away at the ladder.It took only a second for Williams to realise,that the man was cutting the ladder.It only took him a moment,and much to every body's relief on the bridge,the girl was saved.However,the man wasn't so lucky.Williams and his bridge crew could only watch in helpless horror,as the man went down with the ship.
'Launch a boat,Number One.'Williams ordered,although he felt he was clutching at straws.He saw the huge,writhing bubbles on the surface,as the 'Eastern Princess' slid under the sea.There wasn't a chance for him.Williams had to admit.
Still,he had to try.He also saw small fishing boats circling around that area.Williams knew them,as Thai fishing boats.The Thai coast was in sight,and he hoped they'd find something.For now,he had to wait.As he did wait though,Williams then saw the other boat,cruising off.He could see they were heading back to the coast,and raising his binoculars,scanned for the boat's name,and registration number.
Jennings grimly clung on to the railings at the stern.He knew he'd never make it,if he jumped.He just had to keep his hold,and hope for the best.
I'll go down a little way,he thought,then swim clear.He saw that he was nearly submerged,and taking a deep breath,went under.He could hear the groans coming from inside the plummeting 'Eastern Princess',and took a glance upwards to the surface.He was shocked at how deep he was going,as the surface of the sea seemed a mountain away.Down and down Jennings went.He was getting desperate,as he tried to let go of the railings,but strangely,his hands refused to let go,no matter how hard he tried.It was then he realised that he was still being sucked under.The speed of the sinking ship wouldn't allow him to swim clear.These thoughts were now starting to make him panic,as he felt his lungs on their last.
I'm not going to make it.Jennings thought,as his mind was now slowly beginning to accept death.He'd always thought he'd be killed in battle,not drown.These thoughts were then banished from his head,as he heard more powerful sounds coming from the diving wreck.There was an explosion of bubbles coming right at him,and then,Jennings found himself shooting upwards.He shot through the surface in record time,and he gasped in huge,grateful gasps of air.He looked around him,and noticed plenty of wreckage from the ship.He managed a short swim to a float,and glanced weakly around.
He could still see the liner still picking up the passengers from their lifeboats,but Jennings realised the distance was too great to swim over.He spotted smaller,and what was obviously fishing boats nearby.He waved weakly to them,but it didn't look as if they'd spotted him,although one was coming his way.He then spotted the helicopter that was carrying Sarah.At least Sarah's safe.He thought,very much relieved.Jennings watched the helicopter fly over a boat,(he sensed he'd seen that boat before)and gently lower Sarah onto it.He then watched stunned,as his sister was grabbed by one of the crew there,and took her inside the boat.
'No!'Jennings screamed in outraged despair.'Sarah!' Of course,she couldn't hear him.The boat was too distant.Even so,Jennings desperately tried to swim over to it.He only managed a couple of strokes,before he had to stop.His body was totally exhausted,and he had nothing more to give.
You idiot! Jennings cursed himself,as he suddenly remembered where he'd seen that boat before.It had been docked next to the 'Eastern Princess',back in Hong Kong harbour.They must have the girls over there,he assumed correctly,but he was still unable to assist them.
My Sarah,Kelly.Jennings' thoughts were full of even more despair.He now knew his two sisters were now helpless captives,in the clutches of ruthless slavers.Kieko,Angela,Su,those two journalists,Michelle and Jane also,and there was nothing he could do to help them.He was just about to make the decision to let himself sink,when he suddenly felt a pair of arms grab under his shoulders,and lift him out of the water.He was laid gently on his back,and he managed a glance around him.A couple of Thai men were peering at him,but then,Jennings closed his eyes,and everything went black.
Kim Yang was still enjoying herself with her favourite prize.Her hands were still fondling Sarah's chest.The girl was still lying flat on her back on the bed,and Kim Yang put her face up close to hers.She loved the sight of Sarah gagged.Her prisoner was staring back at her,in a mixture of fear,and contempt.It still pleased Kim Yang.The recent good news for the girl,informing that her brother had survived the sinking,would only make it more sweet to crush Sarah's spirit.
She then pulled the girl up by the back of her neck,and she was pleased to smell Sarah's scent.She's gorgeous.Kim Yang luxuriated in that,holding the girl closer.Sarah however,was still fiercely resistant.
Get off me,you bitch!She tried to shout that out,but her gag still ensured her silence.Kim Yang enjoyed seeing Sarah's pluck,but then,she gave Sarah a sharp slap on her cheek,then emphasising her threat.
'I have you in my power,Miss Jennings.'Kim Yang tightened her grip on the back of Sarah's neck.'So I can do what I want with you.Remember that,my pretty.'
She then roughly forced Sarah back down onto the bed,and was amused to see her prisoner still struggling,against her ropes.They never learn.She shook her head sadly,thinking that.Many young women had been personally tied up by herself,and she was pleased,that none of them had ever managed to get free.Of course,Kim Yang made no attempt to prevent their struggling efforts.It was only when her captives fully realised,that they couldn't free themselves,that Kim Yang fully relished her power over them all.
Just then,there was another call on her mobile.Kim Yang saw it was one of her men,who'd called her previously,informing her of Jennings' survival.She thought for a moment before answering,then decided to turn on the speaker.If it was about Jennings,then she'd want the girl to hear this.Besides,she couldn't help him anyway.
'Yes?' Kim Yang wasn't so brusque in her greeting this time.
'We've received a message from the ship helping to recover the passengers,Miss Yang.'The man told her.'They're asking us to identify,and give your boat's registration number.'He paused,waiting for her answer.When none was forthcoming,he decided to prompt her.'Miss Yang?'
Kim Yang wasn't the slightest bit worried.If that's what they wanted,she'd be more than happy to oblige.Besides,they wouldn't find anything here.By the time they got the paperwork sorted out,to do a search warrant,she and her men would make doubly certain they'd never find the girls.
'Give it to them.'She finally responded to him,still delicately stroking Sarah's raven hair.
'Are you sure about that,Miss Yang?'The man was somewhat surprised hearing that.
'Of course I'm sure.'Her voice just became a tad more colder to the man,'Do as you're told.'
'Yes,Miss Yang.'The man wasn't going to push his luck again,but he did ask,'What about the Englishman?'
This made Kim Yang smile more sinisterly at Sarah,who continued to keep mumbling behind her gag.
'Why,kill him,of course.'
The Chinese woman was pleased to see Sarah jump in shock at this.She frantically shook her head at Kim Yang,desperately trying to plead.Her pleas fell on deaf ears.
'Sorry,my dear.'Kim Yang smirked coldly down at her.'I'm not going to let him rescue you.He has to die.'
Sarah's eyes bulged wider.This woman was utterly ruthless.She clearly saw it,in her eyes.How on earth could she stop them,from murdering John? The simple and harsh answer was,she couldn't.Sarah tried again,trying to speak out,her eyes full of horror,hearing Kim Yang's ruthless order.Again,she was tightly gagged,keeping her protests silent.In fact,Kim Yang noticed Sarah's distress,and chuckling,she ran a finger down the girl's face.
'Don't worry your pretty head too much,my dear.'Kim Yang loved to taunt all her pretty slaves,as she went on,'I'll make sure your brother doesn't suffer.'She paused momentarily.'Well,not much.'
Just then,there was a knock on the cabin door,and after Kim Yang allowed entry,Liu came into the room.He looked dejected,but when his gaze found Sarah,still trussed up on the bed,his eyes were hard.
'Yee's dead.'Liu sat down heavily,onto a chair.'Must have been Takachi,or Jennings.'
Kim Yang wasn't bothered by Yee's untimely demise.Despite him being a partner in their slavery operation,she didn't trust him.Actually,Kim Yang never trusted anybody.She only joined forces with these people,to increase her wealth,by kidnapping young,highly desirable women.She made no comment on that,but did see Liu's cold eyes glaring at Sarah.He then rose up from the chair,and advanced menacingly towards her.Sarah,very frightened of his approach,tried to slither her body away from him.However,Kim Yang wasn't having any of it,as she easily seized the girl back into her original position.Even so,she still gave a word of warning to Liu.
'Gently,Captain.'Kim Yang made her voice well felt.'The girl is not to be harmed.Remember that.'
'I had no such intention of harming this lovely lady,Miss Yang.'Liu surprisingly responded.'But I'd love to ravish her soon.'He then followed Kim Yang's example,by touching Sarah's cheek.The girl jerked her head away from his touch,but the Chinese woman gripped Sarah's chin,forcing her head back to Liu.
'You're going to pay dearly for your brother's actions,Miss Jennings.'Liu warned her,giving her a nasty smile.'He won't be able to help you now,from what we have in store for you.'
Sarah's fear was still dominant inside her,but then she heard Kim Yang say to him,'Oh,you'd be surprised at Jennings,Captain.He survived the sinking,and-'
'What?'Liu interrupted her,totally taken aback by what he'd just heard.'That can't be! We both saw him go down with the ship!'
'Indeed we did,Captain.'Kim Yang completely agreed.'However,he lives,and is being taken to Bangkok as we speak.'
'I see.'Liu did indeed see.He grinned down at Sarah,thinking things were now going in his favour.'So,you're going to use the girl as bait?'He asked Kim Yang.
'Bait or hostage,Captain.'The Chinese woman smiled down too,at Sarah.'Either way,we'll have Jennings' head on a silver plate.That,I promise you.'
'Excellent,Miss Yang.'Liu was pleased,as he knelt down to whisper menacingly in Sarah's ear.'I'll be back for you later,my pretty.'
Liu kissed Sarah's cheek,who cringed fearfully from him,and then he turned back to Kim Yang.
'Just make sure you save her for me,Miss Yang.I want a full night with her.'
Sarah could only give out another scared,but vague mumble into her gag.She felt even more terror,when she heard Kim Yang confirm for Liu.'Don't worry.I'll have her ready for you,at the auction house in Bangkok.'
'Good.'Liu stood up from Sarah,and it was then,that Kim Yang received a message from one of her crew.She listened for a few moments,then after thanking the caller,turned back to him.
'We're approaching Bangkok.Let's get our cargo ready,shall we?'
'My pleasure,Miss Yang.'Liu smiled,as he then turned back towards Sarah's helpless,bound,gagged body,and lifted her off the bed.He held her tight,enjoying Sarah's faint cries of alarm.She was dreading what the Chinese woman was going to do next.Kim Yang actually had her back to her,and was taking something out of one of her draws.Sarah could see it was a small,but highly polished box,covered superbly in Oriental markings.However,it was what Kim Yang took out from the box,that held Sarah's stare,and it was a really frightened stare.Kim Yang smiled,as she showed Sarah the ominous looking syringe she held,slowly approaching her.This made Sarah shake her head like mad,as she knew what was coming,but there was no escape.She was held firmly by Liu.
'Now,don't struggle,Sarah.'Kim Yang warned her firmly.'This is a perfectly harmless drug,but it will keep you nice and quiet,or rather,your body will be.I certainly wouldn't want you,or any of the other girls to attract some unwanted attention,whilst you're secure in the packaging crate now,would we?'
Before Sarah could offer any more resistance,Kim Yang had already used a swab on one of her tied arms,and then,injected the girl.Sarah instantly felt her body becoming numb.The drug,whatever it was,swept through her body rapidly.Within a minute,she could hardly move.Her two kidnappers checked her body over,and appeared satisfied.
'Good.'Kim Yang nodded.'Take her down to the cargo hold please,Captain.I believe you'll find her own crate marked.'
'Of course.'Liu grinned,as he then lifted Sarah up into his arms,and Kim Yang led the way.Sarah was totally unable to move a single muscle,as she was carried by Liu.The drug was also affecting her hearing,hearing a slow,slurred speech exchange between Kim Yang and Liu.What they said,Sarah had no idea,but she did see they were heading deeper into the boat,until finally,a short wooden flight of stairs led downward,into a gloomy,and poorly lit area.
Kim Yang headed down the stairs,with Liu following,still carrying Sarah.It wasn't until Kim Yang turned on more lights,that Sarah saw many of the girls she'd seen,whilst she'd been tied up,back on the 'Eastern Princess.'All of the girls were either sitting,or lying on the floor,but all of them,were still tightly bound and gagged.Not one of them had managed to free themselves,or even help each other.Kim Yang and her crew,were experts in securing their captives.
'Won't be long now,ladies.We're not far off Bangkok,so it will soon be time to say our goodbyes.'
She was pleased to see a mixed reaction.Some girls stared terrified at her,others glared fierce hatred back,but all were helpless.Most of the girls were still mumbling fearfully behind their own gags,just as Sarah had been.They could only watch,as Liu easily carried Sarah towards a large unopened crate.All of them now knew the same thing awaited them.Their gagged sounds seemed to increase in volume,although not by much.
Sarah was put inside the crate,and Liu then put the lid on top of it.He instantly started to hammer the lid into place,fully enjoying it.Inside,Sarah was still unmoving,still drugged,but she then heard Kim Yang speak outside her crate.
'Don't worry,ladies.You'll all get your packing orders soon enough.'
She then called for assistance from her crew,and they appeared quickly.She helped to inject all of her female prisoners,and then,her crew lifted all the drugged girls into many new opened up crates,and put them all in,without any problems.Kim Yang watched all of this,smiling contentedly.Yes,things were going very well indeed.
Once she saw the last of the girls put into a crate,Kim Yang left for the bridge.She'd just been told Bangkok was in sight.
Jennings slowly opened his eyes,wondering where he was.He felt he was lying down,but sensed he was moving,although he didn't fall.
Where the hell am I? He was having difficulty,trying to figure that out.Am I dead? It was only then,he heard the sound of water,and realised he was on a rocking boat.
I'm still at sea.Jennings rightly thought.He made to rise,but didn't get very far.He was too weak,falling back onto the bed he'd been put on.
Then,he saw a man lean over him,a Thai man.He looked concerned,and then he showed Jennings,that he held a bottle of some unknown liquid.He offered it to Jennings,who accepted it with a weak nod.Jennings took a gentle sip,and instantly felt sick.However,the Thai man kept on making drinking gestures to him,and Jennings did so,drinking more this time.It tasted like rum,at least,he thought it was rum.Instantly,he spilled his guts,and retched violently.The Thai man nodded eagerly at him,still urging him to drink again.Jennings did what the man wished,and drank the same amount.The results were the same.He was violently sick,and then,he could drink no more.Jennings collapsed back onto the bed,and was vaguely aware of the Thai man talking to other people on the boat.He had a sudden brief thought,that he should have asked Su for helping him to understand the language.That was his last thought,before the darkness consumed him again.
Standing confidently on the bridge of her vessel,Kim Yang watched,as her boat cruised slowly into the huge Bangkok docks.This was an excellent area of operations.She'd personally chose it.The police and security services searched the docks frequently,but the area was simply too big for them to complete a total search.Both Kim Yang and Liu had admitted the police had managed to get some partial successes against them,but it was strictly just that.Kim Yang's organisation,was thorough,highly efficient,and ruthless in recovery.If one slavery ring was shut down,there'd always be another two,to take it's place.She always personally saw to that.
'Our people are standing by,Miss Yang.'One of her bridge crew informed her.
'Very good.'She nodded,seeing Liu just enter the bridge.He heard what was just said.
'I hope there won't be any prying eyes interfering.'Liu remarked,knowing all to well the threat from the police.
'Of course they're watching us,Captain.'Kim Yang conceded that.'They're not idiots.We just have to be a lot more smarter.'
This was something Kim Yang always did.She had lost a lot of money,when the police had raided her many properties in Bangkok.A lot of girls had been taken from her,and this hadn't gone down too well with a lot of her buyers,at her regular auctions.Even so,Kim Yang made sure she got new girls to offer.This always provided new wealth for her,and she was determined to get any new stock through,regardless of any opposition.
The boat finally docked,and Kim Yang was pleased to see her trusted men there waiting for her.Two large trucks stood close by,and she gave the order to get every crate that was in the cargo hold,onto the two trucks.
Inside her own prison crate,Sarah still lay helpless.The drug kept her body still,and she was still tightly bound and gagged.Sarah could see out of the crate,through narrow gaps in the wood,and she could see bright sunlight,and the sound of heavy machinery.Was it a crane? The answer came instantly,as she felt her crate shudder.Something had grabbed the top of her crate,and Sarah felt herself being lifted up,and out of the boat.Her gagged whimpers were not heard by anybody,as Sarah felt an ominous,and grim future in store for her.
Chapter 24 to follow...
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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