Fully content that all his weapons were in order,Takachi then rummaged through the holdall,searching for something else.He found it very quickly,and produced a small bottle of clear looking liquid.It looked like water,but he knew it wasn't,and thinking this,he allowed himself a sinister smile.This would help him getting rid of his enemies.If everything went to plan,and he was sure it would,he'd have no problems in escaping the doomed ship,taking his two new pretty hostages with him.
He contacted his men again.
'Have you found the girl yet?'
The response was immediate.
'We've located her cabin,'one of his men told him through the radio,'but she's not here yet.'
No matter.Takachi thought.He was patient.Sooner or later,the girl would have to show up.Right now,he had other things on his mind.
He issued fresh orders,'We'll get the girl later.Right now,I want you both to bring your stuff back to the helicopter,and bring those plans of the ship to me.'
His orders were confirmed,and that pleased Takachi.He always knew his men were utterly loyal to him.They'd gladly sacrifice their lives just to please him.In fact,he had already done this many times,dealing out the severest punishment possible,when his men had failed him.
As he pocketed the small bottle,he suddenly received a message from one of the crew.Liu had requested his presence back in his ready room.Takachi nodded,and after giving out his fresh instructions to his men,followed the crewman back up to the bridge.Still wearing his sinister smile,Takachi made sure he never let go of the small bottle concealed within his person.
When he reentered Liu's ready room,he was delighted at what he saw.Everybody else was still there,but now Kim Yang and Sarah were there too.He enjoyed seeing Sarah's panic stricken eyes as she watched him enter.In return,Takachi enjoyed watching Sarah's vain struggles in Kim Yang's tight hold.The Chinese woman had both her arms over the girl's still bound body,one arm over her shoulders,the other snugly wrapped around her waist.Sarah was also still tightly gagged.He had excellent plans for this English beauty,and Takachi was determined to enjoy her.
Liu welcomed him back with a polite smile.'Thank you for coming,Mr Takachi,'Liu gestured at Sarah,'I can offer you Miss Jennings for tonight,but only for tonight,and must insist you return her in excellent health.She's worth a fortune on the slave market.'
Sarah couldn't help but scream into her gag,but there was no scream.The black tape stayed firmly sealed over her mouth,and her attempted scream only made her captors smile with relish.
'I am honoured,Captain,'Takachi bowed his thanks to him.He'd no idea how Liu had persuaded the Chinese woman to give up her favourite prize,and didn't care how.
Sarah really felt she was in the lion's mouth here.There was no possibility of escape.Her bonds and gag were constantly checked by Kim Yang,and her gagged and frightened mumbles were fully savoured by her female guard.Sarah was desperate to be free of the many tight loops of rope wound over her body.She'd been bound and gagged,since they'd lured her on board,but Kim Yang showed her no mercy.Instead,the Chinese woman made it worse by telling Sarah what was in store for her,just before she'd been carried up here.
Kim Yang had been delicately playing with Sarah's hair,and then she gripped the girl's chin again,forcing her to look at some very big wooden crates.
'Do you see those crates,my dear?'Kim Yang had chuckled with great pleasure at her,'that is where you and all these other beauties are going into,once we reach Bangkok.You'll still be kept bound and gagged of course,but just to make sure you can't attract any unwanted attention,'Kim Yang smiled,as she suddenly held an ominous looking syringe,right in front of Sarah's bulging eyes.
'Don't worry to much,my pretty.'she'd reassured the girl,'the drug won't leave any lasting damage on you.I certainly wouldn't want that now,would I?'There was another smirk on her face,'No,my dear,it will simply keep you nice and relaxed,just long enough to take you to my auction house there.'
Sarah felt totally helpless remembering that.She felt like crying in utter despair,knowing her grim future being so callously told to her.These weren't simply bad guys that held her captive.No,they were far worse than that,they were sick monsters! Her only hope of rescue,was her brother,and she was getting more and more frantic for him to get here.
Unfortunately,she was still tightly held,and to make matters worse,Sarah noticed Takachi slowly advancing on her,eager to reinforce her distress.
Once he stood directly in front of her,Takachi ran his hand through Sarah's long,black hair.He liked what he was feeling,and also enjoyed seeing Sarah's fear.The English girl tried to jerk her head away from his grip,but an amused Takachi easily held onto her.He also enjoyed watching Sarah clench her eyes shut,cringing from his unwelcome touch.
Determined to increase his power over her,Takachi tightened his grip on her,forcing Sarah to open her eyes and look into his gloating,lustful face.
'I fully intend to give you a night to remember,Miss Jennings,'Takachi promised her,'and believe me,you will apprciate me.However,should you choose to be defiant....'
He left that unfinished,but Sarah fully understood the threat,and his evil eyes.She shuddered,although she was still protesting through her gag.All the other criminal leaders simply continued to smile,enjoying her bound,gagged form.
Her horror increased,when she suddenly heard Takachi demand,'I understand the girl has a brother on board here.What's being done about him?'
Liu glanced over at Kim Yang,fully confident that would be dealt with.
'I believe Miss Yang has that fully under control.'
The Chinese woman smiled,enjoying Sarah stiffen in her hold,as she answered,'As long as his pretty sister does what we tell her,he won't be killed.'
'I'm not convinced.'Takachi shook his head.He recalled being taken by surprise back at the helicopter.He was an expert fighter himself,and he'd never been beaten before.If it had been the girl's brother,Takachi knew he was up against a formidable opponent.
His penetrating gaze had never left Sarah.'He'll come for her,no doubt about it.'
Liu frowned at that.'If that's true,he'd better be disposed of.Any ideas?'
Takachi already had that in mind.He still went on touching Sarah,now sliding a finger down her cheek.Sarah felt as if a snake was slithering across her face.She was shocked by what Takachi told her next,in fact,it infuriated her.
'Oh,I'm sure his pretty sister will assist us,in killing him,won't you,my dear?'
Sarah's eyes suddenly blazed with fury above her gag.She tried to scream her defiance at them,yet despite her new found strength,she was still rendered silent,and helpless.
However,her struggles were now noticed by her captors,and Takachi,who sensed the girl may possibly break free from Kim Yang's secure grip.Instantly,he gave Sarah a sharp blow on her head,knocking her senseless.The girl slumped,and Kim Yang let her fall to the floor.
'A very pretty girl,'Takachi admitted,'such a shame we have to do this to her.'
Before any of them could query him on that,Takachi then surprisingly offered a round of drinks.All accepted,but he was disappointed when he saw Kim Yang receive a call,requesting her presence.
The Chinese woman made her excuses to everybody,but before she left,she gazed coldly at Takachi.'Just make sure you bring her back to me,in excellent health.'
'You love her,don't you?'Takachi was amused,'I've heard you choose your pretty slaves,for special attention from you.'
'That is not your concern,Takachi.'Kim Yang wasn't intimidated by anybody,even a dangerous yakuza.'Just bring Sarah back in one piece to me.'
'I'm quite surprised you allowed me to have her.What made you change your mind?'
'Well,let's just say the enemy of my enemy,is my friend.'Liu interjected,'I'm sure we all appreciate the threat from her brother,is very real.'
There was a silence,but during it,Kim Yang left the ready room.Takachi had a momentary frown.He'd wanted to deal with them all here.Still,there'd be other opportunities in dealing with Kim Yang.Takachi fully recognised her,as a deadly threat.Perhaps later,he conceded.
He then went back to pouring the drinks,managing to conceal the small bottle he'd bought along with him.He made sure every glass,(barring his own of course)received a dose from it,and after handing everybody a generous measure,made a toast.
'To you health,gentlemen.'
He smiled inwardly.Their health meant nothing to him,and he was pleased to see that they all drank their glasses.Won't be long now,Takachi thought.He'd just put a highly effective drug into all their drinks.They'd be knocked out for hours,giving him plenty of time to escape the ship,before the ship suffered a catastrophe.
Indeed,within five minutes,Takachi was surrounded by sprawled bodies in the ready room.He personally checked them all,and was satisfied that they'd drank their drugged drinks.Then,he smiled more menacingly,as he knelt down by Sarah's still unconcious form.He felt a strong sexual urge to take her,relishing his newly acquired prize.The girl's gagged mouth excited him,and he couldn't wait to ravish her.
For the moment though,he had other things to attend to.He checked the Sarah's bonds,as he made contact with his men again.
'Have you planted the bombs in all the required areas?'he demanded.The answer was positive.
'Yes,Sir,'one of his men had replied immediately,'all placed in accordance with your wishes.'
'Good,'Takachi was pleased,'Make sure you sabotage the radio room.I have a little personal score to settle.'With that said,he was satisfied Sarah was still securely tied up,and then lifted her,and placed her over his shoulder.He then headed over to the lift,remembering the hidden switch under Liu's desk.
As he entered the lift,Takachi was really looking forward to this.He was determined to make the girl's brother suffer,and he'd force his sister to watch him die.He could then take her with him,with the Yamamoto girl.He suddenly remembered to ask for an update from his men,on Kieko's whereabouts.So far,they hadn't found her,but he was still confident.
He closed the lift doors,still holding onto Sarah,as they both disappeared.Takachi however,had failed to spot Kim Yang silently observing him.Her face was one of utter determination.She had strongly suspected Takachi would try something on her,and so it proved.She was going to keep a sharp eye on him,as he had Sarah,and Kim Yang would make sure she got her favourite slave back under her power.
She then headed over to Liu's desk,stepping over the prone bodies.She had no sympathy for any of them here.They should have known better,than to accept a drink from a yakuza.Finding the hidden switch,she pressed it,and then headed over to the lift,awaiting it's return.
Takachi had now carried Sarah deep into the depths of the ship.He was pleased that this area of the ship was devoid of people.He could hear the deep throbbing of the 'Eastern Princess' engines,and began to look for a suitable spot to place the girl.He could hear Sarah slowly stirring back into recovery.
There were many thick wooden supports that were built into the floor,and into the ceiling,and he decided to put Sarah against one of them.He had also carried plenty of spare coils of white rope,and then forcing Sarah to stand upright against one of them,began to bind her securely to the support.He wound more coils around Sarah's chest,and her legs,firmly lashing her to the support.It only took him a few minutes to make sure the last knots were tight,and he stood back,checking his handiwork.
Takachi now noticed Sarah was now fully aware of her surroundings,and much to his delight,the girl did his checking for him.Sarah threw herself into a frenzy,frantically trying to free herself,her brown eyes still glaring fiercely at him over her tape gag.Takachi sneered back at his pretty hostage.
'Struggle all you want,Miss Jennings.'he smiled nastily at her,'I promise you,escape is impossible.'
After some more desperate struggling,Sarah had to admit he was right.She was bound and gagged securely,and also immobile.Her eyes then glanced around her,trying to see where he'd taken her.Sarah heard the engines running close by,and the area wasn't that well lit.She knew she was very deep within the bowels of the ship.How would anybody find her down here? Sarah thought fearfully.
More precisely,any part of her.Sarah's eyes went wider as she saw Takachi prepare some kind of bomb,which he placed next to her tied feet.She noticed the digital timer on it,and could only watch Takachi prepare it,securing it to the support.He decided on an hour,and set it so,hearing Sarah's frightened gagged sounds,as she saw it too.
Takachi rose up,and grinned with evil intent at her.
'We are beneath the waterline,my dear.Very deep down,I might add.'he was enjoying himself immensely,watching Sarah's defiant expression change to terror stricken.
'I wouldn't worry too much,my pretty,'Takachi went on,stroking her face again,that made Sarah's skin crawl,'if the bomb does explode,you won't feel a thing,but just to make it more interesting..'
Sarah's terror was still dominating her,as she watched Takachi prepare more timer bombs in the room with her.If they all exploded,she didn't have a chance.Her thoughts became more frantic for her brother to get here.She then noticed Takachi finish placing the bombs in the darkened room,and then walked towards her.She tried to back away from him,as he then showed her the detonator switch.
'Once I hit this switch,Miss Jennings,you'll be blown to smithereens,so I hope your hero brother will be sensible,and comply with my wishes.'Takachi's tone was utterly dark,showing Sarah what he was really like.
'Even if he does manage to save you from the bombs,he'll need to have something special planned,at what I'm planning for this ship.'
Sarah instantly knew what he was going to do.He was going to sink the ship!With her securely bound and gagged down here,there was no way she could warn John,or anybody else what was going to happen.
As if to confirm that,Takachi went on,'Quite right,my pretty.I've set the bombs to rupture the hull in the ship's most vunerable spots.The ship won't last long after that,and the sea will flood in here at a rapid speed.He'll hopefully perish here,whilst trying to save you.'
Sarah stared aghast at him.She tried to scream 'Murderer!' at him,but her gag was still highly effective.
Takachi however fully understood her eyes.Another sinister smile crossed his face,as he smoothed the tape more firmly over Sarah's mouth.Then,he lifted her chin,to plant an unwanted kiss on her gagged mouth.
'Goodbye,Miss Jennings,'Takachi chuckled,'hopefully,it won't be too long,before your brother attempts your rescue.'
Takachi then made to leave,but just then,he was caught completely by surprise,as Jennings came crashing into the room.His eyes found Sarah immediately,seeing her bound and gagged form tied to a support.Sarah too,was overwhelmed with relief,but Takachi recovered quickly,as he darted behind Sarah,and pulled out a sharp blade,holding it against Sarah's throat.Jennings froze.
Takachi was also pleased to see the Yamamoto girl with the Englishman.She looked shocked at what she was seeing.Jennings however,kept his eyes on Takachi.
'Let her go.'Jennings ordered sharply,he'd immediately raised the AK-47 weapon at Takachi,but the Japanese man was sly,as he made sure his head was behind the wooden support,thus denying Jennings the shot he needed.
This only made Takachi tighten the knife against Sarah's neck.His sister gave a frightened,but mumbled scream that made her brother stop in his tracks.
With a satisfied sneer,the Japanese man ordered,'Not another step,or I will slit your pretty sister's throat.'
This made Jennings rage inside,he swore to himself that he'd make this scumbag pay for what he'd done.Unfortunately,with Sarah held hostage,there wasn't anything he could do.
'Sarah,you okay?'Jennings felt stupid asking that,but he wanted to reassure his sister,and in fact,was relieved to see Sarah respond to him.She couldn't respond verbally to him,being gagged,but she did manage a small nod.Yet,with the sharp knife held at her throat,Sarah was paralysed with fear.
'Give it up,Takachi,'Jennings tried to reason with him,although he wasn't expecting anything.He knew that the yakuza wouldn't concede to anything,prefering death than to betray their own kind.Personally,Jennings didn't give a damn if they did do that.They were horrible people,intent on bullying and intimidating.He always thought the world was a better place without them.
'I don't think so,Jennings,'Takachi sneered from behind the support,still making sure the knife never left Sarah's neck.'You'll do as I say now.'
'What makes you think I will?' Jennings asked back evenly.
Suddenly,he heard Kieko give out a muffled gasp behind him.Spinning around to face the threat,he realised he was too late.Kim Yang was there,and she'd somehow sneaked up to the unsuspecting Kieko,and grabbed her.Her hand was held tight over Kieko's mouth,and now held her own gun at the gorgeous Japanese woman's temple.A wicked smile fully visible on Kim Yang's face.
Jennings clenched his fists in frustration.There was no way he could help either of the two girls at once.If he did try something,he risked putting them in harms way.
Recognising his enemies had the upper hand over him,Jennings slowly turned back to face Takachi's hiding figure behind his sister.
'Don't do anything stupid now,'Takachi was smiling in triumph,knowing the advantage was definitely in his favour.He still went on to coldly warn Jennings,'We have two very beautiful hostages,and I'm sure you wouldn't want us to hurt them now,would you?'
'You're right,'Jennings snapped,'I wouldn't.'
'Then you'll do precisely what we tell you.'Takachi's confidence was booming now,but he still kept a wary eye on Jennings,who was also watching him carefully.He then remembered the incident on the helicopter,with the Yamamoto girl.
'Drop the weapon.'Takachi ordered him,'carefully,or Miss Yamamoto will suffer from Miss Yang's attentions.'
To emphasise thye threat,Kim Yang tightened her hold on Kieko,who like Sarah,could only mumble,very frightened,being tightly gagged.
Jennings however,did obey,as he slowly lowered his weapon.
'Good,'Takachi then ordered him,'on your knees.'
Jennings instantly knew what he was going to do,but again,slowly obeyed.He didn't want the girls to get hurt.He did knnel down,but only on one knee.Tensing,he watched Takachi emerge from behind his sister,taking away the blade from Sarah's throat,much to her relief.
However,she and Kieko winced,as Takachi advanced on Jennings' kneeling figure,and hit him hard in the face.Yet,much to his annoyance,and great pain in his hand,he could see that although there was a trickle of blood coming from the Englishman's face,he hadn't made Jennings move an inch.The man was hardly affected.
Jennings gazed at his assailant in faint amusement,'That's the best you could do?'
Before Takachi could respond,Jennings suddenly lashed out,catching Takachi by surprise.He returned his own strike,with much more force,hitting the yakuza in the face again.Takachi went flying backwards,and landed in a heap next to Sarah.
Both men were just about to start fighting,when Kim Yang fired off a warning shot,before putting the gun snugly back into Kieko's neck.Jennings had to stop.
Furious at being beaten for a second time,Takachi rose.He glared at Jennings with utter hatred,before pointing at the bomb he'd placed next to Sarah's tied up form.
'Recognise this?'The nasty smile was mixed in with his hate filled face,'it will blow up your pretty sister,whenever I choose to do so.'
From his bomb disposal training,Jennings recognised it was a bomb.He had to get closer,to see if he could defuse it,but Takachi had now fully recovered.He grinned evilly at Sarah,as he gripped her chin again.Sarah kept mumbling fearfully at this monster,as she gazed desperately at her brother.Jennings could only stare helplessly back,caught between two girls he loved like mad,but could do nothing to help them.
Not yet,he swore to himself,angrily watching Takachi still holding his sister hostage,and from the yakuza's expression,Jennings knew he had something nasty in mind for him.
Chapter 15 to follow....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
Hi, found your blog through Rob's forum. Really great story, you do a great job of keeping the tension going, and you handle your large cast well.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't mind me asking, who does your illustrations? I'd like to contact him/her about a possible commission.
Looking forward to future installments. Keep up the great work!
Many thanks for your kind comments! I'm really pleased you like my story.There's plenty more to come!Well,the drawings were done for me by a professional artist called Ethan Young.I found him on the website ifreelance.You can contact him at Ethan Young young illustrations@gmail.com I've actually made up another blog devoted to Ethan's drawings alone.Enjoy!