Up on the boat deck,Jennings could see that the 'Eastern Princess' was now departing Hong Kong harbour.There were a few people waving them off,and a few passengers standing close to him,waving back in return.Yet,Jennings wasn't interested in doing the same.
He'd finally given up ringing Sarah,but instantly knew something was wrong.
Sarah always answers me.He thought.Even as the tugs were sheperding the massive cruise liner out,he'd expected to see Sarah come out of the customs building,to wave him off.A ship this size leaving,wouldn't go unnoticed by her.
However,as the ship moved further away,he still saw no sign of his sister.
She could be busy.Jennings tried to think of a reasonable excuse,that may have prevented Sarah from coming out.
For the moment,he'd wait,and hopefully,Sarah would return his call.He still had a job to do.
He still remembered studying the design of the 'Eastern Princess'.It certainly was a vast ship,and he'd admitted to himself,that it would take a while to fully check it out.
It was just then,that his mobile rang.He felt himself hoping it was Sarah,but glancing at the caller ID,he saw it was his youngest sister,Kelly.
Even so,Jennings was pleased to hear from her.
'Hi Kelly.'He greeted her warmly.
'Hi John!'Kelly's voice was good to hear.She sounded bubbly as ever.'How are you? I've never seen you for ages.'
'I'm good,Kelly.How about yourself?'
'Yeah,I'm good too,but I'm worried,John.'The bubbly disappeared.'It's Sarah.She was supposed to ring me last night,but she never did.Has she been in touch with you?'
This confirmed Jennings' worst fears.
'I spoke to her earlier today,Kelly.We're both in Hong Kong.Sarah was working with the customs people there.I told her to stay away from this ship,that I'm on.I hope she didn't come on board here.'
'I think somethings happened to her,John.'Kelly's voice was more worried.'Sarah always calls,when we make an arrangement to.You know that.'
Jennings nodded to that,even though Kelly didn't see that.
'Yes,I know.'He wanted to reassure his sister,and did so.'Don't worry,Kelly,okay? I'll find her.'
He certainly meant that.If something had happened to Sarah,he'd make damned sure,that he wouldn't be doing the worrying.
Kelly was glad to hear that.'I know you will,John.Thank you.Just be careful,okay?'
'I will.Where are you now?'
'In Bangkok.'She answered him.'I'm working at the British Embassy here,doing some work for the navy people.'
'Is it good?'
'You're kidding me,aren't you?'He heard Kelly's laugh. It's boring me to death.I can't wait to be posted,back out to sea again.'
'Okay,Kelly.'Jennings hoped Kelly would get her wish.She worked really hard,and was always there for him.He was just thinking,if he should ask her for help here,when Kelly suddenly did it for him.
'You're on a mission,aren't you,John? I want to help you.'
Jennings welcomed that.He was confident of accomplishing his missions alone,but certainly wasn't narrow-minded,to ignore any helpful advice.
Even so,he didn't want to put his baby sister,in harm's way,so he replied.'Well,it's pretty risky,Kelly.I'm up against some nasty people.Are you sure?'
'Of course I'm sure.'Kelly's tone was then,a touch exasperated,but it was only for a moment.She really did want to help her brother,and would always do so.
'Okay,Kelly,you win.'Jennings conceded,although he was still worried,that he was putting her in danger.'I'm on a cruise liner,the 'Eastern Princess',in Hong Kong harbour.I'll probably need your help,in finding my way throughout the ship.'
'Got it.'Kelly responded,pleased he had accepted her help.'I'll get back to you on that soon.'
Her voice became much more concerned.'John,please be careful,okay? Let me know when you find Sarah.'
'I will,Kelly.Don't worry.' Jennings reassured his sister,then he ended the call.He was well aware,that Kieko hadn't returned yet,and his worries inside him,were growing stronger.
Better go and see if she's okay.He thought.Then,he headed back into the ship.Jennings just snatched a glance at the ship leaving the harbour.The tugs that were by it,were doing an excellent job.The 'Eastern Princess' had already reached the harbour mouth.
Jennings made one more look at the customs building,still hoping to see Sarah come out,and wave him off,but she didn't.His face grew more worried,as he headed into the ship,advancing quickly towards Kieko's cabin.
Also watching the customs building from the bridge of the 'Eastern Princess',were Liu and Yee.Both men showed total professionalism,as they guided their ship out,with the tugs assistance,towards the open sea.
Yet both men were also very anxious,as they sneaked glances at the customs building.
So far,they saw no sign of any police rushing in.Everything seemed normal.There were some people there,but were merely watching their ship leave the harbour.No alarm had been raised at all.
Finally,they made it.The Harbour Master had been standing on the bridge with them,directing operations,but now his duty had been done.He then shook hands with Liu and Yee,then wished them a trouble free trip,before leaving the bridge.
Liu nodded over to Yee,who understood.He had to make sure the man got off safely,back onto one of the tugs.He did so,without any problems.The tugs then sounded their horns,as all their crews waved at him.Yee returned all their waves,with a friendly smile,before re-entering the bridge.
'Excellent work,my friend.'Liu congratulated him.
'Thank you,Captain.' Yee nodded his thanks.'For a while there,I really thought the police would storm on board.'
'I'm very glad that they didn't.'Liu had to admit,he too was hugely relieved.But now,the coast was clear.All they had to do now,was to deliver the girls back to Bangkok,and he was determined to do so.
The open sea now lay ahead of them,as Liu issued fresh orders to the bridge helm,ordering a new course back home,to Bangkok.All the bridge crew smiled.It was just what they wanted to hear.
'Where's Miss Yang?' Yee asked him.
'Where do you think,Number One?'Liu smiled in response.'She's with Miss Jennings.'
Deep down in the 'Eastern Princess',in cargo hold 4,Kim Yang was indeed,with Sarah,quite literally on top of her.
She'd been lusting after the English girl for quite some time,and was now fully enjoying herself.
Kim Yang lay on top of Sarah's still bound,gagged form.She'd forced Sarah onto her front,and then proceeded to lovingly squeeze,and grope Sarah's impressive bust.
Sarah had constantly squealed into her tape gag,as she felt the woman's hands crawl all over her body,but this merely amused her tormentor.Sarah could see that her kidnappers were utterly ruthless,and she dreaded the plans they had in store for her.
She then felt the Chinese woman stroke her hand through her hair,and she then tensed in fear,as Kim Yang whispered into her ear.
'You know,my dear,we don't often get the chance to sell many Western women into slavery.Asian girls are still indeed,highly popular,and sell quite well,but a very pretty Western girl like yourself,will exceed my expectations.'She smiled confidently saying that,and still stroking Sarah's dark hair,went on;'I assure you,Sarah.Every one of my clients,dreams of owning a pretty Western girl,like yourself.'
Sarah's blood ran ice cold,as she heard that.They were only going to use her as a hostage,until they dealt with John.After that,she'd be hauled up in front of more ruthless people,who'd eagerly want her as a sex slave.Sarah couldn't help,but give a frightened mumble into her gag at this.Her only hope was John.
She'd never stopped thinking about him.It was the only thing keeping her going,whilst she was a bound and gagged prisoner.Her brother was her strength,and vice-versa.As long as she knew John was still going,Sarah knew he'd save her.She just hoped it would be fast.
Suddenly,she heard Kim Yang's voice back in her ear.'I really do think you're very beautiful,Sarah.I think I'll keep you,for my own pleasure.You will obey my will,and I'll take you when I so desire,my pretty slave.'
This filled Sarah with horror.Her wide eyes were a mixture of fear,and contempt,as she shook her head madly in defiance.
I'll never be your slave,you bitch! Never! Sarah screamed that into her tight gag,but of course,all Kim Yang heard,was her vague mumbles.
However,she clearly understood Sarah's defiance,and was amused,but pleased.She continued to enjoy roving her hands,over Sarah's roped up body,and also enjoyed the girl's strong,but vain struggles as her prize lay underneath her.
'I like your spirit,Sarah.'Kim Yang then lifted Sarah's chin,telling her that.'I'm going to have so much fun breaking you,to my will.'
Sarah actually swore the F-word at her tormentor,but again,her gag ensured her silence.Even so,Kim Yang decided to get more power over her.She grinned,as she suddenly turned Sarah over,onto her back.The girl's eyes still blazed back at her.
This only made Kim Yang's smile more sinister,as she gazed lustfully at Sarah's gagged face.
'Still defiant,my dear?' She chuckled,now stroking one of Sarah's cheeks.'Well,that's very brave of you.However,I'll now show you how stupid it would be,if you continue this way.'
Much to Sarah's immense relief,she watched the Chinese woman stop groping her chest,and then leave her cage.Even though,Sarah was grateful for a reprieve,she clearly saw the look of mischief,in Kim Yang's expression.
Kim Yang then moved up to one of the cargo hold walls,and she pressed a hidden control.Sarah,and all the other bound,gagged girls were astonished to see the wall suddenly reveal many small television screens.
Sarah recovered quickly though.Just like Angela and Su Panna imprisoned with her,the girls knew this was a surveillance system.Kim Yang confirmed this,as she turned back to face her female prisoners.
'That's right,ladies.'She still wore the sinister smirk,revealing this hidden secret.'I can watch anything,and everything that goes on here,on this ship.'
She then made an adjustment,on the control panel,in front of the screens,then produced a headset.Kim Yang then put it on,and spoke into the microphone.
'Are you ready?'She asked.Earlier,Kim Yang had ordered one of her men,to find the English girl's brother,and then await further instructions.She'd done that too.
'Yes,Miss Yang.'Her man had answered immediately.
'Good.Where are you?'
'By the bridge,Miss Yang.I have the Englishman in sight.'
'Excellent.Stand by.'
Still smiling,but this time with more menace,Kim Yang headed back into Sarah's cage,and then slid the tightly bound,gagged girl out of it.
'Now I'll show you why it would be unwise to defy me,Miss Jennings.'
Sarah couldn't resist,as she felt the Chinese woman tightly hold her,and dragged her over to the screen consoles.
Once in front of them,Sarah could see that the screens showed different areas,of the 'Eastern Princess.'It was still unclear though,why she'd been forced over here,although Sarah knew it would be bad news for her,but what?
The answer came moreorless immediately for her,as Kim Yang asked her smugly.'You love your brother very much,don't you,my dear?'
She was pleased to see the shock in Sarah's eyes,mentioning him.Stunned,Sarah suddenly got frantic.What did she mean?
'Well,I'll show you,shall I?' Kim Yang was looking forward to this,as she then made another adjustment,on the console and after a moment,Sarah suddenly noticed her brother.
Instantly,she spoke his name,but her gag prevented that.However,Kim Yang fully understood,and was still smiling,as she then spoke to her man again.
'Stand by to fire,please.'
'Ready,Miss Yang.'The man reported back.
Sarah suddenly knew what was going to happen.They were going to kill John!Her eyes pleaded at the smug Chinese woman's face.
'No! Please don't!' Sarah tried to shout that,but again,the tape gag was fully secure,over her mouth.
Still,Kim Yang recognised Sarah's surrender,and with a gloating smile,issued her new order.
'Negative.Don't shoot him,at least,not yet.Just keep an eye on him,and tell me his movements.'
The man acknowledged that,and Kim Yang then started to stroke Sarah's hair.
'You see,my dear.It is you,who will be responsible for your brother's safety now.'She lovingly whispered into Sarah's ear,also stroking her hand through the girl's raven hair.'As long as you do as you're told,I'll spare his life.'Her arm then tightened over Sarah's waist.'Just make sure you remember that,Sarah.'
With that ominous threat said,Kim Yang then wheeled Sarah around,and dragged her back,into her cage.Once she was inside,she made another inspection of the girl's bonds,and of course,was fully satisfied.
'Well then,my dear.' Kim Yang then kissed Sarah's neck.'Where were we?'She then started to feel her hands all over Sarah's delicously bound body,all over again.
Still helpless,and now under this woman's power,Sarah was filled with utter dismay.Held hostage,and a captive to a seemingly deranged woman,her future was bleak,to say the least.
Even though they had threatened John's safety,and Sarah knew she had to obey her kidnappers,her hopes were still inside her.She did know John would come for her,as he had done,with many other 'damsels in distress' girls.
She remembered a conversation she'd had,with Suzy when they'd both been safely back in the customs building.
'You'll love him,Suzy.'Sarah had been really proud to say that.'All the girls do.He's actually my unofficial bodyguard.'
How she needed him now though,especially when she heard Kim Yang suddenly start to laugh,almost maniacally,as her bound body was indecently assaulted.Sarah mumbled into her gag with sheer terror,hearing Kim Yang's mad laughter.
Please,John! Sarah prayed for him,please hurry!
Chapter 11 to follow.....
Goodbye to all that
10 years ago
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